Aye! I just dropped an app as my current 'most played' character Faral Wolfsbane. I can be on Vent all the time, don't know how much I will speak on it - or maybe I'll talk so much you'll mute me - dunno. But I don't cheat, so I qualify there. -Bretha The contrary aged Dwarf - IRL TOO!
+1. Utterly brilliant, as is the title, which I hope is Catastrophy Survivor - you know it was a member of the community who came up with the title idea. I forget who you are, but you r0x0r. Thank you!
Still think your avatar is cute. But I'm grinning at the irony... Doesn't that say Guardian on your title? Doesn't that mean you paid some money for the game? '=_
You know what? Even if this is true, I don't care. I don't.. *shrug* Why should I care? It doesn't take anything away from me really. I had to pay... Oh well. That is the way it is. You can call me dumb, I don't care about that either. I didn't cheat. That I care about.
I used to be in a re-creation group called the Society for Creative Anachronism. We fought with wooden weapons that hurt like a b*tch when you got hit with them. Folks made their own armor - waxed leather or 16 gauge steel. But if you could not afford it, you could use McDonald's pickle buckets to make armor - and it…
Oh dear. You should be able to have a title that says "SCA Bucket Armor" Probably won't be a lot of folks who get that joke. Hope that they fix it for you soon.
I don't think it looks like that in game, when it's on your character, does it? The skin is just f'ed when you are looking at the armor alone. But then again, Half Orcs have no fashion sense, what do they care what it looks like. ;-)
I love this game. I'm not quitting. I volunteer to help the situation by sending out my Warg and Dire Wolf to help take care of the little blighters. Never liked cats. They smell.
Lendal, one of the Brothers, has written four Foundry quests already, two that are tailored to the Band of Brothers. They are hilarious as well as very fun, and loaded with XP!!
The Brothers are doing some fantastic Foundry Quests!!! We've got five published and they just started this week! You can see the quality foundry quests that the BoB's have written at this web site: http://www.mydiversions.org/