Really?? Bud did you also test with shield talent alone? I always slot it for boss fights and pvp but never actually tried to go without it and see if i'll survive less =/
if your group is good, yes knight captain is nice, every time you cast a enconter or daily it buffs the party, 100% buff uptime, if your pugging with bad group, like CWs that keep throwing mobs miles away while grouping with the highest AOE melee class, better wear stal and deal with everything yourself.
I care. Game went LIVE, and its not free to un-enchant the items. Gotta play careful OP, don't HAMSTER before coming to the forums and asking/searching if its safe to do so.
Rogues still outdps us by far against a single target, and that's what matters. Or do you rather have the rogue with low defense deal with the horde of adds while the tank with low damage turtles the boss in a neverending fight?
Exploits in MMO are legits. EVERY MMO have exploits at one point, there's not a single MMO out there that hasn't suffered from cheap ways to get rich faster than the developers PLANNED. What serious developers do, more or less in this order, is: Release a open beta, find and fix bugs, find and fix exploits, review content…