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  • Waiting for the inevitable post that calls this a bug........ You don't have to cancel it on the character that posted the order btw. Useful to know if you try to transfer large amounts at once or from multiple charactersources at once.
  • Attack time on pets is no longer relevant since bonding stones now proc at the same time instead of needing to stack up over time. You are better off with a ranged companion as your summoned. Melee pets die more often and will give you less uptime on your buff. It's not much less honestly, but every bit helps.
  • No ps4 pro needed to improve performance. Give everyone the option to turn off or down down other players spell effects and fps will sky rocket.
  • Same here, kind of annoying as it is forced displaying the quest line as well.
  • @osea101#6331 1 of my 2 legendary rings from throne was a bronze run. Ranking does not affect quality. @thrill#1417 maybe? I honestly never pay attention to the drops unless I see purple.
  • It's pretty simple. Mdemo: high lvl grps put together in chat. Any trolls will be replaced swiftly. Golds will be a plenty. (I farmed my set in 2 days.) Reg demo: it's reg, all you need is bronze to get good rings. Sure currency is lower on bronze, but you aren't in demo for currency now are you? Never go into 10 man…
  • Try finding a good guild that is active during your peak hours of play. Pugs are terrible in this game like every other mmo. Gear means very little in terms of completing content. All it does is increase the peed at which bosses die. One shots still one shot, wether you are 1600 or 3000.
  • I'll keep opening firemane. Dread enchantment > all.
  • 48 pages of negative feedback that will be completely ignored.....