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  • Adapt. This isn't a targeting game. You aim, period. There are plenty of other games that meet this need for you, this is a fundamental part of the way this game works.
  • (1) This isn't open beta....this is just a way for them to continue "SELLING founders packs". Most everything you're asking for is available for purchase. Don't be cheap and support the game, end of story. Not a single thing you asked for is needed or important.
  • Yeah, Clerics generally can't/shouldn't use any direct heals at the moment as there seems to be very little a tank can do to keep threat on more than one single mob.
  • It's always nice when the experts come out to play. So in your professional opinion why is it that you don't combine the different facets of the game? You don't have to PvP to get gear. You just can. So again....how is this bad? There's really no reason to split the gear into different categories, having PvE gear usable in…
  • Bye.... Mediocre players always hate when there are ways to judge and/or prove it. Those that are skilled don't have ANY issues with these kinds of measurements because a) they can easily attain it and b) it lets them know that x person has at least done y content before, so they know that staying out of VERY SIMPLE to…
  • Love when the clueless come and talk about things. Yeah...they obviously take their time, look at the initial Foundry (knee-jerk) fix that they're fixing again. Yep....good point. Guess you understand what's going on and we should listen.
  • You make zero point with this. Nothing, at all, anywhere, at any time, REQUIRES money. As a consumer you make a choice to spend money on ANY item you do, but there is a promise with that money spent by you and by the seller. You promise to furnish the amount paid and they promise to furnish the goods you paid for. If this…
  • You prove your inexperience by posting this. There is actually a development cycle, used for pretty much EVERY project. When you are having a true beta you need to be able to make sweeping changes that may result in wipes, or changes so drastic that it might make one thing or another completely different and/or change the…
  • Precisely, if you're too naive to see that this isn't beta then you've clearly not been around very long. Me titling something as an Open Beta just so that I can claim to have a smooth launch doesn't change the fact that: * No character wipes. * Accepting money for items If this were "Open Beta" then there would be another…
  • I don't buy it, are you trying to say there's more than just accepting a quest and clicking through to follow the shiny road? It's a conspiracy to make us buy Zen...I know it!
  • No....afaik that is actually your "cast bar", they don't like to use the "Industry Standard" names, though.
  • I love this guy....a few years back...really!? Because you were playing in pre-alpha?
  • Invocation is solo, foundry daily is solo.
  • Meh.....reset and give me my money back, that would be great, then I can walk away.
  • Previous to this I have suggested this game to everyone. Now....wait for x or y game. I won't state them here but there's no reason to invest ANY more time or money into a game that does these kinds of changes without testing.
  • You do seem like that type. Fortunately $60 is literally nothing to me, so you're welcome. Hey...I paid my taxes also so that you and your type can continue collecting your "benefits".
  • I hope you enjoy eating your words, mark mine kiddo, this will change.
  • Untrue, not in any efficient way. At least have an example or a clue before you spew out ignorant comments.
  • Actually we're not....I have a group to do PnP RPing with...sorry you're without one, maybe you should address that instead of trying to enforce your playstyle on everyone else. This isn't D&D, that's merely the setting and the skin on things, this is an Action MMO and as such there should be the options available for…
  • So....because this was the way you used it, it means it's the intended way? Comparing the Foundry to reading a book is asinine. PART of any "Role-Playing" experience is also CHARACTER development. This was a knee-jerk reaction that really made it pointless to do the Foundry at all, over ANY other kind of content.…
  • Hell, most people didn't know what the interwebz were in '91.
  • I assure you, I have plenty of money, the fact that you're in the same boat (you're not HOTN) is purely amusing. This is just a game to pass the time, I have money because I don't waste it on games without any real vision. So $60 isn't much but it's the principle of the matter. Go try and troll someone who isn't your…
  • Also keep in mind. We're upset because they're completely ignoring this, there's not a single comment about it other than "Go buy HOTN access heuheuheu" At least saying something would help but instead they'll just ignore it.
  • I'm sure you didn't pay a dime, otherwise you'd be upset. Wish I was there, really.
  • Only makes sense...that it's a play for money. That's why they're doing "open beta" instead of launching it so that they can still rationalize selling the "Founders Packs".
  • Actually...intentionally limiting the servers to try and get more money is bad business, plain and simple. Like I said...it's fine. There will be QUITE a few of us that won't be giving them any more money.
  • It's more the fact that it's unlikely that there's 20,000 HOTN. My queue has gone up over 20,000 points. Again, I call bs.
  • Oh right....so now VIP will randomly include a variety of things that weren't outlined previously. That's not only shady but it's bad business. Like I said...vote with your wallet. This will become an exclusively free game for me now.
  • It's only been 15-20 minutes since this has been happening....so you've waited a few hours? BS
  • That's fine....alienate the other users that still backed you and paid $60. I understand and will definitely NOT be giving you any more money after today. Thank you! Everyone else...speak with your wallet. Hope you can fund the game with JUST the HOTN users.