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Official Feedback Thread: Hunter Ranger Cap Raise



  • k9madrushk9madrush Member Posts: 534 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2015
    Crushing Roots: Your Weak Grasping Roots now also Daze the target for .5s and your Strong Grasping Roots Daze the target for 1s.
    Rank Up: Duration +100%.

    This is way too much for a class with a 6 encounter and no hussle TAB mechanic, you just made HR a cookie cutter class are you not aware of how much damage potential a trapper HR have? coupled with root lock kindly remove the dps from roots and you can put the daze.
  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Crushing Roots: Your Weak Grasping Roots now also Daze the target for .5s and your Strong Grasping Roots Daze the target for 1s.
    Rank Up: Duration +100%.

    This is way too much for a class with a 6 encounter and no hussle TAB mechanic, you just made HR a cookie cutter class are you not aware of how much damage potential a trapper HR have? coupled with root lock kindly remove the dps from roots and you can put the daze.

    First of all this is not some nerf thread for other classes and if you yourself wasent to lazy to even bother to read the update notes you would have seen the following...
    Crushing Roots: This feature now causes Weak Grasping roots to daze targets for .125s per rank (down from .5s per rank) and Strong Grasping Roots to daze targets for .25s per rank (down from 1s per rank). Thorned Roots now correctly respects this class feature.

    But dont worrie you and other cw tr cried hard enough to make it useless enough so nobody will use it.
    As it stands now its hardly even a interupt in pvp and in pvp you never notice if you have it on bar or not.
  • ralexinorralexinor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I would like to make some suggestions for the Hunter Ranger class, as late as this may be. Note that this post is mainly pertaining to PvP - specifically endgame premade PvP. I do not care about killing 5k GS pugs, although this can relate to pug pvp as well.

    Just a quick note about what I envision the HR as and my opinion + history on/of it - I started playing HR just before the Module 2 Tenacity patch, and made my HR my main (previous was TR) when the tenacity patch hit as I no longer enjoyed playing the TR class. I found the Module 2 playstyle extremely fun and quite challenging at times particularly since I was new to the class, even though it was a fairly OP class, yet again. Module 3 HR was quite fun as well, although quite OP with mechanics such as the PvP sets not having an ICD on the healing. I disliked the Module 4 HR meta, as it encouraged using one stance more often, and relied on procs for damage (module 3 HR could also be put in this category, although it was easier to tell a bad HR from a good HR in module 3). Module 5 HR is quite fun with the stance swapping and somewhat more active playstyle, but I dislike the fact that HR 1v1s are pretty much non-existent due to the undodgeable roots and yet again, the class relies on an procs to deal damage, coupled with the lack of the need to time skills properly since your opponents cannot dodge them most of the time (TRs, of course, being the exception). Out of all the HR metas, I liked the module 2 HR the most. I will also go ahead and say that HRs have been very good in PvP for pretty much every module, and have been the strongest class (1v1 wise at least), in several modules (modules 3-4 in particular, and module 2 as well). There were several things I didn't agree with in most modules, however, that's irrelevant and I'll move onto the main point of this post.

    Currently in Module 5, Trapper HRs reign supreme as the FOTM build for HRs. With undodgeable roots and heavy hitting bleeds that can kill pretty much every class in one application if not removed/resisted/deflected/other sort of protection such as Astral Shield from DCs, along with very short cooldowns against a visible target, HRs are deadly opponents, and are OP in their own right (just not as bad as DC/TR). Although other classes are equally or more unbalanced, it doesn't mean HRs should also be OP. Module 6 HRs are much the same as Module 5, although the balance of other classes have changed as well.

    In terms of how each HR path is atm in Module 5:
    • Archery - while still fairly viable in PvE, Archery is just short of woeful in PvP. Lacking survivability, AP, and having subpar damage compared to the other two paths, there's no reason to go Archery. Although this path could work as a rotating sniper build, Aimed Shot's charge time is too long and the damage is too easy to dodge, and is not very reliable.
    • Combat - build of self heals and single target damage, Combat comes in second in terms of teamplay/utility, and first in 1v1s (variable depending on opponent class). Although Combat HRs won't clear as fast as their Trapper counterparts, Combat is still a viable build, but lacks usefulness in team situations.
    • Trapper - FOTM build right now, has some extremely powerful aoe and single target damage, and some useful CC for intercepting and holding opponents. This build will clear most things very quickly if you get a crit rotation/bleed ticks up and the opponent has no cc immunity/break skills or damage reduction skills such as Astral Shield, and is particularly good in teamplay.

    So right now, the order goes Trapper > Combat > Archery. I'll talk specifically about Trappers and 1v1ing other classes in this situation (again, not too important as domination is teamplay, not always 1v1s). This is assuming the trapper knows what they're doing, and the opponent also knows what they're doing:
    • Trapper HR vs Healing DC -> stalemate
    • Trapper HR vs DPS DC -> DPS DC wins
    • Trapper HR vs Renegade CW -> whoever gets first hit in, or if HR has Forest Ghost (CW will usually win if HR does not crit - it's basically a game of whoever-oneshots-whoever-first)
    • Trapper HR vs Sentinel GWF -> HR wins unless GWF gets crit rotation + daily in
    • Trapper HR vs Destroyer GWF -> variable, HR will win if GWF does not crit
    • Trapper HR vs Protector GF -> GF will kill the HR if targetlocking/HR cannot get behind the shield, otherwise probably a HR win
    • Trapper HR vs Conqueror SM GF -> GF will kill HR if they can one-rotation (since dodging Crescendo is close to impossible most of the time), otherwise HR will eventually kill the GF
    • Trapper HR vs Conqueror IV GF -> HR wins if GF cannot land CCs, GF wins if they can one-rotation
    • Trapper HR vs Temptation SW -> HR wins, unless you're dumb enough to unload while they're sprinting
    • Trapper HR vs Fury SW -> HR wins but can be one-rotation'd by SW (however there's still SF afterwards)
    • Trapper HR vs Damnation SW -> lol these exist?
    • Trapper HR vs Saboteur TR -> TR wins
    • Trapper HR vs Scoundrel TR -> TR wins
    • Trapper HR vs Executioner TR -> TR wins
    • Trapper HR vs Archery HR -> Trapper wins
    • Trapper HR vs Combat HR -> Combat wins
    • Trapper HR vs Trapper HR -> whoever hits first/crits first wins

    Overall compared to the last few modules, the FOTM HR build isn't too bad in terms of balance, but nevertheless, the fact you can just spam things and kill most classes is pretty stupid. Anyway, I'd like to propose these changes to the HR class, in terms of balancing out the paths, as well as removing some of the more OP things, and making some previously unused skills viable.

    Currently, most of HR damage is coming from feats - as Trapper, about 40-50% of my damage is from Thorned Roots. As Combat, barring Piercing Blades as it's a flat 40% damage bonus, most of my damage is from Careful Attack and Blade Hurricane and Fox shift. As Archery, most of my damage is from Thorn Ward. Again, especially in the case of Trapper and Combat, a lot of damage is coming from procs and feats - in my opinion, I think the base damage should be there with the encounters and at-wills, with feats reinforcing the playstyle and damage of those encounters and at-wills, but not providing OP procs that become the basis of the path. I think feats should still leave you open to using any encounters you like, while making the ones more specific to your path more effective. While this is partially achieved right now, I feel like most encounters or at-wills are not effective enough, which causes HRs to rely on procs for damage. This includes module 6 additions.

    • Ranged: Rapid Shot - for what it is, Rapid Shot works quite well. Would be nice to be able to move during the skill, however, I think that would be fairly broken and OP. Overall, needs no changes.
    • Melee: Rapid Strike - also works quite well, and needs no changes.
    • Ranged: Split Shot - Split Shot does not get used much in PvP due to lack of damage, and even as an AoE skill it is lacking in terms of damage. It used to be very good in Module 2, but was nerfed because the damage was over the top. I would suggest having 3% damage added to this skill per target in the cone, up to a maximum of 15%.
    • Melee: Split Strike - comparatively to Rapid Strike, this skill does woeful damage, which is fine since it's an AoE. However, it would be nice to have some utility added to this skill, such as a small movement speed buff after its use. The artifact weapon bonus does help with the utility of this at-will, though (10% stamina per use of Split Strike).
    • Ranged: Aimed Shot - high damage but interruptable. I think this skill is relatively balanced, however to help with Archery HRs, I think a slow could be added to the shot if the target is hit for a short duration (15% for 3 seconds could be nice).
    • Melee: Aimed Strike - very good bleed damage and works well when chained to other encounters. I don't think this at-will needs any additional buffs lest it becomes OP.
    • Pathfinder: Ranged: Hunter's Teamwork - slightly more damage than Rapid Shot, but with a slower attack speed, which is fine, and also debuffs target damage by 5%. I don't think this needs any changes.
    • Pathfinder: Melee: Careful Attack - I think this synergizes pretty well with a lot of HR skills, particularly with Combat HR feats, however, the multi-procing needs to be fixed or the damage of this skill reduced. Additionally, it should only proc off encounters, dailies and at-wills - it should not proc off weapon enchants or glyphs or other similar DOTs.
    • Stormwarden: Ranged: Electric Shot - pretty cool animation, however the damage and animation speed of Electric Shot is woeful. I suggest speeding it up to be around the animation speed of Hunter's Teamwork.
    • Stormwarden: Melee: Clear the Ground - very good PvE AoE skill for Combat and Trapper HRs. Useful in PvP for finding TRs as well. However, to bring this in line with the Pathfinder equivalent, in PvP, this skill could push the opponent back slightly on a crit, similar to CW's Severe Reaction.

    • Ranged: Marauder's Escape - very useful for positioning, however not being able to use it from the air is quite annoying and should be fixed. Additionally, I think either a) a CC break could be added or b) skill could have CC immunity for the duration, but cannot break from CCs.
    • Melee: Marauder's Rush - this skill is fine as it is.
    • Ranged: Hindering Shot - does decent damage, and is fine as it is, however, recovery/cooldown reductions should be affecting the refill time, not the recharge time (aka should not be affecting the 3-second cooldown between each charge's use, and should be affecting the cooldown of the charges themselves). The roots from the skill need to be dodgeable.
    • Melee: Hindering Strike - fine as it is, however, the bug where the encounter activates but does not do damage or CC even though it hit the target should be fixed, and the roots from this encounter should be dodgeable.
    • Ranged: Rain of Arrows - could do with a slow if the target is hit. Not really used much in PvP because of how hard it is to hit the target with the attack and the fact they can just walk out of it. I suggest giving the encounter a bleed per hit, and widening the encounter range (in PvP only, this would largely unbalance PvE).
    • Melee: Rain of Swords - should no longer multiproc Blade Hurricane (Combat capstone), however, it should tick twice as fast at least and damage should be increase. Duration should remain the same. Animation could also be sped up, while reducing the range.
    • Ranged: Thorn Ward - although a lot of people probably have bad memories from the HRs faceplanting in the middle of the big red circle and going yoga-mode in module 3, I think this skill is fine as it is. Being able to stack it would be so broken in this module, due to Trapper cooldown reductions.
    • Melee: Thorn Strike - animation is clunky and does next to no damage, is basically just skill to waste to reduce your ranged cooldowns (as Trapper). I suggest adding a DR debuff or bleed to this attack, or increasing the damage.
    • Ranged: Constricting Arrow - I really miss the module 2/3 stun from this skill, although I'm pretty sure it was a wee bit broken, so no. This skill's root mechanic should be dodgeable, but other than that it's fine. In line with the module 2/3 mechanic, I think this skill could also do the vines-stun thing for one tick only (as opposed to the 3 ticks that were 3 seconds apart in module 2/3).
    • Melee: Steel Breeze - useful for stamina refill. This skill is fine as it is.
    • Ranged: Boar Hide - should not be removed by dots, and the 50% reduction on party members should be removed.
    • Melee: Boar Rush - the small stun after the animation lands should be reduced or removed, or the prone time increased.
    • Ranged: Hawk Shot - damage is woeful and pretty useless. On live, the damage range is from 200-5000 damage-ish, I think the base at minimum range should be increase to at least 3k, with the damage bonus starting when you're at least 25ft from your target. At max range (i.e. 80ft) this skill should do only a bit less than Aimed Shot.
    • Melee: Hawkeye - damage bonus is terrible because it procs off dots. This damage bonus should apply to encounters only, and the 50% reduction on allies should be removed.
    • Ranged: Binding Arrow - skill is fine as it is, however the fact the roots don't work if you're past 40ft should be fixed. Also the roots should be dodgeable.
    • Melee: Oak Skin - heal should be affected by power/damage bonus, and should be able to crit. Duration should be reduced slightly, and the 50% reduction on allies should be removed.
    • Ranged: Commanding Shot - either should be changed so a) HRs are cc immune during this attack or b) animation time should be decreased to be the same as Hawk Shot. Damage should also be increased to be similar to Binding Arrow/Constricting Arrow.
    • Melee: Stag Heart - should be stackable and the 50% reduction on allies should be removed.
    • Ranged: Fox's Cunning - this encounter is fine as it is.
    • Melee: Fox Shift - is mostly fine, although possibly could do with a slight damage reduction so other encounters are more viable. Would need to be careful to not over-nerf it.
    • Ranged: Cordon of Arrows - TBA
    • Melee: CoA Melee - TBA
    • Ranged: Plant Growth - TBA
    • Melee: Gushing Wound - TBA
    • Pathfinder: Ranged: Ambush - the bug with Trapper Swiftness of the Fox should be fixed (along with the DC artifact). Damage bonus should persist for all attacks during Ambush. Ambush should additionally grant 5-10% crit chance.
    • Pathfinder: Melee: Bear Trap - "throw a huge bear trap..."; Bear Trap should live up to its description - the size of the bear trap should be increased, additionally, the charge time should be decreased to 8 seconds and should be affected by recovery/cooldown reductions. The animation time should also be decreased so you're not standing there like a trap waiting for the bear trap to finish rolling on the floor. Also, Bear Trap should not break Ambush's stealth.
    • Stormwarden: Ranged: Split the Sky - completely subject to RNG and so on. The insane multiprocs should be fixed, however, STS should hit the opponent you deal damage to if they're under the cloud. This may warrant a damage reduction, though.
    • Stormwarden: Melee: Throw Caution - should affect allies, and the damage increase on you should only be for the first hit.

    • Seismic Shot - is fine as it is. Animation time could be decreased in PvP.
    • Forest Ghost - I think this daily is fine as it is, as stuns remove it. In terms of balancing, possibly any CC should break it, including dazes. I.E. If a CW uses Oppressive Force currently after you've entered Forest Ghost, you are immune to the daze - this proposed change would mean that the daze would affect you and CC you during Forest Ghost.
    • Forest Meditation - could add a CC break effect to the initial activation.
    • Disruptive Shot - cooldown could be increased to about 11-12 seconds, possibly even 15 seconds (current cd is about 9.5 seconds).
    • Pathfinder: Slasher's Mark - decrease AP use to 75%, and add a 15 second cooldown, along with a slight damage reduction.
    • Stormwarden: Cold Steel Hurricane - Suggestion a) should summon a ball of lightning around the HR, similar to CW's shield, and it should attack and snare any targets you come close to. Duration: 5 seconds. OR Suggestion B) should function like it currently is, however, the ball should stay where it is summoned rather than moving in a line. CSH should also be reduced to 75% AP. 15 second cooldown.

    Class Features
    • Aspect of the Falcon - Critical Strikes give you a stack of "Falcon something-or-other". Max 5 stacks. Each stack lasts 3 seconds, and increases the range of your ranged encounters by 3ft, and your melee encounters by 1ft. Falcon stacks are not refreshed by new critical strikes, and when each stack expires, your cooldowns are reduced by 0.5 seconds. This is at max rank (can change the ranges/cooldowns for the lower ranks or something).
    • Aspect of the Lone Wolf - fine as it is, although considering it gives 20% deflect at rank 4 in Module 6, I think it may need to be reverted back to 15% deflect.
    • Aspect of the Pack - increase the base range by 5'.
    • Aspect of the Serpent - fine as it is.
    • Seeker's Vengeance - change to Combat Advantage damage instead of attacks from behind.
    • Crushing Roots - Strong Roots daze your opponent for 3 seconds at max rank (this is assuming tenacity reduces it to about 1.5-2 seconds). This has a cooldown of 10 seconds. Weak Roots daze/interrupt your opponent for 0.25 seconds at max rank.
    • Pathfinder: Battlehoned - deflects now have a 50% chance to heal you for 1% of your max HP (at max rank). This effect can only occur once every 2 seconds. Additionally, your incoming healing is increased by 5% (max rank).
    • Pathfinder: Pathfinder's Action - bugs with this should be fixed (particularly first rank not giving deflect). Other than that, I think this feat is fine.
    • Pathfinder: Cruel Recovery - should be stackable.
    • Stormwarden: Blade Storm - should activate on both melee and ranged skills.
    • Stormwarden: Stormstep Action - is fine as it is. Should also provide similar deflect to Pathfinder's Pathfinder's Action to bring it in line. Possibly should be a bit less since cooldown reductions are a bit better than movement speed.
    • Stormwarden: Twin-Blade Storm - is fine as it is.

    Heroic Feats
    *Note: Since most of these are the same across classes, I will only list the HR-specific ones that I think need changing.
    • Nature's Enhancement: provides 10% deflect severity after swapping stances.
    • Extra Action: 15% more movement speed instead of AP gain.

    Paragon Feats
    Tier 1:
    • Ghostwalker - fine as it is.
    • Keen Eye - your ranged powers generate 10% more AP.

    Tier 2:
    • Broadhead Arrows - fine as it is.
    • Stormwarden: Stormcaller's Arrow - fine as it is.
    • Pathfinder: Quarry - fine as it is.

    Tier 3:
    • Bottomless Quiver (moved down from T4) - fine as it is.
    • Hasty Retreat - fine as it is.

    Tier 4:
    • Longshot (moved up from T3) - Your ranged critical attacks also deal a bonus 100% (up from 50%) of your weapon damage as physical. This bonus is tripled for encounter powers and is multiplied by 5 for dailies. Your melee critical strikes cause your next ranged critical strike to deal a bonus 50% of your weapon damage as physical. Note: this could be fairly OP depending on your critical chance, and I still dislike the idea of these procs. Hence, this could also be changed to: Your ranged critical attacks cause your next encounter to have a 10% higher chance to crit, as well as 20% more critical severity (this severity bonus is not removed if your encounter does not crit). This effect does not stack.
    • Unflinching Aim - fine as it is.

    Tier 5:
    • Rising Focus - stack duration increased to 15 seconds.
    • Stillness of the Forest - Your ranged damage and critical chance increases the further you are from your enemies, for a max of 10% damage and 25% critical chance. This maximum is reached when no enemies are within 30ft of you.

    • Predator - 50% reduction on players should be removed.

    *Note: if Careful Attack is fixed, combat DPS actually does suffer in PvP, which warrants some damage buffs.

    Tier 1:
    • Bloodletting - is fine as it is.
    • Serpent Weave - is fine as it is.

    Tier 2:
    • Fluid Hunter - 2.5% base deflect chance, and you also gain 0.5% deflect chance for every opponent around you, up to a maximum of an additional 2.5% deflect chance.
    • Pathfinder: Ambush Stalking - fine as it is.
    • Stormwarden: Warden's Courage - fine as it is.

    Tier 3:
    • Lucky Blades - critically striking or deflecting an attack grants you 10% AP over 10 seconds. This effect does not stack.
    • Skirmisher's Gambit - critical chance is reduced by 5% while critical severity is increased by 25%.

    Tier 4:
    • Piercing Blades - fine as it is, but probably just change it to "your melee damage is increased by 40%" to stop people from complaining about piercing damage.
    • Wild's Medicine - this should go off max HP, not base damage.

    Tier 5:
    • Scything Blades - melee attacks grant you a stack of "Scything Blades", which increases your melee damage by 2%. Scything Blades stacks up to 15 times, and lasts 3 seconds.
    • Battle Crazed - grants 2% lifesteal per stack (down from 3%).

    • Blade Hurricane - fine as it is.

    Tier 1:
    • Fleet Stance - fine as it is.
    • Readied Stance - fine as it is.

    Tier 2:
    • Deft Strikes - fine as it is.
    • Pathfinder: Slasher's Speed - because of my proposed change to Slasher's Mark AP (down to 75% base), Slasher's Speed should only reduce the AP by a further 15%.
    • Stormwarden: Nature's Fury - Cold Steel Hurricane increases your deflect severity by 20% while it is active.

    Tier 3:
    • Forestbond - fine as it is.
    • Trapper's Cunning - fine as it is.

    Tier 4:
    • Ancient Roots - fine as it is.
    • Swiftness of the Fox - reduced to 7.5%.

    Tier 5:
    • Thorned Roots - (PvP only) ticks once every 2 seconds. CC immune targets take 300% damage.
    • Serpent's Bite - fine as it is.

    • Biting Snares - fine as it is, but the AP bug needs to be fixed.

    Aaaaaand that's about it. I think there may be a bit too many buffs in there, which would warrant for some numbers adjusting, but again, I think that allowing HRs to make full use of the arsenal of encounters they have would be better, while removing the heavy reliance on procs from feat paths.

    Finally, I'd also like to propose a change to HR dodges. HR dodges are very unreliable (anyone who complains about HR dodges can go play one and try dodge attacks without spamming). I've had instances where I've dodged an attack and taken the damage still, or instances where I've been rubbered back into an attack at an end of a dodge (this doesn't happen as much with classes with reliable dodges or sprint).

    HR dodges should have a larger immunity frame, or the distance increased slightly (not much, or it'll remove the class feel) so the immunity frame is longer. Additionally, I think an increase in stamina gain would work, as HR stamina takes 30 seconds to regen back to full. I remember a feat in Module 2/3 where 1% stamina was restored when hitting with a melee attack. Possibly adding this as a class mechanic - At-wills restore 1% of your stamina, or something similar, and encounters increase your stamina gain by 10% for 5 seconds (not stackable).

    Anyway, I'm also open to suggestions to modifying this. If you have better suggestions, please let me know.
  • jhpnwjhpnw Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 611 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    moved my 2 hunter ranger toons to preview last week
    1st HR archer large damage but easy to kill damage is reduced severely on aimed shot now does around 6k damage used to be 13k to 23k on crit as well as clear the ground doesnot even show a reduction on enemy status bar
    2nd HR is melee which I play as mainly wilds medicine no longer works and my deflection with potion is @ 40%

    on both toons found damage severely reduced on AOE STS enemies hit me 2 or 3 times reducing as much as 1/2 my hit pnts before they start receiving damage before aoe starts to work

    both have defeated tiamat in the well of dragons and have completed every quest in the well of dragons and now can barely get out of the base camp before getting killed. Archery is due to damage severely reduced and melee is do to life steal nor wilds medicine never proms in the encounter even after 2 full rotations of range and mellee don't know after that im dead and dodge seems limited to where it wont even get me out of any of the red attack zones.
    the melee hunter ranger was a devastating force now he is severely crippled. I grinded for weeks to afford good armor and weapons. I have all royal guard set rank 6 and seven on enchants and notice rank sevens for life steal should be score 185 but are 150 as rank 6 .On Soulforge and when soul forge kicks in the damage coming in is so much it wipes out SF rengen at same time.
  • thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    k9madrush wrote: »
    Crushing Roots: Your Weak Grasping Roots now also Daze the target for .5s and your Strong Grasping Roots Daze the target for 1s.
    Rank Up: Duration +100%.

    This is way too much for a class with a 6 encounter and no hussle TAB mechanic, you just made HR a cookie cutter class are you not aware of how much damage potential a trapper HR have? coupled with root lock kindly remove the dps from roots and you can put the daze.

    You are cry baby. It is nerfed. and "a 6 encounter" - never played and HR. go home.
  • thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    ralexinor wrote: »
    Melee: Fox Shift - is mostly fine, although possibly could do with a slight damage reduction so other encounters are more viable. Would need to be careful to not over-nerf it.
    may be fine. Just add AP gain on all hits back.

    ralexinor wrote: »
    Melee: Stag Heart - should be stackable and the 50% reduction on allies should be removed.

    Probably not stackable. Can be abused. Maybe just bigger HP pool : +6% per stack: + 35% of Max as base.

    I like the idea of slow effects for some encounters and possibly at-wills.

    Bear Trap and Cordon of Arrows as it is now should be reworked.
    ralexinor wrote: »
    Tier 3:
    Lucky Blades - critically striking or deflecting an attack grants you 10% AP over 10 seconds. This effect does not stack.
    Skirmisher's Gambit - critical chance is reduced by 5% while critical severity is increased by 25%.

    I still personally don't like Skirmisher's Gambit as it is now or proposed. But your proposal is still better since you have alternative of Lucky Blades.
    ralexinor wrote: »
    Wild's Medicine - this should go off max HP, not base damage.
    This one need have lower cool down now. It is pretty hard now to stack it. And will be worse on new curves.

    HR dodges should have immunity frame. Have a longer distance. Possible make it 4 as TR now have but with immunity and distance.

    I do want to see more HRs than just trappers. And more my favorite mod 2 fast HRs without OP stuff.
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    DODGE: please drastically increase their effectiveness and stamina recharge speed...really 30 seconds is too much
  • kyobi16kyobi16 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Can we have more skills to apply grasping roots? its a class mechanic yet we have only 3 skills to apply it? and not even a daily for it
  • stah01stah01 Member Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Forest Meditation: Tier 4

    -10 Sec Cooldown?? Really disapointing. Can't we make this daily more interesting?
  • osterdracheosterdrache Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    As many have suggested: increase the quality of HR dodges. HR is supposed to be the most evasive and mobile class! The immunity frame of the dodges is also way too short. ou have to dodge 2-3 three time to avoid an attack, even when you know when the attack is coming. And 50% of times, ur still hit by it :-/
  • okigraokigra Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Absolutely agree with others on the mobility/evasiveness or lack thereof. Please review the HR dodges and overall movement speed.
  • lococatt91lococatt91 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 162 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2015
    does the root from terror enchant proc crushing roots?
  • mehguy138mehguy138 Member Posts: 1,803 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Please, buff HR dodge immunity frame, TR and DC have only one less dodge, but 3 times (or even more) HR dodge distance and 3 times longer CC and damage immunity.
    M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
  • avengingangel93avengingangel93 Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    mehguy138 wrote: »
    Please, buff HR dodge immunity frame, TR and DC have only one less dodge, but 3 times (or even more) HR dodge distance and 3 times longer CC and damage immunity.

    Hmm, somewhat agree with this.

    Really? Lack of mobility for the HR? Sort out their dodge please.
  • novynwnnovynwn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 31
    edited March 2015
    there is no greater rope of dexterity in the collection or am i missing something?
  • dyesleedyeslee Member Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    there is no greater rope of dexterity in the collection or am i missing something?

    I have the greater version of the Dex belt on my HR on the preview right now.. so yes it does exist.. It's a rare drop.. I got from one of my friends on the preview and have yet to see another one on any other players (not that i was inspecting lol )

    whether it is listed or not is a different story.. they might have renamed possibly.. I will have to check it out at a later time when i have time to do....
  • neopreenneopreen Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Deflection vs. Dodge
    As many have suggested: increase the quality of HR dodges. HR is supposed to be the most evasive and mobile class! The immunity frame of the dodges is also way too short. You have to dodge 2-3 three times to avoid an attack, even when you know when the attack is coming. And 50% of the times, ur still hit by it :-/

    Deflection ain´t Dodge - it might be more clear if we call it Block, cuz you don´t evade any attack by deflecting a hit - just block a certain amount at certain times.

    But I also wanna point out again that this is something for class balancing!
    HRs / RHs have to be one of the most agile class in game. So if there ain´t a dodge-stat but the two deflection-stats than the HRs / RHs should have a very high deflection chance and a medium deflection severity.

    HR / TR = 80% dfl chance, 40% dfl severity
    CW / SW = 50% / 30%
    GF / GWF = 25% / 75%
    DC / OP = 50% / 50%

    But more I´d like to see such effects at the race roll.
    Take a horn-skinned Dragonborn if you like to have high def / dfl severity... but very low dodge rate (dfl chance).
    Choose a Wood Elf for maxed evasion (dfl chance)... but low def and dfl severity.
    Be balanced in all and everything with a human...

    ... just to give an example...
  • umcjdkingumcjdking Member Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited March 2015

    HR Combat Feat Advanced Stalking does not synergize at all with the feat tree. This proves to be a major QOL issue for melee HRs. Melee as an HR requires constant movement, using Ambush in melee is simply is too dangerous for the reward. Advanced Stalking should allow the buff to remain even when moving. In addition, this power is impossible to use with Aimed Shot/Commanding Shot/Hawk Shot as it reveals you on cast.

    HR Trapper Thorned Roots is basically Storm Spell for the HR. It outperforms the other trees quite easily in every aspect and is ultimately why it is the standout tree. I like the concept, but the implementation is broken. Suggestion: DEALS 50/100/150/200/250% OF YOUR WEAPON DAMAGE WHEN ACTIVE AND BLEEDS FOR 50% OF YOUR WEAPON DAMAGE EVERY SECOND FOR 5 SECONDS.
  • osterdracheosterdrache Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Please buff the stamina regeneration and the immunity frames of the dodges.

    A second option for improving our mobility would be to give us an heroic feat that would
    improve our run speed for like 10/20/30 percent. All other classes right now move faster than we do :-(
  • kyobi16kyobi16 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Bug:fox cunning now stacks with other rangers fox cuning ( meaning u can have more then 1)
    and intrupts certain enchants (tested feytouched and holy avenger) giving 0 damage tooltip

    also we have some joke class features/powers

    Oak Skin:heals 2% hp over 15 seconds lol

    Battlehond: +300 regen OP

    aspact of the lone wolf: rank 4 gives negetive deflect making u have less deflect then u have without it

    aspact of the pack: range isnt buffed infact its nerfed
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    kyobi16 wrote: »
    Bug:fox cunning now stacks with other rangers fox cuning ( meaning u can have more then 1)
    and intrupts certain enchants (tested feytouched and holy avenger) giving 0 damage tooltip

    also we have some joke class features/powers

    Oak Skin:heals 2% hp over 15 seconds lol

    Battlehond: +300 regen OP

    aspact of the lone wolf: rank 4 gives negetive deflect making u have less deflect then u have without it

    aspact of the pack: range isnt buffed infact its nerfed

    totally forgot about this things, he is right!
    Wild medicine still broken too.
  • soriniakovsoriniakov Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    and again, Crushing Roots stun duration should be increased twice in order to be viable feature

    currently 0.5sec and 1sec for weak and strong roots respectively is too few (1sec and 2sec respectively will be ok)
  • soriniakovsoriniakov Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    soriniakov wrote: »
    and again, Crushing Roots stun duration should be increased twice in order to be viable feature

    currently 0.5sec and 1sec for weak and strong roots respectively is too few (1sec and 2sec respectively will be ok)

    please, do it before release, don't ruin new mechanic: currently 30% of HR encounters & features uses nobody both in pvp & pve, don't add another one to this list
  • mjytreszmjytresz Member Posts: 500 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Finally got around to testing my Archery HR on the Preview shard.

    All I have to say is, it's sad that this path didn't get much love. I've yet to hit 65 and try out the new Encounter but Longstrider doesn't seem to be too bad. Overall, the survivability of this path is lacking; a lot. The Archery path is supposed to be applying a large chunk of damage from... archery skills. Yet, most classes have an innate defense, which is fine, or applies damage from similar range of an Archery HR with higher alpha, higher defense, or more CC.

    I don't claim to be a pro HR so maybe someone else can let me know if I'm missing something. At this point, I don't see a future in PvP for Archery HR. I don't know why I'd bring one in PvE either.
    Broken mechanics, broken class designs, lack of actual content, and over zealous, bronze-age moderation?

    Go Cryptic!
    PS - I quit.
  • whitestaruawhitestarua Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    soriniakov wrote: »
    please, do it before release, don't ruin new mechanic: currently 30% of HR encounters & features uses nobody both in pvp & pve, don't add another one to this list

    Trapper's Cunning: Your critical strikes have a 5/10/15/20/25% chance to apply Weak Grasping Roots.

    OK let's see: typical PvE Trapper have 2 skills with roots. So most part of the strikes are root attacks. They dont cause activation of this feat. So only ~30% of all strikes have this chance(maybe less). And with 40% critical strike chance and 25% to apply Weak Grasping Roots with critical strike. As a result we have 3-4% of all strikes which have the opportunity to activate this feat.
    Are you kidding? really....
    Like a solution of this i can offer the opportunity of activation Trapper's Cunnings with any roots attack.

    P.S.: i think this is pvp trouble too .

    Forestbond: When you apply Grasping Roots you reduce the cooldown of all of your currently recharging powers by 5%

    If you use one of currently actual skillbuilds - you dont have any problem with cooldown of encounters, or almost will not have.
    And Forestbond with his 5% is so useless in this case. (an average not more than 10%-15%)
    + Trapper's Cunning with his activation chance( look above).
    if you want to reduce cooldown of Dailies or use some original skillbuilds when you have some long time recharging encounters this 5-10 or 15% is so.... is NOTHING!

    So please - return old Forestbond. Dont make useless feats.

    P.S.: if you want to do some hybrid build (for example 3 feats from Combat tree and other from Trapper) you need to choose between cooldown and duration of roots (on t4) and in this case you really need good (old or redesigned) Forestbond to make cooldown of encounters.
  • whitestaruawhitestarua Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    soriniakov wrote: »
    and again, Crushing Roots stun duration should be increased twice in order to be viable feature

    currently 0.5sec and 1sec for weak and strong roots respectively is too few (1sec and 2sec respectively will be ok)

    Agree with this. In PvE is useless at the moment. And in PvP with new tenacity + with new elven battle ench ect is useless too.

    Please return old version. but halved in PvP. It will be better.
  • whitestaruawhitestarua Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Bug: Trapper Thorned Roots
    Thorned Roots: does not apply/proc weapon enchants/dragon glyphs/some feats.
  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    Crushing Roots
    This is supposed to be the end class feature for Hr and yet it is absolutly a waste of space right now.
    The duration in pve is not even noticed at rank 4 and in pvp its not more then a hickup at best.

    Make this at least 0.5/0.25 or remake it to something else all together. As and end feature its shouldent be totally useless.


    Achery path still suffers from no cc and no anti cc and with the new generation and life steal the survivability of this path is non existant.
    Add something that reduce the casting time of Aimed shot in this path as its clearly an archery at will but the time to fire it makes it more or less impossible to use atm.


    Full melee is a no no becuse of way to little damage and impossible to stay alive in melee with the new hard hitting mobs.
    Either move Skirmisher's Gambit to t4 and remove the -10% crit chanse or make it -5 crit 35% crit severity.

    Still no anti cc for melee and the overall damage is so poor that even an 30% increase in overall damage hardly is enough.

    And plz can you do something about the LOOOOOOONG list of bugs posted earlier on this thread and in bug forum some of these bugs are still here from module 2 !!!!
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    marnival wrote: »

    Crushing Roots
    This is supposed to be the end class feature for Hr and yet it is absolutly a waste of space right now.
    The duration in pve is not even noticed at rank 4 and in pvp its not more then a hickup at best.

    Make this at least 0.5/0.25 or remake it to something else all together. As and end feature its shouldent be totally useless.


    Achery path still suffers from no cc and no anti cc and with the new generation and life steal the survivability of this path is non existant.
    Add something that reduce the casting time of Aimed shot in this path as its clearly an archery at will but the time to fire it makes it more or less impossible to use atm.


    Full melee is a no no becuse of way to little damage and impossible to stay alive in melee with the new hard hitting mobs.
    Either move Skirmisher's Gambit to t4 and remove the -10% crit chanse or make it -5 crit 35% crit severity.

    Still no anti cc for melee and the overall damage is so poor that even an 30% increase in overall damage hardly is enough.

    And plz can you do something about the LOOOOOOONG list of bugs posted earlier on this thread and in bug forum some of these bugs are still here from module 2 !!!!

    yea add another one
    forest ghost does not grant combat advantage
This discussion has been closed.