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So it save to say Dungeons are dead?

xtremozxtremoz Member Posts: 300 Arc User
edited December 2014 in PvE Discussion
Hi all,

So After Mod 5 its finally full working its save to say dungeons are dead?

I dont like PvP, and iam not alone since in my guild we all do PvE 90% of the time, what was fine who like PvP go PvP who like PvE run dungeon, but since mod 5 is up T1 gear drops from dragon in WoD every hour and alot of pices runing with my guild every 1 gets 1-2 pices, since every hour we have like 60 instances with 30 player on doing dragons i would say 5 pieces per instance 50 instance 200 piece per hour not bad.

what doest that mean, no1 do T1 dungeons (dead completely dead). not to talk about artifact belts. 15k ad 1 artifact belt?

moving on the mighty Tiamat is finally here same story every hour, and what do u get there? wow t2 gear, nice t1 dungeon were dead now t2 dungeons are dead.

t2 gear prices on AH droped x10 times from 300k to 30k in the 1st weekend, so next weekend its 10k or less a piece?

so who and why will i spend 1 hour doing dungeon? for a remote chance of a t2 drop? me and my guild, and i hink we are not alone, run dungeon and we split the profit at the end, fair to all so now we will split 20-30k in 5 and 5k to each for running a few dungeons?

right now a new play starts the game on monday, thorw pray and leadership, at friday he hit lv 60 with 20-30k in his pocket and what does he do? run dungeon for gear? no buy a full t1 set for 12k and a artifact belt for 15k and still have 3-4k in pocket... 5 enchantment lv5 from IWD... wow

1 week 1-60 and 12k gs just from nothing and now?... a few dragon in WoD a few drop t1 sell 3-4k each in 1 day 40-50k on 2nd day he buys his full set t2 for what?

theres no dungeons to run, to make encounter? he already does them? for tiamat? he already have his t2 gear... so what does he do now?

answer: Looks for another game.

I have enjoy the game for almost 2year, playing since 1st day of open beta, but right now the only thing mw and my guild love to do, Dungeon, are dead and even worst dungeon become so easy we run them mostly from boss to boss without kill add bringing all together to be a challenge.

and the dragons are just bad designed 20sec fight? every 1 dps them no1 dies cuz they are weak and do 2 or 4 atacks that every 1 can avoid. that not a substitute for dungeons. and Tiamat, its fun and all but not close to a dungeon where we join our friend and lets run it, 5 friends in a party we enter Tiamat and? where are them bad design again.

i hope Devs have an amazing idea to MoD6 and i hope it come fast cuz right now the game is almost dead.

Fast solution

New the items available on seals shop, try RP items dungeon are now clear useless to run for gear, so and since we leave on artifact era in Neverwinter why not allow players to trade drake seals for RP, that would give players a reason to run dungeons since getting gear its not an option now, yes we can use drake gear to rp but decent item like 150 for a black opal or 500 for a ruby something more that 600 RP for 40-80 seals.

or set RP items in dungeon final chest, like seals 2-3 peridot for chest, a shapire if u lucky or a chance for a ruby.

but for me what the game needs right now its new dungeons, not 1 or 2 like MC and VT

make 4, 1 for each set piece, Head, chest, arms and feet, make them t3, something like IWD gear that doenst need ice feeding, make it have a chance of dropping an epic mount, make it drop RP items instead of seals, and make them hard, not just hard insanely hard, make it long 4-5 bosses, no need for new bosses use old 1 and make them hit 20% increase the HP 100%, make it last 15min-20min to kill a boss.

anything because right now for me the game is changing from Dungeon & Dragons into Dragons (bad design dragons).

pls leave a comment if u feel the same.

Sorry for by English (its not my native language).
Post edited by xtremoz on


  • vasdamasvasdamas Member Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Yeah, all t2s are dead now with t2 drops from tiamat chest. As well as t1s.
    Is it like....90% of the content?
  • xtremozxtremoz Member Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    vasdamas wrote: »
    Yeah, all t2s are dead now with t2 drops from tiamat chest. As well as t1s.
    Is it like....90% of the content?

    answer yes its like 90%, if u like me have all boons in sharandar, dread ring, and IWD, what there to do dungeons and encounters.
    IWD encounter no1 do them cuz no1 used IWD gear, MC VT CN are good for weapon set, but artifact weapon and off-hand are better, so it leaves Tiamat and PVP, if u dont like PVP, whats left 20sec dragon fight every hour and Tiamat with pugs. not with my friends.
  • cloud990plcloud990pl Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I like the idea of RP items in dungeons or RP as experience points for arti eq (gained only by running T1/2 dungeons).
    But sadly I doubt any of theese would be implemented as there were few suggestions like your own. T1, T2, T2.5 are dead and if not for quick exp from main campaign then all instances would be dead (well apart from ToD campaign instances with dragons but thoose would be dead partially).
    Sometime ago, somewhere, someone said that devs were looking into old dungeons design and were gonna change it but that's just a rumor
  • str8slayerstr8slayer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 715 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    Yeah T2 dungeons are as dead as they ever have been, they need a serious overhaul of the loot tables in these dungeons or nobody will ever run them again. (some guaranteed RP drops might help)
  • xtremozxtremoz Member Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I really hope so, cuz on day 1 of open beat we had all t1 (4 if i am not wrong) all t2 (5 if not wrong) and CN, something like 10 dungeons, 2 years later we have those same 10 and VT MC (kessel) and now Tiamat (no sure if i call it a dungeon).

    so right now the game its an encounter farm.
  • jiubiizeekkjiubiizeekk Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Heyy, i actually agree with you on this.
    I find myself more and more wasting my time on HE's finding it harder and harder to get ad, and we've got all these Wonderful dungeon's going to waste.
    The game is called Dungeon's and dragons. But lately (mod 4-Mod 5) its become Dragons, dragons oh and guess what more dragons. People actually might come back to the game if there is ways to refine your artifacts. seen as the Dev's have completely made it pointless and hard to get any RP, unless you do what they want which is pay to win, But a blood stone from the zen store is all they want... And you need last hits for hoards, and u need mobs to kill. But there is now no where to do this, the foundry has become pointless. Apart from a 5 minute in and out for some rough AD each day.
    T2 and T1 are now pointless. someone can do 5-10 skirmishes and have their t1 set done in an hour.
    Dev's need to think of some way to revive this or i believe their player data base is going to decline.
  • xtremozxtremoz Member Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Heyy, i actually agree with you on this.
    I find myself more and more wasting my time on HE's finding it harder and harder to get ad, and we've got all these Wonderful dungeon's going to waste.
    The game is called Dungeon's and dragons. But lately (mod 4-Mod 5) its become Dragons, dragons oh and guess what more dragons. People actually might come back to the game if there is ways to refine your artifacts. seen as the Dev's have completely made it pointless and hard to get any RP, unless you do what they want which is pay to win, But a blood stone from the zen store is all they want... And you need last hits for hoards, and u need mobs to kill. But there is now no where to do this, the foundry has become pointless. Apart from a 5 minute in and out for some rough AD each day.
    T2 and T1 are now pointless. someone can do 5-10 skirmishes and have their t1 set done in an hour.
    Dev's need to think of some way to revive this or i believe their player data base is going to decline.

    I totally agree, it like u fight your way up to lv60 and the game its over, its like an offline game, no need for parties to do sharandar dread or WID campaign. that if u resist the 6 weeks to do sharandar (or more) then u have your boon just buy salvage the epic gear from sharandar and dread mini dung u have your full t2 gear without ever run a dungeon. u have an artifact belt since 1st day as 60 u can call it "game over" its funny they say the game with be available to PS and x-box like this will die before that.
  • kr0nixx#5213 kr0nixx Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Why not make these T2 Tiamat drops BoP? Was this actually intended? This needs to be changed ASAP.
  • aulduronaulduron Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,351 Arc User
    edited December 2014
  • healaryhealary Member Posts: 600 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    kr0nixx wrote: »
    Why not make these T2 Tiamat drops BoP? Was this actually intended? This needs to be changed ASAP.

    There will be even less semi-worthy drop from Tiamat then. As it stands now, everything in the game other than RP is either worthless or at the brink of becoming worthless.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited December 2014
    I'm still seeing a lot of people forming groups for Delves, especially during Delve Hour, and not a day goes by when I play that I don't get invited to a delve. I don't watch Zone or LFG though, so maybe its just those spammy channels? Dunno.

    Yeah, I've taken a break on Delving lately, for the most part. Not because of any in-game issues, but because of time constraints caused by lack of play time due to health issues.
  • vasdamasvasdamas Member Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I've just realized that I have nothing to do. Even the dragons are useless in terms of farming.

    I think I will make 10 more chars and start leadership tasks now. But I don't feel like I can bare such "gameplay" for too long.
  • xtremozxtremoz Member Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    healary wrote: »
    There will be even less semi-worthy drop from Tiamat then. As it stands now, everything in the game other than RP is either worthless or at the brink of becoming worthless.

    remember artifact belts? 5mil 8mil 1 mil, after a few week of dragon encounter some are near 10k, give t2 drops from tiamat 2 weeks and they are worth 5k also, if that what u want and need, remove t2 from tiamat and set a decent amount of rp items like 10 lesse resonance stone for 1st in tiamat, 5 to 2nd till 10... 1 to every1 and give draconic gear most of it its bound anyway.

    when was the last time u run eLoL to try get a artifact belt? oh its to hard ofc it better to fight a dragon for 20sec with 30player killing it or buy it on AH for 10k cuz there so many why make eLoL if now belts are free 1 more dungeon useless to do.
  • xtremozxtremoz Member Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    vasdamas wrote: »
    I've just realized that I have nothing to do. Even the dragons are useless in terms of farming.

    I think I will make 10 more chars and start leadership tasks now. But I don't feel like I can bare such "gameplay" for too long.

    I feel your pain why am i here and not playing? dungeon are useless, i used to run them with my guild gearing new player and do split run, 200k item drop well 40k to each doesnt metter if u did 20mil dmg or 1mil u were there and did your best, now? its better to tell them go do sharandar sell all blue in Ah for 200-600 ad 5 bleu belt 600 ad each u can buy 1 piece of set t1, salvage epic <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> from sharandar mini dung and dread and u get 10k buy a green seldarine belt.

    do encounter for? 90% the time u get blues lv59 not even for rp its good, oh after 5 run of dragons i got a artifact belt \0/ oh... 15k on AH :(
  • demonkyuubidemonkyuubi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    xtremoz wrote: »
    remember artifact belts? 5mil 8mil 1 mil, after a few week of dragon encounter some are near 10k, give t2 drops from tiamat 2 weeks and they are worth 5k also, if that what u want and need, remove t2 from tiamat and set a decent amount of rp items like 10 lesse resonance stone for 1st in tiamat, 5 to 2nd till 10... 1 to every1 and give draconic gear most of it its bound anyway.

    when was the last time u run eLoL to try get a artifact belt? oh its to hard ofc it better to fight a dragon for 20sec with 30player killing it or buy it on AH for 10k cuz there so many why make eLoL if now belts are free 1 more dungeon useless to do.

    now all we need is a stack of peridots to drop to a reasonable price and we can get rolling.

    kinda sucks about the price drops though since i bought my 1st arty belt for 1.2 mil and now it's 30k last i checked and still dropping. oh well, at least i leveled it a bit while peridots were around 17k for a stack >.>. if i knew this would have happened, i would have just made it purple asap.
  • xtremozxtremoz Member Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    now all we need is a stack of peridots to drop to a reasonable price and we can get rolling.

    kinda sucks about the price drops though since i bought my 1st arty belt for 1.2 mil and now it's 30k last i checked and still dropping. oh well, at least i leveled it a bit while peridots were around 17k for a stack >.>. if i knew this would have happened, i would have just made it purple asap.

    well i bought mine CONS half way mod 4 with all the ad i saved durring mod3 doing dungeon and IWD encounters and selling lv5 enchant, was just 8.mil welcome to mod5 its now 100k, all my hard work and hours playing dungeons for a few months it was a waste.

    right now with all t2 gear going down down down 8mil with take not a few months but 1 year.

    at least the guy from who i bought it must be now super happy.
  • chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    We all need - RP! everything else is cheap.

    Must find source of RP other than blood rubies...
  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    Been safe to say that for a loooong time now.

    You are late to the party
  • zxornzxorn Member Posts: 160 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    chemboy613 wrote: »
    We all need - RP! everything else is cheap.

    Must find source of RP other than blood rubies...

    Adding big hit RP items to dungeons wouldn't be a bad idea. I mean the whole Artifact item thing is just a method of preserving the economy in the game, so why not have them preserve the content as well. This would make me consider running a dungeon again for the first time in over a year.
  • osterdracheosterdrache Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Does the OP complain that beginners getting their gear too fast? The other complainers here say the opposite all the time… that the gear gap is so high… and ur complaining that in one week u can reach 12k gs? Hahaha!

    Wait, big news here: you have to play actual content to make profits. Not grinding 8k gs dungeons with 16-18k gs characters and expect a profit.

    RP items on the other hand would be great in dungeons.
  • xtremozxtremoz Member Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Does the OP complain that beginners getting their gear too fast? The other complainers here say the opposite all the time… that the gear gap is so high… and ur complaining that in one week u can reach 12k gs? Hahaha!

    Wait, big news here: you have to play actual content to make profits. Not grinding 8k gs dungeons with 16-18k gs characters and expect a profit.

    RP items on the other hand would be great in dungeons.

    i dont know about u but since i play since open beta it toke 1 month to get 10k GS and yes i was running t2 with 9-11k GS player it was hard but rewarding to fight your way to final boss in cn with 10kGS, now when u hit 60 u buy a full set t1 from ad done while lving and u have 1 artifact and \0/ 12k gs u rock a few hours later u buy t2 set and 13k gs + and u can enter any dungeon in the game without ever running 1 then u complain tiamat its not doable ofc half of the player there never did a dungeon, most never finish cn ot vt or mc but they are there in your 25 man raid.

    and if are lucky to finish u get a minor stone and the fresh lv 60 a dragon egg. that amazing lol, i work my but to get my t2 gear in dungeon, all from dungeon chests, toke weeks i gear alot of guild member like that also, now no need for dungeons, u want gear run 3min every hour after dragons and u get your gear if not u get ad to buy it so from weeks to gear its now days.

    if thats the way it like play an offline RPG 20 hours of story line and done bring another.
  • helpimblindinrlhelpimblindinrl Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    The gear gap isn't t2 rags. It is Orange items, rank 10s and perfect enchants.
  • marko531marko531 Member Posts: 32
    edited December 2014
    Simple solution, make tiamat exclusive for veteran players, make it 17k+ gs encounter, its hard enough even for high gs ppl, and remove T2 drop from it. I suggest marks and more refine stones instead of T2 gear on tiamat. Also well of dragons should have a pre requirement to enter, just like IWD have boon requirement before u can enter.
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Edit: I was missing key info. Nevermind.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • sygfried94sygfried94 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 264 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    Mainly show what an other player said on the past, people are not interested on dongeon or difficulty (at least for those who posted there as it is unaccepatable). what they want is the loot. and seems that some old player want a supreme loot that none other can get. that where some things goes wrong, countless hour of farming is not what i'm looking for, i'm not a gold farmer, i'm playing for fun. putting T2 more accessible is nice, someone that start game should not have to pass countless hour of farming for each equipment lvl. there is already this much time to do so with actual artifact equipment that making lower lvl equip hard to get with high price would simply kill entry, with too high time and lvl between a newcomer and old player. The price and time for a newcomer should not be an uncrossable mountain.

    Some cry because they will get less AD from a t2 dongeon, T2 dongeon because easy because of new stuff stonger and stronger after each update. Making now equip more accessible and old dongeon less rewarding in the AH look fair for me.

    Same goes IRL, you get the lastest TV with the largest screen, well 3 month later a larger one show making your less expensive and if you still want to have the biggest one you need to pay money. And after some time the first one finish to be cheap because it became low standard completly overcome by new model.
    That same reason dev failed in new artefact equip. Those new one require too much money and time, that if they get out new stronger equipment without possibility of transfert, it will discourage people playing the game
  • nwoun1nwoun1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Does the OP complain that beginners getting their gear too fast? The other complainers here say the opposite all the time… that the gear gap is so high… and ur complaining that in one week u can reach 12k gs? Hahaha!

    Wait, big news here: you have to play actual content to make profits. Not grinding 8k gs dungeons with 16-18k gs characters and expect a profit.

    RP items on the other hand would be great in dungeons.

    Content overall is unrewarding not just T1/T2. The amount of AD you need to proceed in relation to what you can farm by playing the game is just insanely broken.
    The capstone event currently is Tiamat. Do you feel you can effectively farm the HE? I don't. You don't even need the ZEN keys, because everything you get out of the chests is cheaper on the AH.

    This problem will remain unsolvable until they gate BoE rewards behind difficulty. As long as they do RNG, the market will either be flooded in a matter of days (see T2, Dragon Eggs, Artifact Belts currently) or too hard to obtain.
  • urlord283urlord283 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    They arn not dead to me... but I hate buying keys

    the new ones cost a lot and they are so hard some I never finish
  • nyetdiemnyetdiem Member Posts: 32
    edited December 2014
    Why does everyone keep asking for RP in dungeons?? Every epic you pick up is more rp for your artifact stuff. Don't have any more AD to buy rp from the AH? Go farm some dungeons for it!

    When everyone was concerned that the fey/dragon/tymora enchant drops were becoming BtA & exclaiming about how we should be receiving rp from dungeons, this is what was coming. Now, at the end chest of a dungeon, we receive not only a shard (1,080 rp in regular arti's); but we also receive an epic which can be worth over 1,000 rp in a certain piece of arti equipment!

    Agreed, it's not very much in comparison to amount needed to advance levels, but that dead horse has been beaten too many times. And I understand that there is a salvage price, but also a salvage limit (RAD refine). So, instead, let's go out & drop those epic prices under 1 AD per rp! Run those dungeons & flood the market with drops. Screw making a profit, we need to get the whole community on board & farm 'til anyone can start an alt & buff the arti's, old normals & new gear, to at least epic.

    If we can do that, we will all be in a much better place.
  • ariakaituariakaitu Member Posts: 75
    edited December 2014
    nyetdiem wrote: »
    ....So, instead, let's go out & drop those epic prices under 1 AD per rp! Run those dungeons & flood the market with drops. Screw making a profit, we need to get the whole community on board & farm 'til anyone can start an alt & buff the arti's, old normals & new gear, to at least epic.

    If we can do that, we will all be in a much better place.

    If only we could, but firsT we would have to get people to quit thinking about their immediate needs/wants/desires and to lose the selfish notion of ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME.

    otherwise..... its a great idea. you start. just let me know when so I can be in the ah waiting :cool:
  • mojoratmojorat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 90
    edited December 2014
    I did notice no one wanted to run FC more than once and somone mentioned that the WoD was better time spent.
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