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I need your opinions: ftp/btp/ptp

diajaradiajara Member Posts: 3 Arc User
edited August 2013 in Off Topic
Hey everyone, I'm doing an assignment based on MMORPGs and what players like/where the industry is going financially.. If you could take a couple minutes to give your opinion on aspects of games (either this one or others) it would be appreciated! :) (Please note, I may quote you for the use of the assignment, so don't answer if you're going to freak out about that).

Please no trolling or abusing games or other players.. I need to be able to access the thread again to prove to the teacher I actually asked random people and didn't make up the answers :3

For the record, the games I'm basing the questions on are WoW, GW2, Rift, SW:ToR and Neverwinter.. Thanks!

1. a) Do you have a preference between free-to-play, buy-to-play or pay-to-play games?
b) Does the ftp, btp, ptp aspect influence your participation in a game? (eg, Will you play more for a ptp game, or try a ftp game purely because it doesn't cost anything?)

2. a) What is the most important feature of a game?
b) Can you tolerate lesser quality of an aspect in return for an improved something else? (eg, lesser graphics to suit a better combat style/customisation etc)

3. For a P2P, what would be the most per month you would be willing to pay for a subscription?

4. Do you feel as thought the items in cash shops are worth the value given to them? (Please include what game you're referring to)

5. Is there anything more you would like to comment on that I haven't included? (Please, game related, thanks).
Post edited by diajara on


  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited July 2013
    1: If it is done right F2P is better than any other model.

    2. I really do not have an answer for this. Any game can be awesome with bad graphics yet there are games I would only play because of the graphics. So to me any game has the potential to do something great which negates the negatives of another feature.

    3. In the past, 10-15. Now? I wouldn't ever pay a subscription again.

    4. In Neverwinter? Some of the prices could/should be lower. Mounts are the big one I keep nudging that they are worth $35 for the first purchase but should be $10-20 (what I feel is fair for a skin) after you already own a Tier 3 Mount. Companions should be account wide for the price and or should be Tier 3. The rest of the prices are for the most part fine but I would like to see bundle packs.

    5. Not off the top of my head.
  • xaituxaitu Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    1. a) I prefer subscription based games, they tend to cost me less money overall to play enjoyably. Optionally, I like subscription based games games with a F2P option (example: SWTOR).
    b) Whether or not I pay subscription only affects my motivation to play in some ways - while I'm more willing to "try" F2P due to accessibility, I'm more likely to consistently play a subscription based game (more enjoyment due to no "paywalls", advertising for cash store, and feelling nickle and dimed to death.)

    2. a) Engaging storyline, interesting combat system (leveling up is fun) and good support/options to enhance roleplaying.
    b) Absolutely.

    3. P2P should cost about 10-15 USD (or CAD) a month.

    4. Some items are well priced, some are not. I quite liked SWTOR's version of F2P alongside their subscription model. NWO seems rather pricey. DDO/LotRO felt like they had too many paywalls and grinding.

    5. Can't think of anything at the moment.
  • croffilecroffile Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    1. A) I prefer a game that offers you the most.
    B) If i am really interested in a game, i would definetly pay a fee for it. Although Neverwinter has kept me busy - And who doesn't like to save some money?

    2. A) Indeed this is a real hard question to answer specificly, i think one or two features alone does not make the game, but all of them together, does.
    B) If a game is on a lower budget i would tolerate lower graphics, but the mechanics of the game must be thought out since this is what makes the game in my oppinion.

    3. Again, depends on what the game has to offer. In the past i would consider 5-10€, but thanks to Neverwinter i don't have to. I stopped playing WoW because they simply stopped to impress me - And therfore was not worth the money.

    4. (Neverwinter) The prices the vendors has when it comes to Astral Diamonds is way too expensive, alot you can buy from there can easily be obtained in a few minutes from playing the content the game offers.

    5. Does the Lore and Storyline of a game affect your intrest in playing it? Storyline & Lore, i wouldn't play a game without a good storyline because it is what the game is based on. (Neverwinter obviously had an advantage here since the lore of Dungeons and Dragons was already written!)
    Shortcode copy: NW-DFQEQQ8H6
  • sadranissadranis Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    1. a) Pay to play, it acts as a barrier to less committed players. I don't like cash shops and dealing with all the scrubs/trolls that typically grace F2P games.
    b) The model has no effect on how much I play any particular game.

    2. a) Endgame and class customization/specialization
    b) I don't really care about graphics and I care absolutely nothing for story(in MMOs anyways). As long as the game has a solid endgame, there is extensive in-depth class customization, and classes can specialize(the trinity) I'm satisfied. I just came to Neverwinter from GW2 which failed in all of these things(not that it aimed to succeed here), that game was terrible.

    3. I would pay up to $20 a month depending on the quality of the game.

    4. GW2- Despite my hatred for this game I think that 90% of the items in the cash shop are reasonably priced.
    Neverwinter- The mount and companion prices are quite high and I would never even consider purchasing them, other than that it looks reasonable.

    Now despite saying that the only things I personally feel are worth purchasing are character makeovers and name changes, beyond that it's just fluff and/or garbage.

    5. For me pre-Storm Legion Rift is the epitome of MMOs. There were some QoL features that could have been addressed but overall there wasn't a single thing I didn't like about that game. I wish more MMOs would follow what Rift did.
  • diajaradiajara Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You guys are great! <3 Thanks a bunch..At least I can get started on the "player opinion" section of the assignment.

    More opinions are always welcome! :) I have two weeks before it's due, so plenty of time for additions/adjustments.
  • undeadcrabbundeadcrabb Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    1. a)I like free to play, because I like my shiny gold.
    b)If the game is good, doesn't matter what model.
    2. a)For me it is the lore, class builds, gameplay.
    b) Yes.

    3. Depends on the game, if it is good, I could pay around 20$

    4. Not in neverwinter. Everything's quite overpriced. Allso you have to pay for things, some MMO's offer for free, like respecs.
    5. Nope.
    Folow me on Deviant art! ;)
  • dissengulp71dissengulp71 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    1) Personally - Pay to play ftw! Been at this MMO thing for almost 10 years now and I prefer the pay to play option and yes I tend to play more on PtP but I also think the games tend to have a more immersive end game. Just wish NW would add a subscription option to free up some of the restrictions and allow a monthly stipend of Zen to be earned for the sub. I'd rather shell out $8 - $15 months for a monthly sub with the option to spend more for store perks than have a more restricted free gaming experience. Sure there are pros and cons just prefer PtP subscriptions. Honestly most of the PtP MMOs I have played seem to have less hacks and exploiters but again this is my opinion.

    2) End Game Content for me personally. I'd compromise some graphics for a better quality end game experience as the luster of a graphically beautiful game is only superficial when you are at the cap with nothing to do. I don't login to look at the virtual world I am gaming in.

    3) Depends on the game, for this game I wouldn't pay more than $8 a month in it's current state but NW is also very very new; $15 for a solid game with a proven track record.

    4) For NW many items are way overpriced in my opinion. $20 - $30USD for a companion is a bit steep among many other items and yet adding vault space, which can be overpriced in some games seems reasonable in NW.

    5) It is so hard to compare this game to others because it is like comparing "Apples and Oranges". In the end NW is free so that can trump most complaints we have but I just think had NW had both F2P and P2P options we would in the end see a better game but that is all water under the bridge now.
    Frothy Ironanvil, Lvl 60 Dwarven Cleric
    Leader, Stormblades
    Dragon Shard
  • jawarisinjawarisin Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Assuming it's not like this scheme:

    I would say I BTP or F2P.

    PTP is annoying and bad imo. I like to pay once and have everything, or have everything right away. My most memorable games are all BTP ; Warcraft Starcraft Diablo II

    Or F2P if it's really well made and has everything avaible thru in-game means like NW
    One of my favorite game, even up to now after 8 years of dedicated playing is still a F2P ; Gunz
    CW Renegade comprehensive build+guide PvP:
    Here for the build+guide
  • diajaradiajara Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    A huge thank you to everyone who took the time to reply and help me out :)

    It's muchly appreciated! :D
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