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  • didn't intend on any bad talk/drama here but seems like someone is hurt. just because i refuse to show 1 thing out of the many (all) other things i show and answer on my stream, doesn't mean i'm being rude or i hate giving tips. if anyone is being rude, its you. be thankful that there is even an HR streamer, no matter how…
  • we are proud to announce that Black Lotus is officially a PVP & PVE Guild as of 12/20/2013. we pvp very often, GvG as well as sticking to our usual PVE activities, farming CN VT MC T2 DD every day all day. we've also switched from RaidCall to TS3, got everything you need here, active, pvp, pve, no bad players.
  • thanks bud, the stream is to show people how i play it. not to show people how to be like me =/
  • skills and foes? if you mean feats, thats 1 thing i wont be showing :p sorry bud stream is up and live again as im online now
  • stream is live, come watch and chat, or even listen to music :)
  • yeah i always do but this morning i wasnt feeling so :X @Voltomey sure its fine, thanks
  • stream is live again for the next 2 hours before i go to work!
  • my build? after achieving 20% armor pen, deflect is priority > hp > crit > defense > regen > recovery all prioritized in order. im full PVP spec, i do not use any epic armors, full blues for the amazing stats. dont like any 4set bonuses. i survive whilst dealing the best damage possible, also high recovery for daily…
  • i am melee but i dont use any guide.. just my experience
  • stream is live again, doing pvp
  • we are very active atm, looking for more likeminded skilled players! tired of bad pugs? want to be on top of every update? we have roughly 15-25 online throughout the entire day, all experienced.
  • try out black lotus, we've played since day 1 of open beta, was purely a PVE focused guild but now we're going into pvp in m2.
  • yeah sure, check back in a few hours. am busy farming CN with guild atm, you can pm me ingame for a chat @ KING Ethan
  • thanks :) theres a newer version of this build from 1 of our core members, same concept, but renegade/thaum works too and its tanky + full dps. dream come true. we haven't posted it since we quit, but i still haven't seen anyone post one up yet.. not sure if any of you CW's would be interested.
  • whats up guys, keltinblaze1/KING Ethan here. any old cw's around my time still play? i just returned yesterday :D look me up in game! ill be online under KING Ethan or FrostBite just search Black Lotus
  • those rerolling a HR as their "Main" will be allowed into the guild, but they must have some knowledge of the game beforehand, and must be required to use RaidCall for communication to talk with us, it will let me determine your potential as a player and your learning curve. afterall, every new member will go through a…
  • Our original leaders are back to play, including myself (KING Ethan) we are a very experienced guild, very fair to all members.