jeffro9000Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 121Bounty Hunter
edited November 2014
1. I agree almost entirely with chem.
2. I like the idea of gaining rp from leveling. Also, putting refining stones in dungeon chests would give players a reason to do the content and it is unlikely that bots will complete an epic dungeon.
3. Making these changes not retroactive is actually increasing the cash flow of botters. Demand just skyrocketed, and guess who is sitting on all of the supply...
For the record, since the release of Mod 4, my SW is now solid at 16.5k GS (17.2k max but less effective) and am pretty capable in PvP with PvE being a complete joke for me. The idea of Farming however is limited to my time available as well as my sanity, while I have More than enough gear to do the farming, its the boredom I get from how easy it is to farm them....
I personally have farmed Shores EPic and Normal enough to go mad, ive got 4 or 5 of each drop from Epic LOL but not one belt/book has ever dropped in front of my eyes, and only 2 Guild members out of 70 actives had seen one in allllll that time
Come on Cryptic! Im on your Live Streams with you boy Akro messing the place up making it look easy, yah EASY until im up again the people who can actually somehow get these items and also level them up within a day!
Edit: Oh, im complete with DR, IWD and Tyranny Boons (Both books Farmed by Dailies and no drops/Purchase), almost done with 3rd sharandar (slow cus i hate it)
Bro! Gonna be another year before i see a legendary Weapon/Off/Belt/Neck outside of the test server
3. Making these changes not retroactive is actually increasing the cash flow of botters. Demand just skyrocketed, and guess who is sitting on all of the supply...
That comed to mind indeed. BUT you have to take into account that "hoarding" those stacks can be extremely dangerous - as botters ARE getting banned from time to time. That is one of the reasons stacks are still dirt cheap...
But at no point can anyone firmly say, botting is good for the game and needed, and expect to be taken seriously.
I can. Ideally I should say they're scum for profiteering from exploiting the game mechanics. Unfortunately I have more faith in them providing what we need than cryptic. What part of $550 per artifact on official prices made sense to them?
The fact that they even thought an AD cost for enchantment refining was a good idea which would have made it more costly just shows they have no clue and they continually make bad design decisions. Ie bound coal wards, blood rubies in a discount pack costing more than the bazaar price, the clunky refine interface etc etc. If they knew what they were doing we wouldn't have gone from challenging content when we had low gs, to trivial content.
You got a bot problem, neverwinter? You got known major AH/AD exploit problems? You have lack of content and too much grind? Then:
Reset game. Everyone back to level 1. (see above)
Refund all zen purchased with real money or refund all packs/etc. (obvious)
Give credit to hours played (somehow) in terms of AD or wealth - example : for every 1 day of game time recorded give 1 million RAD. (only seems fair)
Place all items BOA or BOP. Eliminate item transfer between characters. Adjust RP refinement costs downward by at least 33% and increase enchant drop rates. Reduce all zen prices by at least 25%. (to address bot problem, reduces pointless armies of alts praying, address unmanageable time needed to progress with artifacts and refine, and to encourage increased store purchases)
Reduce green drops, increase profession drops and enchant drops. Reduce blue drop rates (and buff blue items). Buff crafting items (too many suboptimal green items from leveling and playing the game - instead becomes vendor junk or just ignored, buffing crafting items gives crafters something to do)
Increase PVE content difficulty, all creatures have more HP and do more damage. Buff mini dungeons - bosses need more HP/damage. Introduce an extra random power (from a set table of powers such as self heal, teleport, knockback / whatever) to those mini-bosses. (I think these mini-dungeons should feel special instead you can just steamroll for example : Honor Reagh in a few secs). Increase XP requirements to level by at least 25%. (repackages the grind in levelign to stretch your time, I feel is better than completing all content and then repeating content or figuring out what to do or fliping stuff on AH)
Give rewards (aside for titles) for completing an item set or achievement (such as a chest similiar to post lv 60 advancement). - (just seems like a worthwhile carrot to collect these sets
Buff chest rewards to blue level items for pve leveling content. Rework all items, especially - making blue items more worthwhile leveling. Eliminate items that level with you such as the mulhorand gear. (sorry should be included in a section above)
Make PVE death penality harsher such as a 10% xp drop.
Continue with PVP balancing (but I'll defer suggestions).
That comed to mind indeed. BUT you have to take into account that "hoarding" those stacks can be extremely dangerous - as botters ARE getting banned from time to time. That is one of the reasons stacks are still dirt cheap...
Regardless though they're also sitting on all the AD now. So by skewing the demand and supply of these RP items, the botters that farm the drops WITHOUT these enchants, are going to be selling them for a lot more AD. People are eventually going to get tired of farming for refining stones themselves, or farming the AD for them. Farming longer doesn't bother a bot. And people are going to either get tired of it and quit, or turn to buying AD from third party sources.
They need to gives us an option that's viable. Put refining stones on the bazaar for a REASONABLE price. Right now they have sapphires for 30k ad. That's 5000 RP for 30k AD. Right now, Amethysts are on the AH for stacks of 99 at 64k. That's 148,500 for 64k RP. Basically they're pissed people are leveling their artifacts quicker then they'd like, and want to stop it. But just give us a comparable price in the Bazaar. Let us buy at least a 5 pack of sapphires for 30k. That's 50000 RP for 60k AD. A third of the AH value, and still 5 times the deal the bazaar is now. See how skewed it is?
demonmongerMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,350Arc User
There will be another one soon, some people said in the beginning of December and most players should have the artifact items by then.
the refinement event was only such a success because people could buy zen and then buy items from AH to upgrade their own items,
remove that from the neverwinter ecosystem and it all falls apart.
I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
the refinement event was only such a success because people could buy zen and then buy items from AH to upgrade their own items,
remove that from the neverwinter ecosystem and it all falls apart.
I can. Ideally I should say they're scum for profiteering from exploiting the game mechanics. Unfortunately I have more faith in them providing what we need than cryptic. What part of $550 per artifact on official prices made sense to them?
The fact that they even thought an AD cost for enchantment refining was a good idea which would have made it more costly just shows they have no clue and they continually make bad design decisions. Ie bound coal wards, blood rubies in a discount pack costing more than the bazaar price, the clunky refine interface etc etc. If they knew what they were doing we wouldn't have gone from challenging content when we had low gs, to trivial content.
If Cryptic wanna cut off our cheap RP, they had done that after 1 or 2 Weeks and not after one whole Modul. This is only some kind of small hotfix, not a big issue to "fix" that.
Platypus wielding a giant hammer, your argument is invalild!
Wow, Respect is a requirement on the forum? I don't think so.
You're aiming this post at the devs. Managers don't like it when people come to them with problems, they want folks to come to them with solutions.
I think if folks seriously want to be rewarded for their time, it's best to put that effort into work. The target demo for Cryptic isn't FtP players, obviously. It's middle aged folks with large amounts of disposable income. Wow man, I just can't say what I want. I feel sorry for the OP.
The entire tone of the OP is I'd say more but probably shouldn't.
Refund all zen purchased with real money or refund all packs/etc. (obvious)
Give credit to hours played (somehow) in terms of AD or wealth - example : for every 1 day of game time recorded give 1 million RAD. (only seems fair)
it would just take me 2600 days to refine all that rAD lol (1500+hours)
Paladin Master Race
darkstarcrashMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,382Arc User
edited November 2014
I voted for the first choice, because bots are a cancer on the game and Cryptic needs to do whatever it takes to minimize their presence.
However, we need to be able to level our artifact gear in a reasonable time frame. I don't mean Legendary on day 1 - unless you choose to spend cash on zen refinement stones, which is your choice so don't whine about it. But we need to see progression on a daily basis.
Look back to Mod 2 for reference. Artifacts were introduced, with RP cost of 300k at epic, 3M at legendary. Simultaneously, Dread Ring lairs dropped greater refining marks, equal to ~3700 RP in matching artifacts, and peridots or aquamarines from the arcane coffers. Dungeon bosses have a chance to drop epic Marks of Potency as well. All enchantments were worth double RPs in artifacts. A player could see regular progress on upgrading their artifacts.
With Mod 4, artifact weapons and belts were introduced, with RP cost of 520k RP at epic, 4.6M RP at legendary. However, none of the new daily lairs (from the Common Cause quest), new skirmish, new dungeon nor old dungeons have refining stones added to the loot table. Only matching gear has double RP.
At the least, the daily ToD lair chest needs to reward 5000 RPs (Flawless Sapphires), and dungeon chests should reward 10,000 RPs (Black Opal). This would be roughly equivalent to Mod 2 - and the extra drops from dungeons are needed, since one can be upgrading up to 4 artifact gears simultaneously in Mod 5. Increasing the drop rate from Dragon's Hoard enchantments - or skewing the median drop to be a lesser resonance stone - would also help players to see gear progression without needing to buy refinements off the AH.
it would just take me 2600 days to refine all that rAD lol (1500+hours)
or maybe just AD
chemboy613Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,521Arc User
edited November 2014
Trust me, no one like bots. That much is obvious. The fundamental point is the ridiculous amount of time required to get enough RP if the proposed change goes through. That is unpalatable for F2P players.
Secondly, if we can't farm freely, the other option is paying. That's fine, if you want something you have to pay with effort or money. I don't have a problem with that at all.
But if we are talking hundreds of hours of gameplay OR hundreds of dollars - that's not reasonable.
Sure F2P is not their target. They want older players with large amounts of disposable income. I think we get this. But at some point the price tag is unreasonable, even for those people. I think this change will break it for them as well.
There are good ideas here
1. Make RP as reward. In Dungeon Runs, Foundry, PVP, Skirmishes or XP gained. all of this
2. Increase RP value of item. So that you could basically afford to spend 2-5m of AD value on items and get item to legendary. Was proposed and ignored long time ago.
3. Make RP boosters in ZEN for RP grinders.
4. Make Zen market Items ~ at 2-5m AD =50- 100 $ for thoose who want to buy stuff to speed up RP grind.
There is a sweet spot of what people are still willing to afford to spent on legendary artifact ~ 2m-5m. This is what you need to balance economy. You can not do this with current zen market or AD daily grind for people.
Also we need to adress here another aspect of problem. You made new betls, offhand, sets and so on. If no changes will be made nobody except 1% of whales will destroy current legendary belt to get new one or to refine new set. All new artifact sets are now dead born. There was litle desire to get them before since of their poor in game value and poor convertion ration - current legendary belt gives only 1.5m RP out of 4.5 required.
Also new sets are RND again. This is a gate that started to ruin the game making lucky ones not skilled one win. belts now are 2m~5m AD on AH. You are required to spent ~ 2m on lowest prices this week to refine it. It was still reachable. Belts are RND. Dragonhoards drop is RND % with ICD. Too much RND and too much work(!) for any player for 0 good content - No pvp maps, No new Levels, No good content to look for - 10k 25 zergs run is all we have. Permanant unbalancing issues. Ask yourself - why to play?
You're aiming this post at the devs. Managers don't like it when people come to them with problems, they want folks to come to them with solutions.
You are misunderstanding the customer/manager relationship.
I am not employed by Cryptic/PWE/WotC so I have no obligation to provide a solution to the problems.
Do you complain to manager at a restaurant when they get your order wrong only if you have a detailed list of ways he can fix the problem?
You complain, and they fix it or you go somewhere else.
demonmongerMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,350Arc User
You are misunderstanding the customer/manager relationship.
I am not employed by Cryptic/PWE/WotC so I have no obligation to provide a solution to the problems.
Do you complain to manager at a restaurant when they get your order wrong only if you have a detailed list of ways he can fix the problem?
You complain, and they fix it or you go somewhere else.
but here they ask for feedback...
I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
I voted for the first choice, because bots are a cancer on the game and Cryptic needs to do whatever it takes to minimize their presence.
However, we need to be able to level our artifact gear in a reasonable time frame. I don't mean Legendary on day 1 - unless you choose to spend cash on zen refinement stones, which is your choice so don't whine about it. But we need to see progression on a daily basis.
Look back to Mod 2 for reference. Artifacts were introduced, with RP cost of 300k at epic, 3M at legendary. Simultaneously, Dread Ring lairs dropped greater refining marks, equal to ~3700 RP in matching artifacts, and peridots or aquamarines from the arcane coffers. Dungeon bosses have a chance to drop epic Marks of Potency as well. All enchantments were worth double RPs in artifacts. A player could see regular progress on upgrading their artifacts.
With Mod 4, artifact weapons and belts were introduced, with RP cost of 520k RP at epic, 4.6M RP at legendary. However, none of the new daily lairs (from the Common Cause quest), new skirmish, new dungeon nor old dungeons have refining stones added to the loot table. Only matching gear has double RP.
At the least, the daily ToD lair chest needs to reward 5000 RPs (Flawless Sapphires), and dungeon chests should reward 10,000 RPs (Black Opal). This would be roughly equivalent to Mod 2 - and the extra drops from dungeons are needed, since one can be upgrading up to 4 artifact gears simultaneously in Mod 5. Increasing the drop rate from Dragon's Hoard enchantments - or skewing the median drop to be a lesser resonance stone - would also help players to see gear progression without needing to buy refinements off the AH.
that is very well said and researched. I do DR daily because of the refinement, enchants go to artifacts peridots go to my artifact weapon. This would be GREAT I wonder if people like you should write a seperate post about this suggestion (in case any devs don't get wind of this).
Make Artifact Equipment gain experience as you kill stuff with them. And make it take longer the more Artifact Equipment you're wearing. Say 50% of the experience you earn while wearing a piece of Artifact Equipment goes directly to that Artifact (in some ratio if you don't want it to be 1:1). For every other Artifact Equipment you're wearing, the experience gets split. If you have a weapon and belt, each get 25%. If you have a weapon, belt and neck, each get 33%, etc. Thus someone "lucky" enough to have multiple slots gains levels a bit slower, while someone who just has one gets to see it level a little faster.
That way people can "build affinity" with their Artifact Equipment by just playing the game...doing PvP, dungeons, open-world or whatever. Then at least it doesn't feel like such a grind.
Yes, Oh God Yes.
please Make the game more fun than grind!
a new PvP arena would be nice, too... a game other than the Control-the-points thing would be awesome! A capture the flag, or like SWToR's Huttball.
i agree of needing greater reward from Dungeon CHest, and especially harder dungeons.. Make the reward worth the effort, while allowing me to progress on my RP Gain without suddenly blowing $200 someday on pixels
There are good ideas here
1. Make RP as reward. In Dungeon Runs, Foundry, PVP, Skirmishes or XP gained. all of this
2. Increase RP value of item. So that you could basically afford to spend 2-5m of AD value on items and get item to legendary. Was proposed and ignored long time ago.
3. Make RP boosters in ZEN for RP grinders.
4. Make Zen market Items ~ at 2-5m AD =50- 100 $ for thoose who want to buy stuff to speed up RP grind.
There is a sweet spot of what people are still willing to afford to spent on legendary artifact ~ 2m-5m. This is what you need to balance economy. You can not do this with current zen market or AD daily grind for people.
Even easier would be to make the Arti weapons and belts give x5 RP like they do when you eat an arti of the same class and lower the RP needed to the same levels as regular arti.
It would still take a long time to get all 5 to orange for normal players, while whales will always have the top gear anyways.
You are misunderstanding the customer/manager relationship.
I am not employed by Cryptic/PWE/WotC so I have no obligation to provide a solution to the problems.
Do you complain to manager at a restaurant when they get your order wrong only if you have a detailed list of ways he can fix the problem?
You complain, and they fix it or you go somewhere else.
this is absolutely right, problem is pwe has that amazing IP....DnD
Feedback doesn't mean do the devs jobs though, it means tell them when somethings broke.
And besides that, this post has been full of suggested courses of action by many players including the same OP that guy was telling "managers want solutions"...
grindtoofMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 27Arc User
edited November 2014
I really like OPs message and share his sentiment. The post 60 game is a lot of grinding, and little skill. Being a relatively new player, it is hard to compete against established players with higher GS in PVP. Its hard to get need runs for gear improvement and there really isn't a way to make enough AD to purchase gear upgrades without resorting to sources that break the TOS, or, buying Zen. Maybe this game just isn't for me...
I agree, without skill required, games like this have no choice but to gate gear behind RNG... I know Cryptic isn't gonna change overnight and start churning out hard PVE content so I have trouble seeing what other options there are here?
It's pretty obvious that essentially EVERYBODY is sick to death of rolling d100's and coming up short every time. Adding a system that gives coins or tokens for each chest opened and allowing people who've opened hundreds already to get a choice of the item they need (BOP, of course), seems to be the only good remaining option. They're doing it with artifact weapons in mod 5, let's hope they follow suit for other things.
However, with RP being bound to account now, actually GETTING legendary items will be nearly impossible unless you spend 500$ on the zen store on blood rubies (obviously the intent but I doubt they'll be many takers, still).
I agree, without skill required, games like this have no choice but to gate gear behind RNG... I know Cryptic isn't gonna change overnight and start churning out hard PVE content so I have trouble seeing what other options there are here?
It's pretty obvious that essentially EVERYBODY is sick to death of rolling d100's and coming up short every time. Adding a system that gives coins or tokens for each chest opened and allowing people who've opened hundreds already to get a choice of the item they need (BOP, of course), seems to be the only good remaining option. They're doing it with artifact weapons in mod 5, let's hope they follow suit for other things.
It is viable, but with artifact gear being the new BIS slots, RP is the only thing NEEDED to progress and those gears will be obsolete. Now that it'll bind to each account, I can't think of ANY way to quickly refine your stuff unless you count charging 50k zen to your credit card and buying blood rubies (which nobody in their right mind would do).
It is viable, but with artifact gear being the new BIS slots, RP is the only thing NEEDED to progress and those gears will be obsolete. Now that it'll bind to each account, I can't think of ANY way to quickly refine your stuff unless you count charging 50k zen to your credit card and buying blood rubies (which nobody in their right mind would do).
It would be a start, but I think they're going to have to do something even more drastic if they want people to still even care anymore. When people are faced with a daunting enough task, most will move on and give up before expending all that effort (and for good reason). That is what I'm afraid will happen here before they have a chance to realize how impossible it will be to get large amounts of RP (the only amount needed...).
nytespawnMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited November 2014
I totally agree. It's also hard to make money on pickup dungeons when YOU ARE BOOTED at the end before Boss drop pickups. So for me, that means no more pickup dungeons.
2. I like the idea of gaining rp from leveling. Also, putting refining stones in dungeon chests would give players a reason to do the content and it is unlikely that bots will complete an epic dungeon.
3. Making these changes not retroactive is actually increasing the cash flow of botters. Demand just skyrocketed, and guess who is sitting on all of the supply...
Jeffrina Jones, GWF
Jeffrodo, CW
Jeffrogue, Rog
Jelfro, GF
Jeffrogolas Do'Urden, HR
Jeffrodo Jaggins, SW
I personally have farmed Shores EPic and Normal enough to go mad, ive got 4 or 5 of each drop from Epic LOL but not one belt/book has ever dropped in front of my eyes, and only 2 Guild members out of 70 actives had seen one in allllll that time
Come on Cryptic! Im on your Live Streams with you boy Akro messing the place up making it look easy, yah EASY until im up again the people who can actually somehow get these items and also level them up within a day!
Edit: Oh, im complete with DR, IWD and Tyranny Boons (Both books Farmed by Dailies and no drops/Purchase), almost done with 3rd sharandar (slow cus i hate it)
Bro! Gonna be another year before i see a legendary Weapon/Off/Belt/Neck outside of the test server
That comed to mind indeed. BUT you have to take into account that "hoarding" those stacks can be extremely dangerous - as botters ARE getting banned from time to time. That is one of the reasons stacks are still dirt cheap...
I can. Ideally I should say they're scum for profiteering from exploiting the game mechanics. Unfortunately I have more faith in them providing what we need than cryptic. What part of $550 per artifact on official prices made sense to them?
The fact that they even thought an AD cost for enchantment refining was a good idea which would have made it more costly just shows they have no clue and they continually make bad design decisions. Ie bound coal wards, blood rubies in a discount pack costing more than the bazaar price, the clunky refine interface etc etc. If they knew what they were doing we wouldn't have gone from challenging content when we had low gs, to trivial content.
Reset game. Everyone back to level 1. (see above)
Refund all zen purchased with real money or refund all packs/etc. (obvious)
Give credit to hours played (somehow) in terms of AD or wealth - example : for every 1 day of game time recorded give 1 million RAD. (only seems fair)
Place all items BOA or BOP. Eliminate item transfer between characters. Adjust RP refinement costs downward by at least 33% and increase enchant drop rates. Reduce all zen prices by at least 25%. (to address bot problem, reduces pointless armies of alts praying, address unmanageable time needed to progress with artifacts and refine, and to encourage increased store purchases)
Reduce green drops, increase profession drops and enchant drops. Reduce blue drop rates (and buff blue items). Buff crafting items (too many suboptimal green items from leveling and playing the game - instead becomes vendor junk or just ignored, buffing crafting items gives crafters something to do)
Increase PVE content difficulty, all creatures have more HP and do more damage. Buff mini dungeons - bosses need more HP/damage. Introduce an extra random power (from a set table of powers such as self heal, teleport, knockback / whatever) to those mini-bosses. (I think these mini-dungeons should feel special instead you can just steamroll for example : Honor Reagh in a few secs). Increase XP requirements to level by at least 25%. (repackages the grind in levelign to stretch your time, I feel is better than completing all content and then repeating content or figuring out what to do or fliping stuff on AH)
Give rewards (aside for titles) for completing an item set or achievement (such as a chest similiar to post lv 60 advancement). - (just seems like a worthwhile carrot to collect these sets
Buff chest rewards to blue level items for pve leveling content. Rework all items, especially - making blue items more worthwhile leveling. Eliminate items that level with you such as the mulhorand gear. (sorry should be included in a section above)
Make PVE death penality harsher such as a 10% xp drop.
Continue with PVP balancing (but I'll defer suggestions).
Regardless though they're also sitting on all the AD now. So by skewing the demand and supply of these RP items, the botters that farm the drops WITHOUT these enchants, are going to be selling them for a lot more AD. People are eventually going to get tired of farming for refining stones themselves, or farming the AD for them. Farming longer doesn't bother a bot. And people are going to either get tired of it and quit, or turn to buying AD from third party sources.
They need to gives us an option that's viable. Put refining stones on the bazaar for a REASONABLE price. Right now they have sapphires for 30k ad. That's 5000 RP for 30k AD. Right now, Amethysts are on the AH for stacks of 99 at 64k. That's 148,500 for 64k RP. Basically they're pissed people are leveling their artifacts quicker then they'd like, and want to stop it. But just give us a comparable price in the Bazaar. Let us buy at least a 5 pack of sapphires for 30k. That's 50000 RP for 60k AD. A third of the AH value, and still 5 times the deal the bazaar is now. See how skewed it is?
the refinement event was only such a success because people could buy zen and then buy items from AH to upgrade their own items,
remove that from the neverwinter ecosystem and it all falls apart.
Glad someone has a brain
If Cryptic wanna cut off our cheap RP, they had done that after 1 or 2 Weeks and not after one whole Modul. This is only some kind of small hotfix, not a big issue to "fix" that.
You're aiming this post at the devs. Managers don't like it when people come to them with problems, they want folks to come to them with solutions.
I think if folks seriously want to be rewarded for their time, it's best to put that effort into work. The target demo for Cryptic isn't FtP players, obviously. It's middle aged folks with large amounts of disposable income. Wow man, I just can't say what I want. I feel sorry for the OP.
The entire tone of the OP is I'd say more but probably shouldn't.
However, we need to be able to level our artifact gear in a reasonable time frame. I don't mean Legendary on day 1 - unless you choose to spend cash on zen refinement stones, which is your choice so don't whine about it. But we need to see progression on a daily basis.
Look back to Mod 2 for reference. Artifacts were introduced, with RP cost of 300k at epic, 3M at legendary. Simultaneously, Dread Ring lairs dropped greater refining marks, equal to ~3700 RP in matching artifacts, and peridots or aquamarines from the arcane coffers. Dungeon bosses have a chance to drop epic Marks of Potency as well. All enchantments were worth double RPs in artifacts. A player could see regular progress on upgrading their artifacts.
With Mod 4, artifact weapons and belts were introduced, with RP cost of 520k RP at epic, 4.6M RP at legendary. However, none of the new daily lairs (from the Common Cause quest), new skirmish, new dungeon nor old dungeons have refining stones added to the loot table. Only matching gear has double RP.
At the least, the daily ToD lair chest needs to reward 5000 RPs (Flawless Sapphires), and dungeon chests should reward 10,000 RPs (Black Opal). This would be roughly equivalent to Mod 2 - and the extra drops from dungeons are needed, since one can be upgrading up to 4 artifact gears simultaneously in Mod 5. Increasing the drop rate from Dragon's Hoard enchantments - or skewing the median drop to be a lesser resonance stone - would also help players to see gear progression without needing to buy refinements off the AH.
Secondly, if we can't farm freely, the other option is paying. That's fine, if you want something you have to pay with effort or money. I don't have a problem with that at all.
But if we are talking hundreds of hours of gameplay OR hundreds of dollars - that's not reasonable.
Sure F2P is not their target. They want older players with large amounts of disposable income. I think we get this. But at some point the price tag is unreasonable, even for those people. I think this change will break it for them as well.
Everything you need to know about CW:
1. Make RP as reward. In Dungeon Runs, Foundry, PVP, Skirmishes or XP gained. all of this
2. Increase RP value of item. So that you could basically afford to spend 2-5m of AD value on items and get item to legendary. Was proposed and ignored long time ago.
3. Make RP boosters in ZEN for RP grinders.
4. Make Zen market Items ~ at 2-5m AD =50- 100 $ for thoose who want to buy stuff to speed up RP grind.
There is a sweet spot of what people are still willing to afford to spent on legendary artifact ~ 2m-5m. This is what you need to balance economy. You can not do this with current zen market or AD daily grind for people.
Also we need to adress here another aspect of problem. You made new betls, offhand, sets and so on. If no changes will be made nobody except 1% of whales will destroy current legendary belt to get new one or to refine new set. All new artifact sets are now dead born. There was litle desire to get them before since of their poor in game value and poor convertion ration - current legendary belt gives only 1.5m RP out of 4.5 required.
Also new sets are RND again. This is a gate that started to ruin the game making lucky ones not skilled one win. belts now are 2m~5m AD on AH. You are required to spent ~ 2m on lowest prices this week to refine it. It was still reachable. Belts are RND. Dragonhoards drop is RND % with ICD. Too much RND and too much work(!) for any player for 0 good content - No pvp maps, No new Levels, No good content to look for - 10k 25 zergs run is all we have. Permanant unbalancing issues. Ask yourself - why to play?
You are misunderstanding the customer/manager relationship.
I am not employed by Cryptic/PWE/WotC so I have no obligation to provide a solution to the problems.
Do you complain to manager at a restaurant when they get your order wrong only if you have a detailed list of ways he can fix the problem?
You complain, and they fix it or you go somewhere else.
but here they ask for feedback...
that is very well said and researched. I do DR daily because of the refinement, enchants go to artifacts peridots go to my artifact weapon. This would be GREAT I wonder if people like you should write a seperate post about this suggestion (in case any devs don't get wind of this).
Yes, Oh God Yes.
please Make the game more fun than grind!
a new PvP arena would be nice, too... a game other than the Control-the-points thing would be awesome! A capture the flag, or like SWToR's Huttball.
<Total Anarchy>
Even easier would be to make the Arti weapons and belts give x5 RP like they do when you eat an arti of the same class and lower the RP needed to the same levels as regular arti.
It would still take a long time to get all 5 to orange for normal players, while whales will always have the top gear anyways.
this is absolutely right, problem is pwe has that amazing IP....DnD
Feedback doesn't mean do the devs jobs though, it means tell them when somethings broke.
And besides that, this post has been full of suggested courses of action by many players including the same OP that guy was telling "managers want solutions"...
It's pretty obvious that essentially EVERYBODY is sick to death of rolling d100's and coming up short every time. Adding a system that gives coins or tokens for each chest opened and allowing people who've opened hundreds already to get a choice of the item they need (BOP, of course), seems to be the only good remaining option. They're doing it with artifact weapons in mod 5, let's hope they follow suit for other things.
However, with RP being bound to account now, actually GETTING legendary items will be nearly impossible unless you spend 500$ on the zen store on blood rubies (obviously the intent but I doubt they'll be many takers, still).
i think the token option is viable
It is viable, but with artifact gear being the new BIS slots, RP is the only thing NEEDED to progress and those gears will be obsolete. Now that it'll bind to each account, I can't think of ANY way to quickly refine your stuff unless you count charging 50k zen to your credit card and buying blood rubies (which nobody in their right mind would do).
how about tokens for blood ruby
It would be a start, but I think they're going to have to do something even more drastic if they want people to still even care anymore. When people are faced with a daunting enough task, most will move on and give up before expending all that effort (and for good reason). That is what I'm afraid will happen here before they have a chance to realize how impossible it will be to get large amounts of RP (the only amount needed...).