Dragon server moonstone mask normally late night XD,. today is rogue giveaway. Also i really really wish they implement a premade que or some type of ranked que. As it is right now the serious premades are having to pm around sees whose on, then both teams try to que snipe to get into same match so we can vs each other.…
These players that are fighting and running are bad players and i'm all for them helping me win easier. For instance a player charges onto an enemy point and engages the defenders. While he is standing on that point he is contesting it and the enemy team will not get points as long as he remains on it. If he dives in takes…
Bots don't seem to be as common in 60 pvp but there's still a few premade 5man teams of afk bots, and its horrible when your queing up the same time they are. Fully agree with losing team receiving no reward. I'd say more then 75% of my matches players go afk 3-4mins into the match making it boring for the people actually…
If your big standing point is "X" class is on top of that charts in score in pvp then your issue isn't with a class but game mechanics. When people get low hp they try to run, thus makes sense for the range class to get more kills. Also capping a base gives 6 times the amount of points for killing someone. Also reading…
GF is the strongest class 1v1. You shouldn't be having any issues at all with dealing with rouges or CW. If your getting nuked down in the duration of a single CC get out of your greens and get some gear. Also hilarious how people are saying GF isn't strong "because he cant handle groups",... dafuq no pvp game should you…
What i dislike the most is the illusion of an action combat system the game has. It currently runs only a single check on target mechanic. Meaning the only real dodging in game is walking outside of an aoe circle. For instance a rogue targets you with their daily the ability does it's one check and recognizes that you are…
I rarely bring my companion out anymore, was good for leveling but now in epic dungeons their 1 shot and an annoyance because how every so often you'll mistake them for a downed party member.
Get some friends run the epics your group is set up for and make easy AD. Good gear in the AH sales like hot cakes and idk why people are so concerned with AD when its pretty easy to make 500k-2m a day.
I've seen lots of people try attacking from those pillars ,even tried a little bit myself, and feel them to be more a hindrance then a helpfull fighting position for the obvious reasons; pvp currently is domination standing on the pillar neither helps your team cap or counter the taking of the point, another reason would…
Why lessen the Clerics threat they are the tanks right now. Both Epic dungeon groups i run with run dual cleric. Astral shield and heals out do anything an army of Guardians could dream of atm. I understand what people are getting at but in the games current state in end game lessening cleric threat wouldn't change…
I was very surprised on how the pvp played out and have been addicted ever since my first match. I've been playing several hours a day since open beta release. Like mentioned above the afk issue is a bit out of hand where it gets rare at time to get in a full 5v5. Another issue is the games single check mechanic on skills.…
I play a CW 4-5 hours of lvl 60 pvp a day and rogues are not OP at all. Rogue gets his open on you, unless he drops his combo, you should go poof your squishy, but also in turn if the rogue gets caught before he can initiate a "Control" wizard will do what we do best. The other classes are not UP either both GFW and Tanks…
Been pvping lvl 60 for 4-5 hours a day and haven't had an issue with enhancements at all. Either very very few people have them or they are not making that big of a difference. I've yet to see any 1 person doing ungodly more dmg then others of the same class. Could be they're still rare i know i'm still only half way…
Playing as a CW i've yet to see any class that's close to being OP. Every class it all comes down to knowing your opponent and timing. If you can dodge a rogue's initial burst a cw can lock him out kite n kill. If he gets the drop on you gg, your squishy welcome to pvp. It's the same for every class each has its own way of…
i've noticed the small crit dmg amounts as well. Have always been curious on what it was. If it really is your 3k dmg skill critting for 50 dmg that would be funny.