Update: We hope you weren't "fooled" by this trailer and had fun watching a dragon riding a horse... Happy April Fools

Hey Adventurers,
We've tried to keep it secret for so long, but we're finally ready to announce
Dragons as the next playable race. After all, what's better than dungeon delving as a dragon? Right?
Check out our exclusive reveal trailer:
Will you play as a Dragon? Leave a comment below.
~Walks away slowly, shaking head thinking "I'm really too old for this bunch"~
Should have taken the time you put into that april fools joke and instead produced a new pvp domination map.....
Someone really needs to go and roll up a dragon character...
Nice video. Gotta love the dragon riding a horse.
That is not a funny joke to do to us, if they keep doing stuff like that some players may say hell with them and leave the game...it is not good to tell the players something like that and not do it....that is bad business..
That's not how you spell "Druid"...
That's not how you spell "Paladin"!
Contact Customer Support. They should be able to bring back your deleted character for you.
The dragonborn race was in the game files during closed beta. Like the warlock. So, that's the expected next race and class.
Hello, I'm the prince of Nigeria, if you send me $100.000, I will be able to claim the millions of dollars my father had when he died. Please help me, I will be very grateful and share half of the gains with you...
as in... april 1.
well played, sir. well played.
Loved the dragon riding a horse. Nice work, guys.
And to anyone who deleted a character because of this...that's on you. It was obviously a joke from the get-go.
For those of you that deleted a character to get the dragon, you should have inquired to others about it or at least waited to see dragon players in the game. Do not get angry at someone because you fell for a joke on the day of jokes (April Fools).
April fools should not lure ppl into making irreparable errors.
Especially since some of us would very much like to play as a dragon.
(I draw, therefore I am dangerous)
I'm hoping they "accidently" forget the born part. After watching that trailer I really want to play a dragon.