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  • Point of fact: many of the guardian founders who paid for a companion (and mount) never got them. Still haven't gotten them, after weeks of opening tickets just to have them closed.
  • I'd feel a lot better about waiting in queue if they gave me the items I DID pay for. Which they didn't. A common problem among Guardian members that they still haven't addressed for weeks.
  • Oh please. People are paying for a service they aren't getting. This is true for everything in life. No one thinks they are better, they think they should get what they paid for.
  • With all due respect, I do software testing in real life. And if you as a company are taking other people's money for delivery of a product, and fail to deliver that, that's on you. There is no sympathy warranted. Folks that just jumped in for free? Well, you get what you pay for, true. But people that paid money who not…
  • So, to recap: If you pay $200, go to the front of the line If you pay $60, sorry, you're there with the free folks. Oh, and to top it off, the stuff you paid $60 for (like the mount and companion)? You're not even gonna get it, and we'll just keep closing your tickets telling you to see the founder's agent over and over…
  • A man who hides behind a shield has no faith. Here, let me stab you with mine.
  • You got a response? I've opened tickets and when I go to "my tickets" they all disappear after a bit with no answer. This seems to be a very common problem with us Guardian folks. And yes, I did put in the tickets that I've already done the quest and checked with the founder's agent. Hey DEVs, you wanna fix this? Sort of…
  • Yeah, I got those, but no wolf companion for my guardian founder's deal. So I should open a ticket, or is there something else I'm missing? Thanks!
  • For over 30 years, the classic cleric was an armor and shield wearing, mace wielding dude. To not have that class as a core class in a D&D game makes me sad.