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arex Arc User

I'm no longer going to frequent these forums, I'm quite certain that the mod's sigs are true, PWE and WoC certainly have no part in what happens here. You can catch my articulusrex <at> gmail.


  • I find that I have to hold the jump button down, if you just press and release, you won't jump as high.
  • I don't believe an Ioun or Cat can trigger AotP because neither of those companions is 'there' with you (can't be targeted by mobs).
  • What's your rotation? I haven't found a power that will group all the mobs back up together so I can root them all at once instead of chasing each one down.....is that in the Combat tree? XD
  • That's why you should always make sure there is a hunter in your group. I make sure that the baddies stay rooted so they can't come after you.
  • ^^^ This is what I understand too, so I am also splitting across the boons. So far I only have two, Crit and Control, I am conflicted about rather to take Lifesteal given the changes to it in Mod6.
  • On the advice of another player, I added Disrupting Shot to my rotation (every other ranged) and it seems to have cleared up most of my cooldown issues (unless I mash the buttons :P)
  • My understanding is that the nerf to our roots is correcting an issue with a mechanic of the roots that would also perma-stun (it was nice to see TRs complaining about someone else in PVP for a change).
    in Mod6 impacts Comment by arex August 2015
  • I know! Right? At least the individuals stay rooted (even if the roots stay rooted too). I find that my best bet is to wade right into the center and try to pull some agro so I can kite my mobs away from Dudley DC Dooright.
    in HR in tiamat Comment by arex August 2015
  • It's all a matter of perspective....if you look at subscription MMORPG's, you are looking at $9-$20/mo. How many months have you been playing this 'free' game? I suspect that the percentage of players that purchase Zen is a good bit higher than the ~1% that you posit, armadeonx. There is a reason that Cryptic uses this…
    in Cost Comment by arex August 2015
  • If it was the same one that hit the 'send the wrong lockbox into the game' button a few weeks ago they need to seriously examine their hiring practices.
  • I have found the cooldown thing to be an issue that may be tied to the knocking around issue..... The other night in a Tiamat instance, all but a handful of players quit and I eded up defending the cleric (can't remember which one it is by the White/Blue) by myself. I found that not only could I keep all of the adds…
    in HR in tiamat Comment by arex August 2015
  • I bought a purple cart last time, it makes a big difference
  • At-Wills: Rapid Shot/Strike - Careful Attack/Hunters Teamwork Encounter: Constricting Arrow/Steel Breeze Hindering Shote/Strike Fox's Cunning/Shift Dailies: Disruptive Shot Slasher's Mark Class: Aspect of the Serpent Aspect of the Pack Open with constricting to root, hindering, Hunter's Teamwork and Rapid (if needed) as I…
  • Hold on...so you won't buy something on the AH because you only want to grind it out in dungeons that have nothing to offer players that already have T2 or better gear? And this is somehow the fault of the boot-n-looters? Entitlement Complex? Your argument makes no sense, essentially you are saying "you people that. won't…
  • And effects boons back in Dread Ring and Sharandar (sp?)
  • I think it all comes down to the old sayings "Knowledge is power" and "There is no I in team" ;) But there is me Seriously though, I have tried to be a leader, but until we can group up to ensure that our instance is trying for victory rather than just exploring some interesting new content, it will be a <font…
  • Speaking as someone that has 'camped', when your group can't get the clerics clear so you can hit the heads until there are only 13 minutes left, and then the group can't manage to bring two heads down to ~20%, I'm not assuming anything, the low GS/clueless/troll crowd simply doesn't have enough of whatever it takes…
  • And, honestly, if you want to work your GS up, there are plenty of dungeons that aren't time limited (like Tiamat) that will get you pieces better than the mix of greens, blues, and T1 pieces that too many players wear. Cactus is 100% right on the issue of knowing how to set up and use a character properly. I'll admit that…
  • I originally thought it was just some errant button mashing on my part but I have noticed that it regularly occurs, maybe the order of my rotation is what is causing it. I'll have to play around with it some more.
  • Except I'm not using PF, I'm using PVorp so having a higher number of opportunities to crit pays off. I do use Hunters/Careful, but given that our cooldown reduction is still bugged when using encounter powers that have multiple charges, I find that I need to hit a few at-wills around every two rotations.
  • In character selection, you press 'Y' for options like you were going to respec him, the race re-roll should be available, mine worked.
  • I'll need to do more testing, but last night I collected all my successes (great and regular) and waited until I could find an instance with only one other person. Changed instance and opened the HE rewards, I got at least a blue with each one and two purples. My working theory is that the RNG is rolling for your 'tier' on…
  • I've tried a Greater Lightning and from what I can tell, it doesn't proc on the roots DoT so I switched back to my Perfect Vorpal. I've heard the argument that we Trappers just don't crit often enough to warrent a Vorpal, I routinely use Rapid Shot / Rapid Strike to fill gaps in CD Reduction and with a crit chance just shy…
  • I have found that by quitting out completely and reloading Neverwinter before I start any lair quest in WoD has solved my freeze/crash issues.
  • The numbers are somewhat dated, but here are some samples from the wiki. http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/RNG_Tests
  • With the exception of a green lathander belt, every artifact I have gotten in WoD has dropped from the :05 & :25, two from the Motes of Midnight one and one from the Raising Hell
  • The :05 and :25 minute HEs have a better chance for dropping an artifact I believe, or maybe it is just because there aren't so many other players competing for it.
  • Crit is currently just under 41%, with our quick attacks and rotation I see plenty of Orange damage numbers, crit severity is 80.4% plus the vorpal.
  • I play an L60 HR, started as Drow and unfortunately...... No animation for the Darkfire, at least with Drow. I haven't played the Mezz. Renegade. I ended up going with Dragonborn (and now Metallic) to get the increased crit and bonus damage from my artifact (20% damage bonus to the dragon heart artifacts), they also look…
  • It is staggering to imagine how empty their life must be that trolling Neverwinter players is what it takes to bring a smile to their face. Perhaps the proper response here should be pity, not scorn. ;)