@jaegernl I'll do some test of my own this week as well. I'm pretty certain PG use to hit those white numbers per tick on a non crit and a little over double that on a crit. They did nothing to decrease the tool tip vaule in previous patches. Of course we all know they decreased the range and how fast the ticks worked per…
@jaegernl I dont think so because in mod 9 it use to hit like a train way harder than SS ever could. If the the dmg adds up the way you said which I'm sure it does not anything that is DoT based would do the same and it doesn't. I'm telling you all they messed it more than we thought doing there little "fixes". Please go…
Plant Growths tool tip dmg no longer matches its actual dmg out put. Idk how I or anyone hasn't noticed this yet. For example, the white numbers for me are 59,257-71,297 on a non crit. What I'm actualy hitting is 15000-19,000 on a non crit. So in short Plant Growth no longer is out best dmg move. Everything else we do in…
Orcus set is what I use. Despite all it's set backs it is still the best more so in the new duns. Stuff that is super squishy the dex is belt seems to be better on, but only slightly. Group composition has a lot to do with it too. More uptime you have the better it is. Just think if they fixed what it doesn't interact with…
@dupeks so let me give you this example assuming I crit a 100% of the time. At a base of 85% with a addional 75% from a dread. Would adding 10% crit sev be better than 6% dmg increase?
The delay was not part of the fix in the patch note and we are getting one less tick than we are suppose to. There is nothing in terms of dmg to use on both sides melee and ranged that is as good. When you are in a groups with good buffs PG does have enough time to go off. All I purpose is that we get 1 tick each second…
Well they would know this if they actually play test things. Not just go in and change the code. Of course they always use the excuse it doesn't do that on the test shard.
Yeah that PG delay is very noticeable and I dont think that was part of the deal in the fix. I understand that the ticks were ticking to fast. They fixed that but at the same time broke it with that 2 sec delay before the frist tick even goes off. It's literally the only thing that doesn't instantly hit. It's bull <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>!
Yup that's is certainly all true. That Plant Growth is a major problem. Plant Growth is ticking 3 times not 4, and has nearly a 3 sec delay before the frist damage tick goes off. Many HRs have discussed this on the forums below is a link to the video for visual proof. https://1drv.ms/v/s!AhauZ45geKvtgy3KtUA-J35B2bS2
Swiftness of the fox change is what will cripple the Trapper. Yeah the fluidity may be there but I almost bet you the dmg compared to what it was isnt by being forced to use at-wills instead of another encounter. Against other classes we won't be as good get use to being bottom of the board. Oh and not to mention the…
Yeah they could make a lot of $$$ off this. Many people would love the opportunity to change there enchanment appearance. Personally I love the Perfect Lighting. Also feel that Trans Enchanments should look different currently they have the same look from Perfect to Trans. This would also really bring up the vaule of…