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What is the Arc Client?
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  • heh on top of that you most likely didnt have the money to get a mount at level 40 if it was your first toon and you didnt spend alot of time auctioning stuff on the ah or found a good blue item you could sell. my first character was level 52 before i could afford my first mount. how about games like ac where you still…
  • wow i generally made up my own cities to start my campaigns in but if i had to pick i would narrow it down to a few choices first. 1. waterdeep--- good traditional city to start off adventuring in. 2. calimport-- if i was gonna focus on a thiefy desert type campaign. 3. moonshae isles-- ok not a city but still would be fun…
  • i have played every cryptic game for a varying amount of time. coh for years, co for a week or two, sto was in beta and never got it after the beta experience. it wasnt bad just not what i was looking for. my issues with cryptic are from coh. they put out a patch that nerfed every character into oblivion. we sucked it up…
  • well that is not a question on my mind, never even heard of that game.
  • all cryptic games are like this at least co and sto, coh wasnt. its a part of the global handle thing that you will be known in game as. for instance my global handle would be hardicon, as that is my user name, but i could name my character <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> and 3 million other people could also be <font…
  • every game they have every done has had this system in, coh had sidekicking, co has a mentor system and so does sto from what i understand. im sure this will have something along those lines, if not at release eventually. unless they decide not to do it for design purposes or so you wont outlevel your own content, but i do…
  • if the drow race is included at launch I will play a drow. I really like the look of the drow race and it is such a uncommon race to see offered in a game. If I cant play a drow then I will play a human because humans are the backbone of any dnd world and the world needs more humans.
  • very cool steel.
  • not that i dont like crafting but i think id rather not see it. reason why is it is normally done so horribly bad and isnt worth the time sink to level up a crafting skill. if its not gonna be useful id rather just not have it. but ill keep an open mind and if i dont like it just not use it but i would much rather have…
  • if i like the game then i will pay some money. no idea how much. im using this as a second game specifically because it is free to play and doesnt require that monthly fee. so if i like it ill spend some money, all depends on the enjoyment i get out of the service. if i dont like it then I wont play it.