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Official Feedback Thread: Stat Changes



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    warpetwarpet Member Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    just wow on lvl 70 my gwf is useless with new stats curves my total resist dropped from 40% to less then 20%.... and hp is only 6-7k bigger

    tank classes need to have def and con effect buffed up a lot or gwf,gf,tank paladins will be useless

    arp is way op 2.2k arp gives me almost as much as 12k power in damage boosting this is very bad idea think arp should work like rest of stats or u will break game and why power dose not have improved stats curves anymore like it always had ?
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    abaddon523abaddon523 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Not sure where else to put this since there isn't a pinned feedback category for it.

    Bug: Transcendent Terror Enchantment

    The enchantment is not working properly. Instead of doing 25% of weapon damage it does 7.5% weapon damage. It also only applies a 4% damage debuff to the enemy. This is the same debuff that you get from a Perfect Terror. Also, I have yet to see it root anything. Also, Ray of Frost does not activate the Terror enchantment. Basically it doesn't work all.
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    orangefireeorangefiree Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,148 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Bug: Total Item Level

    Dragon hoard enchantments are counting towards total item level. These don't give any statistical increase so they probably shouldn't.

    Feedback: Total Item Level

    I personally liked the average item level better, but maybe that's just me.
    Neverwinter players are stubborn things....until you strip them down to bone. (Cursed players, my flowers, MINE!) Oh how I plotted their demise.
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    mehguy138mehguy138 Member Posts: 1,803 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Feedback: Regeneration

    This stat has no purpose after rework. It doesn't work in combat, and off combat I can just spam a few potion to get back to full health. This is now a stat I doubt anyone would want to have on their gear. I'd better have all regen replaced by movement, tbh.
    M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
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    abaddon523abaddon523 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Bug: Enchantment Scaling

    There is something massively wrong with how the damage from enchantments is scaling. I am using a Perfect Lightning Enchantment on Preview. I began the Elemental Evil quest with Minsc in Ebon Downs. My character was scaled to level 61 (down from 70). Here is the damage my lightning enchantment was doing:


    The lightning arcs were doing 200-300 damage. But the lightning damage itself has not been scaled correctly. There are occasional spikes of lighting damage ~100 on stronger enemies which makes me wonder if you've incorrectly scaled lightning damage to some stat of my opponents rather than my level.

    Edit: Plague Fire has the same problem

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    marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Feedback about HP:

    As a gf pal you will reach140k hp with the new lvl 70 armors and other classes will not be far behind and will reach 120k without sacrificing other stats.

    This is an absolute insaine increase in hp from earlier and an exelent time to divide the hp from tanks to other classes.
    Giving 20k hp on chest and 10k+ on other pieces to ALL is making all other changes to divide tanks from cloth so much complicated and harder.

    I strongly suggest you keep a healthy differance between tanks and non tanks so that there is a differance between taking and making damage among the classes.

    20k HP on chest is a such a massive increase that it will change balance toward those that make alot of damage and those that does little damage very hard to balance.

    Plz consider deviding the the hp among classes more as the extra hp from con that gf pals have will make very little differance when items gives such a huge number of hp to all classes....
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    abaddon523abaddon523 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Feedback: Stats on new PvP equipment

    The new PvP equipment may have an unintended consequence in PvE. The CW PvP equipment grants 51k HP. This could be very problematic if it is used in PvE. The goal in making lifesteal RNG instead of constant was to prevent DPS class from being too tanky. But if I have an incredibly large HP pool then it won't make a lick of difference. I may get unlucky and take 30k+ damage without getting a health steal proc. But I will not be so unlucky that I take 100k+ damage without getting some health steal procs. Especially if I tailor my character to smooth out the RNG lifesteal procs (by using a plague fire, lightning, or other dot enchantment). I'm pretty certain I can use the PvP gear to create a totally un-killable PvE CW--get 100k HP, up my lifesteal to ~6000 so I have about a 20% Lifesteal chance, then spam DoT attacks. I'll be able to faceroll the Dracolich no problem.
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    bajornorbertbajornorbert Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 272 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Feedback: HP
    Base HP needs to be boosted for certain classes. There needs to be a differentiation between classes in terms of HP/level. In Neverwinter you have the same base HP regardless of your class, while in D&D there is a pretty big difference between classes. I don't know the exact math for 4e D&D, but pre-4e a Fighter could have ~66% more HP than a Wizard at lvl 20. HP booster items should take class into consideration too, so a GF item should give more HP than a CW item, so if a BiS CW can achieve 100k HP, a BiS GF/OP should be able to achieve 200k HP.

    Feedback: Lifesteal
    Finally others start to notice that there's a pretty big problem with the current iteration of Lifesteal. The problem is that you can stack it quite easily and certain classes will be much more OP than before. The LS% reduction for AoEs doesn't solve anything, since the current LS gets OP by increasing the number of hits / second. While AoEs do provide a substantial increase in hits/sec it's not the only way to increase it, we have DoTs, bleeds, and attacks hitting multiple times / sec, and a lot of those are single target, so they won't be affected by the AoE LS% reduction. If you want to make it less OP, you should add a 1-2s ICD to it, so it can't proc multiple times / sec. This way no matter how many targets you can hit, how fast you can attack or how much DoTs you can stack, you still won't be able to proc LS more than 1 time every 1 or 2 secs.

    Also, in mod 6 stuffs that increases your LS% directly are much more powerful than before. So Lifedrinker, ToD LS boons, feats that give +x% LS chance will be much more valuable, while Endless Consumption will be meh, since you don't need 300%+ LS severity, since that more often that not will result in overhealing, you instead need LS chance to boost the frequency of your LS procs.

    Also, instead of going from 100% LS chance with LS stat affecting LS severity to 100% LS severity and LS stat affecting LS chance, why don't you try to combine it, so LS stat affects both you LS chance and the LS severity, this way both LS chance and LS severity boosters will be effective. Give everyone a base LS severity of 10% or so, and make LS severity increase faster than LS chance with points invested into LS. I would also suggest going for a DR based approach for both LS chance and LS severity, to make it impossible to build characters with enough LS% and LS severity to outheal everything. The non-DR stat curves make LS a very good stat to stack, since in mod 6 we'll have a much higher stat budget (GS) and while pre-mod6 you needed 24k LS to get 20% LS from stats, in mod 6 you only need 8k LS for the same.
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    mfgamesysmfgamesys Member Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    The big issue is that con does not affect bonus hp from gear at all. This has been the biggest issue but now that they slap the same hp bonus on all lvl 70 pvp armor if con affected hp from enchants and gear the hp difference would show right away.
    Main-Lothor Syralth Guardian Fighter
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    mfgamesys wrote: »
    The big issue is that con does not affect bonus hp from gear at all. This has been the biggest issue but now that they slap the same hp bonus on all lvl 70 pvp armor if con affected hp from enchants and gear the hp difference would show right away.

    interesting idea....maybe 2% is a tad much tho
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    rversantrversant Member Posts: 896 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    macjae wrote: »
    I think this is pretty much what they should do. The new gear looks to make Constitution far less relevant as a statistic in general, which hurts the classes based around Constitution most of all.


    Wouldnt the higher HP max make Con more valuable for them in the sense that the Max hp % they get from it is far higher? or is it calculated before + hp from gear...
    People are way too negative, Why cant we just all get along.

    Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
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    warpetwarpet Member Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    gwf,gf needs a lot higher base hp or hp bonus on cw,hr,dc,sw gear should be cut in half
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    ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    warpet wrote: »
    gwf,gf needs a lot higher base hp or hp bonus on cw,hr,dc,sw gear should be cut in half

    Still the issue unstoppable based on % of health.
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    mfgamesysmfgamesys Member Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    The issue for gf, gwf, and op the bonus hp they receive from con only affects lvl based hp and so at lvl 70 with (9% feat bonus, which affects hp from gear and enchants) each point of con is roughly 1.2k hp on a gf. This means that gwf only gets 600 bonus hp (with 9% feat bonus) per level and with op its around 1.5k hp per con. Yet with the gear changes con becomes almost moot when your gear gives you 50k hp for all classes and then it becomes an arms race to see who can get the most damage. At this point Constitution has become the weakest ability score to have on any class come mod 6(With the exception that gwf gets RI for each point of con so it is a better ability score to have going to mod 6).
    Main-Lothor Syralth Guardian Fighter
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    yperkeimenosyperkeimenos Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Hi everyone,i wasn't able to play mod 6 on preview due to the game crashing seconds after login and only yesterday was i able to do so,without problems, and this is what i have to say about the coming changes................it's horrible. I have a GS of 18,5k,it took me a long way to get it too, and was wiped out by normal zone mobs at well of dragons. What is this? It's like starting the game all over again. I hate it and can tell you that personally i'm not gonna spend hours grinding for the new gear , just so that Cryptic can can take it all away ,at a future Mod when they again decide to raise character levels. I mean what's stopping them from doing the same thing over and over so as to give you incentive to stay? No thank you,not for me. I've been here since beta and can tell you that Cryptic is throwing away the time i invested with this game.Instead of dishing out mod after mod you should take the time to address the many....many bugs,exploits and latency problems that plague your game.That's my view of things,thank you.
    It's BUGS bunny i tell you.
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    amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Feedback: HP
    Base HP needs to be boosted for certain classes. There needs to be a differentiation between classes in terms of HP/level. In Neverwinter you have the same base HP regardless of your class, while in D&D there is a pretty big difference between classes. I don't know the exact math for 4e D&D, but pre-4e a Fighter could have ~66% more HP than a Wizard at lvl 20. HP booster items should take class into consideration too, so a GF item should give more HP than a CW item, so if a BiS CW can achieve 100k HP, a BiS GF/OP should be able to achieve 200k HP.

    Feedback: Lifesteal
    Finally others start to notice that there's a pretty big problem with the current iteration of Lifesteal. The problem is that you can stack it quite easily and certain classes will be much more OP than before. The LS% reduction for AoEs doesn't solve anything, since the current LS gets OP by increasing the number of hits / second. While AoEs do provide a substantial increase in hits/sec it's not the only way to increase it, we have DoTs, bleeds, and attacks hitting multiple times / sec, and a lot of those are single target, so they won't be affected by the AoE LS% reduction. If you want to make it less OP, you should add a 1-2s ICD to it, so it can't proc multiple times / sec. This way no matter how many targets you can hit, how fast you can attack or how much DoTs you can stack, you still won't be able to proc LS more than 1 time every 1 or 2 secs.

    Also, in mod 6 stuffs that increases your LS% directly are much more powerful than before. So Lifedrinker, ToD LS boons, feats that give +x% LS chance will be much more valuable, while Endless Consumption will be meh, since you don't need 300%+ LS severity, since that more often that not will result in overhealing, you instead need LS chance to boost the frequency of your LS procs.

    Also, instead of going from 100% LS chance with LS stat affecting LS severity to 100% LS severity and LS stat affecting LS chance, why don't you try to combine it, so LS stat affects both you LS chance and the LS severity, this way both LS chance and LS severity boosters will be effective. Give everyone a base LS severity of 10% or so, and make LS severity increase faster than LS chance with points invested into LS. I would also suggest going for a DR based approach for both LS chance and LS severity, to make it impossible to build characters with enough LS% and LS severity to outheal everything. The non-DR stat curves make LS a very good stat to stack, since in mod 6 we'll have a much higher stat budget (GS) and while pre-mod6 you needed 24k LS to get 20% LS from stats, in mod 6 you only need 8k LS for the same.

    I'd say Lifesteal should lose the unreliable proc chance and be changed to a HoT, with an ICD to stop it over stacking, so under incoming damage from multiple enemies in PvE it can still be overcome. It'd then still be reliably useful without being dramatically over powered.
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    warpetwarpet Member Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    teribad15 wrote: »
    so will there be any change to defense stat on GWF? atm my lv 70 GWF with 5k defense have 20%~DR and thats unacceptable on heavily armored class.
    def stat should be changed on GWF to gain 200/1% DR ration.

    think easy way to fix gwf would be buffing up armor specialization and con focus feats from 15% on last lvl to 100%
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    animalustanimalust Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 573 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2015
    warpet wrote: »
    gwf,gf needs a lot higher base hp or hp bonus on cw,hr,dc,sw gear should be cut in half

    SW's HP from gear should not be reduced, HP is the only survival mechanism SW has in PvP
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    thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Guys and dear devs,
    feedback on Con
    we have issues with tanks. This can be fixed fairly easy and fast by just 2 changes

    1. Armor class should give 1% resistance instead 0.5% as it is now
    2. Make Con give more HP. like x2 more

    All classes have gear. all gear has Armor class. Feature that no one really cares now.
    But as example my HR in bis gear
    - 19 armor class
    - 17 con ~ 35k HP now both Con, Enchants and so on.
    So it will be 19% of DR and as example 70k HP pool.

    My lvl 60 fresh GWF ~ 12k GS
    - 28 armor class
    - 21 con ~ 30k HP now. Nothing added for HP.
    So it will be 28% DR and 60k HP pool. On fresh GWF. Alsmost same as my fat HR could be.

    My main is HR and DPS classes. Yet this easy change can make a huge difference to balance. You can even keep HP from gear as it is now. It won't really matter if core mechanics change. As I showed on example above. In general it can lead for us to have
    - tough very fat tank with big Damage resistance,
    - tough fat tank and heal with good DR,
    - fat and some agile melee fighter with good DR,
    - Cleric with good DR and heal. not so fat
    - medium fat agile striker,
    - squishy very agile rogue,
    - squishy huge dps archer,
    - squishy huge dps mage with control
    - fat SW with heal or DPS
    - and so on...

    I do believe this is very easy change to be made. Just put multiply by 2 in 2 places. No special cases or exceptions needed. There might be need to increase Resistance ignored values a bit too for DPS classes to sake a balance. But I would not give it too much really. Game should not be one shot kill as it is now.
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    halnerd666halnerd666 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Feedback: Lifesteal

    The general BIG problem with lifesteal and hit points is that you are either at 100% health or dead.
    And there's nothing in between. The game misses that feeling of "ohhh I have to do something or I'm going to die".

    There's no fun at all being one-shotted by those adds in tiamat encounter. It would be much funnier looking at the healtbar thinning slowly but inexorably to death.

    It's quite funny looking at big-enemies health-bars slowly emptying. Why that cannot happen to player characters too?

    This scenario could be easly achieved with the current content neverwinter is offering, by removing the lifesteal stat and giving player characters something like ten times more hit points.

    It would create a feeling of progression to death making possible for players to evaluate the dangerousness of a dungeon, adapt battle tactics on the fly to counter for the situation, and would give healers time to react to the situation making their role much more satisfying than now.

    From a content creator point of view, mechanics like these could create interesting side-opportunities, like meaningful damage over time (poison for example), meaningful traps (every HP counts!), no-healing zones, meaningful class features that trigger like "below 50% health" and so on.

    Balancing dungeons and encounters around this idea would make neverwinter a more satisfying experience, in my opinion.

    Thanks for listening.

    While I totally agree with you in principle, I am troubled by parts of your argument. If you are getting one shotted in Tiamat, is that the game's fault. Everyone in this game seems to think that building Glass Cannons with decent Lifesteal is the way to go. Seriously, do you need to do 40 Million damage in CN to be effective? Of course not. Try building some survivability into your gear. With a decent amount of Defense and HP, any class will survive longer, be more effective in group content, and stop being such a burden to their teammates who are constantly picking them up off the floor, or panicking to try to heal them.

    The problem with your argument Soulspiritx, is that we could be playing this way RIGHT NOW. The reality is that very few people are willing to build in a way that allows for the kind of game play experience you are talking about. If we stop staring at DPS charts and fighting for Pain Giver, and focus more on balancing our characters properly, this could be a reality.

    The issue you brought up is a great one, but one that can easily be fix by changing our attitudes towards the game and not by wholesale changes to the mechanics.

    It is a sad thing that the devs have had to heavily nerf Regen and Lifesteal just to make certain classes and builds viable. They were viable all along. We were too busy exploiting an imbalance in DPS/Lifesteal effectiveness at high GS, rather than playing the game with any respect for diversity or balance.

    Let's focus on teamwork and enjoying PLAYING the game, rather than beating it into submission.
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    aulduronaulduron Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,351 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    On live, if you have lifesteal you're not a glass cannon. If you're a CW, for instance, I don't believe you can stack enough defense and HP to survive most hits without LS. It looks like defense is about to be much harder to stack. Even potions are next to useless in group combat. Besides, wizards are supposed to be glass cannons. They're only supposed to be armored by their buffs. Picking me up off the floor is pretty rare. And I never get healed, unless I'm right under the boss and get hit by DG. If they wanted clerics to heal all of us they wouldn't have taken the heal out of HG and divine AS.
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    rversantrversant Member Posts: 896 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Feedback : Fireburst Enchantment

    With a Perfect Fireburst enchantment, testing the damage it does to enemies. it seems to do under 2,000 damage to NPC's, this is shockingly low, its even lower than one at will hit. This should be buffed at least to 8000-10,000 damage as it only occurs every 30 seconds currently and it is reduced by mitigation. Alternatively lower its cooldown by 50% at all ranks (15 sec at perfect rank), and just increase the damage by about 100%. I'd assume the damage from Frostburn/Thunder is also quite low, but these at least have an extra effect, however they may need cooldown changes or increased damage also to make them viable over Soulforged/negation/barkshield also. I only have a perf fireburst for RP and because it looks cool...

    Feedback : New armor and stats

    Currently on Preview I've seen Hunter rangers and Control wizards with the same gear level / sets as GWF/GF, but having comparable HP. Whats the point of having classes that are designated as the tanky classes who deal lower damage, if the "Pure dps" classes can have the same / Higher hp, Armor and such is a nonfactor as Theres many ways to reach DR cap in PVP (bit of arpen + pure/trans chants, the fact that all these debuffs stack, etc) , and in PVE the Dps classes wont be tanking in group content anyway

    Hp on Non-TANK classes (Tr/hr/cw/dc/sw) Should be lower than on Op/Gwf/Gf sets by a reasonable margin.

    SW may be an exception as they are a very hp reliant class
    People are way too negative, Why cant we just all get along.

    Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
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    s1lv3rdrgnforums1lv3rdrgnforum Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    hey .. i'll just throw this out here..

    Can we get rid of paingiver? The score is meaningless and implies too many things that arent actually said (or true).


    Thanks :)
    Bedlam: Creating chaos as a MI Exec TR
    Avariel Merilwen: Burn baby, MoF/Rene
    Aejun The Silver: Devoted to Healing, DevOP/Justice
    Mina Rosepetal: Super Natural, Pathfinder/Melee
    Frost: Benchwarmer, Soulbinder/Fury
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    hey .. i'll just throw this out here..

    Can we get rid of paingiver? The score is meaningless and implies too many things that arent actually said (or true).


    Thanks :)
    Yes please. The best change you can do
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    suddenlyslowsuddenlyslow Member Posts: 818 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    rversant wrote: »

    Feedback : New armor and stats

    Currently on Preview I've seen Hunter rangers and Control wizards with the same gear level / sets as GWF/GF, but having comparable HP. Whats the point of having classes that are designated as the tanky classes who deal lower damage, if the "Pure dps" classes can have the same / Higher hp, Armor and such is a nonfactor as Theres many ways to reach DR cap in PVP (bit of arpen + pure/trans chants, the fact that all these debuffs stack, etc) , and in PVE the Dps classes wont be tanking in group content anyway

    Hp on Non-TANK classes (Tr/hr/cw/dc/sw) Should be lower than on Op/Gwf/Gf sets by a reasonable margin.

    SW may be an exception as they are a very hp reliant class

    While I agree in general, what about the damage GWF, should they gain as much as the tank GWF? Even if there is a gear set favoring defense and one favoring offense they can still be worn by either unless paragon restrictions were implemented.
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    rversantrversant Member Posts: 896 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    While I agree in general, what about the damage GWF, should they gain as much as the tank GWF? Even if there is a gear set favoring defense and one favoring offense they can still be worn by either unless paragon restrictions were implemented.

    Damage GWF still doesnt compare in general tankiness to even a cloth wearing mage at the moment, and even with the changes on preview I still cant see them comparing in damage to the other classes considered to be high DPS. I've got a 60 gwf, 60 HR and 60 TR on live, and both the HR and TR can take more punishment than the GWF simply because of dodges / stealth and immunity based skills. and yes the Defensive sets should have higher hp so if a Damage gwf sacrifices damage (i'd assume Crit and arpen wouldnt be the stats on the tank set, tank set would likely be HP>defence>Power>Recov>deflect>Regen or something compared to an offense set with HP/Power/Crit/Arpen/Defence/Lifesteal) to use that tank set they should benefit from the higher HP of a tank.
    People are way too negative, Why cant we just all get along.

    Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Reconsider the changes to regen to let it stay somewhat useful.
    just added incoming healing in combat is ridicolous.
    you crush started saying: ''there were no reason to stack regen in pve" ....where is now this added reason?
    i fail to see it. Regen now is just something that one should avoid and gear with it becomes subpar.
This discussion has been closed.