They're still part of the team, like if I needed to reach a striker in football it would be better for me to ask the goalie to get him rather than a fan wouldn't it?
I will send them another e-mail now to see what happens hopefully something does soon, it feels like I've been sending these guys e-mails and ticket for ever.
Also why would I state I made $1000 when I live in England and we use pounds, now I'm worried someone is using my name or has been on my account if what you two guys are saying is correct. Any admins which are currently online who could maybe look over my ticket for me and give me a response.
I've just PM'd Somenator and the admin which is online right now, hope this could speed things up a little and get everything sorted cause it's just annoying at this point.
I've been waiting just a little longer than a week, I opened my ticket on the 11/05/2013 which is 12 days ago just to have it closed, I've then opened another on the 18th with no response at all. I wouldn't really mind if they just unbanned my account, I would be happy with that then I'm at least getting something but to…
I'm going to dispute it with paypal cause it doesn't seem like PW care at all to be honest, might give paypal a call to try and speed things up a little.
I don't have a phone number for them and also heard people have been trying to call them for weeks, also as I live in the UK and the number is from the USA it would cost me more to ring them than the actual pack costs. I'm thinking about this but only want to use it as a last resort, takes more effort than needed.
Actually it's a huge loss, the amount of people who done/tried this exploit was huge. They rolled the accounts back, why delete them as well it makes no sense unless there not sure they rolled back properly.
Maybe you should mind your own business what others want to do with their lives and focus on your own, I hate the way people think they have the right to tell people how to live there lives and what they should be doing with it to be "Socially acceptable" it's a joke and it's something that needs to be nipped in the bud.…
To be honest I don't think they would want to waste their time and effort reading chat logs and such, if anything they will just ban the accounts involved. But I have a feeling nothing is going to happen and no information will be released as to what has happened so we will never know....
When my car breaks down I don't expect them to say there is hundreds of problems but at the moment we have put air in your tires we will do the rest later. They're a company of multiple people they should be able to get on top of a lot of bugs that have been in the game a while now.