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Three things on your wishlist



  • kr0owekr0owe Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 104 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    A Paladin Paragon tree for GF or a whole new class that will take this role.

    I allways play as a Paladin if there is one in the game im playing. :P
  • stratrat1956stratrat1956 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 54
    edited May 2013
    1. Ability to customize the look of your Companions. I am tired of seeing so many clones of the same Cleric
    2. Illusionist class
    3. More options for street clothes!
    What? Me worry?
  • iliketurtlesokiliketurtlesok Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    BoP gear for things like tier sets, right now the most efficient way to gear yourself up is by having a job irl, no real point in doing dungeons or thinking there is any type of gear progression other than what you can afford
  • realsk2011realsk2011 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1) Tempest Rangers
    2) Raids
    3) See 1 and 2
  • exterminosexterminos Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 54
    edited May 2013
    1. fix compnion AI + relase training munuals

    2. player respec tolkens should not be bought through zen anymore either astral diamons or coopper.

    3. All search functions including minimum level should work on the auction house.
  • jorril2396jorril2396 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    courtsee wrote: »
    Priority One: Dungeons with bosses that have a little more of a "challenge". By a challenge I don't mean a ton of adds and health and that hit really hard. I mean bosses with interesting and different mechanics that players will need to learn and work around in order to kill the boss.

    Priority Two: Rangers.

    Priority Three: Effective threat tables.

    I'm throwing in a fourth priority because I can't choose between this one and my third one...

    Priority Four: Less "cookie-cutter" builds. I want to be able to play my character in different ways. I want the ability to roll around with different abilities than most other people and still FEEL effective.

    2,3,4 are fine. I dont really agree with the first. I dont want this to be like a WoW dungeon. They need to make it that if you arent dodging or blocking attacks you should be severly punished in dungeons. The way i would do is to have maybe several attack from the boss and just have them randomize the attacks so you cant memorize the fight. Going overboard with mechanics just isnt fun to me
  • drajandrajan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1) Let people play what they want. Way more classes, more weapon choices per class, and more armor variations. I want to play a Ranger that fights with both a longsword and a bow and doesn't look like every other Ranger in the game.

    2) Make it feel like an open, explorable world. Enable public, static instances of all areas so that players can explore areas before or after the instanced content. Allow players to enter adjacent zones more seamlessly.

    3) Drop every other priority and focus on #1. Having a perfectly balanced, well performing game that only the current players/forum-posters enjoy won't give you the runway to finish the classes and customization at the pace you have stated (a new class-build every 3-6 months). I really don't want to see NWO get shutdown because of this key strategic mistake.
  • malis09malis09 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1) Warlock class.
    2) Warlock class.
    3) Warlock class.
  • biovitalbiovital Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. Balanced PvP team makeups. So sick of getting stuck on the side WITHOUT the cleric.

    2. Some kinda dungeon system that actually makes a group. 5 TRs is not a group for an epic dungeon

    3. A flying spaghetti monster pet.
  • courtseecourtsee Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jorril2396 wrote: »
    2,3,4 are fine. I dont really agree with the first. I dont want this to be like a WoW dungeon. They need to make it that if you arent dodging or blocking attacks you should be severly punished in dungeons. The way i would do is to have maybe several attack from the boss and just have them randomize the attacks so you cant memorize the fight. Going overboard with mechanics just isnt fun to me
    I don't mind the whole "if you aren't moving/dodging you should be severely punished". In fact, I completely agree with it. If you're standing in the bad stuff, you deserve to get hit. Hard.

    However; they seem to have just decided to make bosses "challenging" by giving them loads of health & a ton of adds. My issue is that almost every boss feels the exact same as every boss. I want more variety in them as opposed to just ones that look different and spawn different adds and different AoE spells.

    I can understand your point on not wanting this to be like a WoW dungeon, and that's cool. Personally, I enjoy different mechanics in different dungeons with different bosses. It feels like it breaks up the monotony of dungeoning. Right now I just feel bored because all of the fights feel exactly the same as the last.
  • maho4200maho4200 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 526 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    vylent2 wrote: »
    - Make me a dev(or someone whos words are taken seriously) so that i can help turn this into a proper D&D experience.
    - Make classes restricted to the role they are supposed to fill. Alot of people are confused with what their class is supposed to do. CW is a controller not dps.
    You just managed to completely contradict yourself with those two statements. /facepalm
    Neverwinter Online Open Beta is an ongoing success
  • systemcrushsystemcrush Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Basically what I want is to be rid of these Essentials Shoehorned character builds and be able to create interesting character.
    Being advertised as the D&D 4th Edition MMO, while 4th Edition was created heavily inspired by video game mechanics in such a way 50% of it could basically be translated 1 to 1 into game code, I expected you to actually create a D&D 4th Edition MMO...

    1. Choosing powers from a class' entire power pool. So fighters would be able to chose both Great Weapon and Guardian powers and feats, so they'd be able to specialize themselves in the role they want.
    2. At least 2 (essentials pre-builds) of each class, preferably more. Crossbow/Sling Rogues, Conjuration Wizards, 'Mace & Shield' Clerics (is there a name for those?)
    These would exist as advice builds only.
    3. At least 3 Prestige Classes per class, again shared for the whole class, not per essentials build.

    I like the game, mechanics wise it is excellent, combat feels good, but design wise it just seems so shallow and superficial, while the system is in place for what could be a very deep level of customization.
    Even if you'd have launched with the current 4 classes, the variety of options in the material cryptic bought, and is only using 20% or less of! a licence for would have been enough to keep people playing and theory crafting for at least a year while you prepared another class, which you could then require to be purchased in the cash shop.

    Essentials Classes are inherently so limited in their options that they require careful balancing; They do not have the option to mitigate their weaknesses or enhance their strengths in the way regular classes do and need their hand held to stay on par.
    (If you've DM'ed in a game that had both Essentials and non-Essentials characters, and the Essentials did not require hand holding, share your experiences of how you did this please? )
    Proper 4th Edition classes can be built in many ways and be successful. Because of the variety there is much more leniency in balancing them, because every class is OP in with some combination of options. If every class is OP in some way then you've achieved balance.
    By reducing complexity you've increased the work you'll need to do to keep the game balanced.

    Also on an unrelated and less immediate topic.
    4. Ability to reward exploration in Foundry quests I create... with something other than a bit of extra text/lore.
  • enderlin50enderlin50 Member Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1.) Avening Paladin
    2.) More Deities
    3.) Guild Quests(something to bring guilds closer together)
  • jaer44jaer44 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The ability to actually search the AH via level range
    To define auction listings on whether they're buyout or not
    Camera Zoom

    Notice how all 3 of these items should be standard?
  • etherealjetherealj Member Posts: 1,091 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    1)Class balancing.
    2)Class balancing.
    3)Class balancing.
    Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
  • beaghan1beaghan1 Member Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1) fix need/greed so only classes that can use something can use need 2) new paragon path tress so every class isn't almost the exact same build 3) more active companion slots than 5, if I want to buy more why not? it affects nobody else...
  • dominemesisdominemesis Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. The "F" key not activating the interact menu for other players, sooooo annoying trying to interact with loot, chests, or nodes and instead getting the player menu. Make the player menu like F when free looking with the mouse instead or something please!

    2. The quest trail and quests letting you know what zone they begin in, needs to be better. If you have quests from the foundry or from other zones than the one you are currently in then the quest trail just has no clue what to do. Couple that with the fact that quests don't always tell you what home zone they belong to, and you wind up playing guessing games about where some quests begin.

    3. lvl 60 versions of all skirmishes, so you can revisit the ones you missed because of
    their narrow level range.
  • phat320phat320 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. Class Balance and reduce Cleric's threat.

    2. Upgrade Tomes for Follower and Mount (Zen mounts are op in pvp!! )

    3. New class: Archer !

    Use this Induction I.D for free stuffs :D

  • egoboostedegoboosted Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    healsareop wrote: »
    This will be more than a 3 list. These issues are extremely important for release.

    1) Something special for OB players on release of actual game. Maybe a free power/feat respec.
    2) More game events, not a buy 1 get one free. Dungeon to win certain items from the zen shop.
    3) More PvP Maps and modes including proper Character Balance.
    4) Allow more character creation spots.
    5) Allow Companions to all level to 30 so they aren't useless.
    6) Add new horses that run at 180% movement speed bought from the stables.
    7) Reduce long raids that just spams a bunch of mobs, makes it boring and pointless.
    8) Reduce amount of ads in raids, make it so the boss is very challenging and mobs aren't the main focus.
    9) Add 2 more actual skills to fit in the bar. I am a priest and can only Shield, Heal, Heal/Debuff. No space for damage over 2k...
    10) Lowered Zen Prices for specific items.

    We already are expecting new classes, dungeons, raids, quests, etc. so no point in saying what is already to be done. Seriously this top ten list is mostly what the game needs atm. Don't state the obvious.

    (1) This isn't open beta....this is just a way for them to continue "SELLING founders packs".

    Most everything you're asking for is available for purchase. Don't be cheap and support the game, end of story. Not a single thing you asked for is needed or important.
  • zenraijzenraij Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    #1 To eventually move to an open world set up.
    #2 To eventually open the doors to world pvp
    #3 To use rock, paper, scissor balancing, force people to play according to play style (this is not an FPS. 1v1 should not be balanced)
    #4 More classes :D
    #5 More Races :D
    #6 Cheaper Market prices for some things
    #7 Top Tier should not be BoE
    #8 Utilize LoLs Toxic Community study and implement in game

    Love the game. Wish it werent F2P to be honest, but I imagine they are making more off of it.
  • saivinchisaivinchi Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. Skirmish entrances
    2. A lore vendor where you can buy missing lore pieces for AD
    3. Fix pvp afk'ing/leavers
  • junigenmukyokujunigenmukyoku Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    3 Major things that needs to be fixed ASAP

    1) Dungeon queuing and PvP afkers - Proper team-matching, and kick afkers and refill the spot with someone else for both PvE and PvP

    2) Auction House - Make it fully functional, so we can actually search for the items we're looking for without pulling our brains out.

    3) Chat - Separate them to Local, World, and Trade in order to reduce spam.
  • moonsolacesmoonsolaces Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1: More Classes :- Bard, Warlock, Druid, Real Wizard

    2: A UI, instead of a gooey

    3: Lots more content for lvl 60...

    If number 2 means you can target with your mouse with out the circle in the middle PLEASE! I hate the way it works right now. I am used to using my mouse to target things.

    I am still figuring ut the game but do not knwo how to go about grouping or finding a good guild.

  • egoboostedegoboosted Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If number 2 means you can target with your mouse with out the circle in the middle PLEASE! I hate the way it works right now. I am used to using my mouse to target things.

    I am still figuring ut the game but do not knwo how to go about grouping or finding a good guild.



    This isn't a targeting game. You aim, period. There are plenty of other games that meet this need for you, this is a fundamental part of the way this game works.
  • amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    h2oratty wrote: »
    On your #7 request you can already hide your helmet - right click on the inventory slot and select to turn of visual.

    Can we have an option to do the same for shirts and pants as well? Before in closed beta there wasn't an issue, because there weren't any with stats associated with them, but now there are.
  • lltsnwnlltsnwn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 787 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Is there any way (Zen, Astral Diamonds, etc) to change your initial Ability Score point die rolls selections?
  • wuhsinwuhsin Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    1. That people would play my quest. (link to main thread in sig)

    2. That cryptic would scale Foundry rewards based on average duration.

    3. Dragons and other REAL bosses available as encounters in the Foundry.
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