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What is the Arc Client?
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  • Hi. My entry. I've been so excited playing EE and for Boo to be on Xbone!
  • If you are looking for the titles/bounties (because you outleveled them) associated with the various skirmishes, you can complete them via the CTA events that happen juergeng123. Good luck!
  • Info on how to do port forwarding etc. for Xbone: http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-one/networking/network-ports-used-xbox-live Good luck!
  • Nah. It rocks on Xbone. Having NAT types implemented means I have little/no worries about my expensive blazing fast internet being slowed by random person jacking their neighbor's cheap wireless on the same server as me. Nullifying money spent on my end. I can party up with people I've gamed with and known since 2001 when…
  • Hopefully a mod can move this to the Bugs section soon....Anywho... Have you all checked your NAT settings on the Xbone? This has been addressed in a wide variety of games on consoles with users trying to enter multiplayer or load games that are always online (MMOs) such as CoD:AW; CoD:Ghosts; Destiny; Halos; GTAV,…
  • Ah OK. Well shoot. Thanks anyway sockmunkey. ^5 on the attempt. I'm playing as a cleric that, as all know, generate so much aggro by our mere existance, enemies push past all other classes to come stomp on the clerics. The zoom would help us all so much and as metheantihero said, other players choosing to pick up loot…
  • As of right now, custom modded Macro controllers are not widely available for Xbone. But, one day and what you suggest may be more possible. :) If this was on Xbox 360...yeah. Modded macro controllers are all over the place. Will you be so kind as to direct us to the command line interface you speak of sockmunkey on the…
  • No more difficult than doing Forge on any of the Halos or Project Spark or any of the many other user creates worlds/maps games in general. Mind you, I've never understood the reasons given on these forums of why Foundry wasn't included as all the Halos that have Forge and Project Spark, etc. are a direct contradiction of…
  • Rough diamonds are not refining according to the official text. Refining has to be manual no matter what.
  • I'm sorry spydahwebb. :( Hold fast to the realization that the companions people got, will be quickly outgrown and just too squishy. We are rocking this game on our own skill! :D
  • I am. I never got a pop-up asking me to link my account when the game loaded nor is the option available via the Options in my game. I've just come to accept linking my account just will not happen for me. Were you able to get the pop-up asking you to link your account babality?
  • There is precedence in this: Destiny. Many many many console gamers (myself included) spend a disgusting amount of time on Destiny despite being level capped and having done every single thing in the game more times than I'd care to count. Yet, we go back. Do it again. Do it more. There is far less content offered in…