Bug: Fiery Bolt The curse consume effect of this spell doesn't work consistently, giving me wildly divergent levels of AoE damage when using it.
Bug: Curse Consumption Further tests with other spell indicate that this isn't limited to fiery bolt. The entirety of the curse consumption mechanic is inconsistent.
SHadow slip should make SW inviso (not targetable) while active giving them more or a true dodge.
The channeled beam spell - make the SW CC immune while channeling. Be a reasonable alternative to shorting the time and inline with other classes channeled abilities.
The life steal tree - I have a question about the feats. Several feats say "nearby allies gain' something. Does this also effect the SW?
For example the capstone heals allies for 300% LS amount.
Allies gain 5% more LS (like TR crit feat)
Allies get temp health from killed enemies
Thanks in advance.
Regarding the Temptation tree my testing has shown the following:
Compounded Soul (temporary HP feat): effects you and your allies
Aura of Cruelty (+5% life steal feat): effects you and your allies It shows the increase on your character sheet, does not seem to stack.
Soul Bonding (capstone feat, heals allies 300% of your LS; going down to 200% with next patch): only effect your allies.
So basically you get the benefits of the feats along with your allies except the capstone feat (which would have been kind of OP and actually counter-productive for team healing)
So my Warlock just reached level 13 and as a result, here's my first batch of feedback/bugs regarding the Warlock class
Bug: Walking Towards Camera I just noticed that if you Shadow Slip and then when that finishes you decide to turn your camera so that the Warlock is heading towards you, he doesn't. He starts walking backwards. Here's a screenie:
Bug: "Curses!" Quest No matter what gate you try to go through, everytime I click on the "Abandoned Cathedral" on my map to transport to it, nothing happens. Also the quest is missing it's objective so I don't know what to do.
Bug: "In Over Your Head" Quest This quest is also missing its preliminary objective which meant I had to run around PE before going to a gate and realizing that I had to go to the Counselman's house. Oh and one of the books in his house does sparkle like the rest and is really hard to find. I think it's the Realms of the Nine Hells one.
^ Those are the bugs I've seen so far(That haven't been mentioned much)
Here is my feedback on the Warlock:
Feedback: Shadow Slip Please make this move actually dodge attacks. With a TR, you can roll out of harms way. With a CW, you teleport away. A GF takes the brunt of the force using his shield. A GF runs away(At?). A hunter shifts away from harm's way, and a DC does whatever he/she does. A warlock does his Shadow Slip and still gets damaged. That puts a Warlock at a disadvantage when it comes to PvP AND PvE.
Feedback: "In Over Your Head" Quest The Counselman's House really needs more work. It looks like someone was too lazy, put some random stuff in it and then called it a day. The house is even worse that Beginner-Level Foundry Map Designs. And I don't usually complain about how interior or even exterior maps look, but this was just...too bad. First of all, why does he have thousands of copies of the same painting? And why does he have no doors whatsoever? Why does his whole house look empty? There's barely any furniture! There's bookshelfs, books, a fireplace, a bed, a tub, and a bunch of paintings. For a counselman, you'd think his house would look pretty good and all noble-like. Instead, it seems more suited for a peasant. Oh and who's the Civillian in his house lol? I thought he didn't like people coming into his house.
Feedback: Curse Mechanic Listen. I get that the Curse Mechanic suits the Warlock well. But it is just...bad. I mean dealing 20% more damage and getting some extra goodies from you attacks is O-K. But I don't know how it could be useful. Honestly, it could be better. Why can't we have a Warlock enter a stronger darker state when he/she presses Tab. And have it work like the AP bar. And once you use it, your moves change to different, stronger versions of themselves? Sort of like a Hunter Ranger-Trickster Rogue Mechanic Combo
Feedback: Shadow Slip PLEASE make Shadow Slip...emm...what's the word? Linear? I don't know. But here's what I mean: If you are standing on the top of a house in PE and you want to jump to the next house. With a CW you could jump and then press the shift button to give yourself a boost. With a Warlock, however, you fall back down to the ground when you do this. Please make it so that you continue floating.
Seems like an intersting tree a dps/healer. I thought maybe the cap heal affected the SW, because doing dps and grp heals must generate insane agro. The 300 soon 200% heal would keep you alive.
Do the temptation feats benefit the warlock as well? Namely the Temp HP upon killing a cursed foe, and 200% benefit from Lifesteal? Or are these strictly party members only? Likewise the 100% benefit on Vampiric Embrace?
19.9k PvP Control Wizard
<Complaints Department>
So my Warlock just reached level 13 and as a result, here's my first batch of feedback/bugs regarding the Warlock class
Bug: Walking Towards Camera I just noticed that if you Shadow Slip and then when that finishes you decide to turn your camera so that the Warlock is heading towards you, he doesn't. He starts walking backwards. Here's a screenie:
Bug: "Curses!" Quest No matter what gate you try to go through, everytime I click on the "Abandoned Cathedral" on my map to transport to it, nothing happens. Also the quest is missing it's objective so I don't know what to do.
Bug: "In Over Your Head" Quest This quest is also missing its preliminary objective which meant I had to run around PE before going to a gate and realizing that I had to go to the Counselman's house. Oh and one of the books in his house does sparkle like the rest and is really hard to find. I think it's the Realms of the Nine Hells one.
^ Those are the bugs I've seen so far(That haven't been mentioned much)
Here is my feedback on the Warlock:
Feedback: Shadow Slip Please make this move actually dodge attacks. With a TR, you can roll out of harms way. With a CW, you teleport away. A GF takes the brunt of the force using his shield. A GF runs away(At?). A hunter shifts away from harm's way, and a DC does whatever he/she does. A warlock does his Shadow Slip and still gets damaged. That puts a Warlock at a disadvantage when it comes to PvP AND PvE.
Feedback: "In Over Your Head" Quest The Counselman's House really needs more work. It looks like someone was too lazy, put some random stuff in it and then called it a day. The house is even worse that Beginner-Level Foundry Map Designs. And I don't usually complain about how interior or even exterior maps look, but this was just...too bad. First of all, why does he have thousands of copies of the same painting? And why does he have no doors whatsoever? Why does his whole house look empty? There's barely any furniture! There's bookshelfs, books, a fireplace, a bed, a tub, and a bunch of paintings. For a counselman, you'd think his house would look pretty good and all noble-like. Instead, it seems more suited for a peasant. Oh and who's the Civillian in his house lol? I thought he didn't like people coming into his house.
Feedback: Curse Mechanic Listen. I get that the Curse Mechanic suits the Warlock well. But it is just...bad. I mean dealing 20% more damage and getting some extra goodies from you attacks is O-K. But I don't know how it could be useful. Honestly, it could be better. Why can't we have a Warlock enter a stronger darker state when he/she presses Tab. And have it work like the AP bar. And once you use it, your moves change to different, stronger versions of themselves? Sort of like a Hunter Ranger-Trickster Rogue Mechanic Combo
Feedback: Shadow Slip PLEASE make Shadow Slip...emm...what's the word? Linear? I don't know. But here's what I mean: If you are standing on the top of a house in PE and you want to jump to the next house. With a CW you could jump and then press the shift button to give yourself a boost. With a Warlock, however, you fall back down to the ground when you do this. Please make it so that you continue floating.
Nice idea's.
Yea , the Curse Stance would be cool.
But you know what would be even more cool ?
First : Tab now have a Skill SLOT ( Tab can have effects like more damage/curses /random upon the skill. etc)
Second : Class Feature/Feat 100% curse Upon Hit : whenever you hit a target apply curse with 100% chance. ( i dont like lesser curse..low chance to activate it.)
Third : your idea : Shadow slip Anti Gravity ( the shift) , Yes it would be nice if would not be affected by gravity..just slip straight in the air and not fall.( Cw's , DC's can do that)
That would be amazing ! WL would have 4 skills and perfect skill rotation...and why not more damage with that.
Yea The Tab Skill/effect would be similar to CW Tab.
But Our mage Class needs some love and 4 skills..so NP.
And are classes with 6 skills..so I see no problem.
First : Tab now have a Skill SLOT ( Tab can have effects like more damage/curses /random etc)
Second : Class Feature/Feat 100% curse Upon Hit : whenever you hit a target apply curse with 100% chance. ( i dont like lesser curse..low chance to activate it.)
Third : your idea : Shadow slip Anti Gravity ( the shift) , Yes it would be nice if would not be affected by gravity..just slip straight in the air and not fall.( Cw's , DC's can do that)
That would be amazing ! WL would have 4 skills and perfect skill rotation...and why not more damage with that.
Yea The Tab Skill/effect would be similar to CW Tab.
But Our mage Class needs some love and 4 skills..so NP.
And are classes with 6 skills..so I see no problem.
No no no. We don't need a single target cw with the same tab mechanic. Curse is new, Curse is different, Curse is good.
And Curse becomes a feat/class feature : 100% chance to curse whenever u hit a target.
Did i say remove curse ??No , it's in a better way implemented..
Few people dont like this tab skill idea , like copy of CW.
It's an awesome idea , so it should be used regardless.
Whats wrong to have 4 skills on warlock ??would make it so much better.
And Auto Curse.
Whats wrong with the Tab Skill idea ?? you realize are over 20 classes to be released on NW ?? God forbid they have Tab skill right ??What ul do then ??:P
This *copy* excuse it's not a solid one and it's your only thing to fight against tab. :P
kaiserschmarrnMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 390
edited July 2014
It would be really nice if we could boost our characters on the preview server to 60. I would love to help more with testing but I just don't have the time to get my Warlock to 60 (sitting at 15 for days).
gabrieldourdenMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,212Arc User
edited July 2014
It would also be good to be able to buy any kind of item at 1 AD at the Auction House, in order to test different gear/enchantments/pet combinations. Imagine that the T2 PVP full-set bonus of the Warlock is bugged like the HR has been for a long time. I guess very few players will be able to grind a full Profound Set in due time.
Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
i did some testing with a warlock in the preview shard and he was hitting 15k, 18k with a lot of encounters.
what really bugged me was being oneshotted but critted daily.
moreover he was able to build a daily just using 2 encounters which i dont know the name but one of these was like "shivana's burn out". oh well i imagine you can deduce it from the image
It would be really nice if we could boost our characters on the preview server to 60. I would love to help more with testing but I just don't have the time to get my Warlock to 60 (sitting at 15 for days).
So true but it also comes down to gear.
I manage to get him to 60 but i cant test out him with full gear as its no chanse to get it.
If you truly wanted some testing going on you need to implement commands for getting the different sets like /getprofound armor and all other gear.
That way you cant pit fully geared warlocks against other fully geared classes and the same should go for the boons /getdreadboon etc etc.
As it is now you only get test from half of it how the different things scale when they are combined you will be clueless about same goes for the combination of some powers together with gear.
There is no way you can see whish powers/feats that will be broken without testing fully geared players vs other classes.
Most other games that i beta tested had this function and i for my life cant see why you dont implement it to get some serious testing done.
Seems like an intersting tree a dps/healer. I thought maybe the cap heal affected the SW, because doing dps and grp heals must generate insane agro. The 300 soon 200% heal would keep you alive.
The rest sounds great.
No problem man
My testing has been pretty basic due to limited time; I haven't check our agro generation in party settings so I'm not sure how it will play out.
I think one of the interesting design points around this tree is that you can only heal allies when you are below max HP yourself since life steal does not work when you are full. I suspect that doubling or tripling the warlocks own base LS (around 15-18% in end game) would have them out-heal their own max HP too fast to be of consistent use to the party as a healer even if pulling significant agro.
I have to say, this is may favourite tree on the warlock so far, it has a really interesting concept and play style.
I have fixed Blades of Vanquished Armies so that is properly generates a portion of its potential AP each time you strike a target with it, rather than generating its full amount up front. I have also hit some snags with modifying Dreadtheft, but we will see if I can get it working so you can push it again to turn it off rather than having to commit fully or use your sprint to deactivate it
Thank you all for your continued feedback!
Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer
schweifer1982Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,662Arc User
I have fixed Blades of Vanquished Armies so that is properly generates a portion of its potential AP each time you strike a target with it, rather than generating its full amount up front. I have also hit some snags with modifying Dreadtheft, but we will see if I can get it working so you can push it again to turn it off rather than having to commit fully or use your sprint to deactivate it
Thank you all for your continued feedback!
Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer
@Gentleman Crush Can you not figure out somthing to make SW pvp viable SW have serius problem lack of cc and cc immunity and defensive mech and movement speed .
Also the changes on GF CW HR make SW more & more not viable soo GF can provide greater buffs then Temptation tree and bring more survive ability to party then SW or give greater buffs with ItF.
Pls give somthing to fury like movement speed . Damnation somthing to CC . Temptation somthing CC resist or defensive stat.
I think one of the interesting design points around this tree is that you can only heal allies when you are below max HP yourself since life steal does not work when you are full. I suspect that doubling or tripling the warlocks own base LS (around 15-18% in end game) would have them out-heal their own max HP too fast to be of consistent use to the party as a healer even if pulling significant agro.
Testing with the zombies attacking the guards in the Dread Ring, that doesn't seem to be the case. I don't need to receive the healing from the lifesteal for them to benefit from my lifesteal.
That might make for an interesting way to cap healing for scourge warlocks and create a synergy between warlock's bargain and temptation. But I don't know how I would feel about that, especially with them already lowering the capstone's effect.
Testing with the zombies attacking the guards in the Dread Ring, that doesn't seem to be the case. I don't need to receive the healing from the lifesteal for them to benefit from my lifesteal.
That might make for an interesting way to cap healing for scourge warlocks and create a synergy between warlock's bargain and temptation. But I don't know how I would feel about that, especially with them already lowering the capstone's effect.
You absolutely trigger life steal when at full HP You just don't see healing floaters on you.
On dreadtheft can you make it less buggy also with its targeting or make it switch target if the initial target dies before the cast is done cuss i cant stand it being locked in place when i fire it and actually having to move my character to the side to not wast the beam. This has probably ben discussed already but can you also make the beam arc from target instead of firing straight though a target i cant tell you how many time i have pulled other packs of mobs with this skill.
Warlocks Crit Severity Heroic feat dosent seem to work its that or it dose not show up in the tooltip
Other then That i am still testing the class for bugs and what not its a very fun very solid class you have here and all of its skills said for a few seemingly lackluster class feats are very interesting. I rolled a Sun elf for and omg do they gain action points super fast. I will have a guide on this class sooner or later.
Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
On dreadtheft can you make it less buggy also with its targeting or make it switch target if the initial target dies before the cast is done cuss i cant stand it being locked in place when i fire it and actually having to move my character to the side to not wast the beam. This has probably ben discussed already but can you also make the beam arc from target instead of firing straight though a target i cant tell you how many time i have pulled other packs of mobs with this skill.
Warlocks Crit Severity Heroic feat dosent seem to work its that or it dose not show up in the tooltip
Other then That i am still testing the class for bugs and what not its a very fun very solid class you have here and all of its skills said for a few seemingly lackluster class feats are very interesting. I rolled a Sun elf for and omg do they gain action points super fast. I will have a guide on this class sooner or later.
Feedback Dreadtheft:
Why not have Dreadtheft follow the angle of the Targetting reticle? It is frustrating having it locked onto one spot and then having to manouver the character around to try and maximise its efficiency. Having it tied to the angle of the Reticle makes it more function as well as bringing in a small amount of player skill to maximise the effectiveness.
19.9k PvP Control Wizard
<Complaints Department>
Feedback Atwills
Hand Of Blight This is a fantastic ATwill the only problem is that's it needs to be some given sort of cleave to its melee aspect atm the SW is to squishy to even think about butting heads in melee But if this were a cleave i could possibly see it being even more wonderful then it is now.
Hellish Rebuke:
This is a kinda lackluster At will that falls flat comparison to its three brothers and its dmg is kinda low even at lvl 60 maby make its like Ray of frost But with fire it could be potentially used as some sort of CC if you guys work on it a bit more But atm its just another paragon path at will that falls in the void of uselessness like electric shot.
Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
Feedback: At will
Hand of Blight is a useless skill for warlock in terms of dps, lifesteal and cast speed no matter which stance it is.
For pve purpose, EB provides better damage with its AoE component, thus heal self and our allies more. When we go temptation, we want to deal more damage so that we can heal more hp. EB provides both extra damage and healing and I don't think HoB can compete with it even with the "12% damage debuff on single target" component.
The ranged version of HoB, which both its projectile and casting animation are too slow to be competitive. The third hit or forth hit of range HoB usually miss the target because the target are killed by the previous hit, which is still floating when we cast the third and forth hit. We will waste one hit per mob, that is a great amount of dps in long term.
For me, i slot both EB and HoB, when i want to kill a mob with low hp i will pick EB. Despite HoB melee cast speed is quite parallel with EB, its first hit delay is too long. If i click EB, the projectile is fired out immediately but the melee HoB required you to draw back your hand before you claw. I hope the casting animation of first hit of melee HoB can be improved so that we cast our first hit faster.
Besides, the melee component although seems great and creative, however warlock lacks the tankiness to storm in front, hitting boss with our HoB. Why not we just stand back and use EB to shoot every thing down, it is faster, dealing more damage and healing and we don't need to care about red zones around boss. HoB is my favorite at will, however i feel too risky to stand so close with boss... Its melee range is so short and it doesn't even cleave. If some adds come to me while i am attacking boss but i can only attack one when i am surrounded or cc-ed, i am dead.
Pls consider to make this melee component a 120 degree cleave, with a slightly longer range, we have no immunity skill so if we are caught by the boss or cc-ed in a hoard of adds, we are dead. By making HoB a cleaving attack we can attack more thus self heal more to survive in the extremely frontline of the battle, or else i rather standing a far, using EB to shoot the boss and give up the little damage debuff on boss.
The 4/4 set pieces are placeholder one would think nothings finale yet any way.
Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
The new Shift dodge : Whenever using shift Enviroment/backround goes Sepia mode (all is brown-yellowish)
As much i like the idea ( like you see the *other face.of the world)... The Colour brings down the visual accuratecy..all is rather * blurry* and u cant see the obvious things.
Please do restore shift to it's normal *Dash walk style colour*
The LS info is interesting. I look forward to doing some builds. A dps/healer sounds like fun.
I still vote for Shadowslip making the SW inviso (untargetable). AE damage may still hurt him for a lesser amount and the SW cannot atk from shadow. I think its a reasonable trade off and would be an interesting effect to play with.
An idea for HoB may be instead of reducing the damage of the mob you increase the DR of the SW. Like draining the vitality from your opponent. Each swipe adds 8% DR stack to 4 for 10sec. May allow the SW to hang in melee a bit. One tree could offer a feat to increase the DR.
The class is coming along. The paragon feats are uninspired tho, I dont see any of the 3 being usefull. Id like to see the puppets snare enemies they hit or something to make them more useful. If nothing else just make them permanent until killed, it certainly wouldnt be op.
The real clunky part for me is the curse (tab mark). How about the tab curse stays on target for 30sec. The lesser curses are consumed as normal. The tab encounter tab encounter especially in a crowd is unnecessarily crappy. About half the time I curse a mob and then my encounter hits a different mob.
Feedback: Tab power The curse vanishes way too fast, please make it last longer.
Feedback: Weapon Damage The SW mainly provides dps, and depending on the build a little healing. For beeing mainly a DPS class, the weapon damage should be higher, please increase it.
I tested 15k CW vs 10k SW. We both went through full rotation of attacks. He was alive by a hair. I died while wearing full profound and pvp campaign rings.
Bug: Curse Consumption
Further tests with other spell indicate that this isn't limited to fiery bolt. The entirety of the curse consumption mechanic is inconsistent.
Regarding the Temptation tree my testing has shown the following:
Compounded Soul (temporary HP feat): effects you and your allies
Aura of Cruelty (+5% life steal feat): effects you and your allies
Soul Bonding (capstone feat, heals allies 300% of your LS; going down to 200% with next patch): only effect your allies.
So basically you get the benefits of the feats along with your allies except the capstone feat (which would have been kind of OP and actually counter-productive for team healing)
Axios Guild Officer,
Bug: Walking Towards Camera
I just noticed that if you Shadow Slip and then when that finishes you decide to turn your camera so that the Warlock is heading towards you, he doesn't. He starts walking backwards. Here's a screenie:
Bug: "Curses!" Quest
No matter what gate you try to go through, everytime I click on the "Abandoned Cathedral" on my map to transport to it, nothing happens. Also the quest is missing it's objective so I don't know what to do.
Bug: "In Over Your Head" Quest
This quest is also missing its preliminary objective which meant I had to run around PE before going to a gate and realizing that I had to go to the Counselman's house. Oh and one of the books in his house does sparkle like the rest and is really hard to find. I think it's the Realms of the Nine Hells one.
^ Those are the bugs I've seen so far(That haven't been mentioned much)
Here is my feedback on the Warlock:
Feedback: Shadow Slip
Please make this move actually dodge attacks. With a TR, you can roll out of harms way. With a CW, you teleport away. A GF takes the brunt of the force using his shield. A GF runs away(At?). A hunter shifts away from harm's way, and a DC does whatever he/she does. A warlock does his Shadow Slip and still gets damaged. That puts a Warlock at a disadvantage when it comes to PvP AND PvE.
Feedback: "In Over Your Head" Quest
The Counselman's House really needs more work. It looks like someone was too lazy, put some random stuff in it and then called it a day. The house is even worse that Beginner-Level Foundry Map Designs. And I don't usually complain about how interior or even exterior maps look, but this was just...too bad. First of all, why does he have thousands of copies of the same painting? And why does he have no doors whatsoever? Why does his whole house look empty? There's barely any furniture! There's bookshelfs, books, a fireplace, a bed, a tub, and a bunch of paintings. For a counselman, you'd think his house would look pretty good and all noble-like. Instead, it seems more suited for a peasant. Oh and who's the Civillian in his house lol? I thought he didn't like people coming into his house.
Feedback: Curse Mechanic
Listen. I get that the Curse Mechanic suits the Warlock well. But it is just...bad. I mean dealing 20% more damage and getting some extra goodies from you attacks is O-K. But I don't know how it could be useful. Honestly, it could be better. Why can't we have a Warlock enter a stronger darker state when he/she presses Tab. And have it work like the AP bar. And once you use it, your moves change to different, stronger versions of themselves? Sort of like a Hunter Ranger-Trickster Rogue Mechanic Combo
Feedback: Shadow Slip
PLEASE make Shadow Slip...emm...what's the word? Linear? I don't know. But here's what I mean: If you are standing on the top of a house in PE and you want to jump to the next house. With a CW you could jump and then press the shift button to give yourself a boost. With a Warlock, however, you fall back down to the ground when you do this. Please make it so that you continue floating.
Seems like an intersting tree a dps/healer. I thought maybe the cap heal affected the SW, because doing dps and grp heals must generate insane agro. The 300 soon 200% heal would keep you alive.
The rest sounds great.
Do the temptation feats benefit the warlock as well? Namely the Temp HP upon killing a cursed foe, and 200% benefit from Lifesteal? Or are these strictly party members only? Likewise the 100% benefit on Vampiric Embrace?
19.9k PvP Control Wizard
<Complaints Department>
Nice idea's.
Yea , the Curse Stance would be cool.
But you know what would be even more cool ?
First : Tab now have a Skill SLOT ( Tab can have effects like more damage/curses /random upon the skill. etc)
Second : Class Feature/Feat 100% curse Upon Hit : whenever you hit a target apply curse with 100% chance. ( i dont like lesser curse..low chance to activate it.)
Third : your idea : Shadow slip Anti Gravity ( the shift) , Yes it would be nice if would not be affected by gravity..just slip straight in the air and not fall.( Cw's , DC's can do that)
That would be amazing ! WL would have 4 skills and perfect skill rotation...and why not more damage with that.
Yea The Tab Skill/effect would be similar to CW Tab.
But Our mage Class needs some love and 4 skills..so NP.
And are classes with 6 skills..so I see no problem.
I just offered a better version of warlock.
Tab have a skill Slot (with effect on skill)
And Curse becomes a feat/class feature : 100% chance to curse whenever u hit a target.
Did i say remove curse ??No , it's in a better way implemented..
Few people dont like this tab skill idea , like copy of CW.
It's an awesome idea , so it should be used regardless.
Whats wrong to have 4 skills on warlock ??would make it so much better.
And Auto Curse.
Whats wrong with the Tab Skill idea ?? you realize are over 20 classes to be released on NW ?? God forbid they have Tab skill right ??What ul do then ??:P
This *copy* excuse it's not a solid one and it's your only thing to fight against tab. :P
Enough with this Anti Tab thingy.
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
what really bugged me was being oneshotted but critted daily.
moreover he was able to build a daily just using 2 encounters which i dont know the name but one of these was like "shivana's burn out". oh well i imagine you can deduce it from the image
I manage to get him to 60 but i cant test out him with full gear as its no chanse to get it.
If you truly wanted some testing going on you need to implement commands for getting the different sets like /getprofound armor and all other gear.
That way you cant pit fully geared warlocks against other fully geared classes and the same should go for the boons /getdreadboon etc etc.
As it is now you only get test from half of it how the different things scale when they are combined you will be clueless about same goes for the combination of some powers together with gear.
There is no way you can see whish powers/feats that will be broken without testing fully geared players vs other classes.
Most other games that i beta tested had this function and i for my life cant see why you dont implement it to get some serious testing done.
No problem man
My testing has been pretty basic due to limited time; I haven't check our agro generation in party settings so I'm not sure how it will play out.
I think one of the interesting design points around this tree is that you can only heal allies when you are below max HP yourself since life steal does not work when you are full. I suspect that doubling or tripling the warlocks own base LS (around 15-18% in end game) would have them out-heal their own max HP too fast to be of consistent use to the party as a healer even if pulling significant agro.
I have to say, this is may favourite tree on the warlock so far, it has a really interesting concept and play style.
Axios Guild Officer,
Thank you all for your continued feedback!
Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer
@Gentleman Crush
Can you not figure out somthing to make SW pvp viable SW have serius problem lack of cc and cc immunity and defensive mech and movement speed .
Also the changes on GF CW HR make SW more & more not viable soo GF can provide greater buffs then Temptation tree and bring more survive ability to party then SW or give greater buffs with ItF.
Pls give somthing to fury like movement speed . Damnation somthing to CC . Temptation somthing CC resist or defensive stat.
Testing with the zombies attacking the guards in the Dread Ring, that doesn't seem to be the case. I don't need to receive the healing from the lifesteal for them to benefit from my lifesteal.
That might make for an interesting way to cap healing for scourge warlocks and create a synergy between warlock's bargain and temptation. But I don't know how I would feel about that, especially with them already lowering the capstone's effect.
You absolutely trigger life steal when at full HP
Oh that's interesting, thanks Zomd and Crush for pointing that out, silly me jumping to concussions
Axios Guild Officer,
On dreadtheft can you make it less buggy also with its targeting or make it switch target if the initial target dies before the cast is done cuss i cant stand it being locked in place when i fire it and actually having to move my character to the side to not wast the beam. This has probably ben discussed already but can you also make the beam arc from target instead of firing straight though a target i cant tell you how many time i have pulled other packs of mobs with this skill.
Warlocks Crit Severity Heroic feat dosent seem to work its that or it dose not show up in the tooltip
Other then That i am still testing the class for bugs and what not its a very fun very solid class you have here and all of its skills said for a few seemingly lackluster class feats are very interesting. I rolled a Sun elf for and omg do they gain action points super fast. I will have a guide on this class sooner or later.
Feedback Dreadtheft:
Why not have Dreadtheft follow the angle of the Targetting reticle? It is frustrating having it locked onto one spot and then having to manouver the character around to try and maximise its efficiency. Having it tied to the angle of the Reticle makes it more function as well as bringing in a small amount of player skill to maximise the effectiveness.
19.9k PvP Control Wizard
<Complaints Department>
Hand Of Blight This is a fantastic ATwill the only problem is that's it needs to be some given sort of cleave to its melee aspect atm the SW is to squishy to even think about butting heads in melee But if this were a cleave i could possibly see it being even more wonderful then it is now.
Hellish Rebuke:
This is a kinda lackluster At will that falls flat comparison to its three brothers and its dmg is kinda low even at lvl 60 maby make its like Ray of frost But with fire it could be potentially used as some sort of CC if you guys work on it a bit more But atm its just another paragon path at will that falls in the void of uselessness like electric shot.
Hand of Blight is a useless skill for warlock in terms of dps, lifesteal and cast speed no matter which stance it is.
For pve purpose, EB provides better damage with its AoE component, thus heal self and our allies more. When we go temptation, we want to deal more damage so that we can heal more hp. EB provides both extra damage and healing and I don't think HoB can compete with it even with the "12% damage debuff on single target" component.
The ranged version of HoB, which both its projectile and casting animation are too slow to be competitive. The third hit or forth hit of range HoB usually miss the target because the target are killed by the previous hit, which is still floating when we cast the third and forth hit. We will waste one hit per mob, that is a great amount of dps in long term.
For me, i slot both EB and HoB, when i want to kill a mob with low hp i will pick EB. Despite HoB melee cast speed is quite parallel with EB, its first hit delay is too long. If i click EB, the projectile is fired out immediately but the melee HoB required you to draw back your hand before you claw. I hope the casting animation of first hit of melee HoB can be improved so that we cast our first hit faster.
Besides, the melee component although seems great and creative, however warlock lacks the tankiness to storm in front, hitting boss with our HoB. Why not we just stand back and use EB to shoot every thing down, it is faster, dealing more damage and healing and we don't need to care about red zones around boss. HoB is my favorite at will, however i feel too risky to stand so close with boss... Its melee range is so short and it doesn't even cleave. If some adds come to me while i am attacking boss but i can only attack one when i am surrounded or cc-ed, i am dead.
Pls consider to make this melee component a 120 degree cleave, with a slightly longer range, we have no immunity skill so if we are caught by the boss or cc-ed in a hoard of adds, we are dead. By making HoB a cleaving attack we can attack more thus self heal more to survive in the extremely frontline of the battle, or else i rather standing a far, using EB to shoot the boss and give up the little damage debuff on boss.
As much i like the idea ( like you see the *other face.of the world)... The Colour brings down the visual accuratecy..all is rather * blurry* and u cant see the obvious things.
Please do restore shift to it's normal *Dash walk style colour*
I still vote for Shadowslip making the SW inviso (untargetable). AE damage may still hurt him for a lesser amount and the SW cannot atk from shadow. I think its a reasonable trade off and would be an interesting effect to play with.
An idea for HoB may be instead of reducing the damage of the mob you increase the DR of the SW. Like draining the vitality from your opponent. Each swipe adds 8% DR stack to 4 for 10sec. May allow the SW to hang in melee a bit. One tree could offer a feat to increase the DR.
The class is coming along. The paragon feats are uninspired tho, I dont see any of the 3 being usefull. Id like to see the puppets snare enemies they hit or something to make them more useful. If nothing else just make them permanent until killed, it certainly wouldnt be op.
The real clunky part for me is the curse (tab mark). How about the tab curse stays on target for 30sec. The lesser curses are consumed as normal. The tab encounter tab encounter especially in a crowd is unnecessarily crappy. About half the time I curse a mob and then my encounter hits a different mob.
The curse vanishes way too fast, please make it last longer.
Feedback: Weapon Damage
The SW mainly provides dps, and depending on the build a little healing. For beeing mainly a DPS class, the weapon damage should be higher, please increase it.