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Official Feedback Thread: Hunter Ranger Cap Raise



  • kyobi16kyobi16 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    control bonus dosent work with roots since mod 4 and yet to be fixed
  • alkemist80alkemist80 Member Posts: 957 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Feedback: Swiftness of the Fox and Forestbond

    These two class feats do not reduce the cooldown of the encounters that have charges. I don't know if it's intentional or not but even at 3 charges, a trapper blows through them very fast. On longer battles like mini bosses and HE's, I end up having to kite targets around waiting for Cordon of Arrows and Hindering shot to recharge. Since I can't use them and all my other encounters are still on cooldown, there is nothing to proc those two feats on encounters without charges. It really slows down the momentum of the signature trapper. As hard as mobs hit right now, we can't exactly just stand around and fire at-wills without a risk of an untimely death.
    Banshee (Devotion Justice Oathbound Paladin) - Crueladevil (Soulbinder Damnation Scourge Warlock) - Sindania Balefire (Master Infiltrator Trickster Rogue)

  • ralexinorralexinor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Just logging in to post this:


    Next to none of these bugs have been fixed, and some of them have existed since the class' inception in module 2. To quote the full list:
    ralexinor wrote: »
    • Pathfinder: Careful Attack - procs every time a different person attacks the target (has a different cooldown for each person instead of a global 1.5s cd as it should)
    • Pathfinder: Careful Attack - hits 3-4 times per tick with a DOT enchantment such as Plague Fire or Flaming, resulting in x4 more DPS than intended
    • Pathfinder: Careful Attack - gives AP based off how many people are hitting the marked target (i.e. around a dragon you will have 100% AP most of the time because there are more people hitting your target)
    • Pathfinder: Careful Attack - if applied before a GF has his shield raised, the 80% damage reduction does not apply (CA will still hit for the full amount as if the GF does not have his shield up)

    • Binding Arrow - roots do not activate if target is more than 40' away.
    • Binding Arrow - roots apply about 1 second after the initial encounter animation and damage, resulting in an inability to dodge the roots most times
    • Boar Charge - often rubberbands back if target is at edge of range (usually when they're moving out of range)
    • Boar Charge - renders user inert/stuns user for 1 second upon use
    • Boar Charge - still executes and moves you forwards even when you're rooted by skills such as strong/weak roots and CW's Icy Rays
    • Boar Hide - stacks with multiple HRs in the same party
    • Constricting Arrow - roots apply about 1 second after the initial encounter animation and damage, resulting in an inability to dodge the roots most times
    • Fox Cunning - cancels the remaining effect of a dot if it blocks one tick (i.e. Disheartening Strike)
    • Fox Shift - if cancelled or interrupted, shows as still useable on the tray when it's actually on cooldown
    • Fox Shift - can be interrupted by Devoted Cleric Sunburst
    • Fox Shift - if interrupted in the middle of the encounter (even if one tick has already hit the opponent), the skill does not go on cooldown and can be used again immediately (example: Sunburst interrupts Fox Shift, you can immediately use Fox Shift again)
    • Fox Shift - cannot be cancelled with a dodge
    • Hindering Shot - charges not affected by recharge speed or cooldown reductions such as Swiftness of the Fox (trapper)
    • Hindering Shot - weak roots bypasses dodges and still roots when dodge is done (aka cannot be dodged)
    • Hindering Shot - weak roots has no animation to show it's active
    • Hindering Shot - dodging/cancelling this encounter during a certain frame causes a charge to be wasted while the encounter doesn't activate
    • Hindering Strike - encounter sometimes goes on cooldown when used but does not deal damage or apply roots even when target is clearly in range (possibly a terrain issue)
    • Hindering Strike - roots apply about 1 second after the initial encounter animation and damage, resulting in an inability to dodge the roots most times
    • Hindering Strike - skill does not activate and goes on cooldown if you dodge at a certain point during the animation
    • Hindering Strike - hits a stealthed TR but sometimes does not activate Trapper capstone (Biting Snares) or other encounter-based effects such as Thorned Roots and Swiftness of the Fox
    • Hindering Strike - sometimes applies Thorned Roots to a stealthed TR but does not root or reveal them if they move out of your line of sight before the roots are applied
    • Marauder's Escape - stays in one spot instead of moving back 50' when used from the air
    • Marauder's Rush - if interrupted before target is damaged (even if you've reached the target), the skill does not go on cooldown
    • Oak Skin - stacks with multiple HRs in the same party
    • Pathfinder: Bear Trap - charges not affected by recharge speed or cooldown reductions such as Swiftness of the Fox (trapper)
    • Pathfinder: Bear Trap - cannot be cancelled via a dodge (see below)
    • Pathfinder: Bear Trap - dodging while casting a trap consumes a charge but does not put the trap down on the targetted area
    • Pathfinder: Ambush - ambush and stealth are removed if there are existing DOTs on your target such as Plague Fire ticks, glyphs ticks or Thorn Ward
    • Stormwarden: Split the Sky - does not proc weapon enchantments or glyphs
    • Rain of Arrows - does not damage the target unless you damage them after you activate the encounter
    • Thorn Ward - sometimes does not activate
    • Thorn Ward - Aspect of the Serpent stacks are not displaying correctly when Thorn Ward is up. Each tick of Thorn Ward should add/remove stacks. Currently, only the first tick (the first usage) of Thorn Ward removes a ranged stack but subsequent ticks do not remove ticks. Additionally, when melee stacks are up and Thorn Ward is applied, no stacks are removed whatsoever. This is merely a display bug, Thorn Ward is actually correctly applying the stacks but it's just not displaying correctly.

    • Disruptive Shot - daze can be deflected
    • Forest Ghost - is cancelled and goes on cooldown if you are stunned during it
    • Forest Ghost - ignores daze CC effects and some prone effects if they are applied while you are in stealth (i.e. walking into CW's Oppressive Force while you're in FG will result in you not being dazed)
    • Forest Meditation - does not count as a CC immunity in regards to removing Thorned Roots (as other CC immunities do, see feats bug section)
    • Pathfinder: Slasher's Mark - cannot be cancelled by dodge
    • Pathfinder: Slasher's Mark - mark does not apply if a HR uses marauders rush/escape when it hits
    • Pathfinder: Slasher's Mark - can be removed by DC "Cleanse"
    • Seismic Shot: does not always hit mobs even if they're in the trajectory path
    • Stormwarden: Cold Steel Hurricane - sometimes gets stuck on terrain

    Class Features
    • Aspect of the Serpent - Aspect of the Serpent stacks are not displaying correctly when Thorn Ward is up. Each tick of Thorn Ward should add/remove stacks. Currently, only the first tick (the first usage) of Thorn Ward removes a ranged stack but subsequent ticks do not remove ticks. Additionally, when melee stacks are up and Thorn Ward is applied, no stacks are removed whatsoever. This is merely a display bug, Thorn Ward is actually correctly applying the stacks but it's just not displaying correctly.
    • Pathfinder: Cruel Recovery - only procs on the first crit of DOTs such as Thorned Roots, and does not proc on multiple aoe hits (i.e. only activates on the first target you hit)
    • Pathfinder: Pathfinder's Action - only grants 10% deflection chance instead of 15% deflection chance (5% per rank, rank 1 seems to be missing the deflect even though it's listed (unknown value) on the description)

    • Archery: Stillness of the Forest - does not display critical chance correctly on character sheet (minuses the crit % from the base crit and then adds it, meaning the crit chance looks the same when it in fact is increased). It is working as intended because the critical chance increase is for ranged only. Original explanation from developer here.
    • Combat: Pathfinder: Advanced Stalking - does not increase duration of Ambush
    • Trapper: Master Trapper/Biting Snares - stance swapping multiple times during the "Biting Snares" activation time will activate Master Trapper multiple times and generate the AP portion multiple times
    • Trapper: Serpent's Bite - does not display critical chance correctly on character sheet (minuses the crit % from the base crit and then adds it, meaning the crit chance looks the same when it in fact is increased, more information here)
    • Trapper: Serpent's Bite - character sheet seems to say it only gives 4% crit chance instead of the 5% on the tooltip
    • Trapper: Thorned Roots - DoT is removed if CC immunity is applied during the DoT sequence (i.e. TR is ticking on a GWF, and GWF sprints or goes unstoppable - TR dots are removed)
    • Trapper: Thorned Roots - does not proc dragon glyphs (i.e. each hit should also add 600 damage (pre-mitigation) from Greater Red Dragon Glyphs but currently do not)
    • Trapper: Thorned Roots: does not apply/proc weapon enchants

    • Roots: occasionally when hit by a daze or stun while rooted, powers and item tray icons are shown as locked out even after the daze duration is complete. This is a graphics bug as these powers and items can still be used, but they are displayed as supposedly unusable as if you were still dazed instead of just rooted.
    • Roots: CC can be deflected (this is a bug with all cc skills; cc duration should not be affected by deflect)
    • Strong Roots - animation does not last for the full duration of the roots, especially if you have the Trapper feat Ancient Roots (affects Hindering Strike, Binding Arrow and Constricting Arrow)
    • Weak Roots - has no animation to show the target(s) are rooted (affects Hindering Shot)
    • Offhand Feature Bonus: Cruel Recovery - only procs on the first crit of DOTs such as Thorned Roots, and does not proc on multiple aoe hits (i.e. only activates on the first target you hit)

    As an additional note these ARE module 5 bugs. I have not done specific testing on module 6 yet, but these bugs still do exist in module 6. As for module 6 specific bugs that I'm aware of:

    • Careful Attack + Gushing Wound + Aura of Courage - creates an infinite loop when using a DOT enchant, resulting in the target dying within seconds because of the infinite damage procing.
    • Fox's Cunning - is not removed by attacks, which causes the HR to dodge all attacks until the effect expires (if you're trapper, this means, read: never)

    Some speculation bugs that I haven't tested:

    • Archery - damage feats are not giving the damage bonus
    • Combat - Wild's Medicine is being based off base HP instead of total HP

    Additionally, I would like to come out with these bugs that I never posted for several reasons. These bugs currently do exist in module 5 and continue to exist in module 6.

    • Equipment: Golden Dragon Blades (Artifact Off-hand): Cruel Recovery feature: is not affected by healing depression and the effect works even if Cruel Recovery is not equipped (regardless of path)
    • Class Features: Pathfinder's Action: can be stacked by using dailies successively
    • Encounters: Ambush: reduces melee cooldowns every second this encounter is active, as well as multiprocing Sigil of the Devoted's healing effect, essentially healing you back to full with one encounter use.
    • Feats: Trapper: Biting Snares/Master Trapper: swapping stances quickly multiple times after Biting Snares procs will activate the AP gain part of Master Trapper multiple times, resulting in up to 100% of AP bar being filled every 10 seconds.

    That's all I can think of from the top of my head as I'm not in game atm.
  • hersheysbonerhersheysboner Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    ralexinor wrote: »
    As an additional note these ARE module 5 bugs. I have not done specific testing on module 6 yet, but these bugs still do exist in module 6. As for module 6 specific bugs that I'm aware of:

    Fox's Cunning - is not removed by attacks, which causes the HR to dodge all attacks until the effect expires (if you're trapper, this means, read: never)

    fixed recently
    panderus wrote: »
    Thanks for pointing out the Fox Shift weirdness, I immediately ran over to Gentleman Crush's desk and had him fix it (was pretty simple for once).
  • stah01stah01 Member Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    ralexinor wrote: »

    Some speculation bugs that I haven't tested:

    • Archery - damage feats are not giving the damage bonus
    • Combat - Wild's Medicine is being based off base HP instead of total HP

    These are both correct and have been stated. Sandstorm I have alot of respect but if I were you I just wouldn't bother anymore. Why do their job for them especially when most feedback is ignored.
  • yawulfyawulf Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Honestly that's a very stupid thing to say,
  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    yawulf wrote: »
    Honestly that's a very stupid thing to say,

    Why? No-one has gone through more effort to point out the astounding number of HR bugs still present in the game, but to this day buggerall has been done to address them. At some point one has to realise that we are swimming against the current and nothing will change no matter how much effort is put in to help and point out the devs' numerous mistakes. I said the same to Zeb over the weekend when he said he would once again make mention of the mass disconnections that occur during Tiamat in his weekly report. After at least two months of this happening and the problem not being addressed why bother?
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • yawulfyawulf Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    So u just give up? And u wonder why cws have always been strong, they r a very persistent bunch so eventually they always get mostly what they want.You think giving up wod solve these bugs u speak of? The devs wod move on to other bugs to fix and not give a dent to ur problems. That's y I said its a stupid thing to say. And what other guy wrote was a suggestion which the dev can choose to implement or not
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    What should we do more than reporting them? I m not going to write personally to devs for respect and ofc i wont write the same thing here twice a day like its happening in other feedback threads.
    We test we report we play the game we play.

    Tldr one report obviously broken stuff and most of the time get ignored. Testers do not get money to test and after a while they just give up and play the game like a normal customer whos goal is playing.

    Lets try again.

    Ambush resets all cooldown.
    Ambush multiproc dc sigil heals.
    Cooldown reduction feats in trapper dont work on hindering shot and other encounter based on charges.
    Boar autostun you for the whole prone duration.
    Carefull attack multiproc on dot enchants.
    New encounter wound procs to infinity with dot enchants.
    Critical chance from stacks of serpent do not show in character sheet.
    Ambush and many other encounters needs some love.
    Wild medicine is working on base hp.
    Archery do not get bonus damage from feats.
    Root duratikn is not affected by control bonus
    Roots visually last less then effect.
  • katbozejziemikatbozejziemi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    yawulf wrote: »
    So u just give up? And u wonder why cws have always been strong, they r a very persistent bunch so eventually they always get mostly what they want.
    Nobody believes this.
  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    yawulf wrote: »
    So u just give up? And u wonder why cws have always been strong, they r a very persistent bunch so eventually they always get mostly what they want.

    Or maybe CW is just the favoured class of all the devs.
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • soriniakovsoriniakov Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    panderus wrote: »
    Hunter Ranger
    • Crushing Roots: This feature now causes Weak Grasping roots to daze targets for .125s per rank (down from .5s per rank) and Strong Grasping Roots to daze targets for .25s per rank (down from 1s per rank). Thorned Roots now correctly respects this class feature.

    I've tested top HR trapper full control build against top pvp DC with defensive build and before this change I had permanent stun of opponent, but against 12 elven battle enchantment he didn't have any problems with both roots and daze

    After this Crushing Roots change my opponents in top pvp gear don't need elven battle enchantment and my dazes don't cause any problems anymore - it's very drastic change

    I suggest up time twice: 0.25s per rank for weak and 0.5s per rank for strong roots - down 4 times is too much, but for 2 times it will be honest

  • whitestaruawhitestarua Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    soriniakov wrote: »
    I've tested top HR trapper full control build against top pvp DC with defensive build and before this change I had permanent stun of opponent, but against 12 elven battle enchantment he didn't have any problems with both roots and daze

    After this Crushing Roots change my opponents in top pvp gear don't need elven battle enchantment and my dazes don't cause any problems anymore - it's very drastic change

    I suggest up time twice: 0.25s per rank for weak and 0.5s per rank for strong roots - down 4 times is too much, but for 2 times it will be honest


    and return x2 more to PvE, cuz its useless at the moment.
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    and return x2 more to PvE, cuz its useless at the moment.

    Does bother me they didn't just cut it for pvp only.
  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Hunter Ranger
    Crushing Roots: This feature now causes Weak Grasping roots to daze targets for .125s per rank (down from .5s per rank) and Strong Grasping Roots to daze targets for .25s per rank (down from 1s per rank). Thorned Roots now correctly respects this class feature.

    Once again a nerf based on pvp when the simple solution would have been to leave it at its previous state and halve the duration for pvp. The devs will never learn...
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • kyobi16kyobi16 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    this is crazy trapper so OP

  • alkemist80alkemist80 Member Posts: 957 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Bug: Thorned Roots Feat

    I believe that the thorned roots feat is not respecting any extra root time from control bonuses. I tested this on live server last night and preview this morning. I picked targets that were melee based and would not stand around to charge an attack when I was at ranged mode. Tried this and logged per single target polar bears, melee barbarians on live and thyan protectors from DR on preview.

    In both instances, thorned roots was only ticking 7 times according to combat logging. On live, the average time a mob would stay stationary would be 9.3 seconds while on preview, roughly over 10 seconds (on preview I have more control bonuses). Hypothetically thorned should be ticking for 9 and 10 but always stuck at the 7 ticks baseline of strong roots class feature of 2 seconds and an additional 5 seconds for trapper ancient roots feat.

    Given the condition that I can only base the actual root effect off of a visual vs stopwatch, more internal testing or investigation maybe necessary.

    Bug: Strong Grasping Roots Visual

    The visual effect does not last the full duration of a feated trapper. Previous post of mine, the 3.22 seconds was a visual issue rather than a mechanic issue. As it still ticked and rooted for the full 7 damage but see above.
    Banshee (Devotion Justice Oathbound Paladin) - Crueladevil (Soulbinder Damnation Scourge Warlock) - Sindania Balefire (Master Infiltrator Trickster Rogue)

  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    this is crazy trapper so OP

    Great feedback so your cw or tr then....
    and let me guess using broken ench to get high power just in case lol talk about troll now move on....
  • thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    ralexinor wrote: »
    Just logging in to post this:

    That's all I can think of from the top of my head as I'm not in game atm.

    Great list. Thanks. I wonder if it will be ever read by devs.
  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Great list. Thanks. I wonder if it will be ever read by devs.

    with buggs still not fixed from module 3 my advice is not to hold your breath ....

    They gave us daze nerfed to oblivion before it hit live they gave Trs daze 4 dodges piercing etc etc still going around and lets dont get into the cws, wounder what classes devs play mmm :-)
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    BUG: Pathfinder action: the first point does not give any deflect
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    BUG: wild medicine isnt healing as much as supposed.
    BUG: Swiftness of the fox isnt working on encounters with charges
  • novynwnnovynwn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 31
    edited March 2015
    BUG: Cordon of Arrows / Plant Growth does not generate AP
  • kyobi16kyobi16 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    im getting tired of posting bugs feels like nothing is getting done or even looked at...

    Bug:fox cunning now stacks with other rangers fox cuning ( meaning u can have more then 1)
    and intrupts certain enchants (tested feytouched and holy avenger) giving 0 damage tooltip
  • drakcertdrakcert Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I am a Hr, storm, combat
    When people play surprised with them, because my style of play is quite different, I am able to enter and exit the battlefield alternating between skills range and combat, doing great damage've never dropped from third place, even with people 20k. I have 16,4k my survival comes from the Dodge I am able to dodge most of the attack with just a dodge, eg flying dragon or skill garakas kills at once, that way I can kill him without assistance XD. I use the set of draconic by deflect, change my skills depending on the situation from further damage until stanima regeneration. What needs hr combat? one thing is reduction cd, and a small damage in some melee skills

    Need more damage.
    Thorn Strike
    Steel Breeze

    Marauders escape. Need a one second immunity is stupid that're halfway and be hit by a blade lashing or skills of gwf.

    New animation Slipt the sky is too slow to use in elol dificl areas may prevent

    Strike Rapit New animation when you use much seems it convulses and the blow is not seen.

    The new feats that gives Severity remove only 5% crit.

    Lucky Blades do not need ap but if cd or bleed.

    Sorry for my bad English
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    as european player with average 250-260 ping in game i think its time to point out how hard is dodging as HR.
    What is not a problem now it will be in few weeks when being oneshotted by a dragon can and will be a norm.
    Double triple dodging is required most of the time.
    Stamina takes more than 30 seconds to refill, consider to halve this
  • koalazebraiikoalazebraii Member Posts: 108 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2015
    rayrdan wrote: »
    as european player with average 250-260 ping in game i think its time to point out how hard is dodging as HR.
    What is not a problem now it will be in few weeks when being oneshotted by a dragon can and will be a norm.
    Double triple dodging is required most of the time.
    Stamina takes more than 30 seconds to refill, consider to halve this

    try it with australian ping m8
  • felixkamfelixkam Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Honestly the mobility issue on HRs is really hard to get around. The base movement speed of the class is low, ridiculously low, especially when you compare it to say a TR. I mean rangers are known for being able to move around quickly, rogues on the other hand, more for a slow stealthy approach into sneak attack damage. Instead we have HRs whose shift mechanic while nice, drys up way to quickly if you don't have steel breeze hitting 5 enemies on trapper level cooldowns. And when most of your survivability comes from constantly using these short dodges, having the mobs in Mod 6 be able to kill you if you even have a slight lag spike. It kills. It seriously kills.
    Personal Projects - Check out my take on these D&D classes for Neverwinter:
    - The Monk - http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?865991-The-Monk-A-Relatively-Detailed-Proposal-for-a-New-Class

    Under Work:
    - The Primal Totemist
    - The Wild Sorcerer
    - The Summoning Binder
  • kyobi16kyobi16 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I really cant tell the diffrence of AP gain with lucky blades it dosent seem that significant or is it bugged?
    while AP gain is really needed as a melee HR during pvp, in pve it really makes no diffrence since theres no real effective daily to use since the only good one is not as good as with other trees.
    PVP AP gain is horrible as a melee HR since fox AP gain was nerfed and we dont have a real AP building encounter
    trapper has the most epic capstone out of the 3 trees 30% more damage 30% more control and the most epic one is the instant 30% AP buff which can be bugged if u switch stances multiple times after biting snares.
    so trapper gets speed, multiple damage buffs, instant ap buff, control buff, crit buff (aspact of the serpent) and cooldown reduction.
    archery gets multiple crit buffs, multiple damage buffs, AP buff, and the huge CD buff.
    while melee gets 2.5% more deflect -10% critical chance for a 50% severity buff AP gain buff (might be bugged) the long dead wilds medicine which is no longer viable for any situation cus u never get to even 5 stacks (lol) and the real good lifesteal buff which is now gonna be semi ok.
    the damage buffs we get are piercing blades which is great no complaints about it,
    Scything blades which i now found out stacks only twice meaning it gives 10% more melee damage..Really?we already use the HR blades which have lower damage then the bow by far but we get 1/4 of the damage buff the other trees get?
    and the most annoying capstone blade hurricane, the thing about it is it works great but its tricky to use since u need to use a certain pattern to really apply it using encounter>at will>encounter>at will and so on.
    why not make it simple to use and not so annoying to use..
    why not make the buff stackable to 3 or 5 and let us enjoy it then we wont need the CD redcution.
    in PVE u gotta constantly use rain of swords for it to constantly proc flurry which is ok i guess
    but in pvp rain of swords is HORRIBLE, u called one of the feats fluid hunter.. theres nothing fluid about being melee its a messed up tree that needs real surgic like action to even be half as good as trapper/archer, AT LEAST do something about wilds medicine i know its not working as intended since its not even reaching 5 stacks because of the cooldown on it and the heal isnt even impressive
    we need speed or somekind of encounter that let us really shine.


    Boar Charge: right now real hard to execute the animation get broken midway if targets moves away leaving the ranger semi stunned even if sucssefull takes a long recovery time aftewards.
    i suggest buffing it only for the melee tree like Minsc maraudors boar charge skill give us a bigger range and a better response time or make the prone last longer cus right now u make a whole lot of effort to prone for 1 seconds out of which u cant move for 0.5 secs.

    Marauders escape:again animation bugged u leap 50 meters back but still get hit while so and sometimes it gets broken by a CC leaving a wasted encounter.
    i suggest tuning this for a much more responsive action, also maraudors rush seems to lack something idk what maybe a short daze?

    Fox cunning/Fox shift: should be our best skill but its not!! right now trapper gets the best fox cunning usage because of high damage
    even archers have a better one with their power/crit severiy buff along with prey, why is that our skill work so much better on other trees?
    my suggestion is give only melee tree the pre nerf fox cuning the old 4 hitter encounter giving us a good tool to dishout damage and have a CC immunity for a short amount of time but thats just me.

    Boar Trap: sorry excuse for a melee skill. patheticly low activation zone even lower then rain of arrows range
    long activation time same with boar rush it leaves us stunned for 0.5 seconds and its not usable in ANY type of battle i just lol at that skill.

    Cold steel hurricane:been testing it on epic grey wolf VT and MC what i found is this..
    by the time u cast the skill u die, by the time the skill hits the mobs guess what? u die, by the time u get enough AP to use it u must have died already.

    Clear the ground:has the lowest damage out of all the melee at wills and still the best one tho i wonder if its features work?
    it says more damage the close u are but u dont notice any damage diffrence? anyway it dosent really need a buff but idk.

    Steele breeze:the stamina gain is good the damage is not but i guess its a fair trade highly responsive encounter has a nice range and u dont need to multi tap it for it to work an extra attribute might be welcomed.

    Throw Caution/Hawkeye/Stag Heart/Oak skin: can sombody give these some love? long forgotten melee skills which leave us really limited to using other encounters what does 50% effectivness even mean? do i get anything extra for using it if im a melee HR? no.
    how much damage am i actually getting for lowering my defence?(throw caution) nobody knows.
    since the long dead old nature path these skills have no meaning these buffs are not party usable. and not solo usable.
    the range stance buffs are by far better. please give us options dont limit us to the same encounters since the release of hunter ranger on NW.

    i truly hope someone reads this and realize how outdated some of our skills/feats are and how underpowered were gonna be in m6
    i wrote this since im playing a melee HR since it got released but unfortunetly i am forced to use a trapper ever since mod 4 hit us.
    if any dev reads this i know u know im right!.

    lol im kidding ty for reading i hope this gets some real acknowledgment since we really do need this.
  • santhus1114santhus1114 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    What is with the stat allocation on HR gear?
    It seems like all of the new HR gear has a ton of offensive stats, some defense, but no deflect. Why is this? Deflect has been an essential part to a good Hunter Ranger build, and without it rangers will become even squishier. Is it possible for deflect to be added to the already made sets? Or even just to the PvP sets? No HR wants to go into PvP without Deflect, and as things stand, they'll have to sacrifice ALL of their defense slots to get deflect, or just go in as a glass cannon.
    I hope this is something that can be looked at, HRs aren't meant to only be Glass cannons.
    Master of Cake, Eater of Cabbages, Ruler of the Basement Realms.
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