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Module 5: Rise of Tiamat is coming!



  • abrianaoverlordabrianaoverlord Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Hamsters went to the nine hells along with load testing by the looks of it. Lets see if things settle down tomorrow. Give up today :)
  • madaragataosenaimadaragataosenai Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    what happened with foundry?Its disabled,i have idea and cant try to create my first quest...
  • elewyndylelewyndyl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    dreadheart wrote: »
    Is Neverwinter also finally going to raise the the level cap from 60 to 80??
    I am sure SSI can help with that.
    That would require a lot of work for them to do all feats, powers and spells etc. for all classes.

    Mathematically if I calculate that they have divided 20 Dungeons Dragons levels to 60 game levels then new theoretical max level could be 90 since max level in Dungeons Dragons 4th edition is 30.

    That said I do know that World of Warcraft was most popular during its Golden Age what I call it when max level was 80 and I am myself a former WOW veteran. During year 2010 WOW had level cap 80 and more then 12 million active players(including me and my brother) which is still current World record.

    For many WOW veterans from that time level 80 would feel natural. That being said I am neutral to that thought since I know that many casual players would never like to raise the level cap.

    Whatever decision Cryptic makes regarding this I will keep playing this game regardless if max level is 60, 80 or 90.
    Please note that it might be that Cryptic never raises max level from 60.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited November 2014
    Just have to say, I thought about a neat thing... Tyranny of Dragons and the Hoard of the Dragon Queen are the kickers for 5th Edition. How coincidental is it that Module 5 is the module that really brings and paves the way for 5th edition lore to the game? Coincidence or plan? :D Sorry, geek moment.
  • elvenaarelvenaar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    What I'm really hoping is that once the Tiamat fight actually launches you will be able to take your WHOLE party into the same instance and not fumble around like Akro's team was doing in the livestream that 2 players were in one instance, 2 in another and 1 was stuck in the Well of Dragons.
    The very least you could do is put in that purple circle thingie that you see b4 the end-bosses in dungeons that won't let party members enter until everyone is there. That is the minimum you need to put in if you've disabled all guild-fun anyways and we can't coordinate a full guildrun cuz of the HE aspect of this "dungeon".
    I really don't understand why you disabled the guild-fun aspect of this, since you can't say the mechanics were too hard as you already have them in STO's Fleet Alert queues, so I'd have to call you a liar if you said that, so why have you decided to remove the guild part of this? It's like you're encouraging people to not even join guilds, but then what's the point of the guild-system if you can't raid together?
    And if you don't fix even the group issue I mentioned at the start of this post, well then I can already see how this module will crash and burn soon after the Tiamat fight launches as most people have absolutely no desire to be put into a fight w/ total randoms who might not even know what they need to do in the fight, while the rest of their group is either in another instance or stuck outside like in the livestream.
  • cosmin05cosmin05 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    This game really needs more pvp maps, some new class combinations, more content, less farming or increased chances for drops, for 2 days now i farm the stupid dragons and no artifact belt drop only craps. A new level cap would also be interesting but deadly because of the difference gap between artefact gear, and the new higher up green gear but it is possible since the mobs from the well of dragons are 62 so we demand a level increase :D
  • elewyndylelewyndyl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    zebular wrote: »
    Just have to say, I thought about a neat thing... Tyranny of Dragons and the Hoard of the Dragon Queen are the kickers for 5th Edition. How coincidental is it that Module 5 is the module that really brings and paves the way for 5th edition lore to the game? Coincidence or plan? :D Sorry, geek moment.
    Lorewise you might be right, but rulewise I think that would be a huge change which has not at least yet happened. Changing to 5th edition would be a huge change though I would like an alignment system as 5th edition do have.

    Finally as the game is right now the classes need some balancing. Trickster Rogue(and one of my characters is a TR) are to powerful in PvP. Trickster Rogues do damage that totally ignore damage resistance, deflection, defence etc.

    I think this ignore path is wrong done and I have noticed that many classes get improved armor penetration. That feels more ok to me since a player can stack Defence and also Tenacity. It is possible to get more then 50% damage reduction(in PvP), but then I feel a boost like extra 25% armor penetration from feats is ok still since if an enemy player wants to get through 50% damage reduction he needs also to do it with items, enchants etc.

    This piercing damage(that ignores all defence&tenacity&deflection or other damage reduction) that the permanent stealth rogues can do that is annoying and should be nerfed please.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited November 2014
    elewyndyl wrote: »
    Lorewise you might be right, but rulewise I think that would be a huge change which has not at least yet happened. Changing to 5th edition would be a huge change though I would like an alignment system as 5th edition do have.
    Rules and Lore, different things. Lore trumps Rules in D&D, always has. The fact is, with ToD and WoD, we are now in 5th Edition lore. Besides, Neverwinter is not 4th edition. It is its own edition. You don't need to change the rules to change to 5th Edition. Just the lore, which has already happened.
  • elvenaarelvenaar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    elewyndyl wrote: »
    Lorewise you might be right, but rulewise I think that would be a huge change which has not at least yet happened. Changing to 5th edition would be a huge change though I would like an alignment system as 5th edition do have.

    Finally as the game is right now the classes need some balancing. Trickster Rogue(and one of my characters is a TR) are to powerful in PvP. Trickster Rogues do damage that totally ignore damage resistance, deflection, defence etc.

    I think this ignore path is wrong done and I have noticed that many classes get improved armor penetration. That feels more ok to me since a player can stack Defence and also Tenacity. It is possible to get more then 50% damage reduction(in PvP), but then I feel a boost like extra 25% armor penetration from feats is ok still since if an enemy player wants to get through 50% damage reduction he needs also to do it with items, enchants etc.

    This piercing damage(that ignores all defence&tenacity&deflection or other damage reduction) that the permanent stealth rogues can do that is annoying and should be nerfed please.

    Do you really want the TRs to go back to what they used to be b4 mod 5? Cuz from what I'm reading above that is exactly what you want as Cryptic will never separate pvp and pve nerfing, so if they nerf for pvp they will nerf for pve too and then we're back to pre-mod 5 things and quite frankly I'm happy w/ the changes done to TR and DC, they finally are usefull again, especially the DC. So instead of nerfing pls ask for boosts to the other classes.
  • blazious11blazious11 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 331 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    elvenaar wrote: »
    Do you really want the TRs to go back to what they used to be b4 mod 5? Cuz from what I'm reading above that is exactly what you want as Cryptic will never separate pvp and pve nerfing, so if they nerf for pvp they will nerf for pve too and then we're back to pre-mod 5 things and quite frankly I'm happy w/ the changes done to TR and DC, they finally are usefull again, especially the DC. So instead of nerfing pls ask for boosts to the other classes.

    Resistance ignoring piercing damage + and armorpen nerf wouldn't hurt PVE TR too much. For Exe t4 feat some debuff ability would be good, and they changed that piercing damage for sth else, that would be helpful in pve and pvp too, but not cheesí as it is now.
    My story is truly a grand tale! Of course, any story about me is going to be grand simply by virtue of the main character.
  • eskevareskevar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    akromatik wrote: »
    We've got a brand-new trailer announcing our upcoming module Rise of Tiamat!
    Check it out!

    To learn more about the upcoming module check out our blog:

    More than module 5... seems a simply patch to module 4....
    We can call it MODULE 4.1 TIAMAT WORK IN PROGRESS... LOL
  • whitemorailwhitemorail Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I don't understand why you said pvp and pve nerf couldn't be separated.

    they are different sometime, just a sample: assailant dmg is half in pvp and can be dodged or resisted.
  • elvenaarelvenaar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    elvenaar wrote: »
    What I'm really hoping is that once the Tiamat fight actually launches you will be able to take your WHOLE party into the same instance and not fumble around like Akro's team was doing in the livestream that 2 players were in one instance, 2 in another and 1 was stuck in the Well of Dragons.
    The very least you could do is put in that purple circle thingie that you see b4 the end-bosses in dungeons that won't let party members enter until everyone is there. That is the minimum you need to put in if you've disabled all guild-fun anyways and we can't coordinate a full guildrun cuz of the HE aspect of this "dungeon".
    I really don't understand why you disabled the guild-fun aspect of this, since you can't say the mechanics were too hard as you already have them in STO's Fleet Alert queues, so I'd have to call you a liar if you said that, so why have you decided to remove the guild part of this? It's like you're encouraging people to not even join guilds, but then what's the point of the guild-system if you can't raid together?
    And if you don't fix even the group issue I mentioned at the start of this post, well then I can already see how this module will crash and burn soon after the Tiamat fight launches as most people have absolutely no desire to be put into a fight w/ total randoms who might not even know what they need to do in the fight, while the rest of their group is either in another instance or stuck outside like in the livestream.

    I wrote the above on the 21st of November, so about 2 weeks ago, now today Tiamat launches and what do we get? NO BLOODY WAY TO GROUP UP!! I think you can see why people are pissed and you will loose some people about this crappy thing you call a raid Cryptic, that you drink poison on that's for sure. How many I won't even try to guess, but keep it up this way and those little squares you set up in the Protector's garden to fill up w/ a roman 2 and 3 for the 2nd and third anniversary will never be filled up as Neverwinter will die by then, which will be a pity, but entirely on your heads, cuz you don't listen to the playerbase.
    Now if you didn't know how to build a raid I'd tell you to go play WoW and some other traditional MMORPGs which made it big, but then again, like I said all this above I play STO, so I KNOW you CAN make a raid queue system as you've amde one over there, so question is WHY? WHY didn't you just import that system over here and adapt it to Neverwinter's needs?
    The most likely reason I would guess (and God I hope I'm wrong) is that you don't have as many players as you'd like, so w/ this heroic encounter thing you want to create the illusion that you do, but that illusion will fade away sooner or later as more people leave cuz of your bad choices, so HE's won't save Neverwinter, it would be better to just throw away the whole bloody system and go back to traditional queueing which WORKS. People hate the big HEs, hate their lag, hate their drop rates, pretty much hate everything about them, so they won't be missed that's for sure and to make the biggest raid you've ever come out w/ a HE was prolly one of your biggest mistakes to date, let's hope it won't be your last...
  • nobodyz91nobodyz91 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Hello devs,

    the tiamat dungeon is so easy;
    make it harder and give us a 25 group ppl. We want play it with ppl we choice not with a stranger that dont understand and follow orders.
    and put some more interesting drops; dont worth run it if the only things we can drop usefull is linu favour,new artifact, item boon, nothing more interessant from the chest. Also the t2 now price go down and destroyed all T2 run. All people playing in well of dragons, rest of the map are empty atm. U must remove belt/cloak from encounters, or minimize alot the drop rate and increase them in esot/elol so people will run again the dungeon. And at the end every 2 run, 1 time is bugged.
  • asthazarfasthazarf Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    If we won't be allowed to enter with pre-made parties, at least LOCK the players in their instances. After disconnecting I re-log (obviously) and end up in a different instance, which is, in 100% of the cases so far, either abandoned or bugged (heads not spawning) - most of the time abandoned, therefor useless.

    Please set it up in a way which keeps your spot locked on a sudden disconnect, so that we may return and continue what we began.
  • elvenaarelvenaar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    asthazarf wrote: »
    If we won't be allowed to enter with pre-made parties, at least LOCK the players in their instances. After disconnecting I re-log (obviously) and end up in a different instance, which is, in 100% of the cases so far, either abandoned or bugged (heads not spawning) - most of the time abandoned, therefor useless.

    Please set it up in a way which keeps your spot locked on a sudden disconnect, so that we may return and continue what we began.
    Yeah this would be great, but they'd have to change a lot of stuff to make it work and let's face it it's not profitable for them to do so, so they won't do it. And here I mean they'd have to not only lock your toon in place but also the scoreboard, so you won't loose your contribution either as right now when you dc or crash your score gets zeroed as well, so you're out anyways. so it would be great if they did this, but they won't, you can bet on that.
  • bunlcbunlc Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    i fully agree with ayroux hes got it spot on
  • zildan7905zildan7905 Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    That would be cool if the profession Weaponsmithing could don the player with ways to level thier Artifact Weapon. Then, you'd have everyone leveling Weaponsmithing lol

    Same for armorcraft, given your job/class. Since the gear you make (even in rare 'changing in 59m') the most you can possible hope for is something to transmute, otherwise worthless. This idea would give more meaning to the one that you can make more than your shirt and pants - hone your artifact equipment! Yea
  • pujimspujims Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    If you could change the vampire npc back to her original form that would be nice she is too hard for me to look at.
  • rarintogo2rarintogo2 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I don't know if I missed the comment on it but what happened to the quest for the 3rd bag in Neverdeath? I started 2 new characters and neither of them could get the part of the quest that the harper used to have. Quest started with the 'historian' wanted you to 'correct' some grave stones.
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    rarintogo2 wrote: »
    I don't know if I missed the comment on it but what happened to the quest for the 3rd bag in Neverdeath? I started 2 new characters and neither of them could get the part of the quest that the harper used to have. Quest started with the 'historian' wanted you to 'correct' some grave stones.

    Try talking to Chettebell.

    Closing this down, though, as the topic is no longer relevant.

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