Yay! My GWF can finally complete Filial Villainy... now that she's doing Dread Ring and Sharandar. :P (My neatnik and completionist nature can now be sated.)
Can't wait to check out the new event! I like the new variety there, too. Less grind-y, more adventure-y! That the challenges fit their respective deities is even more cool. Nice touch, there.
Thanks, guys. Keep up the great work!
I have the ability to heal you. A shield to protect you. Blades to slay your foes. Magic! So I'm a tiefling, so what? We have a common enemy, and a common goal. Here, you can put ornaments on my horns if it'll put you at ease.
truelokasterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1Arc User
Again, three browser tabs to open the patch notes. Not cool, man... not cool at all.
. . . Again, just bookmark the following link if three clicks is too much for you. Then when you know there are patch notes, you can just click your bookmark. http://nw.perfectworld.com/news/?tag=nw-patch-notes
. . . Again, just bookmark the following link if three clicks is too much for you. Then when you know there are patch notes, you can just click your bookmark. http://nw.perfectworld.com/news/?tag=nw-patch-notes
kolbe11Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2014
Classes and Balance
Guardian Fighters: Animations and FX will now completely play for this class similar to all other classes instead of cutting slightly short.
Does this make the animations last even longer or have they been sped up a bit to compensate?
Reason I ask is because out of all the classes, Guardians have the longest and slowest animations on their encounter/daily powers. Extending them even further, no matter whether the animation is now complete will surely upset GF players.
Thank you for the new CotG event and fixes!
"It is said that idle hands are the Devil's tools: Idle geek hands, however, came up with gunpowder, nuclear weapons, and toilet plungers." -Illiad
Really...? You go to the effort of giving Brutal enchantments their own icon, but you still won't let us Disable weapon/armor enchantment or Shirt/Pants visuals? And armor enchants of Greater or Perfect still show on characters' legs even when they're bare?
Is this really too much to ask, that it is ignored patch after patch after patch?
Really...? You go to the effort of giving Brutal enchantments their own icon, but you still won't let us Disable weapon/armor enchantment or Shirt/Pants visuals? And armor enchants of Greater or Perfect still show on characters' legs even when they're bare?
Is this really too much to ask, that it is ignored patch after patch after patch?
Because it just requires one of the artists to make up a few icons. Disabling weapon/armor enchantments would require more work from a completely different department.
truelokasterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1Arc User
edited February 2014
No need to be rude. Just thinking that the patch nodes should be linked directly.
maddogrenoMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2014
After this last patch all my characters who is in Protector's Enclave i cant use when Game client stop working when load map.
Even characters who is in other place works but right away when try to go Protector's Enclave Game client grash again!
After this patch any character in dreadring or trying to enter dreadring crashes me to desktop with error 26836771. I have tried verifying, deleteing error and preference files and loading in safe mode. Nothing works. Anyone else having this issue or has a fix?
I can't seem to get past the loading screen. I have tried adjusting directx and nvidia with no success yet. I also am told that there is an error in my files yet verification doesn't seem to find the error. The message keeps coming up.
Also, it seems like I keep downloading patches. Hopefully I can quit downloading and play the game. I am putting playing wow on hold so I can play this game.
Would be nice to be able to log into the game... client goes unrepsonsive on the Neverwinter loading screen. It does this to me with EVERY SINGLE patch, without fail. Nobody can tell me it's my internet, either, since everything else works just fine. Rip and reinstall did nothing to solve this.
I love the gateway daily awards, though I usually have extremely bad luck with rng, I've managed to roll 20 twice from my 4 rolls so far and I really like those profession resources and enchantment bags you get as reward for that.
I also like that I can view the epic item collections on gateway and don't have to search the ah or wiki for a specific weapon description, it's all right there. Even though the dark purple text on black background when viewing items by location is unreadable to me.
Does this make the animations last even longer or have they been sped up a bit to compensate?
Reason I ask is because out of all the classes, Guardians have the longest and slowest animations on their encounter/daily powers. Extending them even further, no matter whether the animation is now complete will surely upset GF players.
Same question here. Hoped they going to buff the GF a bit and now that.
Would be nice to be able to log into the game... client goes unrepsonsive on the Neverwinter loading screen. It does this to me with EVERY SINGLE patch, without fail. Nobody can tell me it's my internet, either, since everything else works just fine. Rip and reinstall did nothing to solve this.
This happens to me also. Every other online game works fine and reinstalling does nothing to help.
Can't wait to check out the new event! I like the new variety there, too. Less grind-y, more adventure-y! That the challenges fit their respective deities is even more cool. Nice touch, there.
Thanks, guys. Keep up the great work!
Again, three browser tabs to open the patch notes. Not cool, man... not cool at all.
Well, thank you for fixing it, I hope now rewards will get much better
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or you could just link to that directly
Does this make the animations last even longer or have they been sped up a bit to compensate?
Reason I ask is because out of all the classes, Guardians have the longest and slowest animations on their encounter/daily powers. Extending them even further, no matter whether the animation is now complete will surely upset GF players.
Thank you for the new CotG event and fixes!
1 from challenge and 1 from invocation for a total of 2 in a day?
Enchantment visuals are a issue they want to deal with but they don't have a current schedule for when -
Next week. Not today.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Because it just requires one of the artists to make up a few icons. Disabling weapon/armor enchantments would require more work from a completely different department.
Even characters who is in other place works but right away when try to go Protector's Enclave Game client grash again!
Also, it seems like I keep downloading patches. Hopefully I can quit downloading and play the game. I am putting playing wow on hold so I can play this game.
Nope, they are not. At least I don't see them.
My GWF's sword lines up! If this fixed nothing else it would still be my favorite patch so far just for that!
I also like that I can view the epic item collections on gateway and don't have to search the ah or wiki for a specific weapon description, it's all right there. Even though the dark purple text on black background when viewing items by location is unreadable to me.
Same question here. Hoped they going to buff the GF a bit and now that.
This happens to me also. Every other online game works fine and reinstalling does nothing to help.