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  • We already run with 1x gf and 1x gwf which is me. So I don't know what ur on about. We blast through spider in about 40 mins. The problem is that too many gwf and gf don't know how to play their classes and get decent dps even with the mechanics spoilt at the moment with gf not being able to hold much threat. TR for sure…
  • My group can clear every content now except Dracolich in CN which we honestly didn't try yet. We run all 5 diff classes. We don't need to push mobs over edges. We started out with pvp gear and went into t2 immediately. So I don't know why is this thread even here.
  • As a matter of fact I do. And don't be so butt hurt? feeling insulted just by simple words. Why? do you have to steal your mom's cc so you can buy Zen?
  • Did I say buying Zen? I said and quote myself "paid for founders pack"
  • To all those who support a wipe? I'm curious how many of you actually paid anything at all. I see countless saying they paid for founders pack blah blah blah but don't have a guardian or hero of the north tag on the forums. Supporting the wipe is only to save your cheapo mindset. Trying to get on a level playing field?…
  • Actually I don't know if anyone asked this but what about the items that were on auction during the time of the exploit? Will they still be in the auction? I hate to see empty auction houses and people losing their loot to exploiters.
  • The question is which is actually the bigger paying population not which is the bigger population. I couldn't care less if people that didn't pay leave. Most of them consist of the exploiters anyway. All that talk about caring about the game bull <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> I guess, they can't stand to have…
  • Hey man why did you switch out teneborous enchantments? I would really like a good excuse to do that at the moment. I think it stacks really well with the plague fire dots. And if I changed to lightning enchantment would the teneborous proc of that?