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[Build Guide]: "INT Rogue" Perma-Stealth Build



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    raiport86raiport86 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    tell me about this pls

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    lldarkrizerlllldarkrizerll Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    is the build nerfed? i tried the same build in throne of idris ,the witches can see my rogue in stealth so as the first summoned skeleton boss,
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    chadblodgettchadblodgett Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    x3lade wrote: »
    Yeah, this Build isn't meant for low level brackets, however I have leveled with this build from 10 to 60 through pvp only.

    Here is my character Ability Score sheet


    This stat sheet does not reflect the ending stats posted in your original guide post this score sheet shows 22 STR, 18 DEX and 21 INT......where your original score sheet shows 18 STR, 22 DEX and 21 INT. Which is the correct stat spread??? and how by the way did you get those points that high, my math may be off but I just cant seem to find enough points to get stats that high in all 3 stats.

    I created a human rogue with 15 STR, 15 DEX, 12 INT (+2 (for 14 total)) as your original post sugested, and there just doesnt seem to be enough points to go around to get them all that high. with the score sheet im lookin at here the dex would also have to start at 16 rather than 15 to achieve a final score of 18 according to this score breakdown displayed here. Unless the scores shown here are being affected by a campfire buff??? which i believe most of your screenshots are affected by such but not specified (which is should be clarified to avoid confusion).

    Can you please clarify your starting lvl 1 stat alocation with a full breakdown (not just totals after bonus's) so that it provides a clear picture as to how to set up stats at lvl 1 to achieve the final desired scores at lvl 60.
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    gothicgirl9gothicgirl9 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    does this build still work ? .. did I see right and was this player banned ? for some reason ? is this build not allowed in game ? can this build work for a Halfling ? did I make a mistake in respecting my toon to try and copy this build .im trying to be better at pvp and just never that good at it ..any suggestion's would be help full thank you feel free to send message to my inbox
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    frankmcguimfrankmcguim Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    How u guys avoid ppl who stay inside dungeon w8 for the loot?
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    dismeatdismeat Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    this this build still viable?
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    jas1964jas1964 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    so our you a hacker a gm or a true trickster, I was looking at your ability scores and theres no WAy u can possibly have those numbers the game doesn't allow it. If anyone else doubts this go look at your own toons theres no possible way to have your ability score! BAm caught yah
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    ciopenhauerciopenhauer Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    There's no ability score hack, silly person. If he has more points than available to you it's because he's using a class that gives +4 with its racial (such as Halfling, which is the best for rogue btw) in the form of +2, +2, and perhaps because of the fire buff, or even a potion of heroism.
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    markflow3markflow3 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2014

    add + 7 to str = 22

    add + 7 to int = 21

    add + 3 to dex=18

    add+ 3 to con=14

    add+ 3 to wis= 13

    add+ 3 to charisma = 16
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    markflow3markflow3 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    for tho nub tr out there going wtf + 7 + 3 (lol)????

    i'll tell you why it's + 7 and + 3 ... you ready??

    add+6 to strength, +1 campfire=22

    add+6 to int,+1 campfire=21

    add+2 to dex,+1 campfire=18

    add+2 to con,+1 campfire=14

    add+2 to wis,+1 campfire=13

    add+2 to charisma,+1 campfire=16
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    xkai04xkai04 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Good Day Sir, A question if i may.

    I would like to ask if it is true that getting Sneaky Stabber and Cunning Stalker in the feats makes this build for PVE? and it will be weaker in PVP? but still be able to camp enemies captured point right?

    Edit: i followed the aimed stat roll for this build. so at Lv.60 with 20int/21int, do i still need to put all of the offense slots to Silvery enchantments? Rank 7's Up? or few of Silvery enchantments and more on Radiant enchantments? Str at the end maybe 17str/18str which is kinda low.

    Thanks in Advance for those who will share their Knowledge. God Bless!
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    pantherinapantherina Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    First of all great work,i loved it.I would like to go wk perma executioner(sounds just perfect xd),but i have some questions.i saw your stealh being 9 seconds if im not mistaken,I have being doing maths,wich is not the thing i do better xd,and i was looking into pvp gear,i saw this gear that gives you 30% more stealth and it has 4 offense slots,if it goes with 4 rank 10 silvery enchants and all recovery stats its up to 2317 recovery points.first thing i thought its ok 30% more stealth mean i dont need improved cunning sneak feat so i can go to other to add damage but,plus im half orc so...that will aloud me to not go human,wich i didnt decided yet, i will still keep on footwork and adept on heroic feats,second thing i thougth was i have 2317 on recovery (18,7 rs) so i need 17 int to be at 25% recharge speed.its that correct? the only problem i can see is that how i will reach 50% crit chance if the gear with recovery has no crit and ofense slots are full of recovery??Im wondering how i can reach 50% crit chance and 25% recharge,and if the only way is by getting more int so i can get crit gear with crit and if the gear with crit and cap recharge speed will give me 50%crit chance or there is another way,cose i would like to have 17 int and go for dex or cha with those 3 points.Another thing is that i inted to use LB for damage or VP for teleport instead of impact shot,that will give me one sec out of stealh after ecountrs,what do you think about it?.sorry for my poor english and thanks for the work u have done.really great.I love theorycrafting but i have no experience,btw..

    Edit:i have found that there is another gear that gives 2317 recovery with 4 rank 10 silvery enchants, + 2287 crit (14,78% crit chance) wich with 21 dex gives me 35,78 crit chance.there is any possiblity of getting that 15% more crit chance? thanks.
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    royalsainroyalsain Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Still good?
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    arildanarildan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Someone has been able to change this build to made a permastealth with tenacity? I tried but the result did not satisfy me.
    With this new PVP is possibile to make a good permastealth?
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    sera1972sera1972 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    arildan wrote: »
    Someone has been able to change this build to made a permastealth with tenacity? I tried but the result did not satisfy me.
    With this new PVP is possibile to make a good permastealth?

    If your perma stealthed do you need the tenacity gear?
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    arildanarildan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    In my opinion, yes.
    The best pvp set has a 30% to stealth in more and more damage in stealth.
    Ring belt and neck actually maybe you do not need them
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    spikefrspikefr Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    i have follow this build but i realised too late that it hasn't been update for module 1, 2 and now 3.
    Is there someone that could provide advise to the 3 module or link an updated build ?
    Thank you.
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    iggyplopiggyplop Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Hey a question about this spec, if you dont mind. I'm new to the game, started my rogue (dwarf, they look awesome), and rolled 12 Int, so i am currently at 14 at level 29. Will i be able to achieve this spec?

    Just asking because from what i can see, as a rogue, trying to chase Warlocks around doesnt seem like much fun. They zip accross the battlefield at insane speed.
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    rdgznrdgzn Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    INTRogue is away since last year. To be honest this build is completely out of date, of course you can learn a bunch of things since you are still a new player, but I guess you should try a look at Snow's build/guide. Another tip, Rogues are weak nowadays, nerfs and more nerfs since the closed beta. If you want to do a great endgame/metagame I suggest you to play with a Control Wizard, the best class so far in PvE and PvP with the recents buffes. If all you want is just have fun go with any class and don't care about guides and builds.
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    iggyplopiggyplop Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Thanks for the answer Rdgzn.

    Well, when i play this kind of games, I am first driven by my character's appeal. And control wizard is just not for me, the way they move, their pose, the theme.

    Are rogues that weak? I was planning to go stealth/range, with Disheartening Strike/Cloudofsteel/BaitAndSwitch/ShadowStrike/ImpactShot. If that looks like something that will be utterly unviable in pvp, then i may just pass on the game.
    The other classes dont appeal to me really. And from the little bit i have seen of pvp, it seems that being out of stealth will just get you killed so fast at range with the amount of CC. So i was hoping this could work.
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    dnn259dnn259 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    iggyplop wrote: »
    Thanks for the answer Rdgzn.

    Well, when i play this kind of games, I am first driven by my character's appeal. And control wizard is just not for me, the way they move, their pose, the theme.

    Are rogues that weak? I was planning to go stealth/range, with Disheartening Strike/Cloudofsteel/BaitAndSwitch/ShadowStrike/ImpactShot. If that looks like something that will be utterly unviable in pvp, then i may just pass on the game.
    The other classes dont appeal to me really. And from the little bit i have seen of pvp, it seems that being out of stealth will just get you killed so fast at range with the amount of CC. So i was hoping this could work.

    I hate to tell you this but don't even bother to follow this path. I am myself currently a perma-stealth Whisperknife. You would be dead the second you reveal yourself after using any encounter other than SS and B&S unless you are gonna use SS immediately after using your impact shot or unless u use impact shot to last hit (in which case, i can guarantee you that lashing blade is much more viable). TL;DR you don't want to be seen or reveal urself. Just Disheartening Strike until u get a crit then unload ur CoS, finish off with lashing blade. That is all about this WK's permastealth. There are more options for MI's permastealth but you'd lose a nice DoT, ranged at-will.

    Permastealth is still viable and very strong against newbies/lowbies (sad but true). For experienced/geared players, you are gonna have a hard time. All your damage is coming from ur cloud of steel and disheartening strike, which are very limited sources: 8 charges cloud of steel with 3 second per recharge? that's pathetic. Also, good luck with landing a critical disheartening strike without getting blocked, negated, deflected, or dodged.

    Lastly, I would suggest you not to invest in INT stat too much. You can easily get 25% recharge speed with your recovery. Focus on DEX for crit since your critical rating hit soft cap quite fast (https://www.desmos.com/calculator/3dqpvhuavj) and being a Whisperknife (no Skillful Infiltrator class feature).

    Best of luck, fellow perma WKs/
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    iggyplopiggyplop Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Thanks Dnn! I will think about this, and see what are the best options for my character.
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    dnn259dnn259 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    You are very welcome. I didn't mean to scare you off or anything. I chose this path mainly because of the character is exactly what I imagined it would be. A stealthy, stalking rogue who throws daggers to assassinate and weaken enemies from distance. I basically went down this path merely because of that idea. A cleaner. :)
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    refracted0dawnrefracted0dawn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 894 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    x3lade wrote: »
    Now you can somewhat create the Perma-Stealth, for the rotation you will want to start off like this:
    1. In Stealth
    2. Shadow Strike
    3. Bait and Switch
    4. Shadow Strike

    What are your Cool Down times for Bait and Switch and Shadow Strike?

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    raphazielloraphaziello Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    i use that build, and in my opinion its very good, but i think the name perma-stealth its not the correct name! :p i think perma its came from permanent, and permanent means never ends, so, if you do only rotations and dont kill people yeah its permanent but if you use skill to kill people it doesn´t permanent :p i think ..... let me see.....long-stealth is more appropriate! :) only my pinion bro you are my idol haha
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    ainge1ainge1 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Is this build still viable? I am about to go hard on the Xbox One which is Module 4 and I have no idea what's been patched and what is OP. I've heard from digging and researching that rouges are OP in PvP which is all that I care about. Please please please show me the way!

    Currently I am torn between a Human (Int/Perma Stealth) and a Halfling (Dex/Defensive/Perma stealth "Snow's build"). Please let me know what is the most competitive at end game PvP. Thanks in advance!
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    onegaki101onegaki101 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    The so called OP pvp rogue you are looking for is not in Mod4, it is in Mod5. Each class has a path for "OPness", just that too many are too lazy to find it.
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    suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I'm running a TR fairly similar to this build (had originally rolled her with this build in mind, then took a semi break and left her to ripen).

    a) at-wills will eat your stealth meter up fairly quickly as of Mod 4/5. So this "whittling down while invisible story" is somewhat history.
    b) You sacriface much, much, much DPS for the long stealth with this build.
    c) I is well affordable and easy to complete, and you can get a lot of insight into what happens on the battlefield.
    d) You can - if and when you switch that Vorpal out for Terror or Plague Fire (in principle better, but currently bugged => exploit!, will get you quite some hatred) - really contribute to winning matches.
    e) you won't get many kills with it, but tons of assists.

    So, stealthed-debuff-rogue might be what I'm running...

    Also, it's great in solo PvE in Mod 5, a bit less so in Dungeoneering, due to the rather meh DPS. I think it has some PvP potential in it in Mod 6, where debuffing might get even more crucial, but you'll probably never become the top kill scorer...
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