Try using a cat-6 cable not the older cat-5. I was using adsl2 wireless. Got one yesterday and have noticed a difference in loading screens, crafting, mail and game play. Not 100% perfect but game fills more smoother
Hi would like to join. Xbox tag Heaney74. In a guild at the moment but still only lvl 1 and not to active. Would like to help build the guild. Around 2500gs warlock
Over these so called experts that spend the whole time spaming the chat Id like to see the bottom 5 from each 25 group blocked to play Tiamat dungeon for 4hours. Would stop people from quitting and doing nothing And give the people that probably aren't ready to have a few goes aday but spend time other ways building there…
Needs to be fixed soon, what about all the new players that don't understand the loot system and can't be bothered working it out and won't play the game again