Hey guys,
Last week
there was a really hot discussion over Greed Runs and what purpose they serve.
Greed Runs are more or less the standard runs by a large portion of the player base. This is because it guarantees a person
at least a 20% chance at all loot drops if they desire to put their name in the hat for the item. It is a fair and simple way to distribute loot amongst players in the party.
However, greed runs currently rely on trust and cause a lot of frustration when that trust is broken or players do not understand what is expected in a greed run. As such it's been a common request to allow a Greed Only Loot
Option to be implemented to resolve a lot of conflicts both intentional and unintentional amongst the player base.
This thread is not to discuss the merits of Greed Runs. This thread is only to express your desire or lack of desire for a Greed Only Loot Option. Anything else will be removed.
Please answer the following questions with a scale of 1-5 where 1 is "Do not Agree" and 5 is "Completely Agree":
A. Greed All is a feature that you want implemented.
B. Greed All is a feature you feel many players want implemented.
C. A Greed All Loot Option would solve a lot of conflicts between players.
Again, please answer those three questions. Feel free to put low numbers. Just
do not argue the merits of the system and simply stick to expressing your own opinion by answering those questions and perhaps a sentence or two.
Do not argue or discredit another player's opinion.
B. Greed All is a feature you feel many players want implemented. [5]
C. A Greed All Loot Option would solve a lot of conflicts between players. [4]
I don't do many dungeon runs, not many PUGs, and even when I PUG I don't expect people to follow a rule, so personally it wouldn't change much for me.
But it can potentially solve a lot of problems (especially if coupled with "no kick during boss fight or loot roll in progress").
B. Greed All is a feature you feel many players want implemented. - 4
C. A Greed All Loot Option would solve a lot of conflicts between players. - 4
B -> 5
C -> 50 . Joke... 5
It will solve a lot of problems of thiefs or missclick.
B. Greed All is a feature you feel many players want implemented. 5
C. A Greed All Loot Option would solve a lot of conflicts between players. 4
B. Greed All is a feature you feel many players want implemented. - 5
C. A Greed All Loot Option would solve a lot of conflicts between players. - 5
Additionally the 'bind to character/unsellable/unsalvagable' on need,
as suggested by fellow forum dwellers would be awesome as an extra too.
b 5
c 5
tbh i don't even know how this isn't implemented already
b - 5
c - 5
B. Greed All is a feature you feel many players want implemented. - 5
C. A Greed All Loot Option would solve a lot of conflicts between players. - 5
The ugly side of greed runs? I still don't understand the logic there. We all get a fair shot at AD, that's what actually matters.
You could call them chicken dance runs for all i care, i just want a fair loot distribution.
Everything you need to know about CW:
C) 5
well since it was me who came up with the idea and made up functionality of the process it would be surprising if I thought (in the vote) otherwise
And do not forget against boss kicking. No, not only boss kicking after the boss has been killed, but as well cover the seconds before the boss. No kicking while boss is active and until last loot has been chosen. Handle disconnects.
Yes please, the sooner the better.
(If I'm already here, I'll make myself useful. And Hi to you people above me;) )
Because is funny when 20k Gs player gave a "need" on drop - Tier1 in Epic LOL dungon. All we know he dont need this, even for Yourself or for selling this.
But, greed or not greed is not a problem. Drops are problem. To slow % to drop. Or joke drops - for example Tier1 in module 4 in Epic LOL dungon. Who invented this was a ... funny guy.
If you think is fast dungon we dont deserve for drops from 1st, 2nd boss in this dungon dont gave us. This drops are really funny.
Drops sometimes, one drop for 5ppl in dungon. Tier1 - all know always go to sold this. For a few thousend ad - wow. This is cosmic quantity. We need a lot for all.
Than i want said this: "stop give us inadequate drops" becuse they are problem not "need/greed" option.
b 5
c 4
There's no reason for it not to be implemented. An autopass feature for unidentified greens would also be cool. Greed all is something a lot of players want and it will solve a lot of issues such as ninjas or people being unfairly kicked if they didnt know to greed/the kickers were too kick happy. However when it comes to bound gear there may still be squabbling over that so either there needs to be a separate option for that, or we have to hope that the community is willing to pass on stuff they don't need and can't use. Overall it should be an improvement though. But thinking about the bound stuff is something to consider too. In a greed all noone really loses out apart from when it comes to bound gear that most I assume aren't overly worries about the salvage price.
Yes I did previously think it was an option that could work out. However now that I think about it, what if you all agree to greed and an artifact drops. Someone else wants to use it but you want to sell it. Big problem and you are most certainly deserving of an equal chance.
b. 5
c. 5
b - 5
c - 5
B. 5
C. 5
Add in an auto vote on drop stuff, either autopass or autoyes. It's those annoying popups during intense battles that is to blame for me accidentally hitting Need just to get get rid of them. Even though I didn't want the item in the first place.
Neverwinter Wonderland
Neverwinter Wet & Wild
Neverwinter 2nd Anniversary Montage
Neverwinter Anniversary Montage
Protector's Jubilee Speech
Oh the Carnage
b. 5
c. 5
b. 5
c. 5
(And please: make possible to change the place of the popup window when somebody pick up loot)
B. Greed All is a feature you feel many players want implemented. [5]
C. A Greed All Loot Option would solve a lot of conflicts between players. [4]
If players have the option to set forced greed, then they have fewer excuses to kick.
They need to fix the 'kick-at-boss/kick for loot' thing, and this is part of it.
And if auto-greed is on, there is never any reason to see the choice dialog, so please hide it.
b. 5
c. 5
B. 5
C. 5
A greed only option is the best solution for this problem. On a side note: it would be very advisable to change the name greed into something more positive like equal chances or something like that. You see many players are rather confused with that greed name due to the negative meaning of it.
b. 5
c. 4
It will give options that people desire. More options is always better. Always.
B. 5
C. 3
I'm going to have to second the notion for an autopass on unidentifiable greens. People need those unidentifiables for their artifacts and some don't. Also an autoyes for the rest of the loot. It is super annoying when the loot screen pops all over your screen.