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Xbox One's lack of a minimap is truly horrendous.



  • kopfreinkopfrein Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Here is one more for a toggle. Sometimes a minimap is in the way, but sometimes useful.
  • zazaajizazaaji Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2015
    z33n4 wrote: »
    A toggle might be nice, but yea, given the resolution I bet it would really detract from viewing screen..

    That said.. When playing in a dungeon my party and I were losing each other! :o
    Can there at least be a bread trail for party leaders so we can find each other in dungeons please?

    With or without a minimap, having breadtrails to other party members (different colors than quest breadtrails) would be pretty nice anyway.
  • bladovackbladovack Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    or coloured arrows floating above party members heads when they are far away that doesn't shrink and can be seen through walls, sort of like their names but much clearer.
  • bobenglebobengle Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I agree, a mini-map would be very helpful
  • mauchline0887mauchline0887 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I agree, The interface needs some aesthetic and practical fixes.
  • masta420captainmasta420captain Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    "Watching the livestream reminds me of my endless hours consumed by Marrowind (spelled Morrowind), where we didn't have such a thing and it was fine."

    Morrowind did have a minimap on both PC and console. On the 360 version I believe it was on the top right corner of screen. It was small, but useful since it had a minimap.

    Check out the Morrowind minimap image:


    Neverwinter is a great MMORPG that NEEDS a minimap, period.

    Morrowind was a great game .... One of my all-time favorites.
  • zazaajizazaaji Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2015
    As evident in this thread: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?840971-Xbox-One-s-lack-of-a-minimap-is-truly-horrendous Nearly everyone wants a minimap in some form. The only person that didn't really want it is zebular, but even he said he'd be ok with a toggle. Literally everyone else directly wants it on the 4 pages and still growing thread aforementioned, or directly wants the ability to toggle it when it's needed.

    Last we heard was during the Q&A live stream, which they said: "Minimap might be added if enough people want it.", supposedly.

    Since so many people are saying they want it, can we please have some update on this? Frankly, the lack of a minimap made the game nearly unplayable in my opinion, and very unfun. I only got to level 10 then stopped playing the beta (kept giving feedback and bug reports though) simply because the lack of a minimap was driving me crazy. Having to open the full map at least twice (once to see general area of objective, once again to see direction of quest turn in NPC) on every single quest is incredibly annoying, and seriously negatively impacted my enjoyment of the game, borderline ruined it for me. You could argue the trails work, but that lads to the problem of having to open the Journal every single time to hide the current quest trail and activate another if it's tracking the wrong quest, which is even worse than viewing the full map.

    I love the idea of having a true full FTP MMO on XB1, or any console really, but I still don't understand the reasoning behind removing a feature already on PC. You can argue that it cramps the UI, but that leads to the fact that the PC version has the ability to rearrange/resize the UI, which was removed in the XB1 version too.

    So please, can we get some word on the minimap for XB1? If it's added, it'll multiply my like of the game a ton, and I guarantee I'll be buying Zen points or whatever it's called on XB1. Without it.... I question how long I'll play the game at all, muchless won't be buying any Zen point.
  • warlord2015kwarlord2015k Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    The Trail works Fine i dont see why so many people have problems with it i mean yes some times it sends you to random places but always gets you where you need to be ;)
  • zazaajizazaaji Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2015
    The Trail works Fine i dont see why so many people have problems with it i mean yes some times it sends you to random places but always gets you where you need to be ;)

    And you have to open the Journal every single time to hide the current quest trail and activate another if it's tracking the wrong quest. A minimap would just have all nearby quest points seen all at once, which is much prefered. No menus, much faster, etc.
  • warlord2015kwarlord2015k Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    It should be polished with release tho so im sure it would work for people , im not saying i wouldnt want a minimap i just want the game released already lol
  • babalitybabality Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Was it really that hard to hold LB and press D-pad up?

    A Mini-map is not needed imo.
  • zazaajizazaaji Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2015
    babality wrote: »
    Was it really that hard to hold LB and press D-pad up?

    A Mini-map is not needed imo.

    No, but it was "really that hard" to use it without it interfering with gameplay. That was a full area map, not any form a convenient-to-use map, and it was not intended to be.

    1 - It covered the entire screen, and was not transparent.
    2 - You couldn't walk/move while using it.
    3 - Because of Number 2, it makes it much harder to get from point a to point b through passage c, cave d, valley e, then canyon f. You'd have to open the map, taking up the entire screen, stop walking, look at the map at every single one of those points just to get to a point in the case the trail fails to work properly (happened to me a few times). If you don't know the map well enough to recognize landmarks in the zone, it's insanely annoying.

    Having a simple minimap would solve all that. If there was a semi transparent full map that could actually be used while moving/walking, then yes, minimap would not be needed, and I'd just have used LB + Up Dpad all the time. That is not the case though.
  • gaanjaa81gaanjaa81 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    i wouldn't go as far to say it ruined my game time during the beta but i do agree, a mini map would be great.

    the one thing i dont like about the trail (or quest trails on ANY game) is it becomes to easy to rely on it, you dont learn the area's as well as you would without it because you dont look about for landmarks or enjoy the scenery and stuff because your just focusing on the trail and it can feel like your on rails simply chugging along from place A to place B and not learning the maps/zone along the way.

    That being said though, i wil be playing regardless and i still enjoyed the beta but i do agree with the OP that we should at least have a toggle option for it.
    Devoted cleric rule number one = We cant cure stupidity so no heals for fools ^.^
  • attorn97attorn97 Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Add me to the list of people who don't need a minimap. Opening the full map every now and then doesn't make the game unplayable to me. It has entirely zero impact on my gameplay.
  • kattfiskenkattfisken Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I agree on that a minimaps not needed but it could be a nice addition to ppl that want it. Though their first priority should be to fix the UI layout before they clutter it even more with a mini map. At the moment it really takes up to much space and it should be placed More to the edges of the screen imo.
  • eviloknight23eviloknight23 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    The trail didn't always work... and it had issues with parties and certain quests.
  • cyanidelcyanidel Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    in almost any mmo their is a mini map of some sort. Without a mini map it wouldnt be apealing to most. almost everyone that plays mmos loves the ability to toggle on or off a mini map. ive played just about every mmo out to man, and have managed top guilds. Me personally i love having a mini map. Count my vote lol. gamertag: CyanideL
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited February 2015
    They said in the XBOX Livestream that if there's enough support for the return of the mini-map, that they will be open to adding a toggle option for it. It's just that as it was during Beta, it was not going to change at that time. There's no need for any more official word than that yet, until either the next round of testing or into release.

    So, just keep individual posts for support coming. No need to keep re-posting the same request. Once is enough from each user.

    So, on that note: I would like to see an option to toggle it on and off via a button able to be bound to one of the direction buttons on the thumb-pad, even though I'll end up leaving it off most of the time. I'd even like such a keybind toggle on the PC!
  • sickoslayer417sickoslayer417 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    It gives u a quest line to follow. You should never need a mini map. I made it to 38 just fine without it and vendor finding is easy. I feel its a waste of screen to use a mini map
  • pfreemannpfreemann Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Yes please give us the mini map
  • ezbeats1ezbeats1 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    A toggle able minimal would be great.
    could be in the settings menu, or some hot key type thing.
  • capcoldasicecapcoldasice Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    pfreemann wrote: »
    Yes please give us the mini map
    I agree, bringing up the full map every time is anoying.
  • iakhuiakhu Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I completely agree! After playing it on my PC I need some kind of a mini map in the console version too. Why not the upper right corner were the PC map is? It's annoying without especially when you play with your buddies, too often someone get lost and you have to open up the full map!
  • zazaajizazaaji Member Posts: 186
    edited March 2015
    While a mini-map will not be included at launch on Xbox One, the feedback was definitely heard and we will be discussing solutions for subsequent updates.
  • maxpower469maxpower469 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    they might do it in a future patch but till game launch and major/ priority bug get address it they wont do this.
  • holywalkerzholywalkerz Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    How do you remove the quest trail? in game it says to go to journal but I cant seem to find a way to turn it off in the journal menu.
  • sirdurendinsirdurendin Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    NEED look inversion also!!! I simply cannot play without having the look thumbstick inverted! And I'm not going to try breaking 10+ years of gaming habits on this game. Simple inverted setting shouldn't be that hard to implement!
  • apophusapophus Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    NEED look inversion also!!! I simply cannot play without having the look thumbstick inverted! And I'm not going to try breaking 10+ years of gaming habits on this game. Simple inverted setting shouldn't be that hard to implement!

    It's already implemented; go to options, and it should be the first item under gameplay. I had to search for it a little myself, lol.

    As far as the UI in general, I like it so far. The only things that keep me from loving it is no scalable UI (it's a little large for my liking) and no minimap. My god, what I wouldn't do for a minimap...
  • spfiendspfiend Member Posts: 8
    edited April 2015
    I agree I really want a minimap.. I also want the option to switch how the interaction/jump bottons work.. I rather have it so LB/A is to interact and just have A as the jump button..
  • phamonphamon Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    +1 for minimap please
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