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  • I totally agree with the OP. I think delves have become an absolute time sink where the time vested far outweighs the rewards, especially when you get to the mode of farming. Interestingly I think PK is the easiest T2 and even the Surgeon is very doable with good CC and DPS. But when I compare PK to T1 Mad Dragon I wonder…
  • Wondering what other dungeons they tinkered with that aren't on the patch notes. With constantly having to tweak things because of the widespread and so widely used exploits hoping for some more changes.
  • I ran quite a bit of foundry with my guild during this event from start to finish and I DON"T think we were exploiting the event? If my memory serves me the gift boxes were intended to drop just about anywhere you had to kill something. Moreover the game has been live for just a little over a month now so I find it hard to…
  • It is kind of sad really because the reward was supposed to be the experience of finishing the delve and successfully defeating all bosses but clearly that isn't enough. This is magnified by the event timer as how many run delves outside the timer? The event timer both hurts and helps the game - seriously needs to be…
  • I couldn't agree more. I love how some actually try and justify exploits and cheating. I constantly see many saying the trash mobs should drop better loot. What are they looking for it is trash mobs meant to defend a pathway to a boss they are "cannon fodder" they aren't going to be carrying a t1 or t2 epic piece of gear.…
  • Lols I don't think any MMO is EVER "finished" or "complete" well after launch. It is a constantly changing and ever evolving genre of gaming. LoTRO and DDO both of which are very old in MMO terms are still not "finished" or "complete" and constantly being changed and evolving but they never seem to reach a point where…
  • Yes it seems the gold spammers with the advertisement names are ALL over now. We have two who constantly are in the AH area on Dragon and yes both were reported but they are still there. Sadly they also have the same handles they were reported under so not sure how quick the GMs / Devs are actually acting on it. Even when…
  • Couldn't have said it better. With this upcoming change to all seals and glory we are left with an empty reward for our time. I know much of it revolves around the bots and gold farmers who farm the heck out of these in-game currencies to then sell the items on the AH or zone chat to earn AD or in-game gold to then sell AD…
  • TOTALLY true and a real bummer. Almost EVERYONE in my guild has used their seals to help one another (bartering for gear for new 60s or getting them a wererat companion because they have a worthless level 15 companion). The seals as a whole needs a TOTAL overhaul and this change coming with Mod1 isn't what we needed to be…
  • Totally agree sadly. We were just talking about this in our guild along with bots and AD farming to sell for real $. Maybe it is just me or the members of our guild but we all agreed it seems NW is even more susceptible to this sort of business than any other MMO any of us had played over the years. With it being…
  • It is a great game initially and a lot depends on what type of player you are. You can talk about content locusts all you want but it all revolves around what kind of player you are. If you are casual then it is probably an AMAZING game and it is free. As a casual player you won't go through the content so fast and get…
  • Yes the brain shard does not always spawn. Ran it two days ago and NOTHING but a week ago we had one spawn. Really pathetic when you consider as of now this is the only level 60 daily dungeon. Come on guys fix it or at the very least make it so ALL epic dungeon runs count for the Daily Dungeon so we don't have to run the…
  • 1) Personally - Pay to play ftw! Been at this MMO thing for almost 10 years now and I prefer the pay to play option and yes I tend to play more on PtP but I also think the games tend to have a more immersive end game. Just wish NW would add a subscription option to free up some of the restrictions and allow a monthly…
  • My bad sorry for my lack of reading through all the details.
  • They already nerfed some with no mention of it in patch notes. As I recall about a month or so ago the Protect a Caravan task, which was a nice AD return of 200 AD for the level was dropped down to 100AD. It didn't bother me at the time since I was beyond relying on this task to earn some AD while earning craft xp but it…
  • "I'm a dwarf for pete's sake, what's with all these pretty leaves floating around me head? I have to hide this from my clan or I'd surely not hear the end of it"
  • What games were you playing 8 years ago? What a joke - this game is beautiful in terms of graphics compared to games of that time frame.
  • But it ABSOLUTELY does affect gameplay and the gaming experience of the group - we clearly know where you stand on exploitation. When some in the group are taking the high road while others decide to run the dungeon as intended and now 3 or 4 are left battling through the trash at a slower pace it ruins the experience. I…
  • Really want to see the Fardelver terrain exploit fixed. So many on my shard have absolutely no qualms about using it and it is a real shame and a stain on an otherwise unique and great event.
  • Great post and hits the nail on the head - there is really no need to claim "we all knew it was ending at 9AM PST" as we did NOT know what "ending" entailed. I have played numerous MMOs and vendors for events remain in place for some time after the event. Restore the vendors so all can barter the bones please before this…
  • Please bring back the vendors for the end of Open Beta event, TONS of players were hoarding bones for the final big turn in. Most MMOs leave event barterers in-place for some time after the event just so players can off-load the items.