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Wow the enemy NPCs are much deadler



  • translucentwolftranslucentwolf Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I stand corrected, sir!

    Seriously though, just bum around though the new areas till 70, and put on some blues. Then bum around though the new epic dungeons for a while and get the new purples. And then you'll be ready for Sharandar / DR / ICW etc. once more.

    Not the end of the world.
  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    lol here is the thing:

    Any player would naturally expect brand new end game content to go along with a new cap increase, to be really hard, requiring a group, so on. And for the level 60 single player quests to remain the same difficulty or maybe be a little more difficult. What cryptic did for some mysterious extremely counter-intuitive reason, is scale the normal level 60 single player content up to 70 and exponentially increased its difficulty.

    Yes BIS players were complaining that content was too easy. lol why why why would the devs make the content that MOST PLAYERS (not BIS!!!!) play every day as normal single player content, so difficult? To appease the BIS players? Would it not have made more sense to make whatever small amount of new end game content scaled to the new level cap?
  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    actually, the new content is easy. It's the *old* content that's deadly ;)

    Exactly. Makes absolutely no sense at all.
  • ndiovndiov Member Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Get to 70. Put on some 70 blue gear from the unicorn vendor. Try again.

    Your mod 5 purple BIS is now irrelevant.

    You'll need to get the new blues and then run the reworked 70 epic dungeons, and farm the new seals for the new gear.

    Yes I would like to hear from someone who has done this. Or I will find out for myself this weekend.
  • twilightwatchmantwilightwatchman Member Posts: 2,007 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    lol here is the thing:

    Any player would naturally expect brand new end game content to go along with a new cap increase, to be really hard, requiring a group, so on. And for the level 60 single player quests to remain the same difficulty or maybe be a little more difficult. What cryptic did for some mysterious extremely counter-intuitive reason, is scale the normal level 60 single player content up to 70 and exponentially increased its difficulty.

    Yes BIS players were complaining that content was too easy. lol why why why would the devs make the content that MOST PLAYERS (not BIS!!!!) play every day as normal single player content, so difficult? To appease the BIS players? Would it not have made more sense to make whatever small amount of new end game content scaled to the new level cap?
    Think about it. If they left the existing campaign zones as L60 they would have had to create far more L70 content from scratch. This way around everyone gets to play new content for a short time while levelling 60-70 then back to the same old grind in the same old zones except with greater difficulty.

    Maximum 'end game content' for minimum effort. It's the Cryptic way.
    Jenna Sunsoul - Justice Tankadin
    Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
    Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
    Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
    Darquess - Soulbinder
  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Think about it. If they left the existing campaign zones as L60 they would have had to create far more L70 content from scratch. This way around everyone gets to play new content for a short time while levelling 60-70 then back to the same old grind in the same old zones except with greater difficulty.

    Maximum 'end game content' for minimum effort. It's the Cryptic way.

    People are still going to the old zones though, out of habit, because most people tend to do just that. There is no story arc gating the old zones behind the elemental quests, gating difficult content behind less difficult content. They obviously totally botched the current content in pretty much every mod up to 6 and now are desperately trying to fix that by forcing this big square mod 6 into the fragile round mod 1-5.

    If they had to do this it would have been much better to just keep the level 70 content out of reach till level 70. Insert storyline. "Oh look some great evil power is now operating in all these zones you thought you had conquered, are you up to the challenge of finding the new secrets to this power and laying it to final rest" or some such. It would look like revamped current content, like a treat. "Wow look at all the work they did making the game fun again...instead of just a little new end game content we get all of the old content refreshed and rebranded- like brand new content!"

    Instead its just the same old but impossible to do at level 60, everyone is unhappy and the game looks like a ghost town. It did last night anyways. Empty campaign zones and as of about 1:00am est this morning the pvp leaderboard had an entire FIFTY SIX players. That last thing shocked me a bit. Like really wow, only 56 people have played a domination pvp match since mod6 dropped.
  • twilightwatchmantwilightwatchman Member Posts: 2,007 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    People are still going to the old zones though, out of habit, because most people tend to do just that. There is no story arc gating the old zones behind the elemental quests, gating difficult content behind less difficult content. They obviously totally botched the current content in pretty much every mod up to 6 and now are desperately trying to fix that by forcing this big square mod 6 into the fragile round mod 1-5.

    If they had to do this it would have been much better to just keep the level 70 content out of reach till level 70. Insert storyline. "Oh look some great evil power is now operating in all these zones you thought you had conquered, are you up to the challenge of finding the new secrets to this power and laying it to final rest" or some such. It would look like revamped current content, like a treat. "Wow look at all the work they did making the game fun again...instead of just a little new end game content we get all of the old content refreshed and rebranded- like brand new content!"

    Instead its just the same old but impossible to do at level 60, everyone is unhappy and the game looks like a ghost town. It did last night anyways. Empty campaign zones and as of about 1:00am est this morning the pvp leaderboard had an entire FIFTY SIX players. That last thing shocked me a bit. Like really wow, only 56 people have played a domination pvp match since mod6 dropped.
    Oh I agree that Mod 6 is a train wreck. I was just pointing out the 'reasoning' behind the barking mad choices.
    Jenna Sunsoul - Justice Tankadin
    Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
    Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
    Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
    Darquess - Soulbinder
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    People log in expecting to do dungeons and high-level skirmishes, which are mostly gone for the former, and in which they get their butts kicked for the latter.

    People who are levelling up get told to go to Cloak Tower, and are surprised to discover there is currently no such place.

    People who were working on campaigns to get boons are surprised to find that they can't do the content anymore that they could the day before.

    Most of these people aren't going to bother to try to figure out what's going on. I saw a lot of confusion in zone chat and a lot of people saying goodbye Neverwinter.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • mehguy138mehguy138 Member Posts: 1,803 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    The only thing left to do is farming quests in lvling zones. And what if I HATE doing it? HOW do I level? WHAT do I do?

    PvP? Lol, it's such a disaster now. Dungeons? Nope, should be lvl 70. Campaigns? Nah, I'm getting instagibbed by quicklings.
    M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
  • martydapartymartydaparty Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Why is it this way? It isn't fun getting 1/2 hit deaths in prior top gear! I might just give this game up, 1000s of hours gone for one update.
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Top gear for 60. Not 70. If you're going to a level 70 area thinking that your 60 gear is going to suffice (or even a 63 or so area) prepare for a reality check.

    Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?

    PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
  • wovenmidnightwovenmidnight Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    So, I hit 60 about two weeks before Mod 6. Had lots of fun, Neverwinter almost instantly became my new go to game when I sat down to play something. Cool. Pit fight, that was cool, as a new player, first even, played it 60+ time, lovin' neverwinter. Double XP marathon, I have a free second character slot, hey scourge warlocks look cool. Level an alt. And at this point I'm having so much fun I'm calculating how much it'll cost me to get more slots to play other classes. I never, ever, ever, play alts, that is how much I am enjoying myself.

    Elemental evil hits, woot. Look at all this! Spiffy tree, new skills, new class that I now have to get a slot to play, having a field day. Don't get me wrong, even as a new player, lots of the changes weren't necessarily things I was happy about, but, things change, and we take things as they come.

    So I get to playing, having fun. After a couple hours, I'm a little tired of scrutinizing every new change, it's late, I have to get up early. So I decide to do a little relaxed leveling with my campaign dailies before going to bed. I really really like sharandar as a map, so I jump in. I see I get bolstered and I don't think too much about it.....though I have a bad feeling. I jump into the reservoir dungeon thing, first time I do it mind you. I kill the first group and see the time, I'm thinking this will take a while, so I just get out, "I'll do it tomorrow".

    So today I log on, Lv70, here I come. Alright, sharandar, let's do it!..........Wait, this is hard. Like, really hard. Okay let's just do some over world stuff, even with my gear handicap, I can handle that right? Wrong! I managed to get some of the basic quests done thanks to a combination of luck, miracles and a random cleric that walked by at the right moment. But it was not fun.

    The fact is, level bolstering is entirely pointless. I am not very savvy when it comes to this game, I just barely know how stuff works, but I can manipulate the number enough to see that the gear gap is huge. I'm not sure why the campaign content wasn't simply made level 70 required since this was so clearly the intentional way of playing. But either way, the result can be very disheartening, and slightly frustrating for some (personally I'm just off to level of the new content). My own personal frustrations do intersect with this however: the large xp requirement for level 60-70, the fact that I wasn't doing daily campaign stuff after hitting 60 because I was specifically planning on leveling with it (since I enjoy the map and such) and didn't want to burn out on it etc, blah blah blah--I digress.

    It's too early to say, and I don't want to be impulsive and say something stupid, because that is easily done. I'll see further changes, how things change as I level and how I feel about the state of things, but remember this "go to game"? Not so clearly defined right now. Just saying.

    TL;DR: I'm whining, semi-justified, my opinion here meshes with whining because I am slightly miffed.
  • chaniki03906chaniki03906 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    So, I hit 60 about two weeks before Mod 6. Had lots of fun, Neverwinter almost instantly became my new go to game when I sat down to play something. Cool. Pit fight, that was cool, as a new player, first even, played it 60+ time, lovin' neverwinter. Double XP marathon, I have a free second character slot, hey scourge warlocks look cool. Level an alt. And at this point I'm having so much fun I'm calculating how much it'll cost me to get more slots to play other classes. I never, ever, ever, play alts, that is how much I am enjoying myself.

    Elemental evil hits, woot. Look at all this! Spiffy tree, new skills, new class that I now have to get a slot to play, having a field day. Don't get me wrong, even as a new player, lots of the changes weren't necessarily things I was happy about, but, things change, and we take things as they come.

    So I get to playing, having fun. After a couple hours, I'm a little tired of scrutinizing every new change, it's late, I have to get up early. So I decide to do a little relaxed leveling with my campaign dailies before going to bed. I really really like sharandar as a map, so I jump in. I see I get bolstered and I don't think too much about it.....though I have a bad feeling. I jump into the reservoir dungeon thing, first time I do it mind you. I kill the first group and see the time, I'm thinking this will take a while, so I just get out, "I'll do it tomorrow".

    So today I log on, Lv70, here I come. Alright, sharandar, let's do it!..........Wait, this is hard. Like, really hard. Okay let's just do some over world stuff, even with my gear handicap, I can handle that right? Wrong! I managed to get some of the basic quests done thanks to a combination of luck, miracles and a random cleric that walked by at the right moment. But it was not fun.

    The fact is, level bolstering is entirely pointless. I am not very savvy when it comes to this game, I just barely know how stuff works, but I can manipulate the number enough to see that the gear gap is huge. I'm not sure why the campaign content wasn't simply made level 70 required since this was so clearly the intentional way of playing. But either way, the result can be very disheartening, and slightly frustrating for some (personally I'm just off to level of the new content). My own personal frustrations do intersect with this however: the large xp requirement for level 60-70, the fact that I wasn't doing daily campaign stuff after hitting 60 because I was specifically planning on leveling with it (since I enjoy the map and such) and didn't want to burn out on it etc, blah blah blah--I digress.

    It's too early to say, and I don't want to be impulsive and say something stupid, because that is easily done. I'll see further changes, how things change as I level and how I feel about the state of things, but remember this "go to game"? Not so clearly defined right now. Just saying.

    TL;DR: I'm whining, semi-justified, my opinion here meshes with whining because I am slightly miffed.

    I am also new to Neverwinter as well I have been playing other ""MMO's"" and finally got my SW to 60 and was enjoying the content before Elemental Evil and yes I died alot due to not enough surviablility but now I can't kill anything even the new campaign stuff you are supposed to fight to level might be time to play another game for a lil while....
  • quspivquspiv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,087 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I went to some 557-58lvl zone with my 62lvl toon and was still taking quite a lot dmg and even nearly died to some boss in the story quest. There's definite something wrong or my character got bugged, because i dont remember taking so much dmg from lower lvl mobs before the patch.
  • slintashslintash Member Posts: 172 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    Top gear for 60. Not 70. If you're going to a level 70 area thinking that your 60 gear is going to suffice (or even a 63 or so area) prepare for a reality check.

    Even though I agree with you, that really isn't the way to tell people.

    Honestly, all these campaign zones (ESPECIALLY Tiamat) should not even be open to level 60 players, period. Right now it is not even viable for most level 60s to have fun in the current zones and the scaling either isn't working or is not good enough to compensate.

    The fact you and multiple other people have said "well you should be 70" just goes to show that it shouldn't even be open. Furthermore, the whole point of scaling would be to make it possible for 60-69 to do said content, if they can't and arn't "suppose to" then what's the point in it even being open to them? It just pisses people off.
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    slintash wrote: »
    Even though I agree with you, that really isn't the way to tell people.

    Honestly, all these campaign zones (ESPECIALLY Tiamat) should not even be open to level 60 players, period. Right now it is not even viable for most level 60s to have fun in the current zones and the scaling either isn't working or is not good enough to compensate.

    The fact you and multiple other people have said "well you should be 70" just goes to show that it shouldn't even be open. Furthermore, the whole point of scaling would be to make it possible for 60-69 to do said content, if they can't and arn't "suppose to" then what's the point in it even being open to them? It just pisses people off.

    Heaven forbid that, when they announce level-scaling so that we can go in there at 60 and adventure, we actually *believe* them.

    You know that uncomfortable feeling that you've been had? That's what I'm feeling at this moment.

    Either dial down this unreasonable level of difficulty to something that *is* reasonable, or lock anyone below 70 out. The situation as it stands does not honestly convey that these are actually no-go areas, even with so-called "level-scaling".

    You were warned, people -- repeatedly and by multiple individuals. You chose to ignore it, and this is the result.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • boogieman2kboogieman2k Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    slintash wrote: »
    Even though I agree with you, that really isn't the way to tell people.

    Honestly, all these campaign zones (ESPECIALLY Tiamat) should not even be open to level 60 players, period. Right now it is not even viable for most level 60s to have fun in the current zones and the scaling either isn't working or is not good enough to compensate.

    The fact you and multiple other people have said "well you should be 70" just goes to show that it shouldn't even be open. Furthermore, the whole point of scaling would be to make it possible for 60-69 to do said content, if they can't and arn't "suppose to" then what's the point in it even being open to them? It just pisses people off.

    Completely agree, there should be at least a warning that you are too low level to enter any of that zones like when you're level 20 and try to go to Icewind Dale or Sharandar.
  • blanndeblannde Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    The issue is that they should have created new areas/content for the campaigns, not just raise the level. By the time you have completed one, its starting to feel like your grinding, raising the level to 70 isn't the answer, new content is or just leave it alone. And in regards to the new levels, starting to feel like grinding already. Will give it a few more levels and time, but this does high light that investing in Zen is really a waste of money as far as gear goes. Think the changes will cause a lot of solo player like my self to go else where sooner rather than later.
  • rversantrversant Member Posts: 896 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I would be totally cool with it if mod 7 was Just a bug fix module with no other new content. that targeted and fixed all the long-bugged mechanics and game material that needs fixing and looked at the feats/powers of all classes for balance reasons (such as the long useless heroic feats not worth points, the bugged / broken / weak encounters no one who understands the game uses).

    Mod 7 : The eternal balance. Pls make it so.
    People are way too negative, Why cant we just all get along.

    Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    rversant wrote: »
    I would be totally cool with it if mod 7 was Just a bug fix module with no other new content. that targeted and fixed all the long-bugged mechanics and game material that needs fixing and looked at the feats/powers of all classes for balance reasons (such as the long useless heroic feats not worth points, the bugged / broken / weak encounters no one who understands the game uses).

    Mod 7 : The eternal balance. Pls make it so.

    Except that's not going to happen. Entire teams cannot, and will not, be laid idle just "to work on bugs", and you'd also have the complaints of "why nothing new?" Bugs are fixed when priorities allow, and when the team responsible for that particular aspect of the game (for instance, a character artist isn't going to work on battle mechanics, and vice versa--their skillsets are NOT interchangeable) can have it coded, tested, and ready to patch. It's also a matter of whether the resources are available to fix said bugs.

    There's also the not-trivial fact that new content is planned months in advance. While we were complaining about everything running up to mod 6, the dev team would have been working on things for module 8 and beyond.

    It isn't what people want to hear, but it's the cold truth of development.

    Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?

    PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
  • amenephisamenephis Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    hustin1 wrote: »
    Heaven forbid that, when they announce level-scaling so that we can go in there at 60 and adventure, we actually *believe* them.

    You know that uncomfortable feeling that you've been had? That's what I'm feeling at this moment.

    Wait, that isn't this "fun" people keep mentioning? I've just kind of come to associate that feeling with Cryptic in general, I assumed it must have been "fun".
  • pasadenawerebearpasadenawerebear Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    My two main characters used to be moderately strong before the Elemental Evil release, and now both are are pathetically weak. I thought EE was supposed to improve game play. It hasn't for me.

    I have spent over $500 over the past 12 months on my characters, and now that all seems for nothing. Give me one good reason why I should keep playing Neverwinter.

    As for joining a group... I have never been one for exploring Neverwinter as part of a group and do not see why I should start now. Neverwinter should cater to the lone wolves such as me, and not just to those players who wish to play as part of a group. It worked pre-EE. Why shouldn't it work now?

    A good example of the strong-to-weak change is my L60 GWF. In the WoD/Drake Pen, it has taken my character a while for it to be able to make it to the end-boss of the Drake Pen without dying, and it still died once every few rounds with the end-Boss (pre-EE). Now I cannot get it past the second group of opponents without dying. 3 tries, 3 deaths. The so-called L70 combat scaling is not working.

    As for my other character, a L60 TR, it has taken that character a while to be able to stand up to a Dire Polar Bear/Regular Polar Bear pair. Post-EE, it looses 90% of its health from just one swipe of the Dire Polar Bear's paw. Something is terribly wrong with the EE release.

    This game is no longer fun for me because it looks like there is no chance of my characters advancing any further.

    Dev Team: Please bring back the old battle code!

    Okay... After reading many posts, it seems like one needs to complete EE (or play at least play it a lot of it) before returning to IWD and WoD to complete those campaigns. A very strange way to run a game, and as far as I know this oddity was not well published.

    I have played through the first two EE quests (Elemental Seeds) with my GWF character and they are of a reasonable difficulty for my character. I hope the quests continue to be that way. I have not tried my TR yet because I am doing some black ice crafting with him and he is taking a rest until all his black ice crafting has finished, but I expect the playability to be similar.

    So, it looks like I am back in NW, although I really expected to play EE only after completing IWD and WoD. It feels odd to play the newest module before finishing older modules.

    So... For those of us [including me] who complained about how difficult the game has gotten, we need to play through EE and then return to IWD/WoF (and Sharandar too?).
  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    People log in expecting to do dungeons and high-level skirmishes, which are mostly gone for the former, and in which they get their butts kicked for the latter.

    People who are levelling up get told to go to Cloak Tower, and are surprised to discover there is currently no such place.

    People who were working on campaigns to get boons are surprised to find that they can't do the content anymore that they could the day before.

    Most of these people aren't going to bother to try to figure out what's going on. I saw a lot of confusion in zone chat and a lot of people saying goodbye Neverwinter.

    That is exactly right. Again: level 60's should simply not be able to even enter the level 70 zones. That needs to be gated behind level and a story arc that makes those old areas seem new and interesting. All it would have really taken is some additional text in npc conversations. Mage or cleric npcs guarding the outbound Neverwinter gates. You are level 60 and try to go to a evel 70 area and they stop you and explain what is going on and urge you on to the NEW BIG GLOWING FRIKING TREE in the center of PE. At that point, I could see the npc giving you the option, "Hey it is suicide, but if you insist I can bolster your power for free in hopes that you make it!". Then they let you through and you end up in the zone at level 70 and you get your bum stomped like the npc (the game) told you you would.

    But the way this change was executed in actuality is really poor. It doesn't make "oh cool new story, revamped areas" it makes suck. And that sucks because you can tell a ton of thought and work was done by a lot of people.

    Devs, you can't rely on blogs, you can't rely on arc news or forum news or even personal phone calls to to every single player...you gotta make the information you want to communicate, a part of the game.
  • rversantrversant Member Posts: 896 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Okay... After reading many posts, it seems like one needs to complete EE (or play at least play it a lot of it) before returning to IWD and WoD to complete those campaigns. A very strange way to run a game, and as far as I know this oddity was not well published.

    I have played through the first two EE quests (Elemental Seeds) with my GWF character and they are of a reasonable difficulty for my character. I hope the quests continue to be that way. I have not tried my TR yet because I am doing some black ice crafting with him and he is taking a rest until all his black ice crafting has finished, but I expect the playability to be similar.

    So, it looks like I am back in NW, although I really expected to play EE only after completing IWD and WoD. It feels odd to play the newest module before finishing older modules.

    So... For those of us [including me] who complained about how difficult the game has gotten, we need to play through EE and then return to IWD/WoF (and Sharandar too?).

    Man I was so jelly on preview of minsc. He's got a GWF weapon. but hes a ranger and has boar charge. I WISH I had boar charge on my GWF.
    People are way too negative, Why cant we just all get along.

    Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
  • oldcampaigneroldcampaigner Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I got murdered in Master of the Hunt -- repeatedly. However, I found the baddies in the new adventures easy to kill, maybe too easy.
  • cl1mh4224rdcl1mh4224rd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    unangwata wrote: »
    People can't solo dailies there anymore.

    All of the campaign-related zones and quests are now level 70 content. Yeah, the bolstering mechanic bumps you up to 70, but you're still fighting with level 60 gear.
  • cl1mh4224rdcl1mh4224rd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    OK, so... the Campaigns (Sharandar, Dread Ring, etc.) are endgame content, and since level 70 is the new endgame, it only makes sense that this content be scaled up for level 70 characters. It's a bit awkward, and somewhat frustrating, to have content that you were doing last week suddenly kicked out of your reach, but I'm ultimately OK with that. The new rewards should make it worthwhile.

    But there are problems.

    Keeping the campaign content open to level 60 characters is nice and all, but there's no obvious indication that the content is now much too difficult for individual level 60 characters to take on (other than repeatedly having your butt handed to you by content you used to be able to handle). There is still much weeping and gnashing of teeth.

    I don't think the bolstering mechanic helps here, either; it seems to provide no tangible benefit to the player while, possibly, providing a false sense of capability.

    Possible solution: A "content difficulty" warning similar to the warning that a level 20 character would get when entering, say, The Chasm. This warning would bring attention to the fact that, yes, you are being bolstered to level 70, but your best chance of success here is to group up with other players.
  • tgruudinitgruudini Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    after returning to the game I tried to continue the Shandandar Campaign (100% unlocked!) ant got beaten up by a bunch of Powries (Wizzard, lvl 61). Ist that standard now? or does the levelling up 60to70 not work propperly?

    Where do I get improvement? Theres no message in the box to inform (and there are messegas for some HAMSTER...)

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks a lot.
  • xginocidexxginocidex Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    All the end game areas had there levels increased to 70. So you have to level up in the new areas. You are suppose to be scaled up to level 70 if you enter those areas but its a challenge since you have level 60 gear. Go to PE to start the new content to start leveling up.
  • ninatheaxeninatheaxe Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Yeah, it's embarrassing isn't it?

    But as stated above, go to PE, talk to Knoxy and do the new lvl 61+ quest line then you should end up strong enough to survive a few (formerly) puny Powries.... Maybe....
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