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  • off with his head!
  • Game has been out for too long to have problems like these, cryptic/pw.
  • My gods, again? Losing faith bros, losing faith.
  • wow. denial of service. cmon guys. get it back up or give us an update plskthx.
  • I think this may be related to the following thread: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?569581-Can-we-please-do-something-about-the-Seismic-Shot-bug-already
  • Yeah this has persisted for quite some time. It's only certain people with certain setups that have the issue, and it can be resolved by changing to DX9, which is why it is a low priority fix right now. Really sucks that I have this nice GPU hardware and can't use it to it's full potential in this game without getting an…
  • No dude, I think you're missing the point here. What we are saying is that all of that lagging you are experiencing has nothing to do with YOUR graphics settings on YOUR computer. These bugged HR leftovers are causing THIER servers to fps lag EVERYONE. It doesn't matter what graphics settings you turn down dude, you wont…
  • wow so let me get this straight, its this HR power that is being left on the ground causing the servers to get overloaded with "omg" and the server processing the instance starts to slow down in fps. Wow. Just wow. Yeah I think you guys need to fix this mess asap. It quite literally makes the game unplayable after so long…
  • and yes inthefade462 is absolutely right. Ever since Mod two was implemented we have had these problems. Something tells me that there is a bottleneck somewhere in this system that is causing problems.
  • Why wouldn't the problem apply to dungeons? The servers that run those dungeons could just as likely be hosed up as the machines that run the world map instances. I think there is either a networking problem going on, or more likely, there are some "bad" computers down there that need to be serviced or upgraded. What I'm…
  • As I type this message, A friend and I have been bouncing back and forth between instances. We are in the Chasm, instance #8, and we are at the very back end of the map. Our frame rates drop tremendously when we are on instance 8. It has nothing to do with population, because there is only 2 people on #8. You could also go…
  • BINGO!!! I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM!!! I CANT GET ANYWHERE with the ticket process. My primary account was banned for botting and I would NEVER bot!!! I've spent over $1000 USD on this game, am currently leading an active guild, and I have been unable to log in to my account for the last week! Could someone please respond! My…
  • Switching to DX9.0 seemed to allow me to continue for now. I've swapped back and forth between the DX 11/9/9e settings a number of times. The random crashes persist regardless. It seems DX9 keeps it at bay for now in this area alone. Not sure what else to give you guys. I've managed to recreate, and persist the problem,…
  • This problem has essentially ruled my CW as unplayable in neverdeath GY. I can't stay logged in for more than a few seconds when I try to progress in questing. This is a game breaker for me. GAME BREAKER ALERT! I cannot procede through the main quest line with this bug. I am stuck. Will put this character on the shelf…
  • Still happening throughout neverdeath GY, so I guess this character is going on the shelf for now. Last error was the HUNG error, ET 14181774.
  • And I take back everything I said. The rolling back the driver didn't FIX the problem, it just delayed the crash. Not 5 minutes after writing the above post while my character was sitting near the same place, I got the HUNG fault again. DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG0x887A0006 The application's device failed due to badly formed…
  • Alrighty, so maybe I have something here that will help you guysz. So I found that spot in that quest where I could continually repeat the failure everytime, and I spent quite a bit of time (and injury kits) making changes and trying again. Every time, the game still failed. I changed SLI settings, I went from max screen…
  • It's most definitely recurring here each and every time I attempt to do this part of the quest. I've waited hours, came back, logged in and attempted it again and got the RESET error twice in a row. One of the ETs were 14189862.
  • it seems to happen nearly every time I am trying to concecrate the west field in neverdeath graveyard on my lvl 25 moon elf CW. I can't even log in without it crashing within 3 seconds on that spot, it has happened 5 times now. Once, I managed to shift F2 to release my character, and ran back out to the same spot,…
  • DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG0x887A0006 This error is on the application side, guys. This isn't our computer, or our GPU or anything we are doing wrong. The application's device failed due to badly formed commands sent by the application (neverwinter). This is an design-time issue that should be investigated and fixed. I found…
  • Yeah, so someone explain to me why when I last restarted the launcher, I have 43% patched (43.8/101mb), but after receiving well over 15mb, my patched still says 43.6mb. It looks to me like the patched number is inaccurate from the get go, and it isn't updating at all. Something is either wrong with the patch server, or…
  • Thanks Antovaras for verifying STO is patching fine. Okay, so please let me get another poster who thinks nothing is wrong and this is the way it's supposed to be because of two games patching today. It's the Neverwinter patch that's hosed atm. It's something with the files themselves, like I said earlier they might be…
  • Agreed. But please fix this other nonsense before we try adding this option. I don't want you guys to get confused.
  • Sounds good, but I think I should go just before you.
  • And now that I recall, the first time I started patching today there was over 600mb of files to patch, and I was up to 80ish percent rather quickly. After restarting the patcher, I only have a 101mb patch, and it's gotten through the first 30+ percent pretty rapidly. At around the mid 30s up into the mid 40s the transfer…
  • Nope. Someone at PW needs to call MJFox and get some help getting back to the future.
  • NOOO. Not everyone that plays both of these games are patching right at this moment. A handful are. Something is flubbed up on their end. I too am seeing the % change up and down if I restart or cancel the patching. It's almost as if something on the server is locally accessing the files for modification or something. I'm…
  • Ya, and they allow us to destroy the enchant in order to replace it with another. Several other games have this option I speak of, even the biggest one of them all...
  • I don't know. I'm making this up as I go.