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Xbox One's lack of a minimap is truly horrendous.

zazaajizazaaji Member Posts: 186
Why was the minimap completely removed? It was extremely useful, almost needed, in the PC version. I know that the rainbow trails that lead to objectives are still in the XB1 version, which is better than nothing in terms of navigation, but I'd much rather have a minimap. It actually encourages exploration, while a rainbow trail to all objectives pretty much removes all sense of exploration.

Can we please get some insight as to its removal, and if there are any plans to add it?

Please post if you agree, and want a minimap added to the Xbox One version as well.

EDIT: Also post if you want a toggle-able optional minimap.

EDIT 2: Just want to say that one of the points on the live stream Q&A they did was that "Minimap might be added if enough people want it."

EDIT 3: From Arc Games news page:
While a mini-map will not be included at launch on Xbox One, the feedback was definitely heard and we will be discussing solutions for subsequent updates.
So please people, keep supporting it, show you really want/need it. It gets close to breaking the game in my opinion without it, and is truly needed.
Post edited by Unknown User on


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    enigmaticlyenigmaticly Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I just posted in the other thread, but it would probably do better to post here. I agree with the need for a minimap somewhere on screen. The top right corner would be overly cluttered, but the bottom right would be a perfect place IMO for a small map. Also, when doing quests in a defined area, the lack of minimap tends to make me wander away from the proper place. A good example would be the firebugs quest in Tower district. One of my party members earlier wandered out of the quest zone and couldn't understand where they were supposed to go to find the bugs. From playing the PC version, I knew, but someone new to the game could, potentially wander aimlessly around for who knows how long or even become frustrated and give up entirely.

    TL;DR Minimap would be nice.
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    misfits1182misfits1182 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I completely agree, that was the first thing i was looking for. I checked for it in the options to no avail, having the mini map would be essential for being able to explore the maps.
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    shadowshewolf71shadowshewolf71 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I agree as well. A mini map is an essential part of an open world game. I would prefer that over the trail of stars. It promotes exploration versus just following the trail. The mini map can show an ! for the objective piece.
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    drizztfohldrizztfohl Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    It would be nice to have it on the screen, but hitting a combination of 2 buttons if also fine. I like a less cluttered screen.
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    zetoushizetoushi Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I agree, the mini-map should be an option to turn off, not to turn on.
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    papabear34papabear34 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I agree that a mini map would be very helpful.
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    xxhollywoodxxhollywood Member Posts: 44
    edited February 2015
    I also agree with the idea that the mini map would be very beneficial.
    The glittery "Fable" path for quests is good and all, but it isn't the end-all
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    zazaajizazaaji Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2015
    drizztfohl wrote: »
    It would be nice to have it on the screen, but hitting a combination of 2 buttons if also fine. I like a less cluttered screen.

    That's a full sized map, you can't even move your character while viewing that. Minimaps are visible all the time, and you can move your character while looking at them. This version completely lacks it, but the PC version has it.
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    baconcandy12baconcandy12 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I think everyone agrees we need the mini map. I'm sure they'll add it to the game at some point.
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited February 2015
    I just watched the livestream and honestly, I'll be glad to not have the minimap cluttering my screen, especially with how fluid it is to open the map screen. They even stated they made the quest trail better to compensate, but that for now there will be no minimap. Watching the livestream reminds me of my endless hours consumed by Marrowind, where we didn't have such a thing and it was fine.

    I wouldn't eventually be opposed to seeing a toggle for it though, but I would like to see the UI condensed better, for it does hang quite a ways from the edge of the screen right now.
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    baconcandy12baconcandy12 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    A mini map would look fine at the bottom right corner.
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    zazaajizazaaji Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2015
    zebular wrote: »
    I just watched the livestream and honestly, I'll be glad to not have the minimap cluttering my screen, especially with how fluid it is to open the map screen. They even stated they made the quest trail better to compensate, but that for now there will be no minimap. Watching the livestream reminds me of my endless hours consumed by Marrowind, where we didn't have such a thing and it was fine.

    I wouldn't eventually be opposed to seeing a toggle for it though, but I would like to see the UI condensed better, for it does hang quite a ways from the edge of the screen right now.

    This UI problem you're mentioning is related to the fact they designed the XB1 version to use Overscanning TV's, which haven't been made in several years. Nearly all TV's nowadays are made with "Unscaled" options default, which causes the UI to look extremely scrunched in.

    See my thread here about that: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?841511-UI-is-too-shrunk-in-on-a-TV-s-normal-quot-unscaled-quot-option-Let-us-adjust-UI-like-on-PC

    I intend to add more technical stuff later, with screenshots.
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    twackerstwackers Member Posts: 34
    edited February 2015
    A toggable option would be great. Best of both worlds.

    As I was watching the stream earlier, I also agree that a on-screen minimap is not suitable to people unfamilar with the genre. However, a toggable option fits both needs as stated above.

    I'd also like for the "Player and group" icons displayed on the top left to be sized down a bit. They take up a ton of unneccessary room. Then again, I play on a 22" monitor instead of sitting ~8ft from my TV.
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    bloodstonebloodstone Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I have to disagree the failed usage of the mini map was my biggest let down, the mini map helps quest such as area ones were the area is blue, having to goto the Start then map is hard. i think i mini map CHOICE would be good but not have to use it.
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    ambientgreenambientgreen Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I'll throw my support behind having a minimap in the bottom right hand corner, that can be toggled on/off.

    A minimap is usually essential for any MMORPG that you come across, especially for newcomers unfamiliar with the game.

    I've been playing MMORPG's for a long time (and even MUD's before it) since Ultima Online (Pre-Trammel), to Asheron's Call (Darktide), to Dark Age of Camelot, from Shadowbane, to Age of Conan, on and on down the line. The invention of the minimap is the best thing to ever happen to them, and it feels weird, awkward, and counterintuitive without one.

    Just my two coppers...
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    ek2383ek2383 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    yes need mini map
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    hearthiehearthie Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    A mini map would look fine at the bottom right corner.

    This was my initial thought, no idea why they never put it their, and like someone said previously, a toggle option for those who don't want it is fine also. For me this game is almost unplayable without a mini map, maybe I've been spoilt in the past, but I really just wanna see my surroundings without opening the main map.
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    lordsmoke74lordsmoke74 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Yes A mini map would be nice and a good place for it on my screen at least is the lower right corner it seems.
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    zazaajizazaaji Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2015
    Just want to say that one of the points on the live stream Q&A they did was that "Minimap might be added if enough people want it."

    So please people, keep supporting it, show you really want/need it. It gets close to breaking the game in my opinion without it, and is truly needed.
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    philparry80philparry80 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Toggable mini map would be great
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    finaldeath1689finaldeath1689 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Just started playing it like 15 minutes ago and already hating the lack of minimap, constantly having to open the full map to see where i am going will ruin the game completely for me. I would greatly appreciate having a minimap added.
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    grimlock92grimlock92 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Yeah we definitely need a mini-map. The lack of navigation is pretty annoying, also I agree with you that it does encourage exploration when there is one.
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    xxhollywoodxxhollywood Member Posts: 44
    edited February 2015
    zazaaji wrote: »
    Just want to say that one of the points on the live stream Q&A they did was that "Minimap might be added if enough people want it."

    So please people, keep supporting it, show you really want/need it. It gets close to breaking the game in my opinion without it, and is truly needed.

    I don't know if I'd go that far. I've put a few good hours into this now, and to be honest - the lack of mini-map isn't really bugging me. Sure, it would be easier to rip around places by using it, but this sort of forces you to get to know the areas better. Everything I've been in is a cake-walk right now, having putzed around in the places for a good chunk of time.

    It would be nice, but it's not detrimental.
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    jabrown2177jabrown2177 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I think there should be a mini-map too, the whole magical trail thing is cool, but after a while I found myself getting lost with that because it wouldn't load right away. Knowing where you are and where you're going is pretty important in a huge game like this.
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    tzarofkaostzarofkaos Member Posts: 42
    edited February 2015
    It would be nice to have a mini map....Way better than this "magical trail" which make Neverwinter a linear game (point A to point B : just follow the line).
    By the way,is it possible to not have "magical trail",didn't saw an option ?
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    zaknafein00zaknafein00 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I totally agree that a mini-map is needed! I would help locate places quicker.
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    addiktedsouladdiktedsoul Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I think a toggleable would be great! I've never played the pc version since my computer can't run it but as an avid xbox player and rpg/mmorpg fan, i think a mini map is a must! If people don't want it displayed or just want it sometimes they could just toggle it on or off. I think a mini map is necessary in my opinion.
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    spuratisspuratis Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    It felt strange that there wasn't a mini-map, almost lacking, but after I got used to it, I don't think it's a huge problem. It would be nice to have the option to turn one on though. I can't think of any reason why we shouldn't have it.
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    bladovackbladovack Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Been playing the beta for a few days and i wasnt all that bothered by the lack of a mini map and just thought it would be cool to have one. After trying out the PC version for the first time I can see how esential the mini map is and now desperately want a toggle-able optional minimap to be added. If it wasnt for my slow pc and no official controller support them I would happily coninue to play that version, instead i'll wait for the xbox.
    Just to be clear, I want toggle-able optional minimap.
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    z33n4z33n4 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    A toggle might be nice, but yea, given the resolution I bet it would really detract from viewing screen..

    That said.. When playing in a dungeon my party and I were losing each other! :o
    Can there at least be a bread trail for party leaders so we can find each other in dungeons please?
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