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  • I agree.. Lets nerf the DPS 50% also. Lets invalidate all the time, effort, AD and quite often Zen the DPS players have invested into their characters. If we are trying to balance all the classes, lets balance it ALL THE WAY.
  • LOL.. Exactly.. Just enough time for whoever made you soulforge to think how they will finish the job
  • Here is a link that explains it somewhat: http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Dungeons_and_DragonsGDN_Neverwinter
  • I am not totally positive, but I think the freeze and the web would be considered AoE and not CC. From how it was explained to me, anything that can control more than one player at a time is considered AoE (Dragon freeze, Smoke Bomb from TR, Singularity from CW, pretty much anything that puts down a big red circle). While…
  • If an HR drops a Thorn Ward onto the node and a CW is up top raining havoc down onto the node, well my friends, you can stay on that node all you want.. As for me, I am bailing and taking my fight to them. I wont chase them far, but I definitely feel a Lunging Strike, Bull Rush and Anvil of doom is certainly an acceptable…
  • I would love to see the GF with an attack like everyone else's.. The TR, CW, GWF all have an attack that can wipe out half to all of my Hitpoints in one shot.. Why do all the other classes have a weapon like that but we do not? We are also the only class without an escape move. We have to sit there and take the abuse. We…