This has been reported before I think but it's ridiculous. When triggered it 100% insta kills the Pally and potentially any teammates on node. On ACT it shows up that your Aura of courage was your highest source of incoming damage. is triggered when an Oathbound pally is using the Aura of courage, gets double marked by any combination of GFs and GWFs then uses their tab ability. It is completely 100% reproducible. The paladin's tab ability somehow reflects his aura back at himself and his teammates. If used with Aura of vengeance it's even more incoming damage for pally and teammates. This can literally one shot an entire node of players.
This has been going on since pallies were created and it's massively annoying. The best damage aura pallies have is broken and buggy.
On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"
Neverwinter Census 2017
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