I'm constantly getting disconnected every few minutes too.
This is the tell-tale sign of DDOS, if this is happening, you can be 80% sure the server you're on is under attack. (other 20% it's your own crappy bandwidth being sucked dry by local clients).
It's like when some little article or site goes viral on reddit, the little server in someone's basement goes from serving 10 pages a day to 10,000 an hour and you'll see similar results...
This is the tell-tale sign of DDOS, if this is happening, you can be 80% sure the server you're on is under attack. (other 20% it's your own crappy bandwidth being sucked dry by local clients).
It's like when some little article or site goes viral on reddit, the little server in someone's basement goes from serving 10 pages a day to 10,000 an hour and you'll see similar results...
Like the Slashdot effect.
Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
The only difference is the traffic from reddit is legit, the fake init requests from attack botnets use up just about as much bandwidth, however, so, yeah, similar results.
People with botnets get mad, people with those botnets use them, nuff said .
The only difference is the traffic from reddit is legit, the fake init requests from attack botnets use up just about as much bandwidth, however, so, yeah, similar results.
I guess it could be worse. About a decade ago there was an article on Slashdot about an unrepentant email spammer. In an interview (Slashdot interview, perhaps) he was adamant that he had every right to send advertisements to your email address if he wanted to.
Boy, was that ever the wrong thing to say to that crowd. He had just bought a house somewhere in Ohio; even if his address wasn't listed anywhere on the Internet, it's available to the public by law. Someone went to the courthouse, retrieved his address, and posted it on the forum.
In short order, the readership exacted revenge. They scoured worldwide for every free print publication, sales catalog, or anything else they could find, then signed him up for them. Soon he was getting one-hundred pounds of physical mail every single day. USPS unilaterally stopped all mail to his house because they couldn't deal with it.
Now that was a DDOS.
Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
crash every 2 min after I did the skirmish
in skirmish I desconnect like 4 times ,die like 4 times too
earthquake I think,because last time we had this it was a earthquak
edit:no earthquak,thks for the info hustin1
a drunk touching the cables?I feel like mainstream media giving false info
crash every 2 min after I did the skirmish
in skirmish I desconnect like 4 times ,die like 4 times too
earthquake I think,because last time we had this it was a earthquak
If it's affecting East Coast servers it's definitely not an earthquake. Anything above a 2.x here is rare in the extreme (that 5 we had a couple of years ago is something we won't see for another hundred years). The ground here isn't faulted like on the west coast and we aren't near any plate boundaries. Also, because this topography was formed when the continents smashed together to form Pangaea, the underlying ground is packed like an iron plate. It has a tendency to stay where you left it. It's also why, when there is a 5.x earthquake in Virginia, people feel it all the way up in Montreal (here in Philly we were rocking and rolling!)
Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
I guess it could be worse. About a decade ago there was an article on Slashdot about an unrepentant email spammer. In an interview (Slashdot interview, perhaps) he was adamant that he had every right to send advertisements to your email address if he wanted to.
Boy, was that ever the wrong thing to say to that crowd. He had just bought a house somewhere in Ohio; even if his address wasn't listed anywhere on the Internet, it's available to the public by law. Someone went to the courthouse, retrieved his address, and posted it on the forum.
In short order, the readership exacted revenge. They scoured worldwide for every free print publication, sales catalog, or anything else they could find, then signed him up for them. Soon he was getting one-hundred pounds of physical mail every single day. USPS unilaterally stopped all mail to his house because they couldn't deal with it.
Now that was a DDOS.
HA, yeah, that was an 80's DDOS, I'm sure that's happened to other people for other reasons as well (cough politicians cough*). But the thing to remember is that these attacks are not random, they are indeed, a form of protest. The botters clearly don't like that the only thing their bots can farm in this game is no longer salable. It's obvious to me (if not to everybody else) where the attacks are coming from...
If people could farm reasonable amounts of AD/RP by playing the game this wouldn't be nearly as much of an issue. The fact of the matter is Cryptic does NOT want anybody to be able to farm currency in this game, they want you to take your 24k/char per day and be happy with that, and if you aren't, you pay them. I understand the motivation behind it, they don't like third parties profiting from their property, but they are not creating any ways for ACTUAL PLAYERS to farm, either.
If they at least did that much, then they could claim to be in the right, but as of right now, I have a hard time seeing it that way...
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
edited November 2014
Well its down now alright Real pain too...due to everyone in the group I was in rage quitting because of disconnects I was soloing epic karru and taking all the loot...the challenge was to kill bosses between the lag spikes so I died 20 odd times due to disconnects but was fun Unfortunately the server just went down when last boss had 1/10 of his life left .
HA, yeah, that was an 80's DDOS, I'm sure that's happened to other people for other reasons as well (cough politicians cough*). But the thing to remember is that these attacks are not random, they are indeed, a form of protest. The botters clearly don't like that the only thing their bots can farm in this game is no longer salable. It's obvious to me (if not to everybody else) where the attacks are coming from...
If people could farm reasonable amounts of AD/RP by playing the game this wouldn't be nearly as much of an issue. The fact of the matter is Cryptic does NOT want anybody to be able to farm currency in this game, they want you to take your 24k/char per day and be happy with that, and if you aren't, you pay them. I understand the motivation behind it, they don't like third parties profiting from their property, but they are not creating any ways for ACTUAL PLAYERS to farm, either.
If they at least did that much, then they could claim to be in the right, but as of right now, I have a hard time seeing it that way...
Well...to be fair, its not the ONLY sellable thing, the bots just need to extrapolated to run a little further and refine things with the BoA refining stuff...say enchantments, then sell the product instead of the resource
It doesn't matter if it's not entirely true, it's MOSTLY true, sure you can spend a ton of money trying to setup fancy filters and paying third-party servers to take hits for you, but that isn't stopping anything. If the botnet is big enough (and there are many that are) it doesn't matter what you have setup, you're going down...
It's not mostly true, it's just that most servers don't need it.
Sure, you can build a bunker to protect yourself from a nuclear strike at ground zero, but the simple odds of it are so low that it doesn't warrant the effort. That's the point.
Protection from a DDOS isn't that hard. It's just that the odds of you getting DDOS'd are so low that there's no real point in it. Out of the hundreds or even thousands of servers that are devoted to hosting a game, how many are even DDOS'd?
Broken mechanics, broken class designs, lack of actual content, and over zealous, bronze-age moderation?
They aren't entirely without stuff to sell unfortunately. They'll still be able to swarm the weekly sharandar lair 5 at the time, get the first node and back out to go in again. It's not as profitable as the hoard foundries, but this isn't the end of them just yet.
That doesn't mean the botters aren't angry and retaliating, they most definitely are attacking Neverwinter, that is undeniable. You may be right, they may keep their bots in this game just for node drops, but they won't make anywhere near what they could selling black opals and flawless sapphires...
It's not mostly true, it's just that most servers don't need it.
Sure, you can build a bunker to protect yourself from a nuclear strike at ground zero, but the simple odds of it are so low that it doesn't warrant the effort. That's the point.
Protection from a DDOS isn't that hard. It's just that the odds of you getting DDOS'd are so low that there's no real point in it. Out of the hundreds or even thousands of servers that are devoted to hosting a game, how many are even DDOS'd?
Funny how "the odds of getting DDOSed" seems to skyrocket when they make whacked off decisions like making ALL RP BOA... Like I said, you can pay big to mitigate it, and even if you get DDOSed a lot, I still highly doubt it'll be cost effective. I have a bit of experience with this, the last gaming community I played in got DDOSed A LOT lol...
I'm sure P-servers will disagree with you. Other than that, you've got a good point.
I'm sure you're the master of statistical analysis out there.
Given the amount of private servers compared to the ones that actually get DDOS'd compared to the odds of actually getting DDOS'd by a botnet compared to a large group of people, the odds are still low.
Then again, given the amount of private servers compared to the amount of legit servers, the odds are even lower.
That's the point, you people are talking about statistics that you're not aware of, as well as software design aspects that you're not aware of.
Protip: One person in this conversation is a successful software dev.
Protip: it's not you.
I've developed software for dozens of supermarket, restaurant, fastfood, and game host companies and "protection against DDOS" is never in the requirements because the simple odds of it are so low. It's even lower given the amount of effort required to DDOS a server of that size. Especially considering the vast majority of these companies have backup servers.
Funny how "the odds of getting DDOSed" seems to skyrocket when they make whacked off decisions like making ALL RP BOA... Like I said, you can pay big to mitigate it, and even if you get DDOSed a lot, I still highly doubt it'll be cost effective. I have a bit of experience with this, the last gaming community I played in got DDOSed A LOT lol...
How many host companies, from the advent of DDOS until now, have been DDOS'd as a result of "whacked off decision like making ALL RP BOA"?
I'm not even counting the dismal population of Neverwinter at this point. Probably because I know you're still wrong. Even if chinese hackers are doing this, they still make much more bank off other games than Neverwinter. I'm not even sure if they care about this game.
Broken mechanics, broken class designs, lack of actual content, and over zealous, bronze-age moderation?
Go Cryptic!
PS - I quit.
draculetMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited November 2014
Well They should be noting that if no one on the east coast can play how can we purchase zen. This has been going on over 4 hours today.
I'm sure you're the master of statistical analysis out there.
Given the amount of private servers compared to the ones that actually get DDOS'd compared to the odds of actually getting DDOS'd by a botnet compared to a large group of people, the odds are still low.
The statistics fluctuate hugely depending on the sort of sites/content being hosted.
P.S. Im a successful webdeveloper/webdesigner
I'm sure you're the master of statistical analysis out there.
Given the amount of private servers compared to the ones that actually get DDOS'd compared to the odds of actually getting DDOS'd by a botnet compared to a large group of people, the odds are still low.
Then again, given the amount of private servers compared to the amount of legit servers, the odds are even lower.
That's the point, you people are talking about statistics that you're not aware of, as well as software design aspects that you're not aware of.
Protip: One person in this conversation is a successful software dev.
Protip: it's not you.
I've developed software for dozens of supermarket, restaurant, fastfood, and game host companies and "protection against DDOS" is never in the requirements because the simple odds of it are so low. It's even lower given the amount of effort required to DDOS a server of that size. Especially considering the vast majority of these companies have backup servers.
How many host companies, from the advent of DDOS until now, have been DDOS'd as a result of "whacked off decision like making ALL RP BOA"?
I'm not even counting the dismal population of Neverwinter at this point. Probably because I know you're still wrong. Even if chinese hackers are doing this, they still make much more bank off other games than Neverwinter. I'm not even sure if they care about this game.
Sorry, but Str8slayer is right. I have witnessed numerous DDOS attacks on private servers of different games in the past myself. And this clearly is one. Also your claims about the botter's income are wrong. When the game launched a single botter with roughly 20 accounts made 6000$ within a week. These botters we have nowadays are making tons more (obviously) and now they are mad.
There is no such thing as DDOS!
This is the tell-tale sign of DDOS, if this is happening, you can be 80% sure the server you're on is under attack. (other 20% it's your own crappy bandwidth being sucked dry by local clients).
It's like when some little article or site goes viral on reddit, the little server in someone's basement goes from serving 10 pages a day to 10,000 an hour and you'll see similar results...
First post to just simply say, I like that avatar picture.
Like the Slashdot effect.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
Majora's mask, forever. Hehehe.
This was so wrong on so many levels....
The only difference is the traffic from reddit is legit, the fake init requests from attack botnets use up just about as much bandwidth, however, so, yeah, similar results.
People with botnets get mad, people with those botnets use them, nuff said
I guess it could be worse. About a decade ago there was an article on Slashdot about an unrepentant email spammer. In an interview (Slashdot interview, perhaps) he was adamant that he had every right to send advertisements to your email address if he wanted to.
Boy, was that ever the wrong thing to say to that crowd. He had just bought a house somewhere in Ohio; even if his address wasn't listed anywhere on the Internet, it's available to the public by law. Someone went to the courthouse, retrieved his address, and posted it on the forum.
In short order, the readership exacted revenge. They scoured worldwide for every free print publication, sales catalog, or anything else they could find, then signed him up for them. Soon he was getting one-hundred pounds of physical mail every single day. USPS unilaterally stopped all mail to his house because they couldn't deal with it.
Now that was a DDOS.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
thought this was funny before i dc'd. superman that redcap... naw disconnected.
I like it. Revenge of the redcaps!
(Santa, could I have a redcap Thorn companion for my HR for Christmas?)
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
in skirmish I desconnect like 4 times ,die like 4 times too
earthquake I think,because last time we had this it was a earthquak
edit:no earthquak,thks for the info hustin1
a drunk touching the cables?I feel like mainstream media giving false info
that hammer looks painful
BlackberryCheesecake CW
CheeseCake House
If it's affecting East Coast servers it's definitely not an earthquake. Anything above a 2.x here is rare in the extreme (that 5 we had a couple of years ago is something we won't see for another hundred years). The ground here isn't faulted like on the west coast and we aren't near any plate boundaries. Also, because this topography was formed when the continents smashed together to form Pangaea, the underlying ground is packed like an iron plate. It has a tendency to stay where you left it. It's also why, when there is a 5.x earthquake in Virginia, people feel it all the way up in Montreal (here in Philly we were rocking and rolling!)
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
HA, yeah, that was an 80's DDOS, I'm sure that's happened to other people for other reasons as well (cough politicians cough*). But the thing to remember is that these attacks are not random, they are indeed, a form of protest. The botters clearly don't like that the only thing their bots can farm in this game is no longer salable. It's obvious to me (if not to everybody else) where the attacks are coming from...
If people could farm reasonable amounts of AD/RP by playing the game this wouldn't be nearly as much of an issue. The fact of the matter is Cryptic does NOT want anybody to be able to farm currency in this game, they want you to take your 24k/char per day and be happy with that, and if you aren't, you pay them. I understand the motivation behind it, they don't like third parties profiting from their property, but they are not creating any ways for ACTUAL PLAYERS to farm, either.
If they at least did that much, then they could claim to be in the right, but as of right now, I have a hard time seeing it that way...
(Who would Jesus Ddos?)
But seriously this is bad and you should feel bad for not letting me grind on Saturday.
(And for making me grind so hard on Saturday.)
gotta read em drizzt books
BlackberryCheesecake CW
CheeseCake House
Well...to be fair, its not the ONLY sellable thing, the bots just need to extrapolated to run a little further and refine things with the BoA refining stuff...say enchantments, then sell the product instead of the resource
It's not mostly true, it's just that most servers don't need it.
Sure, you can build a bunker to protect yourself from a nuclear strike at ground zero, but the simple odds of it are so low that it doesn't warrant the effort. That's the point.
Protection from a DDOS isn't that hard. It's just that the odds of you getting DDOS'd are so low that there's no real point in it. Out of the hundreds or even thousands of servers that are devoted to hosting a game, how many are even DDOS'd?
Go Cryptic!
PS - I quit.
That doesn't mean the botters aren't angry and retaliating, they most definitely are attacking Neverwinter, that is undeniable. You may be right, they may keep their bots in this game just for node drops, but they won't make anywhere near what they could selling black opals and flawless sapphires...
Funny how "the odds of getting DDOSed" seems to skyrocket when they make whacked off decisions like making ALL RP BOA... Like I said, you can pay big to mitigate it, and even if you get DDOSed a lot, I still highly doubt it'll be cost effective. I have a bit of experience with this, the last gaming community I played in got DDOSed A LOT lol...
I'm sure you're the master of statistical analysis out there.
Given the amount of private servers compared to the ones that actually get DDOS'd compared to the odds of actually getting DDOS'd by a botnet compared to a large group of people, the odds are still low.
Then again, given the amount of private servers compared to the amount of legit servers, the odds are even lower.
That's the point, you people are talking about statistics that you're not aware of, as well as software design aspects that you're not aware of.
Protip: One person in this conversation is a successful software dev.
Protip: it's not you.
I've developed software for dozens of supermarket, restaurant, fastfood, and game host companies and "protection against DDOS" is never in the requirements because the simple odds of it are so low. It's even lower given the amount of effort required to DDOS a server of that size. Especially considering the vast majority of these companies have backup servers.
How many host companies, from the advent of DDOS until now, have been DDOS'd as a result of "whacked off decision like making ALL RP BOA"?
I'm not even counting the dismal population of Neverwinter at this point. Probably because I know you're still wrong. Even if chinese hackers are doing this, they still make much more bank off other games than Neverwinter. I'm not even sure if they care about this game.
Go Cryptic!
PS - I quit.
P.S. Im a successful webdeveloper/webdesigner
Sorry, but Str8slayer is right. I have witnessed numerous DDOS attacks on private servers of different games in the past myself. And this clearly is one. Also your claims about the botter's income are wrong. When the game launched a single botter with roughly 20 accounts made 6000$ within a week. These botters we have nowadays are making tons more (obviously) and now they are mad.