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What is the Arc Client?
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  • same none of the suggested work arounds are working for me either. I can still not get passed the cryptic/neverwinter loading screens. I'm still getting the display driver has stopped responding and has recovered but still no game.
  • nothing I have tried works to get game to work i have waited for over an hour at logo screen and nothing just white screen and nothing still says driver crash at cryptic logo screen then it goes to neverwinter screen and nothing. forever nothing... lol I want to play already
  • come on fix the dam game wth 3 days not being abe to log in is annoying. just patched new update apparently they forgot to address this login issue
  • well like others I also cant log into game due to the crash thing going on. however after waking up this morning my game started patching again 3k mb patch. after I already patched the game client yesterday after the maintenance. so not sure if anyone else who is having trouble is getting this patch too or what. but just…
  • So the security token thing is because they are having maintenance? Just wondering myself, trying to log in and dam Xbox one says no security token found its pretty annoying. Plus I want to play already lol.