If I'd stopped to think about it at all? Yes. Because pretty much every other game in existence with a anthropomorphized-animal race, has visibly female models. /shrug May not make sense, but it's always nice to have a clear differentiation between the "male" and "female" characters. Otherwise, why bother even making two?…
Well, except that all those now-BoP items that you're saying people spent AD on.... those were on the exchange. Which means that the AD "spent" on them was just moving back and forth between players. The only part going out of the game was the AH fee.
Huh. In my experience with f2p games, getting free respecs is pretty rare. Normally, that's one of the big "pay" items. I would never expect a free respec in any f2p game I was playing..... (And a lot of those other games don't have any way to exchange in-game currency for cash-shop currency. Which means you have to pay $…
...but you can only transfer on the ZAX between your own characters on your own account. 50k on one character vs 10k each on 5 alts is still 50k on my account. How does being able to consolidate the 50k on one character (like if I wanted to do an armor transmute) do any harm to the economy? It's not trading between players…
As someone else mentioned, this game is primarily PvE, with a bit of an unbalanced PvP minigame duct-taped to the side to distract pvp fans. What you need to do is a bit of research and find one of the actually-pvp-centered MMOs. (Personally, I can't stand PvP, and have always been annoyed by how people calling for "pvp…
Yeah, "make AD by crafting shirts!" isn't a solution for the average player. Waaaaaay too much AD cost in getting the tools & dragon eggs - making AD with crafting is the province of the rich. (Additionally, the more people that hop on the "craft shirts" train, the more competition there is for sales, and the less money…
Some of you guys really don't play alts, do you? It's already enough of a time sink to go through the various campaign dailies on multiple characters, but with no Leadership or Leadership gated behind Even More Dailies...... you're trying to make the game "you can only play one character", it seems.
As far as I'm aware, a number of MMOs have much more friendly customization. Sure, a number of games will charge a premium for Fashion items in the cash shop, but in-game appearance shifts are frequently more reasonable. TERA armor remodeling just costs gold, WoW transmog costs minor gold & doesn't eat the item, Guild Wars…
What I'm wondering is why there's no news about the event. That rather brief "preview" on the front web page says "We’ll be revealing full details of on the event, including all the rewards, next week before the event goes live", but I've seen nothing else. There's no thread for it in the News & Announcements forum,…
Not really. But there are a couple important differences in Star Trek: 1. there's a lot more really useful stuff to spend Dilithium (their version of AD) on.... like crafting top-end gear from reputations, and upgrading your Fleet's (Guild's) starbase 2. the auction house runs on Credits (gold), not Dilithium. So the only…
Eh, I've seen any number of games that have included a handful of exclusive/BoP items as a bonus or reward for people who level up the crafting themselves. It's not like every item is BoP (defeating the purpose of crafting), but just a handul of reward items. /shrug
I believe he was talking more about split-second help (you know, "yelling for help" from that guy riding by in the midst of a combat with a monster that's chewing your face off. Not the whole "anyone want to team up to do <quest>" /lfg thing).
I don't want to see lockbox items for sale, just on principle - if you're going to have stuff available as a lottery/gamble in the boxes, it shouldn't ever be just sold at a later time... it sabotages the entire "risk the lottery for Item X" concept. You risk having people look at the lockboxes and think "should I even…
Gotta say, I utterly despise games that stick everything worthwhile into an array of gamble boxes (looking at you, Aeria games.) I've never spent a dollar on a game with that model. Meanwhile, I've happily spent some $ on a number of f2p games, for specific things - storage space, fashion, character slots, stuff like that.…
Get more black ice, to keep your BI gear empowered? Hmm. I think part of the core issue is that they made AD too central to everything in the game. To the point that people are so focused on "if I'm not earning AD, there's little point to this content". I've been playing Star Trek Online again recently, and - while yes,…
Dropping the cost of mount upgrade books by half, for instance (so that they actually cost less than just exchanging the AD and buying an account-wide zen mount), would probably result in more people dropping AD to upgrade their pretty-but-slow mounts. Just a thought. Could be wrong. /shrug One problem with AD sinks is…
Close to min requirements with mediocre gear & not following a class guide? Sounds like my CW & GWF in icewind. :D (The GWF is doing ok, the CW just gets plastered all over the place. No armor enchant, rank 5/6 other ones, lesser bilethorn on the GWF/lesser lightning on the CW; Lillend & basic white cleric as their…
I realize now, reading through the thread again, that I should have specified this was on a female character. I can't vouch for how it'd look with the male version. :/
It's probably because I started my MMO career in WoW & similar games (where 90% of everything that drops in dungeons & raids was BoP), but I'm always surprised how much top-end stuff here is BoE.
...and based on all the "hey, where are all the <insert faction here> pvpers, the pvp area is empty!" complaints I see on the chat, it's not very useful.
Yeah, I got a Hammerstone Mace off the only Beholder encounter I've done in Dwarf Valley. And yeah - nothing special. Sure, it's BoE... but it's also (as I mentioned in another thread) lower damage than a Dread Ring lair dagger (the weaker epic set, not the dungeon one.) If they were going to do stuff like that, they might…
I successfully did this questline (all of Neverdeath) on two different high-level (50+) characters around a month ago, during my "get back into the game before Mod 3" period. As well as most (because I couldn't find all the quests) of Helm's Hold during double-xp weekend. ...hmm, now that I think of it, it was probably…
Got to Dwarf Valley, finally got to participate in a big HE (Beholder), got a purple drop! Woohoo.... ...wait. Why is this Hammerstone Mace worse than the easy-to-get Dread Ring lair TR Daggers? Sigh.
I'd guess it depends on the group doing the zerging. Finally ran into something that wasn't a small encounter yesterday, it was Protecting The Prospectors(?). I think there were around 8-10 people on it.... who got repeatedly & endlessly slaughtered by the groups of ~5 undead spellcasters that spawned on one side of the…
That's the point. One class does the Vault quest, and is rewarded with their class artifact..... which then shows up on the reward agent for all your other characters (whatever class) to claim. The "friend in high places" that your character has is.... your other lv60 character, who entered the Vault and got the artifact.
Yeah, it's "Best in Slot". Which is generally used by min-maxers to label the best piece of gear for a particular slot on your equipment window. Varies by class and spec, of course. (ex: "The BIS ring for DPSers is Apocalypse Band, which drops off the third boss in Flaming Pit.") So, yeah.... doesn't really fit for "what's…