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  • This does noting to stem the main problem of kicking after the final boss is down. Man! So disappointed. Every pug group has to have that constant worry, that at the end of the dungeon you may get kicked before you can roll or open your chest, just so frustrating. I don't care if you kick when I first load in, I care if…
  • I only do PVP for the daily, witch, being a rouge is only two or three matches for the day. really dislike PVP, especially sense it's only two maps. I 90 percent Pve. I should have listed my states, but I was at work. STR-19, DEX-27, CHA-19 power-4,159 Crit. Str.- 4,330 Ar. Pen. 2,660 Recover-2,102 Deflect-1,997 44% Crit…
  • If you read a lot of what the PC players are posting about the upcoming fix to the vote to kick, it may not be that great of a fix. I really hope its just not the half hearted fix they gave the PC players, because it will do nothing to prevent people from kicking players when ever they want.
  • I'm at work and I need to set my crafting, add this ASAP. lol
  • To Mods, Devs, and Community, I just had a bad day yesterday with Epic layer of lostmouth, It seems some players have it down to a science when to kick as soon as the dragon, (the last boss), goes down. I know this subject is getting beat like a dead horse saying, but man did it really make me consider not playing this…
  • Looky here ladies and gents, They new the problems existed with the queue system and many other bugs because of the years they had on the PC side, but instead of porting over to Xbox one with the fixes, they rushed and ported the buggy content. In a business sense I see why they did it, because major titles were coming…
  • I was in a random party, and one guy that was running said his friend sent in a ticket to inquiry more detail about the Boar's active skill. He said his friend got a response form the ticket he submitted and it stated that the active skill applied to the player, so in it was basically like a vorpal to critical. I didn't…
  • There is no best set overall, there is what set is best for you. 914 power does such minimal gain once your above 4k. The recovery amount is pretty nice. I do agree that just stat stacking is not helpful overall, players should take the time to see what stat they need were. I've seen a TR with a 15k gear socre, but had 900…
  • I propose this, in the pvp queue you cannot kick people. This causes it's on set of problems, but nothing to the point were the forms are flooded with complaints about that queue system. If not being able to kick can be tolerated on the PVP side, then I believe it can be tolerated on the PVE side. I do agree, it should be…
  • Just some more tip bits of advice. Save your astral D's for purple slotted shirt and pants. If you play PVP, save up for the artifact. If you can, also start to invest in lvl 7 enchantments. If you decide to put some money in the game, get the Ion Stone of Allure before you get anything else. It will not increase your gear…
  • Because of the queue system I have to run with at least three guild members. I tried running a pick up group while waiting for my guild mates to get there dallies done, I got kicked from the PUG because a dagger dropped from the second boss and I was the only TR. Kicked on the second boss in frozen hart! That to me tells…
  • I'm sitting at my PC at work, and instead of setting my crafting or looking through the AH I'm responding to this post. So yes, this needs to happen. Wicher 3 is out, and ESO is next month. Gateway would go a long way of keeping me interested in this game with the stiff competition.
  • I think its funny to read the fear on some of these post from the kickers. They seem worried now. There are a lots of dungeons, even T2, were you don't need a tank or a healer, and you can help low gear scores through. That is how the game should be played. Learning to adapt to the challenge of that dungeon. It's great you…
  • Saw a HR with 21k+, just looked like a beast.
  • I don't know if you already have them, but did not list them. Get purple slotted shirt and pants. Get your stones to level 7 or greater, and get the pvp artifact and add armor buffs to your gear. This will be more then enough to get you to 13k. However, it is more important to have your stats balanced right then it is to…
  • I think it is something that is a most have for this game, or at least a companion app for the smart phone. Reading the forms at work is OK, but if I could set my crafting and buy and sell on the AH, that would be insanely awesome. It's a way for the game to follow players were ever they go, and make them look forward to…
    in Gateway Comment by csk41 May 2015
  • Gear score is not that important for the basic T2's. They have a min. and you can run it just fine with that. I will admit that it will take longer, so for time purposes, I do see why people kick other players when trying to speed farm. The problem, however, is not the players its the queue system. Sense there seems to be…
  • Now that the auction house has been updated, can you guys please start working on getting the gateway to work with the xbox one. Really need to feed my Never winter fix at work.
  • Rouges get kicked a lot because there is already one in the party. For some reason the queue likes to put two rouges in a group. I play a trickster as well, but we get kicked not because of gear score but because the other rouge does not want to compete for drops. I think most kicking is caused by this fact, no one wants…
  • I only run full guild, but I know that may not be the norm. But we have times when a guild member has to go and another will replace, or a guild member wants to change his toon. there is no way to get our guild member back in to the group without kicking every person, that fills the spot, out until he finally q's in. It…
  • Double AD is a double edge sword. It's great to get more AD, but it also just drives up the prices in AH and for ZEN. We'll prob. see Zen hit 170-180 after this weekend
  • I think one of the beginner FaQs sticky explains how to do this, but basically you list your AD on the exchange for a really low selling price. Then you simple go to your current listings and cancel it. The ADs are now in your player wide account and can be withdrawn by any toon you have.
  • The adds are a lot, but Jarlax1 is right, you have to dedicate members to adds. As well as keeping them off your healer. It's frustrating at first, but once your team gets the hang of what adds to down first, it feels great when you final kill the dragon.
  • Having this function for the Xbox one would defiantly keep me playing this game for a lot longer. I'm always big on crafting in MMO's, but I work long hours. To be able to keep up with my crafting on my phone or PC on my little breaks at work would just be awesome. Please make this feature happen for the Xbox one.