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dingleberrytruth Arc User


  • PVE. If playing with CC in mind. Just steal time after freeze duration ends. Stun duration ends, freeze freely again. It's a minor nerf, don't see why so many are overstating it.
  • Copy and paste from one of my posts. ---- I did some parsing between at wills. SS Thauma (bittercold + frozen power transfer), Focused Wizardry(30% more damage on single target at wills, 10% less on aoe, penalty would affect CC) The ranking of overall dps came out to be this. 1) Chilling Cloud 2) Ray of Frost 3) Magic…
  • If you are min maxing stats/effects for PVE there are one or a few things to consider. Most cws are soft capped on recovery by virtue of HV being the main choice, along with common itemizations such as Dread Legions as a weapon set. I had fallen dragons in mod2, but since quitting, returning and creating a new account I've…
  • If we're talking about PVE, there is no known content which requires "additional" control thus far. Anything more than base is pretty much superfluous, meaning orb of imposition, no. I've always liked COI on Tab. Larger area = more targets = more damage the encounter deals, meaning up to 25% more. The problem i have with…
  • Solely on the basis of personal dps, void of idealistic arguments of fun and preference, an MOF would give comparable damage to a spellstorm, not better. The screenshot merely proves that perhaps you were better geared or better skilled compared to the other CWs. Meaning if you were to play spellstorm, you'd be clocking…
  • Would appreciate knowing if this change was intended or just accidental. If intended, was forewarning given?
  • I said... Wondrous Thingamabob, the tier before doohickey. Don't confuse any potential solutions pls.
  • Watching the focus on tweaks and the changes which are happening to our CWs is as frustrating as watching Akro playing his GWF in his first few streams.... At least he presses tab now.
  • Live or Preview, I don't use CoI/IT for its 'freezing' when soloing HEs. It's for lifesteal to sustain me till the cooldown of my actual dps encounters. Freezes are just icing for me. Granted soloing HEs with deathlock wights would cause me to pot occasionally. Then again I do use Endless Consumption and Severe Reaction.…
  • You're a good theorycrafter. But let's stop there for a moment. CoI/Icy Terrain, why would you still need shield to even solo entire HEs including deathlock wights with your eyes closed. lvl 65 HEs maybe.
  • Thanks for sharing this practical view. I won't deny shield has its uses. CWs rely heavily on encounters for burst damage or control. Slotting shield effectively removes 1/4 of that. The sacrifice in damage or control has to be justifiable. In PVE, after hitting a break point in gear, and with all the boons now readily…
  • Frank question though.... does any of the CWs on the first 10 pages of leaderboard actually use..... shield? And the only cws in pve who use shield... aren't very good. My head hurts now with an entire release centered around an encounter where cws leave behind after gaining experience and gear.
  • Unless, they do ANY changes to Steal Time and CoI, then why still push on with this direction that you're suggesting? Under Live, Thaumas do a lot more debuffing/support (in addition to overwhelming dps) than a renegade. By means of a consistently high uptime both in application and maintaining them. Renegades are…
  • And this is why, I'm still wondering... You claimed EoTs is overpowered in Live, agreed. Your reply to my earlier post was practically screaming about CoI and Steal Time multi proc mechanics as a bug and no changes have been made so far. And unless you didn't know, we usually use encounters that debuff FIRST, so using…
  • Does this make sense to anyone or how the cons of ICD are any different from this proposal? Barring any fixes to coi or steal time, this does not change anything. You still end up with EoTs with a high likelihood of proccing off the wrong side of your encounter cycle, and enjoying crits with at-wills. So long as ICD is in…
  • i'm a little unsure here, are you saying your renegade spec is losing out to thaumas who are wearing HV set? The reason why is apparent here. Or is there a "read between the lines" going on here which I think there is but isn't at the same time. In a live context comparison, a renegade shouldn't be 'losing' to a thauma in…
  • Now I'm hearing players saying things like, holding back dailies intentionally just to wait for EoTs. What happened to encouraging fluid gameplay? Played in that manner then it'll still be the same as live, except CWs will be playing as if all their encounters had a 25 second cooldown to accommodate EoTs. EoTs reworks…
  • People also need to understand that percentages are not equal (huh?). IE. 166 power = 1% damage is not equal to the equivalent of 1% arp if it isn't capped. ie, if ur ARP is at 23% and u add 1% more arp, it is still far more than 166 power. You'd have to inspect the formula at this juncture, which i'm no wiz to explain in…
  • Your reply sort of reminds me of customer service. Textbook replies but never reading the context ultimately frustrating both parties. Prior to mod 2, CWs were i stress on MERELY sing bots. Would you imply that was a representation of what a CW should be? Secondly, never have I said that EoTs in its current form is…
  • Hello fellow cws and devs. I've been open so far about CW changes as admittedly they are inexplicably strong in PVE. However, this was only evident with the changes to power mechanics as compared to mod 2. I enjoyed following a rotation of skills utilizing the High Vizier set and Thaumaturge feats, maximizing potential for…
  • There is an expected range of latency. Neverwinter exceeds this. I play from South-East Asia, Singapore. On Tera EU, I get 3-350ms, which is normal based on our routing. US West 190-220ms. US East, 25-280. You can call this plucking numbers from thin air or just the pings I've come to expect from playing various MMOs.…
  • Your post suggests blind assumptions on my end. Likewise, you assume blindly that I've not done my eliminations. Reflect on that. Rubberbanding is not solely reliant on 'laaaaag'. It may also be the result of lost packets. A trace route will show ping through its hops. So long as the numbers are consistent and within range…