I run 165k power. Capped on all other stats, seems to be fine for me. Pushing more power drops my dps if I sacrifice CA, so stacking power is ok if you don't care about anything other then LoMM or having top tier CA.
My 18k tr is put away til they come out with a mod to fix this bull$^@^. Iv spent to much money to hang around and be slapped in the mouth. Monster hunter world has been a great alternative.
> @zephyriah said: > So I could of just got the code without buying the bundle? Interesting. Go on. > > Or... you could post the name of the bundle and we could check for ourselves. Humble bundle - nordic
Yeah they are already messing with the tr and it's not even mod 15. We know we're all getting punked for putting in just as much work as everyone else, but to start now is maddening. Since the beginning of this game tr was the underdog and mod 14 we became balanced with other dps, mod 15 we lose it.. just wait til mod 15…
I run an 18k tr. I won't lie iv dumped a bit of $ into it. This is pathetic. Tr has been the bottom dps class since I started on ps4 launch, mod 14 we got "balance". Now your snatching it away. Good thing iv been working on a pally so I can put my beast of a tr to sleep through mod 15 until it's actually fixed, if ever.
I play an 18k tr, iv tried all kinds of weapon enchants. Feytouch is by far the best enchant for tr. I am also a solo player, we melt stuff so fast that I just run my fey... biggest issue I see is people dont cap crit or armor pen properly which is the biggest loss of stats/damage.
I'm a beast tr and I have zero aoe issues. Mod 15 then I'm quitting and moving onto a new game, but in the mean time... 100% crit, 100% armor pen, 100% crit severity when proc'd.. power is the 4th stat your aiming for to fill voids... .. you shouldn't have any issues.
Way to ruin the game. I'm end game finally and mod 14 made me actually enjoy playing again.. can't wait to start a new mmo come mod 15.. or before. . This is a joke.
After 2 years of gwf being the "top" dps class it's going to be nice to not be over looked because your tr. Happens constantly. This is by no means a complaint, iv dealt with it and it's nothing new. However it's going to be nice to see them in a spot all trs have been in. The people complaining about the new balance…
The drop rate is complete garbage. I have invested quite a bit of cash into legendary keys and enchanted keys.. ripping threw 50$ worth of either for fruitless results is quite frustrating and almost enough to make me want to put down my controller.... it's coming close. This seems to be a consistent battle of players vs…