Please i hope a dev sees this and can help us out and fix these game breaking pvp bugs literally unplayable againts SWs Also Double Mark with Sacred Weapon damage loops kills u in seconds , why would a encounter have a interaction like that ?
Like what waywardwizerd said your gonna die before u can defend anything unless your fighting people who cant burst or cc u right away , Yes i would run Brigandine for the HP u will Survive longer, also cleansing Touch dosent work on a Courage Breaker so rip.... good luck man :)
is this pacth live yet ? also the new pacth for the paladins Divne Call dose it fix the Aura of Courage bug in PvP where it damage loops and kills you and anyone on your team around you ?
Yes this bug exists and its the worest one yet in pvp because it will not only kill the pally with the Aura but the Whole team will be taken down with the pally
Yea the only way i can see Augments becoming viable again without making them better then bondings is letting us use both pet and augment at the same time .