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  • Same issues. Radeon HD 7770 and I tried rolling back 2 generations of drivers as well as beta drivers and it's all the same. Tried several graphics modes and settings and it's all the same.
  • Clerics need the ability to heal injuries too....
  • All I play are PC games. I kick *** at FPS's. This is not an FPS. This should have controller support. And you don't really have to aim in this game.
  • 1) I never said I hated the game. 2) This is what the forums are for. People to voice their opinions about the game or ask/share info about the game. 3) You seem to be quite active in the forum posting you opinion and offering advice to the devs because of what's wrong. What make syour *** so special that no one else gets…
  • "Hold thy dagger foul beast! It's time for my holy symbol's close up."
  • I understand my experience of the game is limited. I am also not what one would call a "hardcore" gamer. I play lots of games. LOTS. But never do I play a game to where I have to be the absolute best at anything. I don't min max stats or character builds so so I can brag about "best dps" or whatever. I just want a fun and…
  • You called me scrub...how did you know I was a doctor? This game is neither interesting or challenging enough to WANT to get to level 60. Just because you're boorish enough to like the weak 25+ levels it takes to get to interesting content Oh, and the MUSIC is horrible annoying and repetitive and that "crowd mumble" sound…
  • I'm wondering how to get this game to work with Tridef. Neverwinter crashes shortly after loading the launcher/patcher.