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Mod 6 Discussion Thread



  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Imagine there are now 150% Mounts, and all your Zen market 100% Mounts can be upgraded... for 700 Zen a pop. This is what they did at STO: 2500 (minimum) for a tier 5 Starship. Now they release new Tier 6 Starships, all tier 5 can be upgraded for 700Zen a pop. Screw-you STO team at Cryptic. I've since all but completely stopped playing STO.

    As for Neverwinter - the level cap increase brings a lot of questions, most notably will be how current 'gear' and artifacts and trinkets are handled, what about companions? I have a Fawn companion with rank 9 Rhinestones and epic Companion gear - it has 23k HP and so on, survivable in all but the most difficult content - what happens to that? Just asp people spent a LOT of money, time, effort on their epic and legendary gear, others have invested heavily in the peripheral aspects like Companions and Mounts and such.

    At this point I plan to hold back any speculation until I actually see what happens, right down to the doomsaying about GF viability due to new Paladin class.

    Best thing for any of us to do is to put the brakes on all the "woe are us for the new level-cap and class ruin the super-legendary-epic artifact-equipped GF, hence game will die!!!!"

    I'm looking forward to the new content and such, but with eyes wide open in the full knowledge that 1) there WILL be real problems and bugs and 2) There will be shrill shouts of doom for the game and a lot of whining about stuff.

    Ah is that the specifics of the upgrades? That's not bad at all. 700 zen is only 350k AD. That's nothing overall.

    Using our zax as a reference, little off since ad is not dil but if the same system was here kind of thought.
  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Let's keep the discussion on track people. This thread isn't about STO. It's about Neverwinter. I'd rather not derail the thread and get it closed down.

    STO is very relevant here in what happened to the game there over the exact same type of level cap expansion". Not only is the scenario parallel, it's a Siamese twin in that it's the same game studio doing the same thing. You want to know what really could happen to Neverwinter here? Then pay attention to what happened over there.

    Hopefully Cryptic has learned the mistakes the STO team made over there and will take great care not to repeat them. Even many genuinely die-hard fans of STO have more or less stopped playing, and I'm talking about whales. I know, I was one of them. Certainly the game is still popular and will continue to be. It may not have 'hurt' them financially, but I'm willing to bet it made a very noticeable dent.
  • discoricediscorice Member Posts: 371 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I still don't get this class choice. You can already play a dps cleric or a protector GF. How many ways does that hair need to be split? Couldn't it have just been a new paragon path for Guardian Fighters? Isn't the only difference between a protector focused guardian fighter and a paladin resolved with a heal aura, and a flame stike-esque daily? I dunno. I realize that it's been announced and they're not going to change that, so for that reason I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with it, but it kinda sucks to see a wasted opportunity for other more unique classes to make a long-awaited appearance.
    Fear Of A Disco Planet
  • vedran541vedran541 Member Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Nice! With the level increase and new gear coming you have a good shot to eliminate all artifact gear. It would make the game much more playable for everyone and the gap between players would be much lower then it is today.

    I know probably some players will be upset if you eliminate all artifact gear, but as a PvPer i would love more competition and more players to be in pair with gear today and only way that will happen is if they make legendary gear obsolete or release new gear that is in pair with todays legendary gear without needing to refine it.

    So in the long run it is a good investment to get rid of this crappy refinement system and get rid of artifact gear. New players will have more fun in PvP because they wont be slaughtered as soon as they enter. Old players will have more competition, more to play with or/and against, because other players will be able to achieve BiS gear easier. PvE players wont be left out because they are lacking abit in GS. It would really make the game more enjoyable for everyone. It would help eliminate the 10k-15k GS gap in PvE as well and more players / different players would probably be more welcome in dungeons etc.

    tl;dr: As long as this mod dosent bring more items to refine and eliminates the already badly implemented artifact gear, i see this as a great mod.
  • alkemist80alkemist80 Member Posts: 957 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I look forward to the new content and level cap increase. I played WoW since vanilla and it's something I am used to. However it seems that a lot of NWO players are not accustomed to it. I remember when BC first came out, there were tons of whinning, my old BiS is no longer the best, my epics got replaced by greens, blah blah. Over time people got used to it and life went on.

    I am iffy on how they will handle artifacts and artifact gear. If they are player friendly, it will level up with us to level 70 and beyond.
    Banshee (Devotion Justice Oathbound Paladin) - Crueladevil (Soulbinder Damnation Scourge Warlock) - Sindania Balefire (Master Infiltrator Trickster Rogue)

  • rarefactionrarefaction Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    discorice wrote: »
    I still don't get this class choice. You can already play a dps cleric or a protector GF. How many ways does that hair need to be split? Couldn't it have just been a new paragon path for Guardian Fighters? Isn't the only difference between a protector focused guardian fighter and a paladin resolved with a heal aura, and a flame stike-esque daily? I dunno. I realize that it's been announced and they're not going to change that, so for that reason I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with it, but it kinda sucks to see a wasted opportunity for other more unique classes to make a long-awaited appearance.

    You know, having the option to convert GF's into Paladins in my humble opinion would be the way to go. Perhaps the Paladin Paragon Path.
  • rarefactionrarefaction Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    alkemist80 wrote: »
    I forward to the new content and level cap increase. I played WoW since vanilla and it's something I am used to. However it seems that a lot of NWO players are not accustomed to it. I remember when BC first came out, there were tons of whinning, my old BiS is no longer the best, my epics got replaced by greens, blah blah. Over time people got used to it and life went on.

    I am iffy on how they will handle artifacts and artifact gear. If they are player friendly, it will level up with us to level 70 and beyond.

    Oh memories. I played WOW when it first came out. Was in a guild full of jerks that got pissed at me because I didn't want to stay up for 24 hours to grind those 40 man raids. Eventually I left the guild and watched them converting their old gear into shards as the new green armors were better. Guess who got the last laugh?
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Cryptic has shown with the Hunter Ranger and the Scourge Warlock that they know how to make classes play very differently.

    When the Ranger was announced, the whine of the month was "Oh, it's just a rogue with a bow!" and when the Warlock was announced, everyone was screaming about how it was just a cooler Control Wizard, and the CWs would be completely obsolete.

    None of which ended up being true in the least.

    So just relax on the GF vs DC vs Paladin until we actually see it.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Finally PALADIN i will trow away my MAXED out GF at the first day of release .
    I waited sooo loooong for this .
    I have deep hope Paladin wil be DPS viable class.
    Thx thnx BIG thnx^^ now i just wait for fixing my 10mill "Metalic Dragonborn 3% more hp" what is not working .

    Gf is dead class no matter of paladin or not.
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • x10110100x10110100 Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I'd like to clarify the STO changes.

    Starships don't really compare to anything in Neverwinter, ships have equipment just like your character in Neverwinter. Basically you have gear for ground combat and gear for your ship in space.

    In STO the level increase was completely unneeded everything they added could have been added with out it.

    The main point many would argue was simply to obsolete all old gear in order to force people to use a refinement system that was based on STO's equivalent to AD. A few of the problem issues included the fact that refinement was tied to a crafting system that basically takes about 2 years of dailies to complete for free to play players. So you have dozens of gear items and each one has to be upgraded making the system extremely costly.

    And as far as ships go they basically took all the old ships that people had purchased and basically pulled a double billing and said if you want to continue using your ships (that you already payed for) you'll have to pay $7 per ship to upgrade. On top of that there is tier 6 ships that are even more expensive ($30) and come with a desirable skill slot that makes them far better than anything that came before them for a variety of reasons.

    Along with those changes they decreased the potential to earn in game currency including reducing the rewards from the existing content which they also made so difficult that basically causal/f2p players couldn't complete. That caused a situation where f2p/causal players were locked from progress because the things they needed to progress were locked behind content they couldn't complete.

    And basically the only thing they added that didn't cost players money in some way was a handful of story missions with an hour or so of voice acting from the Voyager actors.
  • dragonbs1989dragonbs1989 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    1st of all, I would like to express my opinion on 2 very worrisome things:

    - Cap lvl raised to 70 - now, remember that 8k GS and 22k GS were both lvl 60 up until this point, although those with 20+k GS were about SEVERAL levels above those with ~10k GS. How will you balance that, cryptic??? I cannot even imagine what should be the content for lvl 60+ to be challenging for those with 20k GS and still doable for those 10k (Temple of Tiamat is one of your recent fails - it says 10k gs but you cannot do it if there are too many 10k GS players in there, and even if you do, those with 20 bring the event to success). Also, this would mean that hard earned lvl 60 gear would be useless at lvl 70, so countless hours grinding gone with the wind.
    Raising lvl cap proven bad decision in countless other games, just saying...

    -The Paladin - Character with both healing and tanking specialty? I am playing GF from the start of this game, and I can say that proven by experience you cannot go full tank if you want to do something by your own. So, imagine I was pally, and my option was to go tank or heal, if not both. What would happen is, that pally would always require someone to go with him just to do dmg, or you need to spend x3 the time to do anything solo. Or, if you do put the ability to do some dmg on a pally, he becomes the super choice - can do all 3 roles in 1 class(kinda broken).
    In D&D even though Cleric can be focused on Holy Smite and can do tons of dmg OR play as offtank OR offheal, but they cannot do all 3 at the same time.

    My 2nd point: WHAAAAAAAAAAT?!! CRYPTIC IS TROLLING ME?!(or stealing ideas)
    • My 2nd character was called Dragonborn, and it was created 2012 -> last year dragonborn rase came to Nw
    • My first character is GF called OathKeeper - > Now OATHBOUND pally comes and it is also a tank
    and some of you might call this super coincidence...
  • dragonbs1989dragonbs1989 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Gf is dead class no matter of paladin or not.

    They better focus on polishing the existing classes than throwing new stuff in
  • zaikoshenzaikoshen Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Seeing the history of this game I really believe that these guys want to retire the GF.
    First, as these 10 levels the most will be caught? quests?
    If so, it will be horrible, but it may be that it becomes feasible gain of convey according to the progression of the new campaign, as was done with the boons.

    Obviously the game will gain new dungeons (finally)

    But doubts remain.

    What will happen to the current gear?
    Class tank in neverwiner is useless and that we all know already gives even to predict what will happen, players who start playing paladins will cry and the devs will make a paragon DPS that will hit more than CW, GWF and any other class.

    And for what give feedback? what we see is a constant lack of respect for the old players and that in fact go to test server to check and test assiduously and create long threads with discussions on various issues to the end they did not hear anyone do whatever they want and keeps the mess that's there, PVE and PVP dead economy along without any attention because "it is negligible" (Read the last Reddit and find)


    We will come out of nowhere to nowhere.

  • kittykaboomboomkittykaboomboom Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I haven't read this and am going to assume all the usual comments are in there;
    My class<insert name her> is now redundant.
    Why are they doing this class, we already have too many of this type.
    Now nobody will be queuing for <insert name her>
    Now the new players will never catch up.
    I only just got my gear maxed out and now I have to farm for more
    Why are we getting new stuff when they haven't fixed the old.

    all I wanted to know was; Is this related tot heold Temple of elemental evil module?
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I haven't read this and am going to assume all the usual comments are in there;
    My class<insert name her> is now redundant.
    Why are they doing this class, we already have too many of this type.
    Now nobody will be queuing for <insert name her>
    Now the new players will never catch up.
    I only just got my gear maxed out and now I have to farm for more
    Why are we getting new stuff when they haven't fixed the old.

    all I wanted to know was; Is this related tot heold Temple of elemental evil module?

    In regards to your last comment: apparently.

    Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?

    PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
  • isaintify1isaintify1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 414 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    With the new announcement of the Module 6 and all the new things, it sounds pretty fantastic and all! But the new class I am little disappointed in to see be announced. What will a Paladin bring to the party, will it be overpowered when it comes to over healing everyone? Will it out heal a Cleric, or pull more aggro than a GF? We saw what happened with the DC when SW came out. They dropped off the face of the planet, because they could not do anything against a SW heals. Will that happen again? Or will a GF become useless now, since that a Paladin can not only pull aggro but buff and heal the team? Why would I want a GF in my team if a Paladin can do everything a GF can do, combined with abilities of a DC?

    Paladin is in my opinion not what Neverwinter needs, we do not need a class that mimics other classes and possibly do better than them. We need more of a class that just works on buffs and debuffs, and that can give the team support it needs. As of now we do not have a class that can give a real team support buffs and debuffs, except Devoted Clerics who can pull of some amazing things. But DC is not exactly the class that focus is on making sure the team gets the support and the buffs and the add debuffs out there so they DPS can focus more so on eliminating targets quickly.

    Now do not get me wrong I love the idea of a paladin and how its made and what it can do for a team, but Its just something that we do not need right now. We do not need a recycled class with a mix of the other two or possibly 3 even.

    However in the sense of pvp wise the Paladin will be the dominating toon of the field. Can have the defense (and possibly skills of a gf) and the heals of a DC, and maybe some abilities from a GWF like crescendo. The will definitely bring something to the pvp field in terms of things being more difficult

    (PLEASE do not give me a load of hate on my opinion; its just what I feel and think)
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I haven't read this and am going to assume all the usual comments are in there;
    My class<insert name her> is now redundant.
    Why are they doing this class, we already have too many of this type.
    Now nobody will be queuing for <insert name her>
    Now the new players will never catch up.
    I only just got my gear maxed out and now I have to farm for more
    Why are we getting new stuff when they haven't fixed the old.

    all I wanted to know was; Is this related tot heold Temple of elemental evil module?

    You missed me calling pallies lawful stupid and musing on the benefits of cannibalism.
  • kittykaboomboomkittykaboomboom Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I call this, strangely enough, more than 1 person in the world can have the same idea.
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    isaintify1 wrote: »
    With the new announcement of the Module 6 and all the new things, it sounds pretty fantastic and all! But the new class I am little disappointed in to see be announced. What will a Paladin bring to the party, will it be overpowered when it comes to over healing everyone? Will it out heal a Cleric, or pull more aggro than a GF? We saw what happened with the DC when SW came out. They dropped off the face of the planet, because they could not do anything against a SW heals. Will that happen again? Or will a GF become useless now, since that a Paladin can not only pull aggro but buff and heal the team? Why would I want a GF in my team if a Paladin can do everything a GF can do, combined with abilities of a DC?

    Paladin is in my opinion not what Neverwinter needs, we do not need a class that mimics other classes and possibly do better than them. We need more of a class that just works on buffs and debuffs, and that can give the team support it needs. As of now we do not have a class that can give a real team support buffs and debuffs, except Devoted Clerics who can pull of some amazing things. But DC is not exactly the class that focus is on making sure the team gets the support and the buffs and the add debuffs out there so they DPS can focus more so on eliminating targets quickly.

    Now do not get me wrong I love the idea of a paladin and how its made and what it can do for a team, but Its just something that we do not need right now. We do not need a recycled class with a mix of the other two or possibly 3 even.

    However in the sense of pvp wise the Paladin will be the dominating toon of the field. Can have the defense (and possibly skills of a gf) and the heals of a DC, and maybe some abilities from a GWF like crescendo. The will definitely bring something to the pvp field in terms of things being more difficult

    (PLEASE do not give me a load of hate on my opinion; its just what I feel and think)

    Paladin what we need DPS and Agro all in 1. (welcome ptm in any 4 CW team anyway)

    We have (king)Heal and (king)DPS in DC.

    GF have buff and agro.

    By the way no-one need healing in this game just 10% LS.
    This game is all about DPS DPS and MORE DPPPPPPPSSSSSS.
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • djarkaandjarkaan Member Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    That would cut in Race reroll tokens sale quite a bit.
  • onecoolscatcatonecoolscatcat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    silverkelt wrote: »
    For many of us, this is their last chance.

    So Im hoping against hope itself they fix alot of the current issues.


    fingers crossed
  • bernatkbernatk Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Wait, wait wait, I know the solution... ok ready? ... can I tell? ... ok here we go!

    Roll another class?
  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    x10110100 wrote: »
    I'd like to clarify the STO changes.

    Starships don't really compare to anything in Neverwinter, ships have equipment just like your character in Neverwinter. Basically you have gear for ground combat and gear for your ship in space.

    In STO the level increase was completely unneeded everything they added could have been added with out it.

    The main point many would argue was simply to obsolete all old gear in order to force people to use a refinement system that was based on STO's equivalent to AD. A few of the problem issues included the fact that refinement was tied to a crafting system that basically takes about 2 years of dailies to complete for free to play players. So you have dozens of gear items and each one has to be upgraded making the system extremely costly.

    And as far as ships go they basically took all the old ships that people had purchased and basically pulled a double billing and said if you want to continue using your ships (that you already payed for) you'll have to pay $7 per ship to upgrade. On top of that there is tier 6 ships that are even more expensive ($30) and come with a desirable skill slot that makes them far better than anything that came before them for a variety of reasons.

    Along with those changes they decreased the potential to earn in game currency including reducing the rewards from the existing content which they also made so difficult that basically causal/f2p players couldn't complete. That caused a situation where f2p/causal players were locked from progress because the things they needed to progress were locked behind content they couldn't complete.

    And basically the only thing they added that didn't cost players money in some way was a handful of story missions with an hour or so of voice acting from the Voyager actors.

    ^This. Much better said and I.

    Hence, these are the *potential* outcomes in the Neverwinter level-cap increase. OR Cryptic has learned from the STO SNAFGU and will (hope-against-hope) not make such massive mistakes. I used to play neverwinter/STO 50%/50% of all my gaming time and Zen Purchases. Then they did this. I was going to buy the (pricey) Delta pack, opted to throw that money into neverwinter instead. I don't do STO anymore except for events.

    I sure hope I'll still be doing Neverwinter after this update. LOL
  • bernatkbernatk Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    TBH I was more stoked for the druid class. But paladin is fine too. I really wanted a ranged DPS class but I accept it's melee's turn.
  • orangefireeorangefiree Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,148 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Nice to see some new details. Level cap is interesting, although I hope they don't make the artifact gear I have obsolete.

    Paladin is, interesting. I'm not going to complain about new classes, but I was really hoping for druid before paladin. ((My main character's owl companion is a druid in owl form in her storyline, so I wanted to actually make her half elf form as well and get the correct abilities.))
    Neverwinter players are stubborn things....until you strip them down to bone. (Cursed players, my flowers, MINE!) Oh how I plotted their demise.
  • mh0rammh0ram Member Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    bernatk wrote: »
    TBH I was more stoked for the druid class. But paladin is fine too. I really wanted a ranged DPS class but I accept it's melee's turn.

    The last two classes have been ranged DPS classes.....
  • candinho2candinho2 Member Posts: 550 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    mystagogue wrote: »
    Wonder what the fallout will be for all of the refined items (Main/Off/Neck/Waist)?


    I hope we get more artifacts to refine, weapon/ofhand/belt/neck, all shinyy lv 70 *.*
    I'll start farm rp next week, wanna get all to legendary as soon as i get then xD
  • cheesegromitcheesegromit Member Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    vedran541 wrote: »
    Nice! With the level increase and new gear coming you have a good shot to eliminate all artifact gear.

    Why would they eliminate artifact gear when they could just add another upgrade step to it. It's been stated that it's part of their revenue stream so unless that's drying up I'd been surprised to see it go. If artifact gear does go I'd expect something that could be equally monitised to be put in its place. Interesting times ahead.
  • s1lv3rdrgnforums1lv3rdrgnforum Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I checked out some oathbound paladin guides and in my personal opinion this is a horrible addition. It doesnt bring ANYTHING new to the table and has a little bit of everybody's classes and will probably do them all better. Healing? check. Buff? check. Burst? check. Shield tank? check. Aggro? check. Probably the only class it doesnt mimic is the CW which I swear must be Cryptics favorite class. (nerf? nah we'll buff it instead). From what I've seen from D&D (and I havnt seen it on preview yet) but the above poster is absolutely correct. CW/Paladin teams. That's all you need. CW AoE control + Paladin single target burst+healing+tank. On a positive note, TR wont rule PvP anymore... Paladin will..

    TR: I'm in your node stealing your cookies!!
    Paladin: DIVINE SMITE!
    Bedlam: Creating chaos as a MI Exec TR
    Avariel Merilwen: Burn baby, MoF/Rene
    Aejun The Silver: Devoted to Healing, DevOP/Justice
    Mina Rosepetal: Super Natural, Pathfinder/Melee
    Frost: Benchwarmer, Soulbinder/Fury
This discussion has been closed.