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  • totally agreed.. Crptic should have each of their employees who are directly involved the game. programming , etc (with the ability and permision to permaban) actually login to the live servers and spend 20 - 30 min once or twice each working day ( RANDOMLY).. This would do and help in the following: 1. Catch any gold/AD…
  • sorry for any mistypes.. postng on a smaller smartphone
  • There are ALOT of great strong points here that I have to totally agree with overall and many much better solutions that should have been addressed in the very beginning.. I am one of the many players who doesnt get very much ingame time overall.. I work hard 6 days a week and use the gateway to try to at least least make…
  • Is there any way that you guys could please allow us to be able to tend our buildings at the stronghold or possibly even from our guild stronghold hall / donation mimic chest, a station somewhere within the stronghold or maybe even from our own char window or guild advancement screen? I have to agree with the above post…
  • I totally agree.. TO rely on the guild leader to choose which boons the rest of our guild members is allowed to can and probably be very frustrating.. To not have the option to choose what boons is best for my char vs. what the guild leader thinks is good for his chars' can become a major issue.. Please allow us to choose…
  • The -d3d9 in the command line allowed mine to work.. TY for the help
  • Tesselaion not supported... skipping domain shader creation.. This is the message on the bottom Left corner of the NEverwinter loading screen after the cryptic loading screen\.. then the screen goes black, minimizes, then pops back up as a white screen with neverwinter (not responding) error.. any ideas??
  • Tesselaion not supported... skipping domain shader creation.. This isis the message on the bottom Left corner of the NEverwinter loading screen after the cryptic loading screen\.. then the screen goes black, minimizes, then pops back up as a white screen with neverwinter (not responding) error.. any ideas??
  • I am still interested in joining your guild Unrepentant Gaming.. I am still able to login in your guild's website and would like to be able to bring my HR into your guild.. About 2 month's ago my account was hacked and my characters were stripped clean of all of their enchantments and epic profession assets and materials..…
  • I have let it run for like 10 min and still nothing as well..
  • I am unable to get past the loading screen.. keeps saying something about tesselation missing?? then the screen minimizes, pops back up and getting program not responding... any help on this would be great.. I have already tried loading with safe mode, and proxy US.. still no luck..
  • testing done and extremely happy that the ancient roots duration issues are finally resolved and working correctly.. This post can be finally put on dormant mode until the next mod or future patch notes that may interfere with the rooting issue again LOL :).. Thank you dev's for getting this long 3 month problem resolved..
  • thank you for finally fixing the HR's Ancient roots duration issue that I have been requesting for almost 3 months now.. It's very much appreciated.. now if we could get the control bonus and armor pen issue resolved I think the HR's would finally be on the right track to have a correctly working character..
  • I will test this again 2day shortly.. And yes I will record it and check the duration as well.. If it is not holding mobs for the correct amount of time, well then expect me to continue to keep this thread added to each and every patch notes till eventually it does get addressed and fixed..
  • 9 WEEKS and still nothing.. Getting pretty **** pathetic with their lack of a longtime issue to address, respond, and or fix.. The Devs are really losing credability on a steep slippery slope over a deep abyssal ravine with us players... you guys need to step it up....
  • agian for the now 8th or 9th week (possibly more... lost count) in a row in patch notes, bug reports, etc.. i have requested this long ongoing HR Ancient roots issue that has yet to be responded or not addressed in the patch notes or even a comment by ang of,the devs... I've been patient for the longest time since my…
  • 8 Weeks of waiting and patch notes posting., Nothing...
  • Going on 2 months of requesting and posting every week in the patch notes now.. To the Devs.. We all kno you guys are very busy and even rememder reading somewhere in the past threads that we should report this problems and they would be addressed.. stay patient and you guys would get to it.. sometimes it takes a few…
  • still waiting for you guys to fix the ancient roots paragon feat for the HR's.... I've been requesting this for a long time now... I have posted a thread along with video showing that it is not working properly.. agian here is the link...…
  • and ofc adding this thread linked in the last 5 patch notes release and no response from them on it..
  • still no response from the Dev's on this issue even after sending PM's to them
  • Us HR's appreciate that you guys are slowly addressing our encounter power issues. When are we going to see our ancient roots issue addressed. I have posted this request for the last 5 updates now and still no response regarding the short duration of hindering shot, constricting shot and binding arrow.. See this link below…
  • It's patch day and I still cannot place any of my newly acquired power points from the lvl 70 reward, I'm stuck with 2 that will not allow me to rank from 3 up to 4. And yes I have used my free respec shortly after mod 6 day.. I am NOT going to spend over 100K AD just to be allowed to use them. this is an issue on…
  • agreed and the fact that they can stay immune to HR roots for such a long duration is an issue as well.. this needs to be addressed and reduce the duration of the stealth ability...
  • just came from the game after patch.. HR gushing wounds does NOT work correctly anymore, it does NOT apply a bleed effect as the text intends. Tried applying it to a target mob and training dummy.. no ticking bleed damage over the 20 seconds as it states, does NOT increase as stated either. It's another casualty power just…
  • got character screen.. attempting to zone in now.. let see how far I get...
  • here we go again.. ty cryptic.. just as i was turning in my quests too.. If I lose out on this Unified.. I'm not gonna be happy..
  • could we get a x2 refinement week to go with the week of x2 xp? (which btw didnt see the x2 xp listed on the calender when i logged in b4 this crash yet again)
  • server crashed. then logged in and got this!... First time ever! how freaking odd is this?
  • I am looking forward to patch day tomorrow. I hope that they fix the HR bug.. So tired of hearing "Do you have that set? no.. ok we dont want you" or get invited to party, inspected (dont have the set), and instant kicked from party because of it.. My char is not in a guild so I resort to random grp and the LFG channel.…