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Official Feedback Thread: Control Wizard Cap Raise

rrshendevrrshendev Member, Cryptic Developers Posts: 10 Arc User
Greetings Adventurers!

In conjunction with the forthcoming raise to the level cap, each class will see additions and adjustments. This content will gradually be made available on our preview shard. As it becomes available we would very much like to collect your feedback!

This thread will be focused on the Control Wizard. Initially only new class features and feats will be made available, however this thread will be updated alongside the preview shard in the future.

Class Features
The following class features will become available at 60 points.

Arcane Power Field - When you activate a Daily power you gain Arcane Power Field. This effect causes foes within 30' of you to take damage every second. Rank: Damage +15%

Frost Wave - When you activate a Daily power you immobilize foes within 30' of you for 1 second. (2 seconds if the target is facing away from you.) Rank: Duration +1 second

The following feats will become available after investing 10 paragon points into the corresponding tree. Feats previously available at 10 points have been moved to 15, those available at 15 have been moved to 20, and so on.

  • Frigid Winds - Foes who have been Frozen take 2/4/6/8/10% more damage from all sources.
  • Icy Veins - When you activate an Encounter power all foes within 15' of you have 1/2/3/4/5 stacks of Chill applied to them.

  • Elemental Reinforcement - When you cast a Fire, Arcane, Cold or Lightning encounter power you gain 1/2/3/4/5% increased damage for 10 seconds. Each Element may apply this bonus separately.
  • Spell Twisting - Your Encounter Powers apply Spell Twisting for 10 seconds, which stacks up to 3 times. When you cast an At Will power, your stacks of Spell Twisting are consumed to reduce the cooldown time on recharging powers. Cooldown is reduced by 2/4/6/8/10% per stack.

  • Uncertain Allegiance - When you critically strike you grant allies 1/2/3/4/5% Critical Chance for 10 seconds.
  • Abyss of Chaos - When you strike a foe with an Encounter Power you mark them with Abyss. When an ally strikes that foe they consume Abyss to deal 60/120/180/240/300% of your weapon damage as Piercing Damage.
Post edited by rrshendev on


  • rrshendevrrshendev Member, Cryptic Developers Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2015

    We need to collect as much feedback as possible on this so we can tweak the Control Wizard in PVE and performance in PVP. Given that, we would like you to categorize and color code your feedback so we can sort it and act on it most effectively! Please use the below format to submit bugs/feedback.

    Type: Bug/Feedback (Please only choose one)
    Spec: (Please enter the spec that you are providing feedback for here)

    Please use “Bold” face text for the Type & Spec then type your feedback in the body of your post. If you are listing a bug please have this text in RED, if you are posting an opinion or feedback please use BLUE.

    (Concise Feedback & Screen Shots are much appreciated)


    Bug: Destroyer
    Destroyer’s Purpose didn’t grant stacks while dealing damage.

    Feedback: Sentinel
    I feel like I don’t have enough tools to stay alive under fire now and it makes tanking too hard.

    Please try to play for a few hours to get used to the new powers. Thank you again for all your help Adventurers! We look forward to hearing back from you!
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Moderator Notice:

    As with all other such threads, please restrict your posts to useable feedback in the format requested. The devs are looking for numbers and figures to tweak the changes before live release. Parses and ACT logs are helpful in this matter, as are screenshots. Also, be aware that posting your text in cyan does not automatically tag it as valid feedback--the content of your post must be constructive feedback.

    Attacks on another poster's feedback or opinion, or anything not related to your experience with the changes posted to this thread will be moderated accordingly without further public notice. Posts based on conjecture without valid testing, where applicable, will be removed.

    To ensure that the devs get the feedback in a logical and orderly manner, we're having to enforce this rather strictly. Please do make sure that your feedback is in the format specified in the opening posts of this thread, or it will be moved.

    Please do not respond to or reply to this notice, but use the PM system to address your concerns, per Rules of Conduct, Section V.

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  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited January 2015
    rrshendev wrote: »
    B - Abyss of Chaos - When you strike a foe with an Encounter Power you mark them with Abyss. When an ally strikes that foe they consume Abyss to deal 60/120/180/240/300% of your weapon damage as Piercing Damage.
    Question: Will this affect yourself too, and/or your companions. For instance, once Abyss is marked, will MY next attack and/or my and party companions trigger and consume abyss? What about Friendly NPCs? I always get confused when abilities and such say "ally." Does "Ally" include the player themselves, the player's companions, party companions, friendly players who aren't groups and their companions too, as well as friendly NPCs?
  • gentlemancrushgentlemancrush Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 445 Cryptic Developer
    edited January 2015
    zebular wrote: »
    Question: Will this affect yourself too, and/or your companions. For instance, once Abyss is marked, will MY next attack and/or my and party companions trigger and consume abyss? What about Friendly NPCs?

    It should be anyone that isn't you but is friendly to you.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited January 2015
    It should be anyone that isn't you but is friendly to you.

    Continued Question: So then that means that Your Companions, Party Companions, Party Players, Friendly NPCs, Friendly non-partied Players and their Companions too? Or does friendly just mean "partied" players, your companions and party companions?
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited January 2015
    Feedback: Renegade

    Abyss of Chaos - Please consider making this do something else if the player attacks them before an ally, else this power really isn't "Chaotic" as the name implies. Instead, if left as is, perhaps rename it Ordered Abyss. With it being an ally only effect, it will not be of any use in Solo Play, and for us Renegades who play Solo a lot, will be something of a wasted feat in feeling, as the other two feat paths's final feats would then be more appealing, as they affect the player, yet unattainable for Renegades.
  • vedran541vedran541 Member Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Feedback - Renegade

    Arcane Power Field

    Does ridiculously low damage. It scales with power and all, but with 11k power i got it to do max 500 damage, not even that. Which is really low after activating a daily.

    It ticks for around 40-80 damage per tick for 6 ticks.

    BUG - Renegade

    Arcane Power Field

    Even after I unslotted the passive it kept proccing
  • abaddon523abaddon523 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Bug: Icy Veins

    Icy Veins is not applying the appropriate number of stacks of chill. When casting an Encounter spell only one stack of chill is added to nearby enemies even when the feat is Rank 5. If the Encounter has multiple ticks of damage (like Conduit of Ice) then one stack of chill is added per tick.
  • abaddon523abaddon523 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Bug: Spell Twisting

    Every tick of damage from every encounter spell adds a stack of Spell Twisting. If I cast Icy Terrain then Conduit of Ice then use an Ray of Frost my encounter powers will be off cooldown in less than 2.5 seconds. The problem is that I get an instant 3 stacks of spell twisting from the DOTs, then the Ray of Frost damage reduces the cooldowns, then I immediately have 3 more stacks from the DOTs and the next tick of Ray of Frost reduces the cooldowns again. I basically get unlimited use of Encounters with this feat.
  • abaddon523abaddon523 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Feedback: Arcane Power Field

    This passive ability is a joke. I seriously cannot believe that anyone would consider using this. I parsed this ability and found that at Rank 1 it did 1652 damage to 3 targets over 6 seconds (that was with a 30% debuff from High Vizier set). This amounts to 91 DPS per target. My CW does nearly 20,000 DPS per target. This would be a 0.4% damage increase IF the field were active all the time. However, it would only be active after using a Daily which would be significantly less up time. There is no way anyone would ever displace any passive ability in favor of Arcane Power Field.
  • beatannierbeatannier Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 692 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Feedback — Abyss of Chaos
    Abyss of Chaos applies debuff on enemy every tick of encounter power. When anybody but me deals any damage (every attack, tick), debuff disappears, dealing damage that comes from me, that fully benefits from all my buffs and enemy debuffs. However, Abyss of Chaos never critted. After debuff disappears, new debuff may be applied immediatelly.

    In my tests with purple artifact orb, that was avg 12,000 damage (again, without any crit as no one hit critted).
    When I put Icy Terrain and other CW puts Icy Terrain, Abyss of Chaos triggers every second as right after my tick, other CW tick comes.
    Let`s now add just Fannig the Flame that triggers every second too and 2nd CW COI. It produces 24,000 damage every second!

    Stats: //s9.postimg.org/e5zgl9266/abyss_det.jpg

    Abyss of Chaos produces about 76% output damage.

    Feedback — Arcane Power Field
    Didn`t found any bug, but it`s damage… Average 73. Will not take this even if it`s damage will be ten times higher.

    Feedback — Frost Wave
    Useless for me as Twisting Immolation dazzles far enough long to even feel these 5 stacks of Chill. Togheter with Icy Terrain, I even think it can be harmfull, as freeze will happen at same time as dazzle because of 5 stacks of Chill added right in the moment of dazzle, causing critters to get frozen a max of next tick of Icy Terrain (max to 1 second) after they gets 5 stacks of Chill from Frost Wave in case they don`t have anyone yet, but insta–frozen in most of the time.

    Feedback — Uncertain Allegiance
    It applies it`s buff both to me (owner) and allies (everybody around). Lasts 10 seconds, so it`s far enough to crit next time. I can say it`s just +5% critical chance for the whole party / everybody in raid/heroic encounter.

    Bug — Chilling Advantage
    Once +10% crit chance applied on resurrect/slotting Chilling Presence, Chilling Presence can be unslotted or even creplaced with other Class Feature and +10% crit chance will still persists until death.

    Bug — Elemental Reinforcement
    Only Arcane and Cold encounters adds +5% damage. Neither Fire nor Lightning encounters adds +5% damage.
  • nathyielnathyiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    BUG : ending Feat of each tree.

    I'm able to select the ending feat of each tree after 20 points (like actually) when it should 25 points because of the added feat.
  • lukejones77lukejones77 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 282 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Feedback - Arcane Power Field & Frost wave

    As it stands, I'd be surprised if CWs slotted either Arcane Power Field or Frost wave.
    You need something reasonable to ask standard build CWs to unslot Spell Storm or EotS (or perhaps Chilling Presence)

    From a class design perspective, the sad top 2 tiers of pinnacle CW powers would be:
    - Shard/Avalanche - pretty much abandoned after the mod 4 nerf
    - Maelstrom/Chaos - Had rare specific use when it caused boss interrupts, but unused now
    - Eye of the Storm - standard goto. Almost got abandoned at mod 4 when a 90 sec cool down was proposed.
    - Arcane Power Field - doesn't give near enough to slot.
    - Frost Wave - doesn't give near enough to slot.

    Looks like nothing on the "Powers" screen to look forward to in the increased level cap so far.
    Maybe, if the increased level cap came with a 3rd class feature slot ;)

    My suggestion would be to give us a 3rd Class Feature slot at a higher level. Then one of the new class features might get used.
  • romotheoneromotheone Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 729 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    My suggestion would be to give us a 3rd Class Feature slot at a higher level. Then one of the new class features might get used.

    I'd still slot a chilling presence for the 72% damage increase. None of the new spell seem appealing besides the Abyss of Chaos, that just seems insane, 2 CWs will pretty much wreck everything in an instance.
  • mechomancermechomancer Member Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    nathyiel wrote: »
    BUG : ending Feat of each tree.

    I'm able to select the ending feat of each tree after 20 points (like actually) when it should 25 points because of the added feat.

    I'm getting something similar. After allocating 10 Paragon points in Oppressor, it allows you to skip the 3rd tier and go straight to the 4th tier, then 5th and capstone, only requiring 21 Paragon points (as is the current mechanic). However, both Thaum and Renegade require 26 points to reach capstone with no skipping of the 3rd tier, leaving just 5 more points to spread around after reaching capstone vs. 10 for Oppressor.

    Personally, I was already Oppressor and will stay the same. I'm not sure how the other CW's will feel about requiring 5 of those points to go towards their respective capstone feats, unless what your adding to their paths are worth it...
    That, and I hope that it doesn't get changed to where Oppressor is the same way. I was really hoping for 5 additional Paragon Points with an added feat for a total of 36 (26 for path and 10 to spread)

  • loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Bug: Sudden Storm
    The power actually does reliably hit mobs again (thanks for fixing this, accidentally or on purpose), because it has nice synergy with the new Thauma feat Elemental Reinforcement, but the spell does still apply it's damage to foes as early as it's activated opposed to when the bolts actually hit the target.
  • nightjustinenightjustine Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    The changes seem nice, I might think about going back to Thaum or going Oppressor. But...
    Bug: Spell Twisting (because I really don't think it's WAI)
    It reduces artifact cooldowns. I used my Sigil of the Devoted and I didn't even complete one combo and it was off CD. Encounters I was using: Fanning the Flame on Tab, Icy Terrain, Steal Time, Conduit of Ice
  • edited January 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • sygfried94sygfried94 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 264 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015

    First test on server test and the first thing probably not specific to CW class but only test with my CW. When i connected first all feat selected after lvl 2 was reinitialised but all selected feat lvl 2 and under are still selected. it force me to reintialised all. then come an other problem, i'm unable to reselect all campaign feat since it look look it only activate at lvl 70.

    I'haven't identifie the problem yet but at least i see this a couple of time. there is some push effect appear on some dead mob or on my character after mob been killed. Unfortinatly i do not have more info yet

    renegade new feat both. Why only put party feat that doesn't look to apply to your own character. i agree that it party feat but well it should include yourself at least. Since 75 % of time you play solo it really look like a waste of point and the worst is the t2 feat also a wast you no choice but get point there.

    Haven't tested but wonder The feat that adds 5 stack of ice when an encounter. what happens with lighting that can also adds 5 stack. isn't there some redundant effect. it nice to add some ice stack to control but since it have a 3 second cooldown after freeze. it wonder what the use.
    Put the cooldown not on ice stack but on the freeze would be better.
  • katamaster81899katamaster81899 Member Posts: 1,157 Arc User
    edited February 2015

    I don't like these new class feats. They are useless.

    Instead, let's try something that is comparable to some of our other class feats, such as EoTS, CP, Storm Spell, or Evocation. Something we'd /consider/ slotting.

    Here's an example of something that sounds nice on paper, probably not as good as current ones, but still is comparable. Even more important, it sounds cool. (It rhymes, and not only that, it makes sense - obvious indicator it should be implemented :O)

    Mage's Rampage: Whenever you strike an opponent with a critical hit, you gain a stack of Mage Rage. Each stack of Mage Rage provides 0.5% additional critical chance, and .75/1/1.25/1.5% critical severity. Each stack lasts for 5/6/7/8 seconds. You can have up to 6/9/12/15 stacks at once.

    This is something I'd actually invest my power points in if I saw it on my power tree, as it actually seems usable with a decent build. And it sounds cool.

    And yes, this does sound admittedly OP, but just take a moment to think about it. It's going to be very hard to keep that up at full stacks when upgraded to rank 4, even with DoT procs. Stacks are only gained on critical hits, and have a short lifespan. It would not always be capped on stacks, far from it in my opinion.

    Here's another one I think would be cool, not sure if it is good compared to our current ones, but definitely better than what they are adding on. Maybe I'd use it for PVP. It seems like this would work very well on oppressor specced CWs. It'd actually need to be toned down for PVP a bit, for class balance, but TRs have SoD so maybe they can leave it like this:

    Wizard's Wisdom: Your mastery of control magic reduces the cooldown of your control powers by an additional 1/1.5/2/2.5 seconds. The duration of these powers is increased by 25%/50%/75%/100% of your current recovery statistic.

    And I know this is going to come up, so I'll clarify it now. When I say "% of your current recovery statistic", I don't mean the number of points you have in that stat, but the % cooldown on your powers that you already have. So at rank 4, The encounter "Entangling Force" would last for (Normal Duration × (1 + (Recharge Speed Increase ÷ 100)))

    Also, when I say "control powers" I'm referring to the following (I may have missed one or two, so feel free to correct me): Entangling Force, Steal Time, Shield, Icy Rays, Shard of Endless Avalanche, Repel, Chill Strike, and all of the dailies.

    Something else that I find rather interesting to note about this feat: Since stacking of any stat will be somewhat more applicable now, this feat would perhaps encourage a recovery centered build? Just some food for thought here.

    This feat would /not/ apply to chill and frozen targets, as that would be.... OP.

    Note: To all non-CWs that are viewing this, you are probably thinking "Wait, that sounds way too overpowered. That's too good to be used". However, what you probably don't understand is the the majority of a Control Wizards damage comes from our class features, and that any new ones would have to be REALLY good in order for us to consider using it. In fact, neither of these are likely good enough to change any builds, at least for PVE.
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  • jarecstephjarecsteph Member Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Greetings Adventurers!

    In conjunction with the forthcoming raise to the level cap, each class will see additions and adjustments. This content will gradually be made available on our preview shard. As it becomes available we would very much like to collect your feedback! ...


    Could you make some change to 3 totally useless Oppressor feats. And the main reason is we have no choice to choose at least one of them.

    Severe Reaction: When struck you have a 15% chance to repel your attacker…
    Should become a 50% chance.

    Brisk Transport: When you teleport your Run Speed is increase by 2,4,6,8,10% for 3 seconds.
    Should become by 5,10,15,20,25% for 6 seconds.

    Chilling Control : I think the problem with this one is for PVPers. Sudden Storm activation time should be reduce by 60% and the resulting Bolt of lightning strike to be done 50% quicker so we will be able to use that spell in PVP.

    • Uncertain Allegiance - When you critically strike you grant allies 1/2/3/4/5% Critical Chance for 10 seconds.
    • Abyss of Chaos - When you strike a foe with an Encounter Power you mark them with Abyss. When an ally strikes that foe they consume Abyss to deal 60/120/180/240/300% of your weapon damage as Piercing Damage.

    Can you make these feats also affecting me not only my ally so it will be useful in PVP for one on one battle situations? There is too much situations when we are only relying on ourselves in domination or open world, so my opinion is those 2 feats will be a total waste for PVP players if they don’t affect ourselves. They will be useless
  • ledrogledrog Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Feedback, Renegade:
    Agreed. The new renegade feats are a complete waste for solo play/pvp.
    Since CC is a major problem nowadays with TR's and HR's perma cc-ing in pvp, why not add a feat that provides additional CC-resistance to the group. +3/6/9/12/15% or +5/10/15/20/25%. Whatever numbers seem more appropriate.

    Or give a decent boost to combat advantage, the feats we currently have dont really seem desirable as they are now. A flat increase in dmg or crit chance seems a lot more usefull to me especially in solo play. With a additional boost they would give a far better reason to make use of that mechanic.
  • jarecstephjarecsteph Member Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    rrshendev wrote: »
    Greetings Adventurers!

    In conjunction with the forthcoming raise to the level cap, each class will see additions and adjustments. This content will gradually be made available on our preview shard. As it becomes available we would very much like to collect your feedback!

    This thread will be focused on the Control Wizard. Initially only new class features and feats will be made available, however this thread will be updated alongside the preview shard in the future.

    Class Features
    The following class features will become available at 60 points.

    Arcane Power Field - When you activate a Daily power you gain Arcane Power Field. This effect causes foes within 30' of you to take damage every second. Rank: Damage +15%

    Frost Wave - When you activate a Daily power you immobilize foes within 30' of you for 1 second. (2 seconds if the target is facing away from you.) Rank: Duration +1 second

    The following feats will become available after investing 10 paragon points into the corresponding tree. Feats previously available at 10 points have been moved to 15, those available at 15 have been moved to 20, and so on.



    Chilling Control add note:

    I'm asking you to change Sudden Storm.

    Its activation time should be reduce by 60% and the resulting Bolt of lightning strike to be done 50% quicker so we will be able to use that spell in PVP without changing anything to PVE balance.

    And a good reason for the change is CW has no spell to cast against TR and HR stealth. So at last Sudden Storm could become a usable spell to defend or attack against them because it doesn’t need a target to be cast. I'm sure it would become a nice balance decision and an enjoyable break to a very frustrating situation that is going on for too long now. We would finally be able to cast a descent spell against stealth.
  • nathyielnathyiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Oppressor feat : Icy veins
    Master of Flame: it give them what they are lacking in the tree: an additional way to quickly stack Chill. But the distance isn't big enough: 15' when most spell are 80'.
    Spell Storm: it feel redundant and complementary at the same time with Chilling Control.
    • Complementary because it's all (?) targets around the caster.
    • Redundant because most of the time, all target is in front of the caster. And they both work at short distance (15'/30' versus 80')

    1) These feat seem to work in synergies with Icy terrain as a way to Freeze quickly and regularly. It increase both damage and control.
    • It work good in PvP against melee opponent
    • It don't work that good in PvE as it oblige the mage to go to melee distance to drop IT and making it work wonderfully.
    2) It don't resolve the lack of Chill adding tool as MoF

    I think that Oppressor need a way to add Chill at distance, not only at melee distance. It could give it a better purpose in PvE while increasing target control and cooperation in PvP.
    So I propose to change it to :
    • add Chill in 15' around the target
    • less Chill stack are added the farther the target is from the caster.

    In short, it will be 5 stack with Icy Terrain but only 1 stack at max distance (80').
  • destinyknightdestinyknight Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Storm Pillar - Bug
    Storm pillar is STILL bugged and will not crit properly (has been since mod 3 )
  • abaddon523abaddon523 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Bug: Abyss of Chaos

    Something seems to be getting calculated incorrectly for Abyss of Chaos damage. The description of the feat states that it can deal up to 300% of weapon damage. I ran around the Drowned shore for a while with a companion active (to trigger the damage) and got some very different results. My max weapon damage is 1287. Yet Abyss of Chaos damage ranged from 9,100-29,000 damage. Abyss of Chaos accounted for more damage than even Storm Spell.


  • wixxgs1chtwixxgs1cht Member Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    2 rene CWs, 3 "dead" dummies (as in immune to OF etc.), 1 happy Abyss:


    Long story short: Might need a little toning down.

    Also, would be cool if dummies couldn't become immune to ground-based skills like OF, Icy Terrain, Sudden storm, Shard and - quite interesting for experimenting around with Chilling Presence - Frozen.
  • denvalddenvald Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 702 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Feedback: Overall new feats

    I really like the new feats for opressor, renegade and thaumaturge, they really step in the right direction of what the trees should feel like IMO. more control for opresor more damage opportunities with thaumaturge.. etc.

    The new class features however, Frost Wave and Arcane Power Field, need some more work.

    Bug: Wizard class features
    The effects of each are:
    Arcane power field: using a daily power triggers arcane power field which deals damage every second to ennemies around you of 30'.
    Frost Wave: when you activate a daily power you immobilize foes within 30' for 1s. +1s per rank.`

    Arcane power field deals extremely low damage.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Arcane Power Field deals 57 (55) Physical Damage to Sea Troll.

    I assume this is a bug, because that doesn't feel normal to me. Arcane power field triggers the level up flash animation and sound everytime you use a daily which is really hard on the eyes :P

    Frost Wave actually stuns ennemies for 4 seconds rather than immobilizing them.

    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Furious Immolation deals 5174 (5237) Fire Damage to Sea Troll.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Furious Immolation deals 5437 Fire Damage to Sea Troll Runt.
    That was from the same cast, is there a critical hit problem with this power? I didn't investigate further.

    Feedback: Class Features
    The new features feel underwhelming, arcane power field deals next to no damage (how much damage is it supposed to deal? if it were something like 8k damage then that'd be a competitive feat with the other feats wizards have access to, but 57?.. yeah nothing.

    Frost wave is all right but I feel both of those feats lack features in them. For example, for other feats you either have 1 powerful effect or multiple smaller effects.

    In other words, Eye of the Storm has 1 power effect, Combustive action has 3 smaller effects, critical conflagration has 2 smaller effects and even arcane presence has two now.

    To be honest to balance these feats so they are competitive with other feats I would merge them.
    How I see it,
    Arcane power field: Creates a field of arcane power around the caster for 6 seconds which deals damage to ennemies 30' around the caster every second. In addition, casting a daily power also stuns nearby ennemies for 1s (+1s per rank).

    This sounds already much better than what we currently have, I would actually consider using this feat, but not if they are two separate feats. We are comparing to feats like Combustive Action who have 3 effects within one feat, I don't see how that's impossible/broken/unbalanced.

    Combustive action: When a smolder target is killed gain +1% AP, daily power adds smolder to targets and those targets take more damage from smolder effects for a brief duration.

    If that was done, it would free up one feat from the lv 60+ list, I would use the other feat for something else, something new.
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  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Feat Bug: Icy Veins.
    - I've tested it quite a few times in preview, and for some reason Icy Veins, no matter what rank, only applies 1 stack of Chill to enemies within 15'.
  • nathyielnathyiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Feat bug: Icy veins.
    Using a Daily also apply a stack of Chill
This discussion has been closed.