I'd like to give a huge thanks to @thefabricant for the massive contribution. I was trying to do so in-game, but couldn't, so it's nice to see that there's a thread here for this purpose. I used a couple of the sources quoted in the "almost everything" guide, but it was very helpful to find all that info in one place. I…
Was just thinking the same thing, though I don't have the skill/knowledge to update myself. If you need a proofreader (or anything else), @thefabricant, I'd be happy to help!
When researching T2 sets, I (and presumably others) found more than one instance of a mention of an ICD mechanic which limits the SW debuff to a MAX (best-case scenario) uptime of 50%. This result was reportedly demonstrated through log parsing, rather than guess work. I personally have not done any testing so I can't…
Thank you kindly for the information. As a Renegade, I have used CoI in single-target setups for the DoT alone (and to a lesser extent the AoE for trash), and have enjoyed how frequently it procs Nightmare Wizardry. Looks like it can proc on cast and ticks, but I could be wrong. I keep RoE around in those situations as…
A little clarification here, if you would be so kind to a lowly nub cw... Your recent ArP results in the CW 2014 buglist thread shows that neither power benefits from the ArP effect, which I understood to be called RI. Is this a debuff RI, not related to ArP?
By "Abbadon523" at laggygamerz (found via google): I don't know Abbadon, but after the work done on that post...well...I believe Abbadon knows what Abbadon is talking about. I've never done any testing myself, so I'm of no use. Will be checking to see if anyone posts results, though! :D
I would really appreciate a "colourblindness fix" as I'm red-green colourblind and the crosshair, red attack markers on the ground and other elements often aren't noticeable to me.
[TL;DR - read up on soft caps for stats. gear accessories, clothing and enchants to balance points out to neglected stats and according to soft caps and feats. HV!! augment!! GS isn't a good indicator of survival] Fine-tuning your gear and build will be something you'll do gradually over time to suit your needs and changes…
Ahh, kicking. This very nearly caused me to retire my account. My two cents: - Disable kicking once boss fight begins -or- make kicked player not drop from instance once boss fight begins & keep loot roll available until player has exited the instance. Heck, stick all the loot from every dungeon in a chest in Protector's…