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getting pulled into queue without accepting

thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
so I had a bunch of dungeons in que. I got pulled into one wihtout warning. no chance to accept or decline. got in played it and then right as the boss was killed. it started doing a repeating noise. totally crashed the game and on reentry told me that the dungeon had failed even though the boss had definitely died right as I was blackscreend. I don't know if they're related but that was a pretty big bug in feel.


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    heaney74heaney74 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    Having this problem too, pick a few queues and taken straight to one of them.
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    kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator
    I've noticed this happening a lot since the last patch. :/ Not every time, but quite often. I can't even pinpoint the cause.
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    omegarealities#7219 omegarealities Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    Me too, especially with the Protector's speech.
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    thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    yeah I played a few more and got pulled in 3 out of 4.
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited June 2017
    I noticed this on the PS4 also, particularly the Protector's Speech. One time I accidentally accepted a random group invite, hitting the wrong button, and a moment later I'm loading the Skirmish with no warning.
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    thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    ive been paying attention to what's happening. I think it's when you find a partial party in the que that you get sucked in. I'm also being immediately ripped from the group at the end of the game (when still in the dungeon before the prize is distributed) and I think that's why I had the crash and didn't get my rewards in the one game. it's the same thing as when going into a party queue instance and crashing (still happens in big q things like tia and msva regularly)
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    missdayummissdayum Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    Yea I'm not a fan of this either, especially when you always have to wait this long and all of a sudden without warning you are in a dungeon. This needs to be adressed as soon as possible with the next patch or whatever. For many reasons:

    - The option should always be given to join or not, doesn't matter if you already queued up for it
    - When sucked in most people are afk cause they are not aware, which stop the flow of runs and promotes vote to kick
    - It has always been that way since day one simple
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    thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    yup. it's caught me unawares where I've been the afk one at least once. personally i'm more worried about immediately being cut off from the group at the end of the dungeons and losing my chance to get the chest. if you've spent the time in it sucks to get pulled out and then not be able to at least get back into the instance to grab your stuff. this is a game killer imo.
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    armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    I suspect the change was partly to counter the 'queue bug', especially the kicking from group at the end (doesn't happen in private queue).

    The pulling in is to me ok if it happens within the first minute of hitting 'queue' but after that it should ping the 'accept' box as you're more likely to run off and do other things.
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    thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    it would never be ok with me. if the expectation was that que was going to happen right away it is one thing but i often am not paying attention after queing for something. my attitude is if I find something we'll see if I 'm ready to play when it hits. if i'm not I decline if I am I accept. I'm just absolutely NEVER paying that much attention to it unless I'm not pugging. (and even sometimes then it's difficult for me to pay the attention I should be at times if it is taking awhile to get the group going. lol)

    the que bug is irritating but that's all.

    I'm far more concerned about the bug that pops you back out to the start screen when you are being pulled into the que and becomes game breaking that sometimes you can get that bug now at the chest. if it's 50/50 if you're going to get your reward after spending 20 minutes.. that's not acceptable. at all. not even a little. I'd much rather they left the original bug alone if that's the outtake of it. I thought this had something to do wiht the group thing they keep going on about. that the que leader will retain q and or original party status. (which was always a wtf thing to me. I don't recall ANYONE ever being upset about that)
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    missdayummissdayum Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    Two add another 2 reasons for fixing this, cause it happened recently to me:

    - Fighting a bunch of foes, looots of goodies on the floor to pick up and BAAAM getting sucked into the dungeon without the chance of picking any up...great just great...
    - Posting stuff on the tradehouse, especially of higher value items to input the correct astral diamonds price and BAAAM getting sucked into whatever during the process...that's a NO-GO!!!

    I really hope you guys take note of these but I'm also sure you have other things to worry about like fixing the 50% off market which is currently bugged AGAIN. xD
    Best guild: Guardians of the Fallen (2019-2021)
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    fizgigtiznalkie#4436 fizgigtiznalkie Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    I can also confirm this on PS4 is an issue, there's potentially an issue where private groups turn public as well. It has not happened in my groups but I've heard several people mention it. I wrote it off as they never saw the public queue prompt with this bug and they queued it wrong, but one group could not have queued public with that make up with 2 DCs. Someone dropped with a power outage and a PUG player immediately was put in the instance.
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    sundance777sundance777 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    I have seen something similar, usually this happens when I solo Q to multiple things, starting doing other stuff while waiting and return to the main screen after noticing the message about you have a queue window waiting. I feel like it really only pulls me in with no prompt if the first one times out due to others not accepting or if I decline the first prompt. If one of those two happen, I will often be pulled in shortly there after with no prompt.
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    thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    yay! thanks for the update @nitocris83
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    davidlef#2582 davidlef Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    Good to get the original problem fixed. I may be seeing another that is related. At the end of a dungeon, immediately after the final boss is killed, I am automatically removed from the group. I do not remember seeing that happen until after the last update. It is not as annoying as being unexpectedly pulled away from what you are doing, but it is definitely different than the past experience.
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