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  • ROFLMAO Old Timers Guild Age 25 and Up... Almost spit my dentures out with that one! Do the terms "Blackmoor", "Greyhawk", "Chain Mail" , "First Fantasy Campaign", "Arduin Grimoire", "Welcome to Skull Tower" and "The Runes of Doom" mean anything to the players in this guild? (I personally have all but FFC in my collection,…
  • Throwing Gold into the drawing...
  • I knew you would post that clip when I wrote rabbits. ROFL Exception that makes the rule... I so wanted to write Rabbit and Newt! ROFLMAO
  • So, only Ferocious Animals need apply?!?!?! No Rabbit or Tortoise Spirit for Barbarians! Just Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my! Interesting take on why an Animal would follow them... Against centuries of Fearun Lore (And decades of D&D and fantasy lore for that matter), which made the Ranger have a specific (Or in some…
  • I am still confused as to why Barbarian's get their powers from Primal Powers, when they have nothing that is even remotely due to anything but Martial Training. While Rangers, who are more attuned to Nature and Fearun itself, and have a Power that can be directly due to Primal Powers (Beastmaster's Animal Companion), get…
  • Not at all... At least you didn't Rick-Roll me!
  • I have two favorite types... The Rogue-Wizard, this highly intelligent rogue archtype, uses his natural abilities of stealth to avoid combat until the most oportune time, when he uses Touch and Ranged Touch Attacks to devastating effect. He always is a source of knowledge on Monsters, Traps, and other Dungeoneering…
  • Either you both misunderstand and think I am talking about the party, or you accept that the Monsters are always surprised and never able to make preparations for the final battle that the party does. Let me put it into perspective... A force of bandits tries to raid a local keep... They get into the courtyard, killing…
  • I see your point Gillrmn, and I am not real familiar with 4e... Learning as I go, and not able to play. My reasoning is thus: Barbarians do not get spells or spell like powers. Their main focus is intense rage and channeling that rage. While Rangers do get the Beastmaster Power, which are closer to Primal Powers, right?
  • I want all four Divine Variants... Cleric, Paladin (Warrior Priest), Avenger (Rogue Priest) and Invoker (Wizard Priest) But I also want all four Primal Variants... Druid, Barbarian (Warrior Druid), Warden (Rogue Druid) and Shaman (Wizard Druid).. Though I do think the Ranger would be a better Warrior Druid variant than the…
  • My question about creature encounters, is will you be able to give some of them certain attack preferences/styles or bonuses. For instance, can you make a Hard Final Encounter between a Boss and his three trusted henchmen, so that, having heard the sounds of combat with their peon minions, and the rogue listening at the…
  • Having taken a sabbatical from the forums for several months, while waiting for more to be released about the game and especially the Foundry... I make my appearance again.... After seeing the video about the Foundry, I am jonesing more than ever to get my hands on it and create some killer adventures. It is 2013, so the…
  • One thing you can do is add more social and RP type skills to the available list to choose from... For instance: Specific Knowledges, not just a simple Lore Check. Leave that for the Bards. Examples: Engineering, Cartography, Navigation, Herbalism, Monster Lore, Goblinoid Lore, Orc Lore, Giant Lore, Elf Lore, Dwarf Lore,…
  • One positive possibility.... IF they release the Foundry and BETA soon, then community developers can have time to develope many more adventures for, the masses to explore, when the game is released. SInce I know the Devs monitor these forums a little, if that is not the plan, perhaps it could be a little bug in their…
  • Honestly, I don't think the Developers would really have time to create enough content wthout such a buy-back (As you call it.) program. After all, there is the next game to be made, and the game after that, etc. Unless the developer can create content that earns the company millions, and do so every year, they will be…
  • 1. Since the PWE/Cryptic forum merge, there's been a dearth of recognizable forumites from the original Neverwinter forum posting. I'd put the number of those who transferred to the PWE model somewhere in the 5-10% mark. Do you agree? In three sentences or less, what do you feel can be done about it? Not happy losing Login…
  • I mentioned this on another thread. They could do like the Living Greyhawk campaign did, and have a board of selected player/reviewers, approve all player-made content for "Official Status" These reviewers would play-test the content like Beta testers do, to try to find exploits, design flaws and anything done in poor…
  • So, once you beat a single player game, you don't make a new character up and do it over in another style? Isn't that what a "Permanent Death/Forced Retirement" in an MMO would replicate?
  • Yes, unfortunately, lag is an issue, but as technology developes, it is becoming less and less so. We are not on Dial up any more. How often do they really occur any more? Really. That is why I put mechanisms in to mitigate them, and to allow players a chance to plan for such eventualities. As a casual gamer (< 1 hour a…
  • I don't take this as a personal discussion, but part of the greater narrative. So, by all means, please reply and keep it civil as you have so far. Witty riposte is allowed. Super Mario - bad example, not RPG, not an MMO. In RPG you have savegames and infinite lives if party doesn't gets wiped off. In fact, all single…
  • No kidding. It was just an example of allied Dieties for thjose who are familiar with Forgotten Realms Lore. Got it, chalk you up to the Super Mario Immortal player set. ;-D If you read my post, you would notice that for those who plan, perma-death is still all but impossible. Even a first level character with an average…
  • It worked, I was able to log in with old Cryptic Username/PW... Then it stopped working.... Frustration level is rising.....
  • The Foundry: Where are the Dreamweavers? Hopefully here. Played a bit with NWN1 and ran into issues. NWN2 was even worse. Well, this game is unique to DDO in two main areas, 4e and the Foundry. The Foundry is this games main hook imho to keep this game relevant in the coming years. Yes, and if is a robust, easy to use tool…
  • My problem with MMO's is, every character is in effect, Immortal. How do you remove the immortality aspect without making it too deadly as to be fun? I like the Death Penalties in the PnP game, provided the two or three events are more than go to local graveyard, kill two or three skeletons, and remove death penalty. I see…
  • It didn;t even let me use only lower case letters... Argh...
  • Worked... Except I have to have a login and username that I don't like.... I have had Cyber Troll as my gaming login since the early 90's....... I am curious who at Perfect World has it, since I could not use it when forced to make the PWE account earlier.
  • Must have Mounts and mounted combat. Any game that doesn't allow for knights in Shining Armor to charge enemies with Lance and Shield, for devastating effect, is just not right. I can see Flying Mounts too, with several caveats. The main being that you would have to take a Epic Tier Feat Riding Airborne Mount, to be able…
  • "To perform the Raise Dead ritual, you must have a part of the corpse of a creature that died no more than 30 days ago. You apply mystic salves, then pray to the gods to restore the dead creature's life. The subject returns to life as if he or she had taken an extended rest. The subject is freed of any temporary conditions…