i am following your deflect/regen build or a minimal variation of it.
spent few hours trying to min/max my "starting" endgame equipment
at the moment my defensive stats look like that: (not percise numbers couse im not in game atm, but close to that)
850 regen
1050 deflect
3,450 defense
300 lifesteal
32,400 hp
got 4/4 knight captain set, ancient jewellery, mostly rank5/6 enchants, ioun stone equipped with arp and crit.
Tbh i skipped lifesteal - just dont feel like its helpful for me (still low dmg, alot of kiting instead of attacking)
I am concerned about what should i concentrate next - more hp or deflect? I've heard different opinions. Some say to go for max hp, others that deflect is king (im a halfling, 19dex). I've been slotting +hp enchants in my defensive slots so far.
i did only one T2 dung geared like that (pugged FH, did 2 bosses, party fell apart after that) and it felt rather good.
i am following your deflect/regen build or a minimal variation of it.
spent few hours trying to min/max my "starting" endgame equipment
at the moment my defensive stats look like that: (not percise numbers couse im not in game atm, but close to that)
850 regen
1050 deflect
3,450 defense
300 lifesteal
32,400 hp
got 4/4 knight captain set, ancient jewellery, mostly rank5/6 enchants, ioun stone equipped with arp and crit.
Tbh i skipped lifesteal - just dont feel like its helpful for me (still low dmg, alot of kiting instead of attacking)
I am concerned about what should i concentrate next - more hp or deflect? I've heard different opinions. Some say to go for max hp, others that deflect is king (im a halfling, 19dex). I've been slotting +hp enchants in my defensive slots so far.
i did only one T2 dung geared like that (pugged FH, did 2 bosses, party fell apart after that) and it felt rather good.
thanks in advance for any input.
Being a Hafling you can get your Deflect to around 25-30% pretty easy with just Feats, Dex & Armor.
I'm guessing you are running my regen build on your right side? With Greater Rings of Health, Frost Belt & Regen Neck? Then you'll have 6 - Defensive Slots with Radiants?
You don't need to ever enchant Deflect as your armor has enough and large HP pools will help you stay alive vs. burst from big mobs/bosses. Also the larger your HP pool the larger your Regen healing ticks.
Once you have your armor all figured out, just focus on working towards Rank 10 / Perfect Enchants.
i got frost belt yes, but i went with ancient neck (+ 154 power/defence/deflect), and ancient rings (+616hp +154power/deflect)
rings of health are outta my budget at the moment sadly.
hmm the best regen amulet out there seems to be valiant amulet of health - 133power/def and 110 regen, but it still has offensive slot. Would it be better to lose quite a bit of stats (42 on power/def) and change 154 deflect for 110 regen?
If i have the AD for it, i'll buy it and compare both. In fact there are no amulets with both regen and defensive slot.
i got frost belt yes, but i went with ancient neck (+ 154 power/defence/deflect), and ancient rings (+616hp +154power/deflect)
rings of health are outta my budget at the moment sadly.
hmm the best regen amulet out there seems to be valiant amulet of health - 133power/def and 110 regen, but it still has offensive slot. Would it be better to lose quite a bit of stats (42 on power/def) and change 154 deflect for 110 regen?
If i have the AD for it, i'll buy it and compare both. In fact there are no amulets with both regen and defensive slot.
Thanks for your help.
Ammy's are Offensive or Utility there are no defense slot ammy's I am aware of.
If you like your rings/ammy now just focus on upgrading those enchants. Come MOD 2 it will be just gold to unslot and move the enchants.
I will be posting my updated Deflect/Regen Build using Swordmaster Paragon this weekend once I get a few matches in PvP and PvE runs completed on live. I've named the build "Immortal" Guardian Fighter because it's pretty close to unkillable.
I will be posting my updated Deflect/Regen Build using Swordmaster Paragon this weekend once I get a few matches in PvP and PvE runs completed on live. I've named the build "Immortal" Guardian Fighter because it's pretty close to unkillable.
Is it going to be using the new deflect set? I was pretty disappointed at first when I saw it, but perhaps when it procs a ton, it might be good (probably better in pvp) ??
Is it going to be using the new deflect set? I was pretty disappointed at first when I saw it, but perhaps when it procs a ton, it might be good (probably better in pvp) ??
I'm currently using gear that can be purchased off the AH for my Deflect/Regen build so it's available for all fresh players. It's currently almost all blue gear/green gear that's pretty much BiS for Deflect/Regen.
I was busy leveling up my Artifacts last night making my Legendary's. So I won't have time till Saturday to write up my post sorry for the delay guys.
Would you guys say that potent challenge feat is really needed when tanking? Or do GF build enough threat with out it?
It makes a huge difference for tanking and I highly recommend Potent Challenge for PvE.
wikkedjrMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited December 2013
Hey dkcandy, just curious about enchants with mod 2 live. For your knight captain support build, do you still recommend vorpal on the weapon? And have you come to a conclusion regarding the armor enchant? Just wondering as I finally got around to completing my set and am looking at buying enchant!
Scroto I changed to the immortal daily build today, I am really suprised that u actually still have quite a lot of dmg, I do run a fey touched and Tene though
I have been trying to use Flourish but the result is not ideal, what is your thought on it?
Scroto I changed to the immortal daily build today, I am really suprised that u actually still have quite a lot of dmg, I do run a fey touched and Tene though
I have been trying to use Flourish but the result is not ideal, what is your thought on it?
I tested the Swordmaster Paragon this weekend and here is my build & opinions:
“Immortal” Steel Tank GF (Deflect/Regen Armor/Enchants)
Tactician + Protection 10 Points (Deflect + AC)
Passives: Steely Grace (30% CC Reduction) + Steely Defense (5 Seconds of Damage Immunity after use of daily)
Encounters: Bull Charge, Lunge (Includes Interrupt Feat from Tactician) & Knights Valor
Dailies: Supremacy of Steel & Fighters Recovery
This a premade vs. premade point stalemate or PvE build designed to survive and protect teammates using Knights Valor. With this build you are able to double proc Steely Defense using SoS as it’s a double cast daily. This means when you use SoS to activate the reflect damage shield you will get 5 Seconds of Damage Immunity (Currently appears to be bugged maybe only 3 seconds ) then using SoS again for the AoE damage to trigger another 5 second proc giving you 10 seconds of damage immunity.
Combined with a high regen from artifacts, deflect/regen build and very large health pool (40k+). Your survival is godly and 1v1 pretty much unkillable. The only major downside is your damage and CC has been drastically reduced. You are left with only Bull Charge for CC and Lunge for damage plus you don’t have the damage bonus feats, passives or conquerors tree. Combine that with everyone now have around 10% regeneration this build just doesn’t have the killing power. Also since swordmaster does not have threatening rush you can be easily kited as you only have lunge for a gap closer.
PvP – Swordmaster has to many short-comings and is inferior to Iron Vanguard for PvP. So my recommendation is to stick with Iron Vanguard for PvP. (But I am now using Tactician instead of Conqueror for PvP.)
PvE – Swordmaster “Immortal” Steel Tank is amazing for survival but also lacks damage and it’s very difficult to hold agro but if your team needs a godly PvE tank. This build is pretty amazing for damage mitigation and survival. But if your team want a hybrid damage tank, then Iron Vanguard is still the Damage Paragon.
Hey dkcandy, just curious about enchants with mod 2 live. For your knight captain support build, do you still recommend vorpal on the weapon? And have you come to a conclusion regarding the armor enchant? Just wondering as I finally got around to completing my set and am looking at buying enchant!
I've always vorpal for high crt builds. So for PvE if your CRT is over 20% then go with P.Vorpal. If you can't afford a P.Vorpal there is GPF which gives a 9% team damage buff + Weapon Damage.
PvE – Swordmaster “Immortal” Steel Tank is amazing for survival but also lacks damage and it’s very difficult to hold agro but if your team needs a godly PvE tank. This build is pretty amazing for damage mitigation and survival. But if your team want a hybrid damage tank, then Iron Vanguard is still the Damage Paragon.
Thanks for your input dkcandy, so you're saying that if you use Swordmaster for PvE that even with the abilities we have that build threat you won't be getting enough to hold agro? Would that make the path garbage for PUGs? If I want to be a tanky GF, should I just be looking at Iron Vanguard and the Conqueror/Protector build you have? I'm playing a halfling and would like to capitalize on having a high dexterity and deflection if I could.
Lakini, Halfling Guardian Fighter Tomas, Human Devoted Cleric Dragon Shard
Can you expand on why you are switching from conq to tac for pvp? Do you need more survivability in mod 2 premade vs premade? Or is tac doing more damage now than conq?
Thanks for your input dkcandy, so you're saying that if you use Swordmaster for PvE that even with the abilities we have that build threat you won't be getting enough to hold agro? Would that make the path garbage for PUGs? If I want to be a tanky GF, should I just be looking at Iron Vanguard and the Conqueror/Protector build you have? I'm playing a halfling and would like to capitalize on having a high dexterity and deflection if I could.
With the amount of damage that high tier players are pumping out now it's hard to hold aggro as it is. For pugs you normally won't have an issue holding aggro and you still have enforced threat to grab aggro. I always recommend testing out things yourself and see if you enjoy the build or not.
I'm now only running the Deflect/Regen (Dex/Con) build with my halfling and loving it. Last night we ran Val Tower and 1 shot her with my PvP build as Tac. The main difference is I don't really tank but mitigate the damage by using Knights Valor /w a huge HP pool/Regen to heal back up. Funny thing was when she was grabbing me, I was self-healing thru her damage pretty well while the DC ran over to heal me up. So the High HP/Regen build is stronger than ever with the additional +healing bonus + regen.
Can you expand on why you are switching from conq to tac for pvp? Do you need more survivability in mod 2 premade vs premade? Or is tac doing more damage now than conq?
Because I'm running a pure Deflect/Regen build with Lots of HP & Blue Regen gear conqueror only gives a real boost to Cleave. Since I tested out the tactician build for swordmaster I decided to test it longer to see if tact will work better. With Tactician I'm building daily a lot faster due to damage giving me AP.
Right now I'm preferring Tactician over Conqueror for PvP & PvE with the Deflect/Regen build.
But remember for PvE your damage is ALOT lower! Because I'm losing a ton from cleave damage.
goldshockMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Because I'm running a pure Deflect/Regen build with Lots of HP & Blue Regen gear conqueror only gives a real boost to Cleave. Since I tested out the tactician build for swordmaster I decided to test it longer to see if tact will work better. With Tactician I'm building daily a lot faster due to damage giving me AP.
Right now I'm preferring Tactician over Conqueror for PvP & PvE with the Deflect/Regen build.
Tactician has always been better than Conqueror, it was just that Conq was cheesier and initial GF guides promoted it really well, for some reason (probably the GS boost). On the point now, have you tried a mid Regen/Timeless Tactician for PvP? With Regeneration around 800-900 (easy to get to from artifacts+couple of rings), you can go full timeless, easily reach 35k HP and tick for a good amount of life back.
Since tactician is all about getting multiple Dailies off quite quickly, Fighter's Recovery per 10-15 seconds in PvP is easily achieved meaning that you get your 'oh-****-button' while you still get to damage people like a regular toon, rather a node-holder trying to bore opponents to death.
PvE-wise, tactician is again far better than any other tree due to Into the Fray and damage buff from Crushing Pin.
The Tactician build is highly team based. I would never pug with that build, it works poorly when your team is not on the level.
But when u have a good team this build is quite amazing, you use Knight's valor to soak dmg and when they actually focus u we have daily+ immune.
I would say if u already have a good tanky DC then this build is not needed u might want to go a more hybrid dps build, because it really takes u forever to kill something and that is if they don't have good regen.
Tene on this build is a must to make up the lack of dmg. Or even when ur teammate show up it is hard to just kill something that is still 80% HP
Tactician has always been better than Conqueror, it was just that Conq was cheesier and initial GF guides promoted it really well, for some reason (probably the GS boost). On the point now, have you tried a mid Regen/Timeless Tactician for PvP? With Regeneration around 800-900 (easy to get to from artifacts+couple of rings), you can go full timeless, easily reach 35k HP and tick for a good amount of life back.
Since tactician is all about getting multiple Dailies off quite quickly, Fighter's Recovery per 10-15 seconds in PvP is easily achieved meaning that you get your 'oh-****-button' while you still get to damage people like a regular toon, rather a node-holder trying to bore opponents to death.
PvE-wise, tactician is again far better than any other tree due to Into the Fray and damage buff from Crushing Pin.
Thanks for the posts on GF, really helpful!
900 regen doesn't work, it is too low when in sticky fights. Again it works when u are not fighting people with rank8+ and perfects but once u fight one u feel the difference.
Well, if I am to choose between a tanking spec with 40k HP and 1300 Regen whose role is to stand there like a training dummy soaking damage, and a more aggressive build with lower defense stats and a hint of aggression, I would go for the second.
I understand that some people get the 'role in premades' too seriously, but personally I wouldn't care less about fighting people with R10s and perfect and still coming on top. Since I don't have a guild to run premades vs premades, I would go for the spec that is more fun for regular solo queues. But anyway that's just me, and you are right that if you are up against R10s-Perfect lolstombers then you need to get as Tanky as possible.
About that kiting of the enemies: is not the T2 PvP Set now an option with the artifacts at hand which could boost Recovery and Regeneration which both the T2 PvP Set is lacking? I chose Aurora's Whole Realms Catalogue and whould have a 15% Run Speed Increase at least.
But Armour Penetration and Crit Chance would still be bad.
Tactician has always been better than Conqueror, it was just that Conq was cheesier and initial GF guides promoted it really well, for some reason (probably the GS boost). On the point now, have you tried a mid Regen/Timeless Tactician for PvP? With Regeneration around 800-900 (easy to get to from artifacts+couple of rings), you can go full timeless, easily reach 35k HP and tick for a good amount of life back.
Since tactician is all about getting multiple Dailies off quite quickly, Fighter's Recovery per 10-15 seconds in PvP is easily achieved meaning that you get your 'oh-****-button' while you still get to damage people like a regular toon, rather a node-holder trying to bore opponents to death.
PvE-wise, tactician is again far better than any other tree due to Into the Fray and damage buff from Crushing Pin.
Thanks for the posts on GF, really helpful!
I don't agree that Tactician was or is better than Conqueror it's just a different play style. Conqueror is a DMG tree and for players with high power from gear should go Conqueror for the added damage boost. Because I play a build of Deflect/Regen and I'm in all blue gear that gives Defense, deflect & regen and conqueror wasn't giving any real boost. So I'm trying tactician as it builds my daily faster and that's a larger damage increase than conqueror for my build.
Also I'm around 40k HP & 2500 Regen which is far above the average DPS build. I'm about double the healing of your average GF and it's what makes me so hard to kill and able to 1v1 every class.
also i'm wondering why you chose reinforced frostpelt girdle over thickgristle sturdy belt?
Life Steal.
My Neck & Belt both give me life steal for additional HP Regen mechanic. Works great with SoS.
new GF here - just hit lvl 60 yday.
i am following your deflect/regen build or a minimal variation of it.
spent few hours trying to min/max my "starting" endgame equipment
at the moment my defensive stats look like that: (not percise numbers couse im not in game atm, but close to that)
850 regen
1050 deflect
3,450 defense
300 lifesteal
32,400 hp
got 4/4 knight captain set, ancient jewellery, mostly rank5/6 enchants, ioun stone equipped with arp and crit.
Tbh i skipped lifesteal - just dont feel like its helpful for me (still low dmg, alot of kiting instead of attacking)
I am concerned about what should i concentrate next - more hp or deflect? I've heard different opinions. Some say to go for max hp, others that deflect is king (im a halfling, 19dex). I've been slotting +hp enchants in my defensive slots so far.
i did only one T2 dung geared like that (pugged FH, did 2 bosses, party fell apart after that) and it felt rather good.
thanks in advance for any input.
Being a Hafling you can get your Deflect to around 25-30% pretty easy with just Feats, Dex & Armor.
I'm guessing you are running my regen build on your right side? With Greater Rings of Health, Frost Belt & Regen Neck? Then you'll have 6 - Defensive Slots with Radiants?
You don't need to ever enchant Deflect as your armor has enough and large HP pools will help you stay alive vs. burst from big mobs/bosses. Also the larger your HP pool the larger your Regen healing ticks.
Once you have your armor all figured out, just focus on working towards Rank 10 / Perfect Enchants.
rings of health are outta my budget at the moment sadly.
hmm the best regen amulet out there seems to be valiant amulet of health - 133power/def and 110 regen, but it still has offensive slot. Would it be better to lose quite a bit of stats (42 on power/def) and change 154 deflect for 110 regen?
If i have the AD for it, i'll buy it and compare both. In fact there are no amulets with both regen and defensive slot.
Thanks for your help.
Ammy's are Offensive or Utility there are no defense slot ammy's I am aware of.
If you like your rings/ammy now just focus on upgrading those enchants. Come MOD 2 it will be just gold to unslot and move the enchants.
Hey scroto, there is usually a level 58 blue amulet with a defensive slot for most classes. I have never looked for GF but I'd bet it is there.
Is it going to be using the new deflect set? I was pretty disappointed at first when I saw it, but perhaps when it procs a ton, it might be good (probably better in pvp) ??
i'll definitely copy that..
I'm currently using gear that can be purchased off the AH for my Deflect/Regen build so it's available for all fresh players. It's currently almost all blue gear/green gear that's pretty much BiS for Deflect/Regen.
I was busy leveling up my Artifacts last night making my Legendary's. So I won't have time till Saturday to write up my post sorry for the delay guys.
It makes a huge difference for tanking and I highly recommend Potent Challenge for PvE.
I have been trying to use Flourish but the result is not ideal, what is your thought on it?
I tested the Swordmaster Paragon this weekend and here is my build & opinions:
“Immortal” Steel Tank GF (Deflect/Regen Armor/Enchants)
Tactician + Protection 10 Points (Deflect + AC)
Passives: Steely Grace (30% CC Reduction) + Steely Defense (5 Seconds of Damage Immunity after use of daily)
Encounters: Bull Charge, Lunge (Includes Interrupt Feat from Tactician) & Knights Valor
Dailies: Supremacy of Steel & Fighters Recovery
This a premade vs. premade point stalemate or PvE build designed to survive and protect teammates using Knights Valor. With this build you are able to double proc Steely Defense using SoS as it’s a double cast daily. This means when you use SoS to activate the reflect damage shield you will get 5 Seconds of Damage Immunity (Currently appears to be bugged maybe only 3 seconds ) then using SoS again for the AoE damage to trigger another 5 second proc giving you 10 seconds of damage immunity.
Combined with a high regen from artifacts, deflect/regen build and very large health pool (40k+). Your survival is godly and 1v1 pretty much unkillable. The only major downside is your damage and CC has been drastically reduced. You are left with only Bull Charge for CC and Lunge for damage plus you don’t have the damage bonus feats, passives or conquerors tree. Combine that with everyone now have around 10% regeneration this build just doesn’t have the killing power. Also since swordmaster does not have threatening rush you can be easily kited as you only have lunge for a gap closer.
PvP – Swordmaster has to many short-comings and is inferior to Iron Vanguard for PvP. So my recommendation is to stick with Iron Vanguard for PvP. (But I am now using Tactician instead of Conqueror for PvP.)
PvE – Swordmaster “Immortal” Steel Tank is amazing for survival but also lacks damage and it’s very difficult to hold agro but if your team needs a godly PvE tank. This build is pretty amazing for damage mitigation and survival. But if your team want a hybrid damage tank, then Iron Vanguard is still the Damage Paragon.
I've always
Tomas, Human Devoted Cleric
Dragon Shard
Can you expand on why you are switching from conq to tac for pvp? Do you need more survivability in mod 2 premade vs premade? Or is tac doing more damage now than conq?
With the amount of damage that high tier players are pumping out now it's hard to hold aggro as it is. For pugs you normally won't have an issue holding aggro and you still have enforced threat to grab aggro. I always recommend testing out things yourself and see if you enjoy the build or not.
I'm now only running the Deflect/Regen (Dex/Con) build with my halfling and loving it. Last night we ran Val Tower and 1 shot her with my PvP build as Tac. The main difference is I don't really tank but mitigate the damage by using Knights Valor /w a huge HP pool/Regen to heal back up. Funny thing was when she was grabbing me, I was self-healing thru her damage pretty well while the DC ran over to heal me up. So the High HP/Regen build is stronger than ever with the additional +healing bonus + regen.
Because I'm running a pure Deflect/Regen build with Lots of HP & Blue Regen gear conqueror only gives a real boost to Cleave. Since I tested out the tactician build for swordmaster I decided to test it longer to see if tact will work better. With Tactician I'm building daily a lot faster due to damage giving me AP.
Right now I'm preferring Tactician over Conqueror for PvP & PvE with the Deflect/Regen build.
But remember for PvE your damage is ALOT lower! Because I'm losing a ton from cleave damage.
What is the feat tree for the tactician your using currently?
Tactician has always been better than Conqueror, it was just that Conq was cheesier and initial GF guides promoted it really well, for some reason (probably the GS boost). On the point now, have you tried a mid Regen/Timeless Tactician for PvP? With Regeneration around 800-900 (easy to get to from artifacts+couple of rings), you can go full timeless, easily reach 35k HP and tick for a good amount of life back.
Since tactician is all about getting multiple Dailies off quite quickly, Fighter's Recovery per 10-15 seconds in PvP is easily achieved meaning that you get your 'oh-****-button' while you still get to damage people like a regular toon, rather a node-holder trying to bore opponents to death.
PvE-wise, tactician is again far better than any other tree due to Into the Fray and damage buff from Crushing Pin.
Thanks for the posts on GF, really helpful!
Tomas, Human Devoted Cleric
Dragon Shard
But when u have a good team this build is quite amazing, you use Knight's valor to soak dmg and when they actually focus u we have daily+ immune.
I would say if u already have a good tanky DC then this build is not needed u might want to go a more hybrid dps build, because it really takes u forever to kill something and that is if they don't have good regen.
Tene on this build is a must to make up the lack of dmg. Or even when ur teammate show up it is hard to just kill something that is still 80% HP
900 regen doesn't work, it is too low when in sticky fights. Again it works when u are not fighting people with rank8+ and perfects but once u fight one u feel the difference.
I understand that some people get the 'role in premades' too seriously, but personally I wouldn't care less about fighting people with R10s and perfect and still coming on top. Since I don't have a guild to run premades vs premades, I would go for the spec that is more fun for regular solo queues. But anyway that's just me, and you are right that if you are up against R10s-Perfect lolstombers then you need to get as Tanky as possible.
But Armour Penetration and Crit Chance would still be bad.
Is the build I am using.
I don't agree that Tactician was or is better than Conqueror it's just a different play style. Conqueror is a DMG tree and for players with high power from gear should go Conqueror for the added damage boost. Because I play a build of Deflect/Regen and I'm in all blue gear that gives Defense, deflect & regen and conqueror wasn't giving any real boost. So I'm trying tactician as it builds my daily faster and that's a larger damage increase than conqueror for my build.
Also I'm around 40k HP & 2500 Regen which is far above the average DPS build. I'm about double the healing of your average GF and it's what makes me so hard to kill and able to 1v1 every class.