I wasn't really trying to stick it to a generation, I hate to lump that many people together since there are so many not like that; it's just the vocal entitled minority that tend to get annoying. Of course being annoying is all a matter of perspective since there are a few who found my take in this thread to also be…
That's your best job at logic? The game is currently down, or is for me, so just having fun reading forums. Ooooh the fanboi slam, I'm crushed truly... there might even be tears.
I didn't run out of steam, I ran out of interest in what you were saying. I never said I agreed or didn't agree with the pricing... I said I don't care. Things can always be cheaper but I'm not going to waste a single moment complaining about what it costs me to buy what I can earn for free if I am willing to put in the…
I'll bandage your ribs if you bandage mine. The difference between you and me is that you want purchases to be attractive by YOUR standards. There are tons of people spending gobs of money who think the pricing meets their desires. Thanks for putting me in my place, too bad for you I was already happy in my place, but…
Not that it matters, but I have never once in my life made a decision by first contemplating what Vin Diesel would do. I'd be more apt to consider what Sheldon Cooper would do than Vin Diesel... just saying...
Much respect and you also are entitled to not like the game, but my thread wasn't about saying teh game was awesome, that wasn't the point, still wish you much enjoyment somewhere else...games are for fun and happiness and I hope you find yours so we can both be happy!
Actually I disagree, there are scads of posts claiming entitlement. Funny thing is I have tons of respect for your comment. You don't like the game, that's fine, you won't play it. Your not claiming to be being cheated or ripped off or any such thing. Everyone's tastes are different. I like it, you don't... fair enough and…
My pleasure :-) The incessant whining gets so tiresome... but then I'm sure there are people who stand in open fields yelling at God when there isn't enough wind to fly a kite.
If it goes away, it goes away. I will have had fun and gotten my money's worth. So few things in life are permanent. You responded, so my precious words won't have been lost :-)
Guess I'll go eat dinner and try again later. New game with server cap issues... if I weren't a veteran of game launches I'd be worried. For those of you with much angst, I feel for you, but best course of action is take 2 steps back, breathe, and be patient. Just my 2 cents.